1 of 1923 - Creating a department of Public Recreation 1 1 ..-- — ROLL CALL VOTING AYE NAY V Salt Lake City,Utah, jan• U., ,192 h. Barnes Burton I move that the ordinance be passed. Green Stewart Mr. Chairman r ' Result AN ORDINANCE 2,E OliJI=,.; J,2±?0VIJIITGIPORII :LI:LI .,)_i2A, :1;,]:.'0 entitled. Jcpartment of Public ::ec-feation. 20 it ,Yrdained by the " pard of uo=12sionero of ,,alt a::e Pity, Utah: 62,0. I. '2here is hereby creted in the .)&jartment of PPrkst and___Publi_c. 2.rap-ert,7 aol)artment of oublic recreation, the head of said department to be hnown as ouperin- tendent of Public lecreation. -,32.0. 2. .no M'ard of uoimiosioners nail al) oint a .11upor- - intendent of public recreation :-to, salary to cc fi:red by said. roan . Cho person so appointed shall have training and experience suitable for such none. The Board of uommicsioners shall appoint such emplrws and _..ssistants in the Jo-part:lent of .eublic , ecreation as may necessary for the proper performance of the worh of said department, at such salaries ' s4 ,7,71? fixed by the Board of Uommissioners. 11., *-5V. C.i. The Jepartment of Public =_.ecreation shall have ',power and authority to en,uip, operate, supervise and maintain playgrounds, athletic fields, swimming centers, indoor recreton centers, munici- pal camps, or other recreation facilities on or i:: any public grounds or buildings, either within or without the city, hich the Board of Uommissionera may from time to time provide, acquire, authorize, offer, designate or set apart for such use. haid department shall have power to organize and conduct play and recreation activities on '±u grounds 7Xe,e4 and in buildings under the control of ez..id hoard of Education,with': I ; .,:-.k .:i v ,, H i', jiA consent of said iJoard—tStAtcvtment shall have the poorer to Mahe charge of and use any grounds, places, buildinks, or facili- ties which may be offered, either temporarily or permanently, by (individuals or corporations, for playground or recreational pur- poses. .then approved by the Board of Commissioners said depart- ient may on behalf of the city receive donations, legacies or bequests for the improvement or maintenance of Playground re- , creation centers or other recreational facilities, and all that may be derived from such donations, legacies or bequests ishall, unless otherwise provided by the terms of such donations, (legacies or bequests, be deposited in the Pity 'Treasury to the credit of the Jepartnent of Public _;ecreation and the same may be drawn therefrom and paid out upon aparoval of the 'Board of Coimiis- sioners in the same manner as provided in pay-ment of moneys legal- ly appropriated for the acquirement, support and improvement of playgrounds, recreation centers and other recreation places. maid department shall have authority to organize and conduct plays, games, calesthenics, gpimiastics, athletic sports, (tournaments, meets and leagues; dramatics, Pageants, festivals :and celebrations; cola unity'Music, clubs, debating societies, public speaking, story-telling, "aicnics, 'likes, excursions, muni- cipal camps, socials and other forms of activity that will employ tithe leisure time of the people in a constructive and wholesome !manner. etiC.d. the superintendent of public recreation shall pave power to adopt rules and regulations for the management of playgrounds, recreation centers ant fcher recreation places and activities in accordance with the ordinances of _,alt Lake city or the laws of tire ,.state of Utah, subject to the approval of the ,,oard of Commissioners. cU. 5. This ordinance shall take effect thirty-one lays after encamps. 5,/, -2- „ Pasr�ed bythey oarft of o._La n issiooTS of d��.it _,al_e Jity, u tsar, tr,i w a ;;.�� � o:� _ 2...). i 5. o Jity _eccirder • I'll Ij i Ordinance 0• 1923 • _ 1923 • . CrT'Y HSv'OH�iBN � s ounod,to the Hurd Of Commissioners , AfitD PASSED JAN2-192 )3 .// � First Publication in J4( FKr. • 193 ✓ CITY RECORbER