1 of 1966 - Amending Section 144 - Schedule 14-d, prohibiting parking at all times on the south side of 2nd Nort mr, o.n4,-en
January 4 6
VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City, Utah, , 196
einisiossee .
V I move that the Ordinance be passed.
Catmull . . .
Harrison . . . f �
• oL
imartx.HOLLEY . ✓ 4�
Mr. Chairman . l�
Result . . . .
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Schedule 14-d, referred to in Section 144 of the
Traffic Code of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating
to parking prohibited at all times.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah:
Section 1. That Schedule 14-d referred to in Section 144 of the Traffic
Code of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to
parking prohibited at all times, be, and the same hereby is, amended by adding
at the end of the enumeration of streets therein, the following:
"2nd North, south side, from Center
Street to West Temple Street."
Section 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners it is necessary
to the peace, health and welfare of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City, Utah,
that this ordinance become effective immediately.
Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication.
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 4th
day of January, 1966.
'-' 441g
(S E A L)
BILL NO. 1 of 1966
Published January 7, 1966
A OM.seA
Affidavit Of Publication
County of Salt Lake
li Q Ockey
Being first duly.sworn.,deposes and says that he is legal adver-
tising clerk of the DE,SERET NEWS, a daily (except Sunday)
newspaper printed in the English language with general cir-
culation in Utah, and published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake
County,in the State of Utah.
That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto
Salt Late L,ity L3i11 No 1 of 1966
tin Or 2jnance r iat to pirk'ir;g t,rohisited
AN ORDINANCE pl --- -'- --"-- ----"- '-
Schedul eco, —c
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,follawnPr feCpge ma.e published in said newspaper on. __ 9_--"Zntl Northo, 1h Ide,from Cen.'
fey street West Too ole sfreef,• Bef Section 2, In me Inlet Zq FT 'tl of Commissioners'f's
Ilary to ms Peace,health a tl h
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Ith at mis reihance
coma erreeuye Imm¢a�aiely. -y
sectlnn S. This nrdlna nca shall yrrl
-r effect upon Ifs first Dubllcatloa- --'---- "'-"-'-- "-"---'- ---"-'
f assed by the BDa d of Ca rmis� /'
siu_rs o}s¢If Lake Ifu,Utah this 0W '
41h Eay o}JanuaR 1966. /2 t �'
(SEAT-1 HERMAN J.fhnNENSEN, Legal!f(11>ert nl•tst r Clerk I
Cif,'Recorder- ru BILL NO.1 of DI
Published JenRary 7,1966 (A_85) PN
Subscribed and sworn to before one thus_________. loth day of
Jar nory A.D. 19 66 .
Notary Public
My Commission Expires
Nov 25 1969