005 of 2021 - Rezone at 1301 and 1321 South State StreetSALT LAKE CITY ORDINANCE No. 5 of 2021 (Amending the zoning map pertaining to properties located at 1301 and 1321 South State Street to rezone those parcels from CC Corridor Commercial District to FB-UN2 Form Based Urban Neighborhood 2, and amending Table 21A.27.050.C of the Salt Lake City Code to include additional land area eligible for additional building height) An ordinance amending the zoning map pertaining to properties located at 1301 and 1321 South State Street to rezone those parcels from CC Corridor Commercial District to FB-UN2 Form Based Urban Neighborhood 2, and amending Table 21A.27.050.C of the Salt Lake City Code to include additional land area eligible for additional building height pursuant to petition number PLNPCM2020-00328. WHEREAS, Glen Anderson submitted an application to rezone properties located at 1301 and 1321 South State Street from CC Corridor Commercial District to FB-UN2 Form Based Urban Neighborhood 2 and to amend Table 21A.27.050.C of the Salt Lake City Code to include additional land area eligible for additional building height pursuant to petition number PLNPCM2020-00328; and WHEREAS, at its August 26, 2020 meeting, the Salt Lake City Planning Commission held a public hearing and voted in favor of forwarding a positive recommendation to the Salt Lake City Council on said application; and WHEREAS, after a public hearing on this matter, the city council has determined that adopting this ordinance is in the city’s best interests. NOW, THEREFORE, be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. Amending the Zoning Map. The Salt Lake City zoning map, as adopted by the Salt Lake City Code, relating to the fixing of boundaries and zoning districts, shall be and hereby is amended to reflect that the parcels located at 1301 and 1321 South State Street (Tax ID Nos. 16-07-358-001-0000 and 16-07-358-008-0000), more particularly described on Exhibit “A” attached hereto, are rezoned from CC Corridor Commercial District to FB-UN2 Form Based Urban Neighborhood 2. SECTION 2. Amending text of the Salt Lake City Code Table 21A.27.050.C. That Table 21A.27.050.C (Zoning: Form Based Districts: FB-UN1 and FB-UN2 Form Based Urban Neighborhood District: FB-UN2 Building Form Standards) of the Salt Lake City Code, shall be and hereby is amended to read and appear as follows: TABLE 21A.27.050.C FB-UN2 BUILDING FORM STANDARDS Building Regulation Building Form Cottage Development1 Row House Multi- Family Residential Mixed Use Storefront Building height and placement: H Height 2.5 stories, 30’ maximum from established grade 4 stories with a maximum of 50’. 5 stories with a maximum of 65’ on parcels located on the corners of West Temple at 800 or 900 South, 200 West at 700, 800 or 900 South, 200 West at Fayette Avenue, 300 West at 800 or 900 South, the southeast corner of 1300 South and State Street, and in the area identified on Figure 21A.27.050C.1. All heights measured from established grade. F Front and corner side yard setback No minimum Maximum 10’ B Required build-to Minimum of 50% of street facing facade shall be built to the minimum setback line S Interior side yard 4’ setback required Minimum of 15’ along a side property line adjacent to FB-UN1 or any residential zoning district that has a maximum building height of 35’ or less, otherwise 4’ setback required Minimum of 15’ along a side property line adjacent to FB-UN1 or any residential zoning district that has a maximum building height of 35’ or less, otherwise no setback required R Rear yard Minimum of 20’ along a rear property line adjacent to FB-UN1 or any residential zoning district that has a maximum building height of 35’ or less, otherwise no setback required Minimum of 25’ along a rear property line adjacent to FB-UN1 or any residential zoning district that has a maximum building height of 35’ or less, otherwise no setback required Minimum of 20’ along a rear property line adjacent to FB-UN1 or any residential zoning district that has a maximum building height of 35’ or less U Upper level step back Buildings shall be stepped back 1 additional foot for every foot of building height above 30’ along a side or rear property line adjacent to FB-UN1 or any residential zoning district that has a maximum building height of 35’ or less, unless the building is set back from the property line 45’ or more. When a parcel in the FB-UN2 District is separated by an alley from a parcel in the FB-UN1 District, or any residential zoning district that has a maximum building height of 35’ or