10 of 1935 - Amending Chapter VII, relating to the Board of Health - by products plants. ROLL CALF. - _ . .
VOTING AYE NAY � Salt Leke City, Utah, F Eli 19 193
Goggin I move that the ordinance be passed.
Keyser �' �IZ �
Knight ,t �— j/!i L/� L ✓
Lee i.
Mr. Chairman - -
3A'1f / /...
nances of Salt Lake City, Utah, rslatinn to the Soa_rd of Health,
by adding in and to said Chapter a new Section to be known as
ection 307.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt
Lake City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That Chapter VII, of the Revised Ordinances
of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934, relatinrs to the Board of Health, he
and the same is hereby amended by adding in and to said Chapter a
new section to be known as Section 307, which shall read as follows:
SEC. 307. (a) It shall be unlawful for any person
to conduct, maintain, operate or continue in the operation of
any business, trade or establishment for the rendering, heat-
ing, cooking or steaming of any animal or vegetable products
or substances, tannery, soap factory, animal or vegetable by-
10 product reduction plant or any other business or trade which
does or may by the nature of the business create or emit offen-
sive or noisome odors, gasses or vapors in or within one mile
of the limits of Salt Lake City without first obtaining a writ-
ten permit from the Board of Health of Salt Lake City.
(b) Each ap?plicant for permit to open, operate, con-
duct or continue in operation any of the businesses or trades
named herein shall in order to meet the expense incident to
the regulation of such business or trade -pay to the Board of
Health of ScAt Lake City at the time of making application and
annually thereafter while said business or tr shall continue
in operation a fee of One Hundred Fifty ($1"o'" 0) Dollars.
(c) The application for permit shall be in writing
toting the the location of the pro cored business or trade, the
name of the person proposing to operate such business or brad-,
the nature anl. extent of the business, the complete plans and
specifications of the building end equiPment erected. or to be
• erected or altered for use in such business and shall be sub-
• scribed to by the applicant.
(d) No such business or trade described herein shal
be opened, operated, conducted or maintained or permitted to
be operated in or within one mile of the limits of felt Lace
City otherwise than in accordance with the terms of the writ-
ton permit issued therefor by the board of health and such law-
.• ful rules and regulations as shall from time to time be promu_ -
. gated by the board of health and then only at such location
as shall be designated by the board of heath in said permit.
(e) The board of health is hereby authorized to oakr
such rules and regulations not inconsistent with this ordAnan e
as may be necessary to carry out the Purposes of this ordinanie.
(f) The board of health shall,at any time it deter-
nines that a nuisance exists upon any such premises or that afly
• such business is unsanitary or that any lawful rule or regula
tion of the board of health or any Provision of this ordinanc,
is not being coo' )lied with, Proceed to servo notice in accord
anco with the provisions of this chapter and in addition ther -
to may within two days after the service of such notice and i.
the event that the terms of such notice have not been complied
with revoke the permit. Iffter notiae of the revocation of sc d
permit it shall be unlawful for any person to continue sl:Jch
business in operation until such permit shall have been re-
stored or a new permit granted.
(g) It shall be unlawful for any person to violate
any of the following -provisions:
I. No such business shall be operated or maintained
within ore-half mile of any existing dwelling, school or
church except dwellings owned by the operator of said. busines ,
.• and occupied by employees.
2. No person shall burn, bury or otherwise dispose
of any an'iu1.a1 or vegetable matter which may create offensive
odors on any public or private 'premises in or within one mile
of the limits of Salt Lake City without first notifying the
board of health in vritin%, of the intention so to do.
3. No visable or offensive gas, vapor or other
volatile matter shall be emitted from the ,plant, business or
trade Into the air.
4. No condensed gas, vapor or other matter shall be
permitted to drain upon the surface of the ;round. or into any
stream or river.
5. 6.11 rendering equipment used in and about any
such business or trade shall be entirely enclosed within such
buildings as shall be approved by the board of health.
6. 1.11 rendering, heating, cooink or steaming of
any animal or vegetable products or substances in such busi-
ness or trade shall be conducted in steam tight kettles, tnnls
or boilers as to entirely condense, decompose, deodorize and
destroy odors, vapors or gaseous products.
7. ill plants, buildings and equipment shall be of
rat proof construction and. be kept conducted. and maintained
in a manner as to ,_prevent the harboring or breeding of rats,
mice, rodents, insects and flies.
S. L.1.1 windows, doors and other openings to all
buildings occupied by such business or trade shall be kept
screened and upon lt,ritten direction. by the board of health
shall be screened with electrically charged screens of such
voltage to electrify and kill flies contacting such screens.
