1 of 1933 - Amending Section 1277, relating to licensing of fresh meat and fish dealers, slaughters. tc.O.L.L CALL . - - VOTING AYE NAY SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 193 zinch I move that the ordinance be passed. Ceyser Cnight . . . / mg LEE zz Ar,Chairman . . Ael(ORDINANCE -- kesuh . . . AN- URDINALCL AMENDING 6LCTION 1277, heyisod Ordinances of Balt Lake City, Utah, 1920, relating to licenses. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION I. That Section 1277, Euvised Ordlnancs of salt Lake City, Utsh, 1020, reloting to licenscs, 1De and. thr- siw, is reby zrnend c(7 to ri as as foilov;;B: CCC. 1277. iCe LB eli ND FISH DkAL . LE,P,UGHTLgBS. It shall be uolewful for any person to engage in, conduct or carry on the business of slaughtering, slaughtering and selling, or selling fresh meat or meat food products at wholesale or re- tail, or selling fish or sea foods, or manufacturing, or selling eausage or dressing or selling poultry or game, within the cor- porate limits of Salt Lake City, Utah, without first making ap- plication for and procuring a permit and license so to do, as herein provided. Any person desiring to engage in the business of slaughtering, slaughtering and selling, or selling fresh meat, or selling fish OP sea foods, or manufacturing or selling sausage, poultry or game, within the corporate limits of Salt Lake City shall make written application to the license assessor and collector; such application shall contain the name of the applicant, his residence address and the address of his proposed. place of business, designated by street land number; such appli- cation shall at the time of its presentation be accompanied by a fee of one dollar, which shall be covered into the city trasury. i'aien such application shall be made, the license assessor and collector shall at once notify the chief meat and food inspector, who shall inspect the premises where the said applicant proposed to carry on business, and upon such inspection 1 -2- if he shall find the premises to be in a sanitary condition and to meet all requirements of the ordinances of Salt Lake City and the (rules and regulations of the Board of Health of Salt Lake City, he shall issue a permit, which, upon presentation to the license assesi- sor and collector, shall be authority on his part to issue a license to said applicant for said place of business. No license herein provided for shall be issued for a greater period than the calendar year in which it is issued. The license charge under the provisions of this section shall be payable in advance as follows: For slaughtering, manufacturing and wholesaling of fresh meat, meat food products, fish, poul- try, sea food, per annum or any part' thereof' $125.00 � For retailing off resh meat, teat food products, fish, poultry or set food, Per annum or any part thereof 25.001I! SECTION 2. Nothing in this Ordinance shall be construed as to allow the peddling of fresh meat, fish or sea food within they, corporate limits of Salt Lake City, Utah. SECTION 3. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance shall take effect immediately. SECTION 4. This ordinan ha take effect at once upon G'v/ Ii its first publication. I l/ I! ; it Passed by the Boa o Commissioners Salt Lake City, Utah, this �9th day of J uary T, A. D. 1933. r P, Mayor. City Recorder. 90. 7 A > Is :. . , ,, . r_. ..: c_ z r: ) r 1 li i ' , C! 1 Proof of PublicatiMinimum on UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, STATE OF UTAH, ss. County of Salt Lake. • -Am oririnwiC$- An ordinance a mending.section 1277, *deed Ordinances oI Salt Lake City,- 'irtah,1020;relating,to licenses. HARgy SdULFF being first duly Se it.QrdWried by the board of con- I, mieeicners of Salt Lake City,Utah; Section 1.- That section 1277, re- vised 1920,ordinandes of Salt,rake City, tah,1929,relating to aft Ls,be and sworn, depose and say that I am the Chief Clerk of THE SALT LAKE ,the is hereby a nded to read aaeetio. l:�r7:.Fre?meat and fish TELEGRAM, a newspaper of general circulation, published every day I dealer,,laughterera. It shall be un- lai¢fr11,f ir:any paoaon to engage m, ebaduct or Carly on the bnd Belli of etdvelling f eh Meat and selling, at Salt Lake City, State of Utah. - or aeutc bash meet a as mod ink nk Nab. sea fosale or ratan,or selltur- • inl- qq$Nab.or sea foods,er age,or dressing selling-..spoultry or game withi or the wmorate limits of Salt Lake city, That the noticeAW •GRT)•1U•ANCi,.. ..-Utah;without first making a- - 1M}for and procuring a permmitit and license so to-do,as herein provided. CITY.CORp0RAT.IODT Any person desiring to engage 1n the N,:iLT..LAY.Li bµµ lneei og slaughtering,slaughtering geld lung.rr ea,100 fresh meat, manufac- turing fish 11r seng sausage, , or 'game, ]ling sausage, poultry or gall.Lake the corporate limits of Salt atio Cityo 'shall make assessor and col actor;s to the license assessor and - t$1n the such of application shah c ' resi then a Hsf the he address his' residence address andofbusiness,address o- nie prOpOSed n mbar; d ap- plication anion street and the at number;such es- entatlon beeaccompani de by a fee of of which a copy is hereto attached, was first published in said news- one dollar, which shall be co Into the city treasury: When such red ap- plication shall be made,the license as pew o er and collector shall at once n dayof Js•nuar.y '1 ,, - iffy the chief meat and food inspector,, paper in its issue dated the 20th• Who shall inspect the premises where the said applicant proposed to carry business,and upon such inspection If he shall find the premises to be in and was published in each daily issue of said newspaper, a sanitary condition and to meet all on requirements of the ordinances of Salt Lake City and the rules and regula- tions of the braid of health of Salt Lake City, he shall issue a permit, Jn!,.isry.220,th•.•• for which, upon presentation to the li- cense assessor and collector,shall be authority on his part to issue a license One insertion to said business.applicant for said place of thereafter, the full period of U No license herein provided for shall be issued for greater period than the calendar year in which it 1s issued. The license charge under the pro- visions of this section shall be payable the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the ,. ta advance as follows; For slaughtering,manufacturing and wholesaling of fresh meat,meat food T A. D. 193:i.•. annu o fish,art thereof s a ices,per day of ''aT?nary annum or any part thereof food For retailing o1 u fresh try meat,meat food products,fish,poultry sea food.per ah c orany partthereofthioiklinance ,,��.�]�,�r�,, Section 2. Nothing to this othe ped- dling ,, e/t hall be construed to allow the pad- dling of fresh meat,fish or sea food within the corporate limits of Salt _- QO t h day of Lake City,Utah. Section 3. In the opinion of the Subscribed and sworn to before me this board of commissioners,It is necessary to the peace,health and safety oI the Inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance shall take effect immedi- ately. i!a nuts r y Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect at once upon its first publica- tion. Passed by the board of commission- _ - �"--"`�-"�— �•` era of Salt Lake City,Utah,this 19th / day of January,A.D.1933. c _ — Notary Public. �-� LOUIS MARCUS,Mayor. - Ethel Macdonald, City Recorder. Rill No,1. Published January 20,1933. My commission expires • ____�_� ___ - -- Advertising fee, $ , rib 7711:4,1.V 4,4 ffle Proof of Publication From The Salt Lake Telegram 9. County Entry No. -------