less, the width of the alley may be counted toward the upper level step back L Minimum lot size 4,000 sq. ft.; not to be used to calculate density 1,500 sq. ft.; not to be used to calculate density 4,000 sq. ft.; not to be used to calculate density W Minimum lot width 15’ per unit facing a street. Side orientation allowed provided building configuration standards are complied with 30’ DU Dwelling units per building form 1 per cottage Minimum of 3; no maximum No minimum or maximum BF Number of building forms per lot 1 cottage for every 1,000 sq. ft. of lot area 1 building form permitted for every 1,000 sq. ft. of lot area 1 building form permitted for every 4,000 sq. ft. of lot area Parking: Surface parking in front and corner side yards Not permitted Vehicle access If off street parking is provided, vehicle access from an alley is required when property is served by a public or private alley with access rights. Vehicle access from street is only permitted when no alley access exists. If pull through parking is required by Fire or other Code, ingress shall be from street and egress onto alley If property is less than 30’ wide, vehicle access from an alley is required when property is served by a public or private alley with access rights. If no alley access exists, only 1 vehicle access point from a street may be permitted If property is 30’ wide or more, only 1 vehicle access point from a street may be permitted. If property is served by a public or private alley, ingress shall be from street and egress onto alley unless otherwise permitted by this section Corner lots with a minimum width of 120’, may have 1 vehicle access point per street frontage. Vehicle access may be one-way or multidirectional Vehicle access width at street When a one-way vehicle drive is included in a development, no vehicle drive or curb cut may exceed 12’ in width. When a multidirectional vehicle drive is included, a curb cut may not exceed 24’ in width Vehicle access from street design standards If vehicle access is from a street, the following additional design standards shall apply: garage entry shall have a minimum 20’ setback from property line; garage entry may not exceed 50% of first floor building width; one-way garage entry may not exceed 14’ in width; multiway garage entry may not exceed 26’ in width; garage door or gate shall be constructed of durable building materials and compatible with building design Driveway location The minimum distance between curb cuts shall be 12’. Driveways shall be at least 6’ from abutting property lines for a depth of 10’ unless shared. Driveways shall be at least 12’ from property lines adjacent to a street corner or 5’ from the point of tangency of the curb return, whichever is greater. Abandoned curb cuts shall be removed and replaced with City standard curb Vehicle access and parking compliance All new drive approaches, driveways, and parking lots shall comply with form based urban neighborhood regulations, and all other applicable sections of this Code. Existing drive approaches, driveways, and parking lots shall be made compliant with form based urban neighborhood regulations upon change of use, increase in parking, or building additions greater than 25% of the footprint of the structure or 1,000 sq. ft., whichever is less Parking on separate lots Parking may be provided on an adjacent lot, or in a common area associated with the development, or within 500’ of the property. If located on an adjacent parcel or on a parcel within 500’, the proposed location of the parking shall contain a principal building and the parking shall be located behind a principal building Attached garages and carports Attached garages and carports are required to be accessed from the rear yard where the rear yard is accessible by an alley with access rights to the subject property. If there is no access to the rear yard, an attached garage may be accessed from the front or corner side yard provided that the garage door (or doors) is no wider than 50% of the front facade of the structure and the entry to the garage is set back at least 10’ from the street facing building facade and at least 20’ from a public sidewalk. Side loaded garages are permitted Note: 1. See Subsection 21A.27.020.B.1.d of this chapter for additional standards. SECTION 3. Condition. This proposed zoning map and zoning text amendment will not be published until the applicant has obtained subdivision approval to combine the subject parcels located at 1301 and 1321 South State Street (Tax ID Nos. 16-07-358-001-0000 and 16-07-358-008-0000). SECTION 4. Effective Date. This ordinance shall become effective on the date of its first publication. The Salt Lake City Recorder is instructed to not publish this ordinance or cause it to be recorded until the condition identified in Section 3 above has been met as certified by the Salt Lake City Planning Division. SECTION 5. Time. If the condition identified above has not been met within one year after adoption, this ordinance shall become null and void. The city council may, for good cause shown, by resolution, extend the time period for satisfying the condition identified above. Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 16th day of March, 2021. CHAIRPERSON ATTEST AND COUNTERSIGN: CITY RECORDER Transmitted to Mayor on _______________________. Mayor’s Action: _______Approved. _______Vetoed. MAYOR CITY RECORDER Bill No. 5 of 2021 Published: ___________________. APPROVED AS TO FORM Salt Lake City Attorney’s Office Date: By: Paul Nielson, Senior City Attorney Paul Nielson (Mar 18, 2021 10:25 MDT) 03/18/2021 Amy Fowler (Apr 14, 2021 10:23 MDT) Erin Mendenhall (Apr 15, 2021 14:10 MDT) 04/15/2021 4 Cindy Trishman (Apr 21, 2021 07:03 MDT) Cindy Trishman (Apr 21, 2021 07:03 MDT) Exhibit “A” Legal description of the properties Tax ID No. 16-07-358-001-0000 NYE’S ADD 0804 BEG AT A PT ON THE SOUTH LINE OF A STREET WHICH IS S 0^02’11” E 40.34 FT ALG THE MONUMENT LINE OF EDISON ST & S 89^54’32” W 182.50 FT FR THE SLC MONUMENT AT 13TH SOUTH & EDISON* Tax ID No. 16-07-358-008-0000. 1217 LOT A, NYES ADDITION BLOCK 2 AMD. Ordinance 5 of 2021 (1301 & 1321 S. State St. rezone) adopted 03-16-21 Final Audit Report 2021-04-21 Created:2021-03-18 By:Kory Solorio (kory.solorio@slcgov.com) Status:Signed Transaction ID:CBJCHBCAABAAsrhMrd1BSouYeSZjpq_IzRpnQdYAgXjg "Ordinance 5 of 2021 (1301 & 1321 S. State St. rezone) adopted 03-16-21" History Document created by Kory Solorio (kory.solorio@slcgov.com) 2021-03-18 - 1:21:20 AM GMT- IP address: Document emailed to Paul Nielson (paul.nielson@slcgov.com) for signature 2021-03-18 - 1:24:21 AM GMT Email viewed by Paul Nielson (paul.nielson@slcgov.com) 2021-03-18 - 4:25:19 PM GMT- IP address: Document e-signed by Paul Nielson (paul.nielson@slcgov.com) Signature Date: 2021-03-18 - 4:25:24 PM GMT - Time Source: server- IP address: Document emailed to Amy Fowler (amy.fowler@slcgov.com) for signature 2021-03-18 - 4:25:26 PM GMT Email viewed by Amy Fowler (amy.fowler@slcgov.com) 2021-04-14 - 4:23:08 PM GMT- IP address: Document e-signed by Amy Fowler (amy.fowler@slcgov.com) Signature Date: 2021-04-14 - 4:23:16 PM GMT - Time Source: server- IP address: Document emailed to Erin Mendenhall (erin.mendenhall@slcgov.com) for signature 2021-04-14 - 4:23:18 PM GMT Email viewed by Erin Mendenhall (erin.mendenhall@slcgov.com) 2021-04-15 - 8:10:35 PM GMT- IP address: Document e-signed by Erin Mendenhall (erin.mendenhall@slcgov.com) Signature Date: 2021-04-15 - 8:10:47 PM GMT - Time Source: server- IP address: Document emailed to Cindy Trishman (cindy.trishman@slcgov.com) for signature 2021-04-15 - 8:10:48 PM GMT Document e-signed by Cindy Trishman (cindy.trishman@slcgov.com) Signature Date: 2021-04-21 - 1:03:56 PM GMT - Time Source: server- IP address: Agreement completed. 2021-04-21 - 1:03:56 PM GMT pg. 1 SALT LAKE CITY PLANNING DIVISION FINDINGS AND ORDER SUBDIVISION AMENDMENT Coachman’s Subdivision @ 1301 S State Street PLNSUB2021-01318 Affects Parcel Number: 16-07-358-001-0000 16-07-358-008-0000 This is an approval to the request by Mike Nikols, property owner, for a preliminary approval for the Coachman’s Subdivision, at approximately 1310 S State Street. The preliminary approval is to consolidate two lots into one. This site is located within the following zones and overlays: • The lot consolidation is a condition to finalize the change from CC (Commercial Corridor) to FB-UN2 (Form Base Urban Neighborhood 2) • State Street Corridor • Parley’s Canal runs through the lot STANDARDS OF REVIEW: 20.16.100: Standards of Approval for Preliminary Plats: A. The subdivision complies with the general design standards and requirements for subdivisions as established in Section 20.12 B. All buildable lots comply with all applicable zoning standards; C. All necessary and required dedications are made; D. Water supply and sewage disposal shall be satisfactory to the Public Utilities Department director; E. Provisions for the construction of any required public improvements, per section 20.40.010, are included; F. The subdivision otherwise complies with all applicable laws and regulations. G. If the proposal is an amendment to an existing subdivision and involves vacating a street, right-of-way, or easement, the amendment does not materially injure the public or any person who owns land within the subdivision or immediately adjacent to it and there is good cause for the amendment. FINDINGS: 1. Notice of the application was sent to all abutting property owners and current residents on January 27, 2022. 