1 of 1905 - Ordinance 1 of 1905 - Sidewalk Extension No. 76. •
► N ® R D I N A N C B .
An ordinance confirming the assessment upon the property on the
west side of pirstWest Street from south Temple Street to North
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Temple Street, in Sidewalk District No. 20 for the construction of ,
a cement sidewalk.
!e it ordained by the City Council of Salt Like City; Utah:
SNCTION 1. that the assessment list made by the City Treasurer
r as corrected, approved and oompleted by the Board of Nqualization
amid Neview, heretofore du],C appointed by the City Council for that
purpose , of the property abutting on the west side of First West
Street from South Temple Street to North Temple Street in Sidewalk
District No. 26, of Salt Lake City, for the purpose of constructing
a element sidewalk upon said portion of said street, is hereby con-
firmed, and the assesements made and returned in said completed
lists are hereby confirmed.
SNCTION 2. this c dinance shall take effect upen approval.
Sidewalk $[tension No. 76. ta,"•^»
Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake i,,ta January 16,
1905, and referred to the Mayor for his approval.
City Reeerder.
A roved this aday of January, 1905
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