10 of 1932 - Amending Section 1968, creating the office of 'Office Supervisor' at the Waterworks Department. ROLL CALL VOTING AYE NAY d�\ Salt Lake City, Utah, e,• "C,' 193 `�'• Finch V, I move that the ordinance be passed. Keyser • Knight V J ---- Lake V Mr.Chairman - __ AN ORDINANCE Result AN OUUINi1dCk liMi i1115C Un1TAON iTia of .'hed;)ter L'YIV, .vi_sed Ordinances of salt l r;'.c -.tr, ut;h, i 'SC, es <srnented. by n o00inance easseA by tbo doerc of Commissioders of Mit _r.,.e rbty on July 7, '.MG, as amenc c-d by ad -_.cac; 'dcc` tO.c oi;re of Commissioners rs. o -Lit • c City on ,1 ,l,- : 1, o, re- i {1n°; to rater fuasTy sne 1atsr o ' s. 'e it ordairief ;y the -hays.' of CoamIssiodols of oelt 17,rlse ' ty, Utah: =15C'I 1 OU 1. That ` ection 111,..112, of Ohe 'ter .-IV, devised lnc:nces of , rat ele° C'ty, Ut .h, leak, aecaH. hy En orc'_i_- ence e.ssec by the. 0,`1 of Comsissioders of 1,t ' c City on July '7, 1 3L=, ad cmenccc; by an osdinsnce . ;sec by the -:oorc. of Commissioners of nit ,Lake City on July 1, n `3, CO'1'ti ns to at BT' `U -e_id 6 at 'aorks1 be and the sae is herby o? c nc'-c,: to �y� and read as follows: 4 ',MOTION ON 1'030. r 0 _ COM_U".50 ,T100. The board of commissioners may aaaoint and ern"'_oy in the Co,ortment of water NA sup ;ly and water v,ork0 the folio,;:r ny employees, rho shall take and- subscribe the constitutional. oath of office; Ono office supervisor at a ,r.l-ar'' not to exceed c .F.70`).OU 'er e.nnun, s:ho shall before assumin.7. his ( Inca s ive a bond in the som of 5,000.00, conditioned as iscui.rec by __ : ara such stenora- hors, clerks, foremen, mechanics ant. employee employeos as may be neces- sary for the -troaer conduct of such desr.rtmant at such com-en>a- tion and under such conditions nay be determined and i m msecl by the 3oard of Col:.tirsioners. SECTION 57. In the o-in.l on of the The of Commissioners, 11. is necessary to the peace, health a c sr.fet;> of the inh,hitents 10 of Thit Lake C.Yty that this orOihence fhalltL .0 ''fect SECTION PiTh o .ainonce c-,:rect at once a on Ilasnee by the '1(Nr.r,I of Com-,:ifr.,ioher7 of 7pit 1-, 1,ce City, 1 „'Ofrh, this 25tYl_ clay of ___Fehruary_, TTh"or. City 2,e,corCc,r • .. ).. )-6.—..., 4' :6....._, 4i,,,,,,c . 1 ..., „,, ,c,c z I to -re a tirnof of ibthlitatiott Nnitrd £ptatrs of America STATE OF UTAH SS. COUNTY OF SALT LAKE — AN 0110UgAa Mo _.. •An Ordinate.amofeolag aeewea I♦00 - of Chapter may.Rdvteed Ofalran0e0 B0St Lake City. Utah. 18$0 es •tap ed o cOmminsmoner9ae"M"gait HARRY WOLFF Irks City on July 3.192.1,as amended by. or, I of ♦ er - s. ,,, '- being first duly sworn, deposes and says, that he is the Principal Clerk Be Si-mdah ed by the Board of• CNmmfoewnere or Balt Lake 'City. titan:• chapter BrettLX. That eltced amnl1988d of ', of the SALT LAKE DAILY TRIBUNE, a newspaper published in Salt Lake City,moth 1920;sa amen- d by an ordinance po.eed by the:` Board of Om/nit lonere of Sett lake city on any v.Iva,u ameo5dad by, Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,State of Utah. an ordinance patted by the Hoard of tlegrmiselouera of Salt Lake sty on July 21,1925,relating to water.Sup- u ply and water work., be and the That the Notice GRDIN,IC1$ totlow.e hereby amended to read• 0,,; . tw.r.1950 a Board SktfilofCommis. : SALT LAKE. CITY CORPORATION afonere may appoint and employ 1n , - tlta-deppee.rrymegt of enter:amply stud _ Wo¢'ks the following employes. . water'enwonal and.uofice: One•:• UFFICS OF THE CITY RLnCORDKR constitutional oath dof office: One efflpe supervisor at•a salary,not to - - -- exceed$2700.00 per antrum,,who shall - - .. belote•asloe 00 h1s dutl gtoe a -. .. bond in the sum of$5000n0,oondt- stdbographed as�rsul required, by la*: awls me- Ott..end employee .as may be nA n pafor m theaptrau°°on,eeondduct of ,; of which a copy is hereto attached, was first published in said news- Lion and under such•condition aa • may.be determined and imposed by ' •the Hoard of Commissioners a�eetlon 2.• In the opinion of the paper in its issue dated the 2&th Board M Coaunleetogera it de none. eery to the peace,.health Isla pasty of the inbabitante'of Salt Lake City 7m t;Chi.eordinance shall take effect, day of February 193 2 > Section 3. This ordinance sha11 take effect at once upon publioatlon. Pealed by the Board of'Commts_ and was published in each daily issue of said newspaper, on •'9lonere of Balt Lake City,Btahtub25th day of February,A.D.,193. LOUIS MARCUS,Mayor,Ethel Macdonald,city Recorder, February y 26th for Ill No.10. -TUbll5bed February 20th,1BDL ' • • thereafter, the full period of Lne insertion the last publication thereof being in the issue.dated the 26th day of February ,A.D. 193-.-. -., Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of February ,A.D. 193 R Notary Public. Advertising fee,$ 4 . ni/ PROOF OF PUBLICATION FROM air *aft Fake rilarutte County Entry No