0. L11 conveyances shall be provided with non-
odorous covering ,shtch shall at all times be used to ,,revcnt
offensive or noisome odor.
10. LI.1 . ldinrs, epuipment, premises, floors,
walls, conveyances, plants and tools shall be 1:emt clean and
• shall be washed and thoroughly cleansed ever:; day and w l.ls
and floors covered with water-proof material then in the
opinion of the board o,F health it is necessary.
la. til such businesses and trades shall be kept by
the manae;c:ment open to inspection by L.ny inspector of the board
of health.
CEC^_IEDN Any Berson violatiO D any provision of thin
rule or
ordinance or any lav:fu]rr-etu ation of the hoard of health shall be
punished by a fine in any sum not exceeding; Dro Hundred Ninety-
nine (M23:3.00) Dollars or by impri oonment in the city jail not
loner than ix months', or by 14 h :uch i„ e and imprisonment.
SECTION 3,Tn,•.the oninxpn of the nbar•d of Cor?missionero,
it is necessarynecessaryto the inhrbi.tAtIs of Salty Ta'--e City that this ord i-
nance become affective impedia.Ge. y, :
SLCTIQI)I 'This ordin ghce sli#11 t,.ahe effect upon its
first publication
Passed by the Bo - f `om;,issioners o be City,
Ut_.h this _ day of
DI yor.
City I'ecorder.
k*.:"‘ 0
4 �,+ �, :sue I
f roof of 1uh1litatinrt
bitited *Wee of Auterita
i?.A'N'ORDINANCE any person to violate any of the
in-s"LI(TAN1 .A NI S'N D'I N G following provisions;"
}d TF k It"Of the Revised -1.. No such business shall be
a pienstes,of Salt Lake City,• operated orn maintained within.
tall, relating to,the Board of one-half mile of any existing-� p ___' -o -rsUN
th,by adding In and to said dwelling, school.or church'ert•
r a new-seeti0n to be cent dwellings. owned.by the op-
1a t`ietfc$b'f , .-, erator Of said business,and occu-
lt ed by the Board of pied by employes, orn,deposes and says,that he is the Principal Clerk
q$ lsaigi s of.Salt Lake City, 2. Na person shall burn,bury
tote ;,i, -, or otherwise dispose- of any ani-
s${kIt11g 1. That Chapter mat or vegetable.matter which; DAILY TRIBUNE, a newspaper published in
y�f'Of the RevisedOrdinances of may.create offensive odors on
.al�t Take City,Utah 1934,relat- any public or private premises in
otthe Bosard of Health,be and or within one mile of the limits,
, o is•hereby amended by at Salt Lake City without tirst1alt Lake County, State of Utah.
'a m and'to said Chapter'a notifying the board of health in
W 9hctlon to be known as Sec- writing of the intention so to do.
i t'(8.07 which shall.'read as 3. No visible or offensive gas, AN ORDINANCE
f0 O: vapor or other volatile matter Mee 1
5�C, $07. (a) It shall be'un- shall be emitted from the plant, a
ill anx person to conduct, business or trade into the air, SALT LAKE CITY CORPORATION
i0tain *Panda-Or continue in 4. No condensed gas,vapor or
the Opegatton ,of-any business, , other matter shall be permitted to
trade-or establishment for the _drain upon the surface of the
71gAQering heating, cooking or. ground or into any stream or
♦teppring of)any animal or vege- river.
1?l prq'duhta.oe.5ubstances,tan- 5. All rendering equipment
fir,-seep' faotoop,animal or used in and about any such busi-
eg tgpt€ by-Product reduction ness or trade shall be entirely en-
1d A or.other business or closed within such buildings as
e4 ,4h(doef Or May by the shall be approved by the board
4 e the business create or of health •
l e ansive or`noisome odors, 6. All rendering, h e a tin g,s hereto attached,was first published in said news-
ad or Vapors in of within one cooking or:steaming of any ant-
1I �{tppe limits of Salt Lake mat or vegetable products or sub-
i wtitROV,11`•kl$1,st Obtaining a stances in such business or trade dated the 20th
t ¢li patmat"'from the Board .shalt be conducted in steam tight
f ealth Of Salt Lake City-' kettles;tanks or boilers as to en-
( } Iilicant for permit tirely"condense,.decompose, de-
0.0B•`�.,., a e1 conduct or con-' odorize and destroy odors,vapors February , 1933.--., 1
t', £.1twi or gaseous,.p5oducts,
. named 7. All plants, buildings and
hsj "jl. ' equipment shall be of rat proof hed in each daily issue of said newspaper, on
a .rig;- 'regulat on of such construction and be kept conduct-
i ed and maintained in a manner as 1
tYstealt or fSott pay to thy"at the
f ke b. a Salt appe City at d toofprevent atthe e rodents,
bserter 20 th
line,-8f making,appliaatibn and ing of rats,mice,rodents,inserter for
if' diy'-theleatter •while.said and flies.
