57 of 1946 - Franchise for Granting to Bamberger Railroad Company as assignee of the Salt Lake and Utah Railroad~ULL \jALLi A..YE NAY M!~ ···8 19/:f' Salt Lake City, Utah, : .. .. · : , 194 . .. VOTING Affleck . Matheson Romney Tedesco Mr. Chairman . I move that the ordinance be p . /3 . .?' n-.~LJ //~·-·······················:··-~ti-················· v-;N ORDINANCE Result '\ .An ordinance granting to Bamberger Railroad Company as assignee of the Salt Lake & Utah Railroad Corporation, a franchise and right of way for the construction and operation of an electric railroad upon and over certain streets in Salt Lake City. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: Section l. A franchise is hereby granted and given to Bamberger Railroad Company, a corporation existing under and by virtue of the laws of' the State of Utah, as assignee of the Salt Lake & Utah Railroad Corporation, its successors and assigns, to lay, construct, maintain and operate a single tract standard guage railroad to be operated by electrically transmitted power, for the transportation of freight, express and mail matter, and to erect and maintain all necessary poles carrying telephone, telegraph, trolly, power and transmission wires necessary to the operation of such railroad, in, upon and along Ninth South Street substantially as follows: Beginning at a point in the center of Salt Lake & Utah Railroad Corporation track, as now located and constructed on F'irst West Street, 207.86 feet south of the monument line on Ninth South Street; thence northeas~erly along a curve to the right having a radius of 200 feet .314,15 feet, to a point 7.86 feet south of' the monument line on Ninth South Street; thence easterly parallel with and 7.86 feet south of the monument line on Ninth South Stre~t to a point 411._.37 East of City Mon .• at 9th South and West Temple.St; thence along a' curve to the right with a radius of 200 feet to a \V point on the south property line of Ninth South Street, 514.9 E. of· the N. w. Corner of Blk. 22, five Acre Plat A. B. F'. S •. Beginning at a point in the center of the above described track 44~. 75 feet East oí' the West Temple Street monument Lí.ne , thence soutneaster-Ly along a curve to the right having a radius of 200 feet to a point on the south property line of Ninth South 1 . -2- treet, at a point 148.81 E. of the N. W. Corner oí' Block 22, .ti·ive ere Plat A. B. F. S. Beginning at a point in the center of track f'irst above described 44.75 feet East of the West Temple Street monument line running thence northeasterly along a curve to the left having a radius of 200 feet to the north property line of Ninth South Street 112 • .34 feet East of the S. w. Corner of Block 4, Plat "A", SLC Surv y. Beginning at a point in the center of' tract first above ., .escribed 411.0 feet east of the West Temple Street monument line running thence north$asterly along a curve to the left having a radius of 200 feet to the north property line of Ninth South Street 185.17 feet W. of· the S. E. Corner of Blk. 4, Plat A., SLC. Survey. Section 2. This franchise is granted subject to the fol- lowing conditions, namely: (a) No more than three freight cars (except during con- struction of road) shall be hauled in any one train upon said track except between the hours of 10 p.m. and 6 a. rn., nor shall any freight or express car be placed upon said tracks í'or the purpose o loading or unloading the same, on or within the street. (b) All express and mail matter transported shall be car- ried in cars of the same general outer design and finish as the Corporation's passenger cars, and shall be so constructed and arran ed as to entirely enclose all loaded matter. (e) No car or equipment shall be permitted to stand or switch on any track within the street longer than five minutes. (d) Span construction shall be used for carrying all wire, and no poles for carrying telephone, telegraph, trolly, power or transmission wires, or for any other purpose, shall be placed in traveled part of said street. All poles to be used shall be of sue size, material and shape, and be placed at such places as may be irected by the City Engineer. It is distinctly understood that alt lake City shall have the right to use any or all oí' the poles erected under this franchise f'or the purpose of placing thereon sue vires, or for such other purposes as it may require, the same not o interfere with the use 01· said