1 of 1956 - Ordinance 1 of 1956, Amending Bill No. 76 of 1955, relating to ingrade promotions in Police Departm bait Lake Lily,Utah, 195 VOTING Aye Nay I move that the ordinance be passed. Burbidge Christensen . . ji') Nicho ea )F` Romney . . . . — Mr.Chairman . AN ORDINANCE Result AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 4613 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, 1944, and amending Section 30-1-12 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, 1955, which latter revised ordinances were adopted by an ordinance passed December 29, 1955, Bill No. 76, to be effective as such revised ordinances February 1, 1956, relating to Patrolmen. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Section 4613 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, 1944, and Section 30-1-12 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, 1955, which latter revised ordinances were adopted by an ordinance passed December 29, 1955, Bill No. 76, to be effective as such revised ordinances February 1, 1956, relating to patrolmen, be, and the same hereby are, amended to read as follows: SECTION 30-1-12. PATROLMEN, IN-GRADE PROMOTIONS. Applicants shall serve as probationers a minimum of six (6) months whereupon they may be appointed patrolmen 6th Grade. A patrolman having served at least one (1) year in the department may be appointed patrolman 5th Grade. A patrolman having served one (1) year as 5th Grade Patrolman may be appointed patrolman 4th Grade. A patrolman having served one (1) year as 4th Grade Patrolman may be appointed Patrolman 3rd Grade. A patrolman having served one (1) year as 3rd Grade Patrolman may be appointed Patrolman 2nd Grade. ,patrol- man having served one (1) year as 2nd Grade Patrolman may be appointed Patrolman 1st Grade. Provided, however, that as to patrolmen serving in the Police Department on the date of passage of this ordinance in-grade promotions may be made as follows: All patrolmen having served five (5) or more years in the Police Department as of the effective date of this ordinance shall be eligible to promotion from their present grade to each higher grade, in sequence, to and including 1st Grade, without serving any specified time in the present or each succeeding grade. 1 -2- Provided further, that all in-grade promotions shall be conti ;ent upon full compliance with the rules and regulations of the Civil Service Commission upon examination and ascertained merit. SECTION 2. In the 'opinion of the Board of Commissioners it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that • this ordinance become effective immediately. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication. ' Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 31'st day of January, 1956. City Recorder ( SEA L ) Temp ry Chairman Bill No. 1 of 1956 Published February 2, 1956 Affidavit of Publication cm,tTI5 OF 1ITATI. I An Ordinance 1 SS• AN ORDINANCI: A1tn:ttj)SSQG SEC- TION 4013 or the itevised Ordinances f.Salt Lake city,1 44:'in.a 'Section.:f0-1-12 01' l ry aiHt 1,I civil,i antes of Salt'lItke l,eo 105), which' latter'devised or linahee'were adopted by ordinance n serfs December 23, 1055. Billsuch y Na. 76,ato he effective 1950 selling•t9,patrolmen.d it i�I Be it ord oed to theR ,I I' • Commissioners F Salt Lalc (Il Utah.! r L.1 v .SECTION 1 That 5, 40t f the• Revised Ord or OR Lake City.� Beingfirst dui sworn, deposes and says that he is adver- 1944 d Se t-Ordinances,or to I s d y 2� 1 ordinances of Salt Lake City, 19.55, whichlatter ;din2 ee p Passed nee' losing clerk of TIIF SALT LAKE TRIBUNE,a daily news- adoptedb 2,3.1,*gut a•7.e AO..be f- ` t 1 iese ! a'io pAe Inca; paper published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the b d the i clay a amended to d p SECTION 30142. PATROLMEN, IN- State of Utah. GRADE PROMOTIONS.Applicants.shall v s as probationers ' eners a minimum um of six (6) monthS-whereupon they v be appointed-patrolmen 6th Grade.tA Patrlman in the coved at least o That the advertisement of which a copy is attached ep appointed patrolman atrolman department Grade.v A I hereto patrolman having served one (I as 5th Grade Patrolman may be ap- pointed patrolman 4th Grade. A pa- trolman haling served onc Ill year 9th Grade Patrolman y 1 ta I - Patrolman 3rd Grade. A Patrolman; Patrolman baying served aonc 01)year d Ald i 2 d-(1{{1 hA patrolman havinge «pointed I - P t(erviidud`cmae11 Vela M. Snd be appointed Patrolman. ,1st Oracle. Provided, however, that to t a]men t serern in to of Police of infra ordinance IIDgr:ale promotions may he !madefollow,. All patrolmen ling vad 1' di) rk,in .• 114 P lice De t t ln of the ffce. [Ise date of lhls ordh,aree .shall 'he eligible to promotion tram their nn eat glade to o ch higher at'ote,Ins u to and Inchon: 1st Grade. tthoup serving an.v specified thine i ',the l present or each thateeding"grader' fuletlena shall he contingen all t lino` was published in said newspaper on l compliance with the rules and regulations of the Civil Sciame Com mission upon examination and a ecr i SECTION 2. I tp -.apt h f the1 Board of Commissioners A d' sary to the peace. iaand tthe his y of inhabitants become Salt ttLogo effectivecity tthat fof ��CIP_ SECTION?„11 dshalltke �'- '/' effect Passed by it h Nest t Board Ulo tion.C,n 's -�C-, ei t orlers of s.al Lake City, Utah, ibis Advertising Clerk • JOG L.CHRISTENSEN T 11,[p.a, (Mal(Man. 1RMA E. RI'1'NER. City Recorder. (SEAL, R.1i No. I,of lea Published 11001ary 2,1056. id-'S)Jorn to before me this - day of A.D.19 - a Notary Public My Commission Expires