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10 of 1939 - Amending Chapter LIX, Revised Ordinance 1934, relating to Traffic and Travel parking meter zones
ROLL CALL • Salt Lake City, Utah, 4AR -9 ,j39 , 193 VOTING AYE NAY Goggin V; I move that the ordinance be passed. Keyser • • - Matheson - - - - VJ Murdock - - - - 1•� Mr.Chairman - - - ° AN ORDINANCE Result AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER LIX of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934, relating to traffic and travel on streets, by adding in and to said chapter a new section to be known as Section 1426,relating to traffic and regulating the use of public streets in the City of Salt Lake City; defining and providing for the establishment of parking meter zones; regulation and control and in- spection of the parking of vehicles therein by the use of parking meters;,prescribing limits of time for parking in parking meter zones; providing for the enforcement and providing penalties for the viola- tion hereof. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Chapter LIX of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934, relating to traffic and travel on streets, be and the same is hereby amended by adding in and to said chapter a new section to be known as Section 1426, relating to traffic and regu- lating the use of public streets in the City of Salt Lake City3 defin- ing and providing for the establishment of parking meter zones; regu- lation and control and inspection of the parking of vehicles therein by the use of parking meters; prescribing limits of time for parking in parking meter zones; providing for the enforcement and providing penalties for the violation hereof; which shall read as follows: SEC. 1426. (a) For the purposes of this ordinance: "Parking Meter Zones" means zones, areas or streets established or designated by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City as those within or upon which the parking of vehicles shall be controlled, regulated and inspected with the aid of tim- ing devices or meters, herein referred to as parking meters or meters. 11� -2- (b) The following area within the City of Salt Lake City is hereby established as a parking meter zone: The area bounded on the north by the north line of North Temple Street, on the south by the north line of 5th South Street, on the east by the east line of 2nd East Street, and on the west by the west line of West Temple Street. (c) The Commissioner of Public Safety is hereby authorized and directed to install meters in all parking meter zones hereby established or hereafter created by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City for the purpose of and in such numbers and at such places as in his judgment may be necessary to the regulation, control and inspection of the parking of vehicles therein. (d) Parking meters installed in parking meter zones shall be placed upon the curb immediately adjacent to the indi- vidual parking spaces hereinafter described and each parking meter shall be so constructed and adjusted as to show or dis- play a signal that the space adjacent to which it is establish- ed is or is not legally in use. (e) The Commissioner of Public Safety shall have lines or markings painted or placed upon the curb or street adjacent to each parking meter designating the parking space for which said meter is to be used and each vehicle parked ad- jacent or next to any parking meter shall park within the lines or markings so established. It shall be unlawful to park any vehicle across any such line or marking or to park a vehicle in such a position that the same shall not be entirely within the space designated by such lines or markings. (f) It shall be unlawful for any person to cause, allow, permit or suffer any vehicle registered in his name or operated or controlled by him to be or remain in any space tp- on any street within a parking meter zone adjacent to which a parking meter is established for more than one hundred twenty (120) consecutive minutes or any time during which the meter - S -3- is displaying a signal indicating that that space is illegally in use, except during the time necessary to set the said meter to show legal parking and excepting also, during the time from 6:30 P. M. to 9:00 A. M. and during legal holidays. (g) Parking meters when installed shall be so adjust- ed as to show legal parking during a period of twelve minutes upon and after the deposit of a United States one cent coin therein and twenty-four minutes upon and after the deposit of two United States one cent coins and sixtymminutes upon and after the deposit therein of one United States five cent coin and one hundred twenty minutes upon the deposit therein of twc United States five cent coins. (h) It shall be unlawful to deposit or cause to be deposited in any parking meter, any slug, device or metallic