poles by grantee. (e) All railroad tracks upon or crossing paved streets or sidewalks shall be laid upon a concrete base of such proportion, ·nd upon the ties of such material as may be directed by the City ngineer, and so as to conform to the estab~ished grade of the stre t pon which they are laid, and if the grade of the street is af'ter- ard changed by order of the city authorities, said grantee shallt -~ -3- at its own expense, change said tracks to conform thereto. Wheneve said tracks are laid upon the unpaved portion of the street, said grantee shall, at its own expense, gravel and maintain in good con dition said street at the established grade between the tracks and twenty feet on each side of the outer rails, said gravel to be places and maintained flush wí, th the top of the rails, and said wo k done and the street maintained subject to the approval of the Supervisor oí' Streets. Whenever and part of an unpaved street upo which said tracks are laid shall be paved, the grantee shall pave at its own expense, between the rails and tracks and for a space o two feet outside of the outer rail with the same material as that used in the street paved, or other material, to the approval of th City Engineer, and shall maintain the same in good condition and to the satisfaction of the Supervisor of Streets. In e.ase said grantee in the construction of said tracks or road-bed removes or is- turbs in any way any pavement, crossing, sidewalk, water-way or ot er 1/Y\- ' (Í)_ improvement, it shall repair or replace the .same and plac~ i ti\ as g od ¡\ condition as before such distu·r.bance or removal, all to the satis- faction of the Supervisor of Streets. (f) Said grantee shall on unpaved portions of said stree put in and maintain crossing where the line of said railroad inter sects streets, of such width, location and a material as shall fr time to time be required by the Board of Commissioners of granter, and shall without rur ther requirement, by said board, at once upo the construction of said tracks, put in and maintain under the supervision and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer, suffi- cient conduits for the conveyance of water in all water ditches crossed by said tracks, so as to admit of the free passage of wate, and shall repair and keep the same in good condition to the satis- faction of the Supervisor of Streets. (g) Said railr0aishall be operated so as to cause no unnecessary impediment to the common and ordinary use of the stree s. Said grantee in the construction and operation of said road, shall --·- -~w· -4- t all times conform to the directions of the Board of Comrnissioner , such ordinances, rules and regulations as have been or may ereafter be adopted by the Board of Commissioners. (h) Said grantee shall at all times maintain and keep its tracks and roadbead and approaches thereto in good condition, and shall use in the operation of said railroad modern appliances cars and equipment such as are used and employed on first class street or interurban railroad systems, and shall.provide all cars with proper brakes and other appliances necessary to the safety and pro- tection of its employees, and all persons using the public streets. (i) The grantee shall by means of careful bonding or othe approved and establishe·d means, provide against electrolysis of gas ater or other pipes laid under the surface of the street over or i 'hich said tracks and conduits are laid, and in case any such pipes are damaged or destroyed because of failure of grantee to comply ith this requirement, said grantee shall be liable for such damage and destruction, and shall pay to Salt Lake City or any person damaged the amount of' such damage. (j) Whenever the Board of Commissioners shall find it nee essary or desirable to grant any other railway company a franchise over the street covered by this grant to secure to such company a connection with any center or terminal, the grantee shall allow operating and running arrangements over its tracks by such other company upon such other company making equitable payment for such privilege. (k) This franchise or the rights and powers herein grante shall not be assigned without consent of" the Board of Commissioners. (1) Salt Lake City reserves the right to regulate and con trol the speed of all cars operated over said tracks. Section 3. Nothing in this grant shall be construed to prevent Salt Lake City or its authorized agents, contractors, persa or corporation to whom a franchise may bave been or may hereafter b granted, from crossing said railroad track or from paving, sewering, laying gas or water mains or pipes, altering, reparing or in any anner improving said streets, but all such work and improvements ,r;i.,, ..