1 of 1930 - Paving Extension No. 224-2d and final estimate ROLL CALL
Salt Lake City Utah January 7th 191t 30
Burton Y I move that the ordinance be passed
Finch f _.. d14174
AN ORDINANCE LEVYING A TAX and for the assessment of pro-
perty in Pavin•~ District No 52 (Paving Extension No e24) for the
purpose of grading, constructing concrete roll putter, cement side-
walk (said sidewalk to consist of 3a inch Portland cement concrete
base and i Jnch Portland cement planter wearing ^urface) and caving
Princeton venue from 17th to lath East Street
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt
Lake City, Utah
SECTION I That the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City noes hereby levy the tax and provide for the as^e-^ment of the
same upon the property hereinafter described in Paving District No
1 32 (Paving Extension No 224) for the purpose of grading, c nstxuct-
ing concrete roll gutter, cement sidewalk (said sidewalk to consist
of a 6* inch Portland cement concrete base and a inch Portland ce-
ment plaster wearing surface) and caving with Portland ccment con-
ciete thereof, to-wit
Lots 1 to 14 incl , and 15 to 28 incl , Princeton
Bm Field Survey,
Park, subdivision of Blk 28, 5-Acre Plat c,/abutting on both
sides of Princeton Avenue in Salt Lake City, Utah
This tax is levied to defray the expense of grading,
constructing concrete roll gutter, cement sidewalk and paving
Princeton ?venue from 17th to 18th East Streets, said pavement to
be thirty (30) feet wide with five (5) foot sidewalk and to be Port-
land cement concrete six (6) to eight (8) inches thick, the portions
of said street opposite the property gereinbefore and hereinafter
described to be especially affected and benefited by said imnrove-
went, and it is hereby adjudged, determined and established that
said property will be especially benefited thereby to the full
amount of the tar hereby levied, and said parcels of land are
hereby assessed at en equal and uniform rate in accordance with
the linear foot frontage upon and to the entire deAh back there-
' iron, 3nu the tax hereby levied end to be assessed upon said par-
' eels of lond is Seven thousand fiTht Hundred Eighty-six and 41/100
($7,886 41) Dollars or Five and .95/1000 ($5 -595) Dollars per front
or linear foot of abutting property for said thirty (50) foot road-
way including five foot walk, there being 1,461 8 feet abutting
said portion of said improvement, and the property benefited there'
by is hereinafter set out, and all within the boundaries of the
lots, blocks and street aoove mentioned in said district, which it
the total aoutters' cost and cost per front foot of said improvement,
according to the contract entered into for the performance of said';
work and making said improvement with Gibbons & Reed Co , Contract.-
iois, aated Oct 15, 10a9, and the City Treasurer is hereby author-
ized and directed to assess, in accordance with the provisions of
this ordinance, for the purpose herein mentioned
THIRTY FOOT RODbAY, with a4 inch roll gutter and
five foot walk
Tne north side of Lots 1 to 14 incl and the south iae
' of Lots lb to u8 incl , Princeton Park, sub of 91k <,8, 5-ccre
Plat C, Big Field Survey, as the same ere shown upon the offici-1.l
plats of said city to the entire depth back from said street , and
to collect said tax
SECTION II That the assessment list made by the City
Treasurer as corrected, approved and completed by the Board of
equalization and Review of the property described in Section I of
this ordinance in Paving Extension No 224 of Salt Lake City, for
the purpose of grading, constructing concrete roll gutter, cement
sicewalk and paving with Portland cement concrete thereof, is here-
} ,,nnflnmpr3 and the asses,ments made and returned in said completed
lists, and the report of the Board of Loualization and Review to
the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City are hereby ratified,
approved and confirmed
SECTION III Said tax shall be payable in ten equal year-
ly. installments ds providea by law and ordinance with interest on
the whole sum unpaid at the rate of five per cemt per annum, pay-
able at the time each installment i° due, provided, however, that
one or more of such installments in the order payable, or the whole
tax, may be paid without interest within fifteen (15) days from the
date this ordinance becomes effective In the event any installment
or the interest afore aid is not paid on the day the same becomes
due, the whol '' amount1of the special tar unpaid at the time said
installment ana interest are due shall become due and payable and
shall draw interest at the rate of twelve per cent per annum until
the sale of the property assessed
SECTION IV This ordinance shall take effect ons day
rafter l-s publication
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
Utah, this _nth___day of January A D 1950
! 1, t1
City Recorder
Paving ;.tension n`2u4
2nd 8c Final .dstlmste
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Proof of Publication
County of Salt Lake.
; a .1zAg & g tx Io;a
s aproperty in
A AN �9}6 1Saving Ex,
44ft t4. abe piiriwse al
o4n4rid d
k g�•dlk ieata slag_
ox BkB inch °I' I, Mi10 Eveleigh being first duly- p ' *, q _Afl and '�5<
ti oaA a.'p astil 89
b { `{ir t,.,et; sworn, depose and say that I am the Chief Clerk of the SALT LAKE
SF"a rl( �,aittfe $}bard- of
c'f gr. v It Take cf4j•:
t "TELEGRAM, a newspaper of general circulation, published every day
TQbanterSi dnof." dtfFsl W ri osil .for1 t �Axe provide for at Salt Lake Cit
asrio of[aSma hp4n ing y, Stale of Utah.
-{ter,9 t.t ' d4 artbed C-
( iri71g -.a2 tPavbne:t-
8 I . a 4) for'the Purpbae PI- .(L
a vlrpt} ri' ing',isone><etd at.),!.
ro) That the notice .An.Orflinane.e..3ti11.7 1
ttt s_0,�l0ag�i w42 isald soda,..
aUp.,tsr voif t $� 33t,Inch F6i•0-I
s '01?.l9p�cnn' it wor
ups $n }S g with'Fort- Pavi .4xt....No... 224..2nd. and i nal .bet.