substitute for one cent or five cent coins of the United States. (i) It shall be unlawful for any person to deface, injure, tamper with, open or wilfully break, destroy, or im- pair the usefulness of any parking meter installed pursuant to this ordinance. (j) It shall be the duty of the Chief of Police under the direction of the Commissioner of Public Safety to keep account of all violations of this ordinance and to report: 1. The number of each parking meter which indi- cated that the vehicle occupying the parking space adjacent to such parking meter is or has been parked in violation of any of its provisions; 2. The State license number of such vehicle; 3. The length of time during which such vehicle is parked; 3. Any other facts, a knowledge of which is necessary to a thorough understanding of the circumstances attending such violation. 5. To attach to such vehicle a notice that it has been parked in violation of this ordinance and instructing the owner or operator to report at the Desk Sergeant's office -4- at the Police Department of the City of Salt Lake City in re- gard to such violation. Each such owner or operator, may, within twenty-four (24) hours after the time when such notice was attached to such vehicle, pay to the Desk Sergeant or other officer in charge at his office, in full satisfaction of such violation, the sum of One Dollar which shall be remitted by the Chief of Police to the city treasurer. (k) Any person who shall violate any of the provi- sions of this ordinance and any person who aids, abets or as- sists therein, shall, upon conviction thereof, be subject to a fine of any amount not exceeding Fifty Dollars ($50.00) for each offense or violation or be imprisoned in the city jail for a term not exceeding one hundred days, or both. A judg- ment that a fine be paid for a violation of this ordinance shall provide that the person against whom it is directed shall in default of its payment serve one day in the city jail for each $2.00 of the fine. (1) The coins deposited in parking meters as provid- ed herein are hereby levied and assessed as fees to provide for the proper regulation, control and inspection of traffic upon the public streets, and the cost of supervising, regulat- ing and inspection of the parking of vehicles in the parking meter zones created hereby, and to cover the cost of the pur- chase, supervision, protection, inspection, installation, oper- ation, maintenance, control and use of the parking meters in- stalled therein, and the fund created thereby shall be devoted) wxclusively to those purposes. (m) This ordinance so far as consistent therewith shall be deemed to be in addition and supplementary to, and not in conflict with nor a repeal of prior or existing ordi- nances of this City, but shall be an additional provision for the regulation of traffic and parking in the parking meter zones provided for herein. SECTION 2. If any section, part of section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance shall be held to be unconstitu- -5- tional or invalid, the remaining provisions hereof shall neverthe- less remain in full force and effect. SECTION 3. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in con- flict with the provisions of this ordinance be and the same are hereby repealed. • . SECTION 4. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants 1 of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately.. SECTION 5. This ordinance shall:take effect upon its first publication. I Passed by the Board'of Coo , issi©ners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 9 day of 7k,lci�e,)( A.D. 1939. 1�n g /� Mayor. Core Rom- _I 1 1 , v r. j 0 t „..7 Cr 11 1 i , , Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH,l County of Salt Lake r • Legal Notices Leo hI.Young AxY ORDINANCE AN'ORI1IHAi4CB1 AMENDING CHAPTE& 1, Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad- I,IE of the'Reviled Ordinances of Salt; andCity,Utah, NM,relating to traffic': vertisingclerk ofTHE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper d travel on streets,by adding in and to Bald chapter a new section to be known as .•Section 1478,relating to traffic and raga- published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State toting the use of public: streets In the' City of Salt Lake City;defining sod Pro:• of Ll tah. viding for the establishment of parking meter zones; regulating and control and ; inspection of the parking of vehicleathefe- That the advertisement Ordinance Bill No, 10 relating id by the use of parking meters: pie•, scribing limits of tin. for.parking in Parking meter zones: providing for the' enforcement and Pr piling panaltfee for to trafi'ic on streets and regulatingparkingmeter zones. the violation heron.. ml eiotnet roine itbiake cnr0 ells 1. Cpm- (Salt Lake City Corporation) RevisedlOrdinan That of Salt Lake CiittyoUtah,1 1034, relating to traffic and travel on streets,be and the same 1e hereby emend. ed by adding In and to Bald chapter anew section 4n tto be,known as Section 1478, relating gulating the use' 4 public streets in the City o1 Salt Lake ty;defining and providing for the setae• ti was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the RBhment of parking meter zones; rag➢) laden and control,and 'nspeeton of the'. °arksng° gaet by nee' 10th March 39 time parking panting meter 00 01 day of A.D. 19.