•. :~ J ~.., I '(./] ti -5- shall be made with as little injury as practicable to said tracks nd the operation and use thereof. Section 4. Said grantee, its suecessors and assigns, shall and by the acceptance of the privileges and franchise herein, and in consideration of the same, does bind itself, its successors and assigns, upon the acceptance of this franchise to save Salt Lak City harmless from all suits, claims, demands and damages whateoevr, hether in law or in equity, which shall be asserted, found or rend ered in any manner whatsoever against said city for injury or damag to abutting property or otherwise, by reason of the granting of thi franchise, and by reason of the construction oí' its tracks or the operation of said railroad, and that said grantee, its successors and assigns will pay the amount of any judgment, determination or adjudication which in any suit or proceeding may be or shall be found against said dity; and said grantee, its successors and assig s shall appear in and defend all actions brought against said city any injury or damage by reason of the construction, operation or maintenance of' said tracks upon notice of any such suits. Section 5. This franchise is granted for the period expiring on the 1st day of January, 1975, provided, however, that for a period of nine consecutive months during the life of this franchise said track or any part thereof' is not used for the purpos for which this franchise is granted, or if there is a substantial CA.. abandonment of the use of said track or any part thereof, this franchise shall be viodable at the option of the Board of Com.mis- sioners, and if so ordered by the Board of Commissioners, said track shall within thirty days after notice, be by said grantee removed from the street, and the street restored to a condition uniform with the balance of' said street with respect to grading, materials and construction, to the satisfaction of the Supervisor of Streets. In the event 01· failure of said grantee to remove sai track and to restore said street upon said notice, and within thirt days thereafter, the work may be done by Salt Lake City at the expe~se of said grantee. I -6- Section 6. If the grant of this franchise be not accepte in writing by the grantee within sixty days aí'ter this ordinance becomes effective, or if the construction oí' said railroad be not commenced within six months after this franchise is accepted, or if the work of construction of said railroad track be not prosecute with diligence, or if the construction of said railroad track be not completed within one year after this franchise is accepted, or if . said grantee shall fail or refuse ·to comply with any of the condi- tions, provisions_, agreements or obligations of this grant, or to ':'Y' 1""j . . th fü " t(.,6r bl. t . d .Perform any of ~ conai '..t." i or o 1ga ions impose upon it, then this franchise shall. be __ ,?-ull~~and void • ... , .:,¡, , .. , '1 Section:t7~ ~e tr> Df: ngrantee" ,as used herein, shall be "" ',,¡j 1 # • • ,• \,fto> ,,( tV', i'! -"µ1 ' 1 , construed to inc~~d~ Ba~~~~~~ Railroad Company, its successors and . as signs. ·". ,.... ' · · / / '8i ;- .. : ~.. l.-.; ·~>.I i 11Í~ ;;,) 7. .. , ~ !i,f"~ ;_, .. ,: Sectionj8· This1!<fi.nance shal:l take effect 31 days af'te its passage. ''' ( Passed by the Board of corn:;ssioners~-!~., Salt ake C1, Utah, ~ d: _, 19Í:£i. ~- /3 . Bill No. """"J'"""". 'l.____ Published._..::;C.._c;.;..'·'-)+-' _.....[C'-J -" -- __ , 19 __ • · .. ·,·. . , . .. .,_, j.:\t~~ .1> "'. \, } e t ' £ l ~; \¡ 't:._~ ~. ·~~ .. e ·•. )> e· c.: tS _!_, ,-- ' 11) r,;· l, --, t-,; u e·~ r::.~ ('··1 l" r·. •. (· .. ----- Affidavit of Pnhlication STATE OF UTAH, 1 r SS County of Salt Lake J AN ORDINANCE An 01·din11nc& gtantinr to ~am· berger Railroad Company u as~1gnee of ihé Sa,lt Lak~ & Utah Ra1l~oad Corporation, a franchie•. and right ot vtah, tor the con•truction and OP• &ration of &n electric railroad upon and over ~rtain etreeh ,in Salt, Lake CiJ; it ordained by the 'Board of . Commissionero of Salt Lake City, Vtc!:,~ion 1.' A franchise io hereby ¡ranted and given to Ba)!!