1 of 1949 - Levying a tax, Lighting District No. 22 v"�^^.'
;q01 41ti49
VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah, ,194
Affleck I move that the ordinance be passed.
Matheson . . . /�
Romney /✓, • .a ,_.J
Mr.Chairman . .
AN ORDINANCE LE NG A TAX and for the assessment of
property in Lighting District No. 22, for the purpose of provid-
ing for the installation of incandescent lamps.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt
of Lake City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City does hereby levy the tax and provide for the assessment of
� the same upon the property hereinafter described in Lighting Dis-
trict No. 22, for the purpose of providing for the installation of
incandescent lamps, to-wit:
Lots 15 and 16 of Blk. 28; Lots 1 to 13 incl. of Elk.
1, and Lots 7 to 12 incl. of Blk. 2, Yalecrest Heights Sub.
of Blk. 28; Lots 1 to 13 incl. of Blk. A, and Lots 1 to 13
incl. of Blk. B, Yale Gardens Sub. or Blk. 27; 5-Acre Plat
I i 'Ct, Big Field Survey;
' I
}.a; . abutting on both sides of Yalecrest Avenue from 18th East Street
'", to 20th East Street in Salt Lake City.
This tax'is levied to defray the expense of providing for
the installation of twenty-one (21) ornamental standards complete,
each equipped with 1-4000 lumen incandescent lamp, said lamps to
be illuminated by electric current; the circuits for the operation
of said system of lamps to be underground and the portions of said
street opposite the property hereinbefore and hereinafter describ-
ed to be especially,raffected and benefited by said improvement, and
it is hereby adjudged, determined and established that said proper-
ty 'will be especially benefited thereby to the full amount of the
tax hereby levied, and said parcels of land are hereby assessed at
an equal and uniform rate in accordance� with the linear foot front-
age upon and to the entire depth of the same ownership pack there-
from not exceeding 330 feet, and the tax hereby levied and to be
assessed upon said parcels of land is Six Thousand Eight:Hundred
Twenty-five and 50/100 ($6,825.50) Dollars or Two and 246383/1000010
($2.246383) Dollars per front or linear foot of abutting property,
there being 3038.44 feet abutting said portion of said improvement
and the cost of which installation and the property benefited there-
by is hereinafter set out, and all within the boundaries of the
lots, blocks and streets above mentioned in said district, which
is the total abutters► cost and cost per front foot of said improv•-
ment according to the contract entered into for the performance of
said work and making said improvement with Clarence W. Silver Com-
pany, dated September 23, 1947, and the City Treasurer is hereby
authorized and directed to assess in accordance with the provision.
of this ordinance, for the purpose herein mentioned:
Fronting on the north side of Yalecrest Avenue.
All of Lots 1 to 13 incl. of Blk. 1, Yalecrest Heights
Sub. of Blk. 28, and all of Lots 1 to 13 incl. of Blk. A, Yale
Gardens Sub. of Blk. 27; 5-Acre Plat IC►, Big Field Survey.
Fronting on the south side of Yalecrest Avenue.
The east 236.11 ft. or the west 269.11 ft. of the south
128.19 ft. of Lot 15 and the north 118.55 ft. or Lot 16, Lots 15
and 16 of Blk. 28; the east 165.0 ft. of the west 434.11 ft. of th-
north 123.37 ft. of the south 128.19 ft. of Lot 15, Lot 15 of Blk.
28; all of Lots 7 to 12 incl. of Blk. 2, Yalecrest Heights Sub. of
Blk. 28; and all of Lots 1 to 13 incl. of Blk. B, Yale Gardens
Sub. of 01k. 27; 5-Acre Plat 'C', Big Field Survey;
as the same are shown upon the official plats of said city to the
entire depth of the same ownership back from said street and to
collect said tax.
SECTION II. That the assessment list made by the C-ty
Treasurer, as corrected, approved and completed by the Board of
Equalization and Review of the property described in Section I of
this ordinance in Lighting District No. 22 of Salt Lake City for
the purpose of providing for the installation of incandescent
lamps, is hereby confirmed, and the assessments made and returned
in said completed lists, and the report of the Board of Equaliza-
tion and Review to the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City
are hereby ratified, approved and confirmed.
SECTION III. Said tax shall be payable in three equal
yearly installments, as provided by law and ordinance with interes
on the whole sum unpaid at the rate of five per cent per annum,
payable at the time each installment is due; provided, however,
that one or more of such installments in the order payable, or the
whole tax may be paid without interest within fifteen (15) days
from the date this ordinance becomes effective. In the event any
installment or the interest aforesaid is not paid on the day the
same becomes due, the whole amount of the special tax unpaid at th.
time said installment and interest are due shall become due and
payable and shall draw interest at the rate of ten per cent per
annum until the sale of the property assessed.
SECTION IV. This ordinance shall take effect one day
after its first publication. , .. /
Passed by the Board of Commissioners pf Salt Lake City,
Utan, this /4 day or , K. D./1949.
City Recorder.
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Affidavit of Publication
CatiaLLI 9LLSR1t Lake
Legal Notices
n od for the asseseinent of property
At Lighting District No.22,to the
purpose of providing for the instal-
lation of Ineandeecent lemma ,
e ft oraied y the Boad
commiseloner.B d n b r f of Belt Lake city, Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad-
SECTIN 1. That this Board or
' CoMmissiOoners of Belt Lake City vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper
dare hereby levy the tax and pro-
vide for the easessment of the same
upon the property hereinafter de- published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State
earthed in Lighting District No.22,
for the purpose of.providing for
the Mide,lietlon of Ineandenent of Utah.