2. The notice period for the project expired on February 10, 2022. 3. One call from the abutting property owner at 1328 S Edison Street was received in favor of this request. 4. The submitted plans generally meet the standards of the Salt Lake City Subdivisions and Condominiums Ordinance as per 20.16.100. ORDER: The preliminary plat is hereby granted approval with the following conditions: 1. Application for final plat must be submitted within 18 months of this order. This approval shall expire if the final plat has not been recorded within 24 months. pg. 2 2. The applicant must comply with the comments and orders provided by the departments/divisions as indicated in the attached document(s). 3. Any person adversely and materially affected by an administrative decision may file a petition for review within 10 days of the decision. The project would then be heard by the Planning Commission pursuant to Chapter 20.48 Appeals of the Subdivisions and Condominiums Ordinance. FAILURE OF THE APPLICANT TO ABIDE BY THE CONDITIONS OF THIS ORDER SHALL CAUSE IT TO BECOME NULL AND VOID, WHICH IS IN EFFECT THE SAME AS IT HAVING BEEN DENIED. Dated in Salt Lake City, Utah, this 6th day of March 2022. Katia Pace Principal Planner pg. 3 Department Review Comments FIRE (Douglas Bateman at douglas.bateman@slcgov.com or 801-535-6619) No comments. TRANSPORTATION (Michael Barry at michael.barry@slcgov.com or 801-535-7147) I reviewed the plans and didn’t have any major concerns, although some of the documentation required for a building permit was not provided. A list of the items needed for Transportation Building Permit Review are provided below. 1. Provide a site plan, drawn to scale and fully dimensioned, showing any off street parking or loading facilities to be provided. Include dimensions for parking stalls and aisle widths. 2. Parking calculations should be provided including the following: • Minimum number of ADA parking spaces required (21A.44.020.D) • Minimum number of passenger vehicle parking spaces required (21A.44.030.G) • Maximum number of passenger vehicles parking spaces allowed (21A.44.030.H) • Minimum number of electric vehicle (EV) parking spaces required (21A.44.050.B.2)**EV parking spaces shall be outfitted with a standard electric vehicle charging station. • Minimum number of bicycle parking spaces required (21A.44.050.B.3) • Minimum number of loading berths required (21A.44.080) • Any modifications to parking requirements (21A.44.040) • Number of parking spaces provided for each type. 3. The following details should be provided: • ADA parking stall dimensions, signage, pavement markings, and ramps. • Signage and/or pavement markings for electric vehicle parking spaces indicating exclusive availability for electric vehicles (see 21A.44.050.B.2). • Bike rack installation (See SLC Transportation Standard Detail, F1.f2, “Bicycle Parking” @ http://www.slcdocs.com/transportation/design/pdf/F1.f2.pdf. 4. Show the required ten-foot sight distance triangles for each driveway at the intersection of the back of the sidewalk and the driveway (see 21A.40.120.E and 21A.62.050, Illustration I). 5. The required bicycle parking must be located outside. The bike room shown on the plan can remain, but the required bicycle parking must meet location standards per 21A.44.050.B.4. 6. All curb cuts and driveways must be approved by UDOT; requires City approval as well. If more than one driveway is located along a frontage, then the driveways must be separated by at least one hundred feet (100 ft.). The driveway at the Parley’s Creek Right of Way is acceptable because it has a “right-in” lane and a “right-out” lane which reduces points of conflict. Planning’s Response: The comments above will be reviewed at the time of a building permit. ENGINEERING (Scott Weiler at scott.weiler@slcgov.com or 801 381-4654) See attached redlines. Also, they should be required to obtain a new address certificate. PUBLIC UTILITIES (Jason Draper at jason.draper@slcgov.com or 801-483-6751) • The water, sewer and storm drain not need to be completed. pg. 4 • The plat needs to show and label Parleys Creek through the property and off site. • A note needs to be