bap dr 4rade shall continue 8. All windows, doors and
140 f4.eatOue-14 other openings to all buildthgs111period of-...One.--insertion
af150 )Dollars 'i t- occupied.by such business or p
co)'•Ty}e applieatioq for per- trade shall be kept screened and
$ili ehixll be in Writing stating the upon-written, direction by the
n,lotA,o of the proposed business "board of health shall be screened the last publication thereof 1
ew ttsdf the name:of the Personwith electrically charged screens -1
yyoposing'tq'operate such busi- of such voltage to electrify and 1
'BSflo or trade,the nature and ex- kill flies contacting such screens.'
'tent cif the business,the eomplete 9.`All conveyances shall. bete dated the 20th day of
Plana.and Specifications.of the provided..with nonodorous"cov-,
htttl ing nod-equpipment erected ering which shall at all times be
lO;:bg erected or altered for used to prevent offensive or noi-iZ7 ,A.D.193 a l
1.,.. .eh pysipeds and shall be some odor- - -
, r31 to`b3'i t1Ln• bppllcant. 10. All buildings, equipment,
L0. q sUch business or trade premises, floors, walls, convey-
'Can"' ed harem shall be opened, ,areas, plants-arrd-loots shall be
oeatad' andueted'or main- kept clean and shall"Be washed
thinr$2;be pOin ltte'd to be operat- and thoroughly.cleansed every
ad er Within one mile,of the *ay and walls and floors covered
1}mt `of,$11t take City'other- with Waterproof material when 20th day of
wioh tiiaf[;kr aegoydance with the in the opinion of the board of
-tserMe of$he'written permit is- health it is necessary.'
sued;.tiewefOr by the board of 11. All such businesses and
health and such lawful rules and' trades shall be kept by the man
Tegullations as shall from time to agement open to inspection by--5
Ta'phrcxlt n•ulgated by-the board any inspector.of the board:of
t and,the only at such health. /
oaten as shallbe designated by SECTION 2. Any person vier_ wYG/ _��Q�
the boarder health in said permit. /alma any provision of this Ordi-.
(e1 The board of health is ranee or any lawful rule or regu- - '- Notary Public.
hereby authorized to mike such lotion of the board of health shall
today*Inc{'regulations not incon- be punished by a fine in any
'-'z/fiatettt... wilts this ordinance as sum not exceeding Two Hundred
••nifty,be neCehaary to carry out Ninety-nine ($290.00) Dollars or
the lftjurppoees of this ordinance. by imprisonment in the city jail
(i13',-'flip board'Of health shall, not.longer than six months,or
ict+alty,time it.determines that a by both such fine and imprison-
t4tileqtTCe gxtstojspon any" such ment.
HlE pt" 'that any such - SECTION 3 In"the opinion'of
.,u1 - ur0OasRary or that any the Board of Commissioners, it
s.y •'.Mike Or regulation of. the Is necessary to the inhabitants fee
4 and<Ot'hd h'or-any provision of Salt Lake City that this ordi-
af *la',Ili' ee is not being Oance become effective imme-
aeqt fled W proceed to serve diately.
np in accordance with the pro SECTION. 4. This ordinance
iiisfs.ef thtt chapter and in ad- shall take effect upon its first
tutoa"thereto map within two publication,da s,after the service of such no Passed by the Board of Com- ifF
t A,¢ejpgd in the%event'that the misioners of<-Salt Lake City, ---
f na,,Af snobnotloe'have not dtah,:this 19th day of February,
ettn5-cqmp}sad With revoke"the A D.1935. +
ek"mlt,.After{.nottce of the revo. .LOUIS'tuABCUS,
oatltfh:of said germ{t it.Shall"be • Maygr."
k fotilany,:peraon.to cumETHEL MacDONALD,
tlttu turn 1>818111d8s In operation City.Recorder,
sril, V,'b permirdhall have been (SEAL)
%r`q new permit granted 1 BILL NO. 10. "-
Rim 4 �tl-be,untawtul,for Publtshe$1 February 20th,1935.
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