1..0, to4wit:
Lots 15 and 16 of BOO. 25; Lots
L to 13 Ind, of Blk. 1, and Lots
7,to 12 incl. of Blk. 2, Yatecreat
Heights Sub.of Bib.25;Lot.1 to 13 That the advertisement
•Inc'. of BR. A, and Lots I to 13 .
•incl.of Bile.B, Tale Gardens SUR
of Blk.27;5-Acre Plat''C,'Bg Field
Survey; abutting on both sides of .
l'13,1'',li Ill,I -1'• Coydirt.•_olc.e 7., ) 1
Yeleereet Avenue from 18th East
in2n Street to 20th Sad Street in Salt. "l,I) orcic6 L c) cr
ev Tin— 'Cir.< .1:3:23:7,5-;cri'o o I' ' • •• - -I—_ .1 p
„ ,
Thle tax is levied to defray the in Li---ilt:,n: .)-212,!:.ric I-, i:o, 22
expense of providing for the inete,14
lation of twenty-one (21)°memo,
tat standarde complete, each
eqUiPPed with 1-4000 lumen Moen.
descent lamp, said lamps to be II-
hImineted by electric current; the
circuits for the operation of said
. eyetem of Imps to be und
and the portione of said strmtundergro-op- was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the
posite the property hereinbefore and
-hereinafter described to be espeeittl-
ly afreoted and benefited by;mid liel.
'Milel, iteterniineti andbgtalereei day of A. D. 19
that said property will be espeollalY
bonefited thereby to the full,amount
or the tax hereby levied, and said and was published ____-211-1..J.(.111.....51, 1:));.q
panels of land are herein, a
Si an equal and uniforro rate In so-
COrdance with the linear foot front-
age upon and to the entire depth the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the
Of the'same ownership book Aare-
, from not exceeding 330 feet, and
: the tax hereby levied and to be se- '
sassed upon said parcels of land is day of A. D. 19
, .t.Thousand Night Hundred Twen-
ty-five and 50/100 (16,825.50) Dol.d ,
lars Or Two and 246353/1000000
(42246383) Dollars per front or
linear foot of Witting Property,
there being 3038.44 feet abutting
,mid portion of ;mid improvement Advertising Clerk
an the cost of which installation ,
and the property benefited thereby
hi hereinafter set out,and all with• ,
In the bounclarie.of the lots,black.
and Streots above mentioned In said
.. district,.Which Is the total abutters'
cost And cost Per front foot Of said
Sn iniplOVellient aM3Ording to the oon- ,re me this L9:,1,_ day of
•treat,entered into for the perform-
ance of said work arid melting said
improvement with Clarence,W. Sli-
ver Company, dated September 23, n.19.69_
1947, and the•City Treesurer I. '-4
hereby authorised-and directed-to '
tease In accordance with the Pre.
'neone of this Ordinance, for the ,
Pleonilireellilsr=too a . k . .
• JaVenne'
All of Lota2 to waleorest 13.11ml.of Blk.1, , -- --
warmest Heights Sub. of RIR 28, •
and all of Lots 1 to 19 incl.of Blk. '
A, Yale Oardens Sub. of Blk. 37; Notary blic
5-Acre Plat'C.,'Big Field Survey.
greeting.en the !oath Side ef
Proof of Publication
Ths st 236.11 ft Avenue
the west
289.d'ft, of the south 123.19 It.
of LPG 16 and the north 116.66 ft.
of Let 16,e 66.
Lets 16 and 16 f Elk.
23; these I6 t. of the treat
433.11 ft. of the north 123.37 ft.
of/the south 12819 ft. of Let 13,
Lot 18 of Stk. 28; all of Lots 7 to
12 incl. f Stk.2, Yelecrest Heights
Sub, of Blk. 28; and all of Lot
to 13 Incl.of Elk.II,Yale Garden
Stolz or Elk. 27; 6-Aare Plat 'C,'
Big Field Survey; as the ame era
ch wn.0 on the oflloGl plate of sold
ttr to the entire depth of the same
fWmhlp back 1,from said Greet sad
o Oogeot sett trx.
38Clist II. yhat the Tseee
meet ass made byed the appCIDroved
- 9o0
completed byT thed Board of Equal
1aatlon and Rev1li0 of the property
described 1n Section I of this,or61-
nanse In Lighting District No.22 et
Salt Lake City for the purpose r
profidlnp for the instalirtien .nf
inceltdeacept lamp.,.la—her.ay-Gen,
Ifrmeo,' and. the assessments made
and returned In Gild completed Beta,
and-the report of h Board of
Equalization and Review to the Hoard
of commissioners of Salt Lake Clty
hereby ratified, approved and
panflSECTION'III. Sall tat( shall be
Payable In three equal yearly In-
stzlhnents, as prdvided by law and'
ordinance,with interest on the whole
sum unpaid at the rat of five Per
`ent as pinstallment payableer annum. 1 due; provi
however, that one or moreof such
installments in the order y yohle,
or she whole tax may be paid ewith-
fiom n theatdata apt is1t ordirtariee dbe-.
inatallm htt hr t�h�e Interest event
Bald Is net paid on the day the Mime
becomes due,-the whole amount et
the special tax unaid at the time
said installment and interest are
duc shall become due and payable
and shall draw interest'at the rate
of tan per cent per annum until the
Ws f the Ise➢,ylh014 ordinance shall
Be;Cs ION IV. 1
take fists One day after Ito first
ph Passed b
arse by'the Beard of Commis/
boners t y 061E January,
Cl. Dtah,
this eih day of danuayy,A.D 1948.
ISidA F,cite Pss.ederi
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LIfAEinf-rot. Ifs. 22 <IastallM
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