-berger Railroad Company, a corporation ex• iatlng , under and bY virtue o:C t,he ia ws of the State of Utal'C, ~· as• signeé of the Salt Lake & 1J'tah Railroad Corporation·, its éucce~aoro e,,nd · a~signs, · to láY, conetruct, ,malntain and operate a single tract standard gaug& railroad to be '!per• , 'ate(! by electrically transmitted . po'wer, for the transportation of ,ft6lght, express and maJI matter, and to erect and malntarn , all nece•· . "ary poles oarrylng telephone, tele• irrM)h, trolley, power and traO,D!is• 8ion ·wire• neceasary to the operation · of .sttcb. railroad, in, up()n and along Ninth South Street oubotantlally as foi~;¡~~inr at a point iri the center ot Salt Lake & Utah Railroad Cor· poration trae}¡, as !!\>VI located and ·~Íln$tructéd on Firsl We11t Street,, 207 .$8 feet soutl), o;! the monument - line· on Ninth South, Streei; thence northeasterly alonr .. curve to the ri!!'hí havlnr a., radius of 200 feet1 314,15' feet, to i point. 7 .86 feet south of the monument }me on . Ninth South Street: thence easterly parallel with and 7 ,86 feet eouth of the monument line on Ninth South\ ·Street to a point Hl.37 Ea•t of City Mon. at· 9th South and West Temple St, thence along a curve to the fight with a radiuB of 200 feet, to a point on the •outh property line of Ninth South _Street, 5U,9 E. of tht1 N. W. Corner of lllk, 22, tive Acre Plat A. B. F. S • Be&'inning at a point in the center of the above d'll!cribed track ,4.75 feet ;East of the 'West Temple Sti·eet, monument Jine, thence southeasterly along á., curve te¡ the · ,.1ght having a radius of 20-0 feet to a point on . 'the ,!outh property line of Ninth South Street, at a, point 148.8 min E. of the N. W. · cói·ner of Blóck 22, Five Acr& Pla.t A. B, F .. S.· ' Beg'inning at a point In the center of track first above described U.15 feet East of the West Templé street - monument Une running thence noi:th• ttásterly along. a curve, t<1 the left having a radius of 2ÓO feet to the north property line of· ~inth South Street, 112,34 feet EJ!<•t, of the s. W. Corner ot lll.oc'k >l, ·--p1at "A", S;LC surve.f, . . Beglnnin~ at a pornt In ~he center of tract first above described HU> feet east of the We~t Temple Street monu1'}ent line running •thence ;notth• easterly aion1i' ·a ' &urve to the l~ft havinf a radius of 200 feet to the north property line of Ninth Soutll' Street, 185.17 féet W. of the S.· E. Corner of Blk, >l, Plat A., SLC su;::fion 2. T~ie franchise is g-ranted subject to, the fo.llowing conditions, .nªf..0¡1.l' i,. 0 · moré than \bree freirh t cÍrs ( exéept durin!I' eonstruction of road) ~hall be hauled in any one train upon •aid traeks except be· twMn the hOl).rS o1. 10 '.p.m. a,nd e a.m,, nor shall any ,freight 01: ex· pree., car be placed upon said t.racks tor the purpOM of loadinif '?r un• loading· the •amt!, on or wlthln l;ll•·· atreet. ' : , ( b) All exp1'!!B8 and mail 11111,tter íranspot'ted ehall be carried in cars · ·of the same. gel)eral on ter des!rn and 1.inish 118 the CQrporatlon's . pan• enrer cars, ·JUld ,hall be so con• st~ucted and 'arranred M to entirely enclMe· all loaded matter. (e) No c!l,r pr, AQuipmérl t ·•hall · be 11ermitted to etand or switch on anY track· w;tthin .the· ~treét lanrer. -than · five, minutes, • ; 1-';7 (d) :span . col).o'.tl'Uotion · .sb11l! be 'l'¡ · uaed for oarr;vinar' 11,U ·vtires, ·and no v . poles t11t .J)'a1:r,1tir, telaphóné, tele·. ,. grá,phy1 trolle:¡', pówer or i,r,alfsll\isS10n, wires, or tor a)IY other :rmrpósé, shall be placed in 'the traveled pltrt of said street.. *II pol0,11 to be ·used shall be· o1 st¡clt size. material an~! sh\l:P!', . and b? ,plac~ ~\:"º~ :Pl.~~' aá 11).~Y --¡, '' ~ ,!, D M Ockey Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is the ad~ vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS, a newspaper published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the State of Utah. That the advertisement '\ ., j Salt Lake City Gorp'.ration . - -- ---- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'j • was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the -············-·· day of --···---·--··--········--·-···-···-··-········A. D. 19 . and was published .J~-µ,g~_?J .. 1.9. .. 1.