added that a Salt Lake County Flood Control permit is required for work on this property. POLICE (Scott Teerlink at scott.teerlink@slcgov.com) The Police Department does not have any comments or concerns with this project. BUILDING CODE (Todd Christopher at todd.christopher@slcgov.com) No comments. URBAN FORESTRY (Rick Nelson at rick.nelson@slcgov.com) The plans show the required street trees every 30’. We recommend the use of Sylva cells when planting in sidewalk tree grates. This allows for the long-term health and wellness for larger species trees that are desirable along State St and 1300 S. Planning’s Response: The comment above will be reviewed at the time of a building permit. 1337 South State Street(100 East)(140 East)1337 S State Street1337 S State StreetSalt ~ i -I -... Found Brass Cap Salt Lake County Health Department NUll8£11 __ _ ACCOllN~--­ SH££T OF 1 1 Approved this day of 20 , and is hereby approved Sall Lake County Health Department City Public UtiHties Department Approved as to sanitary sewer and storm wafer details !his day of _________ _ 20 __ ~ Sall Lake Cify Public Ufif;f/es Dlrecfor Coachman~ Subdivision 18 and 25 of Block South Edith Ave 1300 Saulo Scale: 1" = 40' -~ -~ -'I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l !'. ~ " ~ Vi " ~ ~ " "l -., C) ~ ~ ..ti ~ ~ Vi 40' 0 40' 80' Merrimac A 11e '?oosevell ve ------ 33.0' I Vicinity Map >------,I Nol lo Scale 1111111 City Planning Director Approved !his day of 20 by the Sall Lake City Planning Commission. P!annlng Director 1111111 Cap Monument 383.87' 792.05' City Engineering Division (~ 0 (~) 0 8 Easements An tasemenl Agreement Entry No. 608820, Book 44, Page 77 An t:asemenl Agree men I Entry No. 634163, Book 57, Page 144 12' Wide Easement Entry No. 2545561. Book 3345. Page 217 Easement Entry No. 4015654, Book 5654, Page 1276 Easement Agreement Entry No. 0073400, Book 3903, Page 9666 (~) E:osemenl t:nlry No. 12001493, Book 10300, Page 4013 Legend --------Property Line Easement Line A djoiner Line Centerline Monument 0 Se! Rebar & Cap stamped A WA Narrative This Subdi'lision was requested lo combine the lwo underlying parcels info one Lot for development. This subdivision retraces and honors the underlying Five Acre Piaf A, Big Field Survey, and the underlying Nye's Subdivision and subsequent amendment as prorated info place based on n1easured dimensions between centerline monun1enfs and block offsets reported on the Alias plat for subject tllock 12. Overages and shortages found both ways within this block have been prorated into !he deed and underlying subdivision dimensions. A line between monuments South Slreels along Stale Street West as the Basis of Bearings. found marking !he infersecfions of 1700 South and 7300 was assigned !he Atlas Piaf bearing of North o·o I '43" The surveyor was unable lo replicate !he Atlas Piaf bearings of any of the measured control lines other than the Basis of Bearings reported hereon. Control lines were found lo vary from !he Atlas Piaf record in bolh clockwise and counter clockwise directions. No Properly Corners were placed with this Survey. Zoning Information Zone Building Setback Requirements Fron! yard Back yard Side yard Height Restrictions R11/I< RAstrir.tinns Wafer Source: Sewer Storm Drain: = = = = = CC (Community Commercial) 15' 10' none (inferior) 15' (slreel) .)0' 10% S/orrr1 waler will be de/air1ed by Owner/Developer John N. Nikols Living Trust {801)-577-1020 coachmans.resfauranf@gmail.com 461 7 Jupiter Drive Sall Lake City, UT 84124 City Attomey Surveyor Ken B. Hawkes Kenh@awaeng.com Office: 801.521.8529 Direct: 801.410.8530 ANDERSON WAHLEN & ASSOCIATES 2010 North Redwood Road, Sat Lake City. Utoh 8L116 80' 521-5529 -A'\l'/,<">,ergi1esring.net City Approval I hereby certify Iha! I have had !his plat examined by !his office and if is correct in accordance with information on file. Approved as lo form this ____ day of 20 Presented lo Sall Lake City this day of 20 , and ii is hereby approved City Surveyor Dale Sail lake Clfy .Mayor C/ly £ng/neer Date Solt Lake City Afiorney Salt Lake City Recorder Surv11yor's C11rtificat11 I, Ken B. Hawkes, do hereby certify that I am a Licensed Professional Land Surveyor in !he Slate of /Jlah and Iha! I hold Cerlificale No. 870711.) in accordance with Title 58, Chapter 22, of the Professional En_qineers and Land Surveyors Licensing Ac!; I further certify for, and on behalf of Anderson Wahlen & Associates Iha! by authority of !he owners I have completed a survey of the properly described on this Subdivision Piaf in accordance with Section 17-23-17 and