4d : o thereof. to-wit:I,41's 1 set t trial t nil 1¢ to of
1ft41 t.Pn1ttte It 114 .0. Big Field
Sti V.¢yy atmtiiihq an:both aides of
l ,ator}:a'aylkua 4;Salt Lam City,
le tax is levied o gum Yh
t�+r nfltlh c ,
tel ro tei}-comb t uldewai
:hd pay of Viricetonre avenue front
bttn..te 1e et streets,said pwith of which a copy is hereto attached, was firstpublished in said newspaper
• 1l at to be tyel7del ieo7-f et be P510- P.'
five(6ement ooti5rbtre d tobe Pant
(q8 d doment iekrithei,por is)to eighta
t97 innhoe 4lhiok hap tone of sgld 7t,h. January0
treat opposite the:propertyherein- in its itssue dated the .. ... day of 19. ,
beforenod *.platter described to
1 by:Fr
n bo e,00 atfeoted ri bI.110(0-
by adjdltdg.ed 5 de rmined and
tense that said property will..be es- and was published in each daily issue of said newspaper, on
lleeleliy-benefited,thereby,to the full
1 amount of the tan'.hereby levied,and
ea1d;.pat'4eld 4f land'are hereby as- ***** for ***d•s•
.eased at an,ague)'and neiforra rate
• in accordance with the linear foot
frontage open.and to the entire depth
' �s.k tl irrtom, anal,tin t x hereby
levied and t4 be S devea aeon as;a thereafter, the full period of ...Dhe..1n89rt ion, •, •, ,,
Darnels of land'.Is Sae onoand
night 1'Tnndrit Eighty-six and 41-100
(u6 11)01p)06,3Ba Dollars perollare or front ve and
inear Toot et abuting propertY for the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the ...gth�
said-'.:thirth (30) font roadway in,
iudi"g five-foot walk $Isere being'
I,161.8 font abutting aid portion of
aid ifnpiovelnent; and the Property day of January. A. D, 1930
• b t andfitod :tryhi ?t hbboondarierbiriatter•:set
� - �t t and 8.1hm the hou darie's o; //�
tl el,Jilts; s and street above �
n�1�ti��ota�{&$H aid-ndatrl t whScb is
ti a.,tot§t�a" rs st and dbat per.
front foot yn ,(gplfnf..L;,
b hb L 6s eimd+tloegt 6njwork Ake_
}p'?r{oF+1t n f¢aid work and
aq n ani n$ at klzu-. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 14th. dayof
b ahtst Rt..
SI 1.WI B,aita the fifty reasurto
is hereby^authorized and d tad to
assess, lal odeordanca with the.Pro- January- A. D
Yi.tppana:-sQ 1418 ordlnanee, for'the
p1$fRT Ti ginottlpny yy''..,, /:
2-4-IX OM �h'ND
_ FIV73-1,OOn WA
t '' Notary Public.
My commission expires ..Nov....25,..1933
Advertising fee, $ -
The north:_side of iota•1 to 14 incl.,
.4 p and the th aide of lets 15 to 28
incl.,Paino ton Park,sub. t Blk.28,
.'+-acro-P.lat , Blg.yield-Surv8YI the canto
onto are.shown upon-.the off I.
'Jai plats of said city to the entire
depth back front eid'efrect,-and to
collect;said tax,
list made byl thehCityifTreaas urer at
corrected, approved"arid"'cOdtpleted
by the Board of Equalization and Re•
view of th0'pt'op0rty'dedcbibed 'In
Section I of this ordinance in Paving
Extension No:.224"cif's'alt'Lake`City,
for the.purpose of gg adinggconstruct-
ing oncrete'rbll'ghttdr,8dmettt'sfde-
Walk and paving with Portland ce-
ment c orate thereof;is Hereby con-
firmed and the assosuments ppttade and
returned in Said completed hits, and
•the report of the,.13oatrd of Equalize.
tion and Review to the Beard of 1
Commissioners,of,-Salt Lake.City are
t,a.3ieet.,.4gld,tis e'•..spgroveatt-matd
Ylmd SECTION''Its. Sold,iax'shall be
p a ablo•in'ten,equal sanely.instal•
tie`provided by law and mull.
nonce ncitlt`interest the whole
sum-unpaid'at..the, on
•of-6 per
cent per-annum,:payable.st'the.time
each id@timent. It .due;;'provided;
Inwe er?that ne or.more of such
ihat Imditts in the order.Payable, or
the' itddite..tax}may be'paid without'
interest x'Rhi 'fifteen'tIW'days from
th date-'tine ordinance becomes ef-
fective., its tlie..event•any..inhtalinene
o t r the lda t the ttsaaee 1 bet mo5 due
the wholekmbunt'ot the upeoial t
Unpaid at the.titter-said leetalment
dnd intereet ace due shall become'
ue and payable,and sltalt draw in-
terest'et'tlte late,of 12 per sent pet'
annum.until the,sale of the preperti
ass Need. ,+
SECTION'IV. This ordinance sha71
take eftept,one day after ire puti�l
cation. d
enp.$afthLake City,e Board fVtttaal1mmhie
9th day bf.t Hoary, A.'D. 1930
7OHN F. BOVS Iebt••r
Paving Egtenkfon;No..;224.
2nd and Spinal Estimate.
P,t4bltehed January 7th. 1930.
r ;
Proof of Publication
The Salt Lake Telegram
Entry No.