1 of 1908 - Ordinance 1 of 1908 - Repealing levy on Paving Extension No. 29. } I t
AN 0 t. D .E A 1: C E .
An ordinance kepealing an ordin<nce levying a tax upon the prep-.
er.ty abutting on both sides of H Street from the north side of South
Temple Street to the south side of rirst Avenue in ...t;ving District
' Pio. 30, for the purpose of providing for the grading end p:•ving there-•
off paused by the City Council iiovember 12, 1906, and approved by the
'L:a or November 13, 1906 C,,elso repeo.ling en ordinance.- confirming the , 1
rise :resit a or, the _?^operty in the above district,, ,ssP by the I
Cify CO irci i December 101 1906, and approved n.e _the. Mayor Decemberr
i i. 19'06:' ...
Be it ordained by the,City Coune.il of Suit IT,Ice pity.,rUtan:
STiCTI:); 1 That ar. :orddi ance 1ev,:;in-> a tax upon tree Property
abutting; on both r.;ide:. o a Streit from the north side of :South
Temple Street to the south side of �!'irst Street, in Paving District
d�No. 30, fort_.e purpose of providin • for the gradi.ni; and paving there"-,
of, passed by the City Council November 12, 1906, and approved by the .
Mayor November 13, 1906, be, and the some is hereby repealed.
SECTION 2. That en ordinance eon'inning, the rice:ss0ent upon the
property on both sides of i" Street from too north side of South Temple
Street to the south side of loirst Street, in _ vine_ Di.triat No. 30,
for the purpose of providing -"hr the grudin" and paving thereof,
passed by the City Council December 10, 1906, --nj .>>rovr'd l;: the
r,yor December j. , 19C6, be, end the s.. e h,.';op repealed.
SECTION 3. This oru;_naooe s ipyll. toire effect upon _. r07::;1.
i_-;/ , �-
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Passed 1);r the City Council of Salt Duke Citp,Ptah, January 13,
1908, and referred to the ilayor for his , n.ro
City near or.. /.
Approved this /,7 day of January, 1908.
.- i-ri V.,. : , , . ._f_. , . ' „ *