havo verified all mcasuromonts; that the rofcroncc monuments shown on this plat are lncafed a:; indicated and are s1Jff!cienf lo retrace or reP.sfab/ish this plat; and that the information shown herein is sufficient to accurately establish the lateral boundaries of the herein described !roe! of real properly,· hereafter known as Coachmans Subdivision. Description Amending all of Loi A, of Amendment lo Lois 1 through 17 and Lois 26 through 46 and a portion of Lots 18 and 25 of Block 2, Nye's Addition Subdivision recorded as £nlry No. 8905014 in Book 2003P al Page 369 of !he Official Records of Sall Lake County, and 11mending all of Lois 19 lhrough 21 and a portion of Loi 18, of Block 2, Nye's Addi/ion Subdivision recorded Noven1ber 73, 1891 as £nfry No. 45712 in Book C at Page 134 of !he Official Records, being a par! of Lois 10 and 11, Block 12, Five Acre Pia! A, Big Field Survey, more particularly described me/es and bounds as follows: Beginning of !he point of inferseciion of !he £asferly line of Stale Street as if exists of varied width and !he Southerly line of Iha! certain Final Order of Condemnation recorded as Entry No. 4261590 in Book 5778 al Page 2111 of !he Official Records of Sall Lake County, localed 63.52 feel South 0"01 '4.)' East along the monument line of said Slate Slreel; and 60.86 feel North 5g·55'17' £as! from a Bross Cop Monument found marking the intersection of said Slate Street and 7300 South Slreel; and running thence along said Southerly line and the £ asferly line of that certain Final Order of Condemnation the fol/a wing three courses: North .)8'51 '56 6 £as! 22.-'0 feel; North 89"54'1.)6 £as! 1.)5.97 feel lo the record Westerly line of a 15 foot wide Alley vacated by Bill 138 on December 8, 19 72; and North 0"02 '3 I' West 5. 61 feet along said record Westerly line to the Southerly line of said 1300 South Street as if exists of varied width; thence North 89'54'48° £asf 15.00 feel along said Soufherly line lo !he record £aslerly line of said 1acaled Alley and the Northwest corner of Lot B of said Amendment lo Lois 1 through 17 and Lois 26 through 46 and a portion of Lots 18 and 25 of Block 2, Nye's Addi/ion Subdivision; !hence along fhe Westerly line of said Loi B !he following 7 courses: South 0'02'31' E:asl 155.09 feel; South 89'54'53 6 West 41.92 feel; South 0"02'27 6 East 98.94 feel; South 89"54'57 6 Wes! 10.00 feel; thence South 0"02'26° £as! 80.81 feel; North 89"55'00° £as! 10.00 feel; and South 0"02'27' £as! 239.70 feel lo the Northerly line of Lot 9 of said Block 12; !hence South 89"55'08' West 123.10 feel along said Northerly line lo said Easterly line of Slate Slreel; !hence North 0"02'1 r Wes! 551.54 feet along said £aslerly line to the point of beginning. Dale Ken B. Hawkes Uloh PLS No. 8707113 Owner's Dedication John N. Nikols !he owner of lhe described fracf of land lo be hereof/er known as Coachman Subdivision, does hereby dedicate for !he perpetual use of !he public, all streets and other property as reflected and shown on this plat to be dedicated for pl1blic use. John N. Nikols hereby consent and give approval fa !he recording of this plat for all purposes shown herein. In witness whereby I Have hereunto set my hand This AD, 20 __ ~ ~_____, John N. Nikols Living Trust ~ Ry: Its: Slate of County of Acknowledgment jss Doy of On the day of • 20 personally appeared before me, fhe undersigned Nofory Public~ being by me duly sworn did say Iha! !hey of __________________________ , by authority of ifs are !he who members or ifs articles of organizafion, and limited liability company executed the same. !hey acknowledged Jo me that said Residing af: ___________ _ Commission Expires; _______ _ Print Name A Notary Public A notary public or other officer completing this cerlificale verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document lo which !his certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness? accuracy? or validity of that document. Coachman's Subdlrtlll/on Amending au of Lot A. of Amendment to Lots 1 through 17 and Lots 26 through 46 and a portion of Lots 18 and 25 of Block 2, Nye's Addition Subdivision and au of Lots 19 through 24 and a portion of Lot 18, of Block 2, Nye's Addition Subdivision A part of Lots 10 and ti. Block 12. Five Acre Plat A. Big Field Survey, alt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah Salt Lake County Recorder Recorded# Siafe of Utah, County of Sall Lake, Recorded and Filed at the Request of Dale _____ Time _____ Book _____ Page ____ _ Fee $ Deputy County Recorder NIJMl/£/I __ _ ACCOllN~-- SHHT 1 OF 1 SH££T