1 of 1925 - Sub. for Bill 21, 1924, relating to traffic and travel ROLL CALL VOTING AYE NAY Barnes Salt Lake City,Utah,.._ Jan, 14, Burton I move that the ordinance be passed. Green t^ Stewarttae Mr. Chairman Result AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE LMENDING SUCTION 1855, as amended by an ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners on Aug. 1, 1922, Section 1869, Section 1870 as amended by an ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners on Dec. 22, 1920, Section 1871 as amended by an ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners on March 29, 1922, Section 1872 and Section 1880, all in Chapter LX of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, 1920, relating to traffic and travel on the streets. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION I. That Section 1855, as amended by an ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners on Aug. 1, 1922, Section 1869, Section 1870 as amended by an ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners on Dec. 22, 1920, Section 1871 as amended by an ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners on March 29, 1922, Section 1872 and Section 1880, all in Chapter LX of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, 1920, relating to traffic and travel on the streets, be and the same are hereby amended to read as follows: SECTION 1855. CONGESTED DISTRICT. There is hereby designated a congested district, which shall be all streets and parts of streets within the fallowing boundaries, to-wit: Commencing at the intersection of the west line of West Temple Street with the north line of South Temple Street; _I I � 1 -2- thence east along the north line of South Temple Street to the west line of Main Street; thence north to the south line of North Temple Street; thence east to the east line of Main Street; thence south to the north line of South Temple Street; thence east on the north line of South Temple Street to a point on the west line of 2nd East Street extended northerly; thence south along the west line of 2nd East Street to the north line of 4th South Street; thence west to the east line of State Street; thence south to the southeast corner of the intersection of State Street and 4th South Street; thence westi along the south line of 4th South Street to the center line of West Temple Street; thence north to the north line of 3rd South Street; thence west to the west line of West Temple Street; thence north to the plane of beginning. SECTION 1869. STOPPING AT CURB AND AT INTERSECTIONS No person shall park any vehicle in front of any street or alley of this city, nor at any other place in any street, ex- cept as near the right hand gutter as possible (approximately 15 inches from curb), nor nearer than 30 feet of the cross- walk of a street intersection in the said congested district, except at the northeast corner where 2nd South street inter- sects with Main Street, at which place parking shall not be nearer than 75 feet of the crosswalk in 2nd South Street where it intersects with Main Street; nor at any other place in the said congested district where safety zones are estab- lished, nor within the 30 foot spaces set off as safety zones by the Chief of Police, one space on each side of each block for the purpose of a stand for delivery vehicles. No person shall drive, ride or propel any vehicle to the left of any safety zone standard or standards where such standards are maintained on the street. No person shall park any vehicle on any street with the lest side to the curb. Persons desiring to discharge or, take on merchandise or passengers on the left side of the 1 street shall make a complete turn and stop at the curb on the right as provided in this chapter. The drivers of all vehicles when desiring to turn from one street into another from the right to the left, shall cross to the further side of the next intersection ahead before making such turn. It shall be unlawful for any person driving or in charge of any vehicle in the congested district to make a left hart turn except at street intersections. The provisions of this paragraph do not apply at intersections of Richards Street, Post Office Place, Exchange Place, Orpheum Avenue, Regent Street, Cactus Place, Edison Street, East Temple Avenue, College Street and Jocial Hall (Motor) Avenue, within the congested district. The Chief of Police, by and with the consent and approval of the Board of Commissioners, shall have the power at any time to make such other regulations governing the parkl- ing of vehicles on any of the streets, avenues or alleys of this city, or any other space which may be owned or leased by the city, as may, in its judgment be necessary or desirable. No person shall without the permission of the Board' of Commissioners place or cause to be placed on any street orl sidewalk or on any building, any sign preventing or forbid- ding the parking of vehicles in the street in front of any building or place of business. 1 SECTION 1870. HOW LONG MAY STAND. No person shall ' 1 between the hours of nine o'clock A.I.I. and six o'clock 2.M., 1 except on Sundays and legal helidays, allow any vehicle to stand longer than one hour upon any street in the congested district; provided, that any regularly licensed practitioner; of medicine displaying the caduceous in a conspicuous place 1 on his automobile and any regularly licensed osteopath or 1 ahiropraotor displaying the symbol of his profession in a conspicuous place on his automobile, and who pay the annual fee herein provided, may be permitted to park not to exceed � I ii I I II ' it i three hours on any street in the congested district at places ) 1 where parking is not prohibited. Do person shall display the I cadueeous or the symbol of chiropractic or osteopathy upon any automobile upon the streets of Salt Lake City without first having paid an annual fee of 5,;5.00 and having received from the Chief of Police of Salt Lake City a permit showing the name, office address and auto license number of such person, which permit shall expire on the 31st day of December of each year. It shall be unlawful for any person other than a regularly licensed practitioner of medicine, osteopathy or chiropractic holding a permit hereunder to display a caduceoue or the symbol of osteopathy or chiropractor in a conspicuous place upon any automobile upon the streets of Salt Lake City. Persons in charge of or driving any delivery vehi- cle shall not allow any such vehicle to stand longer than 15 • minutes at the places provided in the congested district for suoh delivery vehicle as specified in Section 1869, and no person driving or in charge of any such delivery vehicle shal]r allow any suoh vehicle to stand upon any street in the con- gested district except at planes designated in said section 1869. It shall be within the prohibition against continu- ous parking for any person to move any vehicle out of a park- ing space and back again, or from one parking place to anothe ' parking place within the congested district when the sum tot of the time such vehicle consecutively stands at such parking places shall exceed the time limits provided by this section. SECTION 1871. HOW TO APPROACH CURB. Every person in' charge of a vehicle shall, in the congested district, in park}I I ing suoh vehicle, approach the curb at an angle of 30 degrees and in such a manner that the front right hand wheel of such vehicle shall, when said vehicle is stopped, be approximately fifteen inches from the curb, and no part of such vehicle les than two feet from the nearest part of any other vehicle standing at the curb, provided it shall be unlawful to park any oar on any street less than four rods in width or on any street outside of the congested district except parallel with the curb. It shall be unlawful to park any vehicle with any .wheel of the same in any gutter. SECTION 1872. DISTANCE FROM FIRE HYDRANT OR SUPPLY STATION. It shall be unlawful for any person to park any ve- hicle in any public street or any part of the same within bight feet of a fire hydrant or within ten feet of a gasoline sup- ply station. SECTION 1880. RIGHT OF WAY VEHICLES. Except as otherwise provided by law .or ordinance, every operator of a vehicle shall, yield the right of way at the intersection of their paths to a vehicle approaching from his right. SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners' it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants, of Salt Lake City that this ordinanoe shall take effect immediate? ly. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect fifteen days after its passage. Paused by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this day of , A.D. 1925. or. i y ecorder. I � I , .. _ ti M7":6 it =1.a r , _. ... . w s .T,do- • i. , I 0 1