10 of 1933 - Amending Section 1510 relating to organizations and salaries in the Police Department JOHN M.KNIGHT COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC SAFE ".. "`""'°""="`s.. POLICE DEPARTMENT PL..,,a...„,o FILE C-2 _ Wm.L.PAYNE SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH wHEN . COMM .„,�,,,o„ ie CHIEF OF POLice April 26, 1933. The Honorable Board of City Commissioners, Salt Lake City Gentlemen: Relative to the proposed ordinance amending Sec. 1510, relating to the police department, would respectfully recommend that there be added thereto 1 radio technician, salary not to exceed $1,980.00 per annum, 3 radio operators, same grade as First Grade patrolmen. See Bill No. 32, published Oct. 28, 1932. Respectfully, W.L. P%7, Chief of Police WLP B cc W.F. VOTING AYE NAY SALT LAKE'CITY, UTAH 193 Finch --- I move that the ordinance be passed. Keyser --- / C • Knight . . __. • LEE Mr.Chairman . . A IIDINANCE Result . AN uhDINANC1 abbiNG SOCTIUN 1510 of the .icvised ordinances of . elt 'a_ke Cityy, Utah, 18iO, es amended by an ordinance eesacci by the -hoard of Coe i.ssioxiers on feb. 4, loud, relatinp., to the police dooartment. lie it orbsine e ay the bor,ro. of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SEGIiluid I. That section 1510 of the Revised ordinances of ealt Lake City, Utah. 10 0, as a_menden o" an ordinance srcd by the board.. of C o .n_ss;_ona rs on Gob. 4, 1 cam} rola.tinff, to the police: depart- ment, be and the some is nef.eby amended to read as follows: CiCTluN 1510. JrLG1,NIGATl0Ne Leo SALARIES. The police do- eartnent of Salt L..e City shall consist of the follo:,in, offi- cers, those annual salaries shall be a.a iis ed by the lloarc_ of Comaissi_oners, within the limits specified: Chief of Police, ,rho shall be heao or the police department, not, to r;<:ceed 5,600.00 1 Inspector, n n u t,80s0.00 5 a u :;,840.00 'b Dat( ctive aorcants, 8,160.00 ]. t u.,'rinL nd_i nt of Identification . . " " " .,160.00 1 . . u n u 0t�0.00 Secretary to uh�c.f of Police, � 8, 7. Chi tiers of .... .cord bureau.. . . . , u " " �l li :u_trntnts, " 2e,040.00 10 berl;':a.nts, is a " 1,'.i80.00. 1 radio technician II If II 1,'130.00 1 chief Jailor, " " If 1,'o80.00 1 secretary to Detective depart ant . . " " " i,o60.00 cleros of 1a-cord Curcau " " " 1,860.00 clerds of Identification bureau . . " " 1,860.00 is radio operators " IT If 1,860.00 Patrolmen - 1st Grade, " " " 1,o60.U0 - brad " n n u 1,740.00 II - Ord n II It If 1,620.00 Policetomen - ist Cade - 2nd " " " n 1,500.00 ord " u Ti u 1,130.00 1 ;:9.atron I ,0,00.00 bb,0Tlui, a,. In the oein _on of the hoard of Correnis'loners, it n c,.r.oary to the ;;c,ace, health and soft ty of the inhabitants of salt Like: City that this ordinancee become effective immediately. b0C'1'Iur1 (i. This or0 nal9i shall tale erfeet upon :its � I d f'Lrot publicL.tion. II s-e d by the 'or rd of Loi eJ ssioners of Salt Labe City, Ifft Utah, this , ""day of , f: o . City 1h ecorc r�eorc r. jar • III - I,I i � a 4 M •. _.� /1 H I 7 $ d Q , _ • � . • • r Proof of Publication flillfllfllIllil UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, STATE OF UTAH, S( ss. County of Salt Lake. oampreitcE AN ORDINANCE AafBNDINr9 SECTION 1510 of.the.Revised Or= dimness of'Salt Lake City,Utah, 1820,as•amende4 by an ordinance pion „o-the Board t of Co Nair I PL^iRRY WOLFF lug to the police department. being first duly lie it ordained by the Board of 'Utah isslonera of Obit.Lake City, sworn, depose and say that I am the Chief Clerk of THE SALT LAKE 'SECTION'1. That Section 11l31 Of the�y0 Revised Ordinances of.Said Late;OSty:Utah,.1020,as amended TELEGRAM, a newspaper of general circulation, published every day by an ordinance pawed"by. the •SPerd-bf Commlastoners on Pe lice=tl ports0000,'hanrand to the e pa same at Salt Lake City, State of Utah. is hereby amended to read as fSle lows: boot&IN 1510..ORGANIZATIONS AND SALARIES. Theapolice de- conaistnof tthelfo Lake ll following shall That the notice AN.ORDIi:-A't CL�'.. Wl1s�pee annual salaries shall be as fixed by the Board of Commlesfoh- era,within the limits specified: SALT LAIC CITY CORPORA"_'IOiV Not to Exceed �_fr'ht9t„Of'Police. who shall be Vinod Of the pobce.de- partment, $.1.13004 • 1" pbotor. 07,04 rJ:. etpootj s o 2,240.0'0 7_yfetootive Sergeants 2,150.00 .3 ' 13perintendent of Idea- ' ,.tifldetlon 2,180.00 .3•Secretary to Chief of Po- ' lice • 1 Chief Clerk of Record Su- 2,090.00 2 Lieutenants. 2,040.00 of which a copy is hereto attached, was first published in said news- 10 adio nta 1,980,00 1'Radio Technician 1,980.00 1 Chief Jailor 1,980.00 1 secretary to Detective in its issue dated the y Department 1,88090 paper 28t�a of Ap 1 49 33 2 Clerks'of Record Bureau 1,800:00 2 Clerks of Identification Bureau . 1,860.00 3 Radio operators 1,860.00 and was published in each daily issue of said newspaper, on Patrolmen, first grade 1,860.00 -£,. Patrolmen,second grade 1,740.00 C Patrolmen, third grade 1,020.0000 • Policewomen, first grade 1,62003 April 28th Policewomen, cons grade 1,500.00 for Policewomen, third grade.1,380.00 S1 Matron ion 00 the Liooard i'Commissioners,e i i°it'Ls One insertion neoeseary to the peace,healt and, thereafter, the full period of safety:of_the inhabitants of SaR Lake City that'this ordinance be- come effective e immediately. n a ordinance shag( the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the 28 th take.effect upon Its first publics s Lion. Passed by the Board of Commis- ' s Of Salt Lake City,Utah,into April 33 2'lto dIAay of A. . 9 ... 0IS MARCUS,MnMa or. (Seal) STNEL MACDONALD, City Recorder. PublishedAp 30.. ril 28,1933. �� Subscribed and sworn to before me t Is 28th day of April A. D 33,% Notary Public. My commission expires Advertising fee, $ i • Proof of Publication From The Salt Lake Telegram .�.:'i,,:r�✓ . . .`. . . 1. . County Entry No.