~-1:~-·---·······--···········--··· .... the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the .... - day of -------···-·-··----·-·········--·····-~-A. D. 19 .. ·-···· .... ···~~ fo before me this )?tl_l ) of ..... A. D. 19 ..... ~.6 ,,/ I,, I r:üt¿ - \6 r¡, -~--e e- I, I I : I Proof of Publication OF I I I Attorney be directed by the City Entineer. lt ta dlatinctly understood that Salt Lake r City shall have the right to use any or all of the poles erected under this franchise for the purpose ot plac•ing- · thereon suoh wires, or ,for such other purposes as it may require, the same not to interfel'e with the use of said poles by gran• tee. (e) All railroad . tracks upon or CW?Se1n'g pa ved streets 'Ot' sídewalks shall be laid upon a concrete base of sueh propor-tíon, and upon the ties of such matertal as lllay be <lirerted by the City En¡rmeer, and so a.. to c•ohIOl'lll to the estal;>lished grade of the st1•eet upon which they are laid, and it the grade of the street' is afterward 'changed by or- der of the city authorities, said grantee .shall., at its own expense, change said tracks to conform there· to. Whenever said tracks are laid upon the unpaved portion of the street, said grantee shall, at its own fllXpense, gravel and mamtain in good condition said street. at the· "'tabli.shed grade between the tra,•ks· and twenty feet ou each side of the / outer rails, irníd...,gravel to be placed and maintained flu•h with the top · of the 1·a.i1.s1 and said work ,done and the street maintained auhiect rt, tl)e approval of !,he Supervisor of Streét•. Whenever and pa1·t of an nnpaved street· - upon which said track• are laid shall be paved. the grantee &ihaJl pave at. its own ex~ pene:E\ between the rail!!! and tracks and Ior a. .spa.ce of two fe-et out- side of the outer rail with the same material ª" that, n~ed in the •treet paved, or ot.her mat.erial, to the RP· proval of t.he City Eng-inef':r, and ~haH mRintain thP- same in good <'Ondition and to the satisfaC'tion of the Supervisor of Streets, In case said grantee in t.he construction ot "Said t.racks or road)bed removes or distnrbs in any way an~ pavement, CJ'O.ssing-. sidewalk, 1water-way or other improvement, it shall t·epair or rep1ace t.h11 Mille anrl place it a• ¡ol)d condition ª"- before /!Uch distm·bancti or removal. an to the ea tisfaction of the Supervisor of Str.eets. · ( f) Said Grantee shall on unpaved portion. of said street put in and maintain crossing where the line ot said railroad intersects streets, of such width, lo~a tíon and a, material ae shall from time í.o time be ré- ouired bY the Board o!'Commiosion- ers of grant.or, and shall without further reQuirelllent, by said board, at, once upon tht": ct"metruction of said tracks, pttt in and majntain under the •upervision' and to the sat. i8factio1r of the City Engineer, suf. ficient conduit.. for the conveyance <>f water in all water ditches crossed by said trac,ks, so as to adlllit of, the free passage of water, and shall repair and keep the .sallle in good condit.ion to th• ..atisfaetion of the ·Supervisor of StrP.ets. (g·) Said railroad shall be operated ato aA 1.n cau.se no unnecessary im• pediment to the common and ordin- a,•y n•• of the otreet•, Said trantee in t.h• conot.ruct.ion and 1>peration ot · said road, ohall at , all timé• conform f.o the directions of the Board of Colllllliseioners, and to such ordinance!!. rulee and re~:ulatioñs as have been or· may bereatter be adopted by thé Board of Comlllis· tiion~rs, (b) Said grantee .shall at all timeo maintain and keen it• tracks and roadbed and a.pproáches thereto in ¡¡nod con!lition, and shall ui!e , in the operation of •aid railroad lllod- ern appliances car• and equiplllent f¡;.~~ ti~.:"! tr~:!\:"1~ t!~~~":nedra1f. road syHellls1 and shall provide all r.ar~ with, proper hrakes · and other applian,·e• neceosary to the safety and protection of its elllployees, and all persons using the public st,reets. ' • (i) The gran tile shall by llleans of ,•areful bonding or other approved 1tnd ;,stabliehed, means, provide against, electrolysis of gas, wa t,er or oth'er pipe• laid under the sur:face of the •treet over or in which oaid tracks and conduits are· láid, and in case. 1tny 811C'h pipes are ·dalll• a¡red or destroyed because of fail• ure of grantee to colllply with this reqnirelllent., said grantee shall· be liable for such damage and destruc- t.io1i, and sháll pay to Salt Lake Cif'y or any person dalllaged the alllount of such damage, '. · (j) Whenever. the Board. of Com• .. llllsaioners sháll find , it ·neceso11ry or desirable te¡ grant any other rail- way company a franchiM over the streét covered by this ,grant to ·ee- cure to such company a.' connection 'll>ith &ny center or terminal, the, grantee shall allow operat.ing and rlmninll' arrangement• over its tracks by such other colllpany u11on such other company makin¡r equlta,ble · payment fdr 1uch privilege, (k) Th!