1 of 1942 - Creating position of Office Manager Department of Parks and Public Property ROLL CALL
VOTING Nk / Salt Lake City,Utah, J'AN--5 4942 194
- - - I move that the ordinance be passed.
Kepeer - - -Matheson - �
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Me.Chairman - AN ORDINANCE
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AN 0SDINANLdc creating the position of Office manager
in the Department of Parks and Public property.
Ise it ordained by the toari of Commissioners of Salt
Lake City, Utah:
SP;C. 836. There is hereby created in the Department
of Parks and public property the position of Office manager,
under the general supervision of the Commissioner of said
The hoard of Commissioners may appoint a competent and
Qualified person to the position of office manager at a
salary not to exceed Twenty-three hundred (42300.00) Dollars
per annum, payable semi-monthly.
It shall be the duty of the office manager to supervise
and direct the work in the office of the Commissioner of Parks
and. Public Property and to perform such other work as shall
be recuired of him ty the Commissioner of such department.
In the opinion of the Poard of Commissioners it is nec-
essary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt
Lake City that this ordinance shall take effect immediately.
Tnis ordinance shall, take effect upon its first publica-
tion. 7
Passed by the hoard of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
Utah, this day of A.D.
City Recorder.
flestoted to the Nerd of Commissiouot'
JAN 5'IC42
First Publicafionin
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad-
vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS, a newspaper
Legal Notice•
published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State
AN.ORDINANCE creating the position of of Lltah.
Office Manager in the Department ot
Parks.and Public.Property.
Be it ordained by the Board of Com-
missionere of Salt Lake City, Utah:
SEC,8311.There le hereby created In the1
Department of Parks and Public Property That the advertisement OrrttmnceBL11 .
the position of Off ice Manager,under the
general supervielon of the Commlenioner
of said department.
The Board of Commleelonera me3,e1MOInt ,er 'e oa r tme n t
a competent and qualified person.to the
position of office manager at a salary not
to exceed Twenty-three hundred($231/0.00)
Dollars per Annum,payable eernimeonthIsh ...f & ub ic .Fr.o.per.t.y
It ehall.be the duty'of the office iamb
serer to supervise'and direct the work.in
•the office of the Commissioner of Perlis
.and Public Property and to perform such
other work an shall be required of him be
the Commiesioner Of such department.
In the opinion of Iho Board of COmm1e.
sionere it ie neceeeety•to the pece.health
and safety of the inhabitants ofa Salt Lan, was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the
Pitt that thin ordinance shall.take ef-
*Thiliri=integ.shall take effect upon i's
first 6th.day of nu.ar y A.D. 19.A2___
Peeled by the Board of COnnnisel000,S
of Salt Lake City.Utah, this 0th day of
AB JENIONS. and was published One. ime
City 1 P.ecorder.; the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the
PnblIshed January.5.1942. .
day of A.D. 19
Adve t sing Clerk.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this F.I enth day of
Jorluary A.D. /9_42.,
Notary Prl7c.
Proof of Publication