1 of 1963 - Amending a portion of Section 20-2-107 of the Revised Ordinances as amended, by designating February ROLL CALL Salt Lake City, Utah, January 8 , 196 g VOTING Aye Nay I move that the Ordinance be_.passed. Christensen . . 7 Harrison . . . l Romney .: L.. r(_ Smart . . . Mr. Chairman . AN ORDINANCE Result . . . . AN ORDINANCE AMENDING that portion of Section 20-2-107 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1955, as amended, relating to the business licenses to modify the date on which licenses become delinquent. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That that portion of Section 20-2-107 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City,'Utah, 1955, as amended, relating to business licenses, be, and the same hereby is, amended in paragraphs (c) and (h) thereof by deleting the date March 1st and inserting in lieu thereof the date February 15th. SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this fth day of January, 1963. MAYOR C X R. D E R r (S _, /1 T,) BILL IQO. 1 of 196E Published January _'.l, 1963 Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, ss. County of Salt Lake D M Ockey Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is legal advertising AN AN DRD NANCEINANCE AMENDING that clerk of the DESERET NEWS AND SALT LAKE TELE- aorRan of Section 90.1.10t er the tie GRAM, a dailynewspaperg ed ordinances of Salt DflI cn, (except Sunday) printed in the En - lah-11 ntlee,r la4' $ 6 s.irich/remi to come.me lisp language with general circulation in Utah, and published in dale Ion w,njcn ncenses become ee. Salt Lake nngUam: Be.,FI e ehe o by the Beare or, City, Salt Lake County, in the State of Utah. CommlastaneYa of Self Laka CIiY, USE Section l0 1107 of tthe Revised 0 norIloniOf That the legalof copy dlnanc f Salt Lak ng Ut 1. notice which a co is attached hereto less, lee. 1 e eelicenses,be,ana the:ame he,e- Salt Lake City Bin No 1 of: 1963 v Iseneed m earaaYa ns ml C' Ma((6)me.eof eY yy law9 Pne eats Y a ch d to F bru rry 1 In�lee mere. hdhe'eate February losm. ' .., BL o°carii'rrusab ersner,ne sheitay An ordinance relating to the business to the itaCs, r al a City -Mat this ordinance become elle<t). ImsEcnoxa This ordinancehall license. t Passe`ev It Llavails, tah,flayy- aloners or Salt Laka CRY,U,ah,Ihis sh day at Jenu.EteACKEN LEE HERMAN J. H GENSEN •Ci1Y Recorderi BILLSNoA oanuary960.f 1 Published J 11,1960. (A-91) was published in said newspaper on January ll, 1963 fy `��� 'r c. 4.'L.. Legal Advertising Clerk -- Subscribed and sworn to before me this l5th day of January A.D. 19 63 / Notary Public "Iy Cor risssi Ex�t�e�s5. 1