• franchise or t.hé right• and power• .hec~ill gr.anted shall not bl! a11l,ned Without consent of the Bo!!;~d ~f. Colllmi•aioners. · , 11 J Salt Lake City reserveo the r1¡i¡t to regulate and control the <W.ee<l of all car• operated over aa,1d track1. ,section 3. Nothing in this grant •-.au be construed to prevent Salt Lfak~ City or it• authorized a¡ents, c,o,ntractors. person or corporation to ,Vhont a franchise may have been or lllay heréafter be granted from crOf!Sing ~aid. railroad track o~ from J)a.v1ng. 11ewer1ng-o laying gas or water 1;t1aing or pipea, ahering .. repairing or ln any manner improving said street.. but all snch work and im- ~roveme?li.< shall be made with a. llttle · in¡ury as practicable t,o said tracks and the operation · and use thereof, Section 4., Sai~ grantee, its sue .. r.essors and assigns, shall and by the ac~eptance. o! the privileges and tranch1se herein, and in considera- tion of the same, does bind it.s.elt. its successor.s an? assdgns. upon the ácceptance of th11 franehise to save Salt Lak_e City harmÍess trom all •mte, cla.1ms, delllailds and damages WhM,sOel'"er, whether in law or in equity, which shall be Mserted found or rend~red i~ an;Y manne; whatsoever against •aid city for in- ,1,ry or dalllage to ahutting próp. ·rty or otherwise, by reason of the- ~rant,~g of this franchise, and by 1eason of the construction of it.. tracl,s· or t,hé operation of said rail- , road, and that said grantee, its .euc- ceasors and assigns will pay the · a.mount of any iudglllent. determina- tton or adjudication which< in an:v suit or proceeding may be or shail be. found against said . city; and sa1~ grantee, i~s enccess01·s and assigns, ehall appear in and defend all actions brought against said city 1or any injury or damate by i·euon of the •t>onstruction. opération or ~ain tena nee of said tracks upon no- tice of any such suits. . Section 5, _This franchise is granted for the period expiring on the 1st day of Janu.ary, ,11ns, pro,,ided, however~ that lf for a period of nine conse';'Utlve m~mths during the Jifl! of this frR11ch1se, .aid track or any Part thereof i~ not used for the Pur· Pose tor which this· franchise i• granted, or i! there i• a substantial abandonment of the nee of said track . or any part thereof, this fra~ch1se •hall be voidable at 'the option of. the Board of Commi.ssion- _ - ers, and 1! ~o ordered •by the Board of Coll1m1.ss1oners, said track shall w1thln thirty day• after· notice be by said grantee remoYed fro~' the street, and the street restored to a <>ondition uniform with tho bal· anee. of said s_treét with rllspect to g1•&hng, materials --and constru~tion to· the satisfaction of the· SÚperviso; of Streets. In the e,,ent of failure of !laid grantee to remove said track and. to restore ~aid street upon said noti~, ,and Within thirty day8 there .. after, t~e work Illa¡,. be done by Salt Laké · City at the expen•e of eaid grante~. . ., Section 6. If the grant of this ~ranchi:Se be not a~ceptecí in writ. 1ng by t~e gra!)fee within eixty dayl!I a_fter th1~ ord1natrce bécómes effe<!• ttve, or 1f the construction of said r:tUroad be not commenced within ••x months after this franchise is accep\ed, or if the work of con. struct101J of said railroad track he not prose<'ute~ with diligence, or if the construction of said railroad track be not. colllpleted within one Year after &bi• franchise is accepted or if sat« l'l'll'!tee shall fail or refus~ !!), colllply with any of the condi, 'tlo'!i!I, Provisions, agreements or obli, gat10ns of this grant, or to perform any of the c'Onditions or obligationo •mh posed upon it, then this franchise • all '!>• null and void. . . S~t1on .7. The term "grantee'' a.11 !J.óed herern, •.hall be construéd to ,nchtd~ Bamberger. Railroad Com- pany, .its ,emccessore and a.esirns Section 8, This ordinance- Shafi take effect 31 days after its Passage . Pass~ by )he 'l;loard ot Contlllis" s1oner. of o,alt Lak& City Utah. Aurrust 8t~ tm. . ' . . EARL J, GLADE, (.Seal). IRMA F. lll'rNlíªYor, \ · Cit '·R ' By FRÁNTl' Á gJ' ecorder. , C.lúf ..._•t , _,,.JE~DS, I'll ·.,. ·• ..,.,puty Cit.¥, '.&ecotder ·~ I J."-b.' -V' ..._ ' tlf1U!/!li(I ..;._,t '10, l~:: - 57