10 of 1936 - Amending Section 96 relating to the Board of Health, duties and heads. .. s w _. --". ROLL CALL VOTING AYE NAY Salt Lake City;Utah, •i ''ra 193 Goggin I move that the ordinance be passed. Keyser `/ 4 - '/ Murdoch % l , ggxx ;'" i7 Lee Mr. chairman '— AN ORDINANCE Result AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 96, of the Revised Ordi- nances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1234, relating to the Board of gealth. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION I. That Section 96, of the Revised. Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 7934, he and the sates is hereby amended to read as follows: SEC. 96. DIVISION DUTIES AND BEADS. The division of health, under the charge of the Health Commissioner, shall in- clude the registration of vital statistics, the office.employees and all employees not detailed for duty in other divisions. The laboratory division, under charge of the Bacteri- ologist, shall include all laboratory vrork of the department and the assistants assigned to it, and such other duties as may be assigned to it by the Health Commissioner. The division of communicable disease, under charge of the second assistant health commissioner, shall include the control of communicable disease including venereal disease and tuberculosis and such other duties as may be assigned to it by the Health Commissioner. The division of nursing, under the charge of the chief nurse, shall include all the nurses of the department and shall assign nurses to other divisions of the department for such duties as the Health Commissioner may direct. The division of child hygiene, under the direction of a. director rho shall be a graduate of a reputable medical col- lege, shall include the infar rwelfare conferences and such other duties as may be assigned to it by the Health Commissioner. *2* The emergency hospital, under the charge of the ii first assistant health commissioner, shall include thc care of accident cases for emergency treatment, the medical and li surgical care of induatrial injuries among city employeed, the medical investiation of suicides, homicides, the morgue If and such other duties as may be assighed to it by the Health Commissioner. The Sanitary Division, the div sion of meat and food and inspection,Athe division of dairy inspection, Wider the charge of the Chief Veterinary and Dairy Ins"A vr ctor it the follow- ingr�< ing duties: - ^.. The disposal of garbage.and" other mast4s, includ-- Yt ing the city dump and incinerator, sa, tary,.ina Ac''tion of al] meat, milk and other food inspection apd such o yr duties fl as may be assigned by the Health Commissioner SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitantsi of Salt Lake City that this ordinance shall take effect immediate ly. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect at once upol its first publication. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this day of 930. City Recorder. j sI '; II 1 I ( 1 Jr. rdAj 1/ • • Presented to tho ward of Commissioners • AND PASSED f f ,��qf'i cP740.!°,jinLrf it s • First Publication in MAR 26-„3i� 6 • attAtePtiameryna CfTY-RECORDER Proof of 1Johliratiott nifrd'tsfrs of)tmrrira STATE OF UTAH SS. COUNTY OF SALT LAKE AN ORDINANCE- An Ordinance Amending Section TY P, TT;OD'�PSOPT 96,of the Revised Ordinances of Salt I:ake City,Utah,1934,relating to the Hoard of Health. .Be.It ordained by the Board of ---"Oomrnieslonere of bait-Lake City, yeah: being first duly sworn,depose and say that I am the Chief Clerk of Section 3, That Section 90,of the Revised Ordinance. of Salt Lake hereby amended to read asd followsi: The:90,division of health,an e eau, THE SALT LAKE TELEGRAM,a newspaper,published at Salt Lake charge of the Health Commiseioner,I shall include the registration of vi- talyes City,State of Utah. and statistics, office mploYes not detai detailed ram, duty in other divisions. • The laboratory division, Under ' Includeoallthe i boratoyriworrk of ttia, That the Notice Al'? ORDINANCE. department and the assistants s-I may ybe ecsi tot'assigned to t and such rbyutthe Health commissioner, SALT LAKE CITY CORPORATION The division of communicable dis- ease,under charge of the second as- -.latent health mmoosioner, shall include the disease Includingcommunicable )of eadisease and tuberculosis and such other du- ties as may be assigned to It-by the Health Commissioner, The division of nursing,under the charge of the chief nurse,shall In- clude all the nurses of the depart- ment and shall assign nurses to other divisdutiee as f t e department lth menttnforr of which a copy is hereto attached,was first published in saidnews- suchs1bnr may direct. The'division of child hygiene,un- der the a grade to o director who in its issue dated the shall a0 a graduate s f are in- paper ri medical w college,shall su the such 'f4ne welfare,conferences mbas and ocit carer duties as may be assi Health gned io ite Mar eh , 1935 • by hesemergency hospital,under the day of ' charge of the first assistant health commeisioner,shall include the care of accident eases for emergency and was published in each daily issue of said newspaper, on ' treatment,the medical and surgical care of Industrial injuries among city employes,the medical investi- gation f suicides, homicides, the morgue assigned tootherh by the may Health CT Itaniitary Division,he division One insertion of meat and food inspection,and the thereafter,the full period of division of'dairy inspection,under and Dairy Inspector e of the Chief with thet follow- mg duties: the last publication thereof The disposal of garbage and other wastes,including the city dump and incinerator,sanitary inspection of all a dt'sufh and other duties food Inspection ay be being in the issue dated the 2Ft;h day of - assigned by'the Health Commis- sioner. Section 2. In the opinion of the 1'•%r`1rCh ,A.D.193 Board of Commies,it 1s neces- eery to the peace,,health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance shall take cV ef- Rf�,+�.q� fe immediately. Section 3, This ordinance shall take effect et once Upon Its first publlcalton. Passed by the Board of Commis 2 F th 25thg dayrofaMarrch,n Utah, 1930. this to before me this day of E.B.ERWIN,Mayor. Ethel Macdonald„City Recorder. ^seal.) _ March , A. D. 193 6 Notary Public. My commission expires '2 /f`37 Advertising fee$... • 10 PROOF OF PUBLICATION FROM itialtt arlegram County Entry No