----.-- parking.meter Zoned;' .M4•Ding:ler the enforcement la and provid.• SE•pens}tlra_.Sor the lows:i°n hereof;. and was published 1 tine C.shall read F°r°the°purposes of this ordinance: abasairi°gtretts estater blished moans the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the by the Board of Commissioners of Salt 'Lake City as those within upon which the parking of vehices shall ', be controlled A.D. 19 ed to as pad devices gmetDs or with established`y day of e w timing devices or meters, here' parking Gene or a wit (Sa The followingCity is a t of Salt Lake City to hereby88 a Darking `• p The a bounded onthe north by the vertisin Cler £~ Borth th line by the Northnorth alined Street, on the g Street the east by the east lino of Loot St t, d thewent by the .., �1)'1 weer Temp-0 Street. ld�°h °- Dk. f Pdbhc Safe• gg 1F _innd meter' z t° .�" Der seated 13th f Salt Lake • In..n nuns. before me this day of tiers and i such'places as-in his iudg• en m t may,be necessary to the regulation, vehicles end inspection of the parking of lclenlea therein, 19--s9 yek ed) Parking meters Installed in parking meter zone. shall be placedupon- the• j curb immediately adjacent to the lodlvid. u 1 parking ➢aces heres afIcr described ad k and parking ter hap bee playa d djueted u to how or die• play ]anal that the space l g to which a it is eeibliehed is or Is not legally in use. diary Public. — _C 0 , ' ' .-....„ Nke .,1- i''' t % I -`.- kL Z t21' 1' — I"• -, \ _ \-... \ f•*. ---___ ow• 0 M r 0 . . 1 [ , t -- _. shah The a a heat or markings plainteeddl or aor placed upon the curb or Street adjacent to each parking meter designating the parking apace for which said meter Is to be used and each vehicle parked adjacent or next to any parking meter shah park within the lines or markings.so eetabliebed. It shall be unlawful to park any vehicle across any such line or marking to park a vehicle in euch'a posit [ion that the seine shall not be entirely within the space designated by Such lines or markings. Ail It shall-be unlawlut for any person to Gauss allow, permit or Buffer any vehicle registered in his n Operated or controlled by him to he or remain in any apace upon any street within a park- ing meter zone adjacent to which a parking meter is established for more than one hundred twenty (120) consecutive minutes or any time during which,the meter ie die. playing a signal indicating that that space is Illegally in use.except during the time necessary to set the maid meter to show legal parking and excepting also, durins the time from 0:30 P.M.to 9:00 A.M.and during legal holidays. (e)Parking,meters when installed'shall be so adjusted as to chow legal parking during a'period'of twelve minutes upon and cent e t after one the herein and tw of a enty-four eety-four natant. upon end after the deposit of two tautr upon Statested and after the deposit therein e of one United States five cent coin and poe hundred twenty m note upon the de- reft therein of two United States five cent mine. (fi)I shall depcss°lea tin any todeposit parkin cause to beg meter, any slug. device or metallic a b- Istitute for ono cent or five cent coma of the United States. (I)It shall be unlawful for anl VON n to deface, injure.tamper with.open or wilfully break,destroy, or impair the usefulness of any parking meter installed pursuant to this ordinance. (i)It shall be the duty-of the Chief of Police under the direction of the Com- 'mtisinaer of Public Safety to keep ao. one of all violations Of this ordinance and'to revert: --_ . I.The number of each parking meter which indicates that the vehicle occupying the parking apace adjacent to such bark- ing meter is or has been barked in vio- lation of any of its provisions: 8.The State license number of uch en. •length of time during which e is parked: yf �Piker fact,to a knowledge of necessarycircumstances antes A der- �bif the matancea Attending , h tosuch vehicle a notice ek D ked ti Station f I d pep ttng the .,of to Dort at the Desk M.,office t the Police Depart- City of Salt he City re violation.. Each such owner • may. witelp when such (24/ • the'time such vehicle,su e,spay to the y3 ant or other officer in charge In full atisfaction of such 1 lOne Dollar ich m p kF, fled by the Chief. f Police • Aty treasurer. .;':`4r:iiIMB person who shall violate'any previaiona f this ordinance and any person who