1 of 1903 - Ordinance 1 of 1903 – Relating to Police Department and amending ordinances reorganizing same. AN CPDTWANC'.
An ordinance in relation to the Police Department of Salt lab-
City end amendatory of an ordinonce reorg-nixing the Police Depart-
went passed ray 27th 1202 and approved by the Vayor Slane 2nd 1902.
Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Labe City, Utah:
Seco 1. That Section 5 of an ordinance reorgeni ,ing the
Police Department of !,alt Lehe City, prrsCribing the number of ofi- 1
1 cers and men, defining their duties, fixing their Compensation and
repealing all prior ordtr-nces passed by the City Council Ley
1902 and approved by the Payor June Pnd 100f, be, and the save is,
hereby amended so as to r-ad as felloms!
Sec. F. The Chief of l'olice shall ithin ton days
after this ordin-nce goce tnso r,-c', desimnate by notice in mnitirg
filed v ith the City Rmcorder, and a duplicate thereof filed rith the
City Auditor, one (1) pelj.ceman to aCt as c-ptain of polier, two (,2)
I policemen to act as city CotectiVes, one (1) policeman to -et
fleet duty sergeant, one (1) policeman to act as second duty sergeant,
one (1) policeman to act as third duty sergeant, one (1) policeman
to act as bicycle policeman, two (2) policemen to ebt as monnted
policemen, two (2) policemen to act as patrol drivers, two (2) police-
men to act as depot policemen, to (2) policeman to :ct as prison
guards, end tm-nt--one (21) policemen to act as patrolmen. nonever,
in the future, any change shall occur in the Police Departmert by
death, reeirmation, r-moval, transfer, promotion or reduction, the
Ohi-f of Police :jf,11, in lib- menn-r, fill all vacancies firm 3monm
---- -1 -4,1, aximting- fcirCe, dr-"roric 6:npc;intents, as in hie judgment he sMar
deem best for the good of the srvice.
Sec. 2. That Section 12 of said ordinance referred to in
I! Section 1 of this ordir-rce, br, and the same is, hereby amJnOod
to read es fellows,
Sec.12. The salaries ard compensation ef tm- officer-,
employees, won and agents of the Police Dopartment shall be to fel-
Chief of Police and ex-officio jeilor
J_FOO por yea1V
! .
., .
i •
Ci-tY Dctectives oech - ;`'1.140 per yea
C,.-ptain of Police 1140 per ye, ,
Duty Eermeents each 1020 per yen,
• ' punted Policemen each 1020 per ye,e,,
Desk serr.m."nts each 90 per yec. j
All other policemen, each, except bicycle policemen 9(.i0 per yen.
Bicycle policemen 990 per yea
', (" ,p„sr•i L3t,ant 1";r:11:ler ;•.7.,,..'"••4 '; ., 9(10 per yea
- '
• - : -,"•••-.,, i''..-".,
: :yr"'
Prison gnapd ,-,S each ••:*"' -- 0-
" . A , 9(70, per yee
1".abroil ' •m . 0 per yee. .
Sec. I.:- TtiJ_E,413.rcliAaTIM3 shall, takl,..iffoci ubori_..approval.
',...H,'-.- -: ''- ':. ;:4•• ' '''' ' (i'' , : '7'
. ,
• r.• . . . •:•.
. . ,
,..: . ...1... -•:-.. . , ,...,,,
,.. ,
;, ' '''' . Passed by the City Couricil of Salt ake City, Utah, January 12th,
l'b 5,, and referred to tho Mayor for his abproy ,
ty ec rcier
Aplipnwed this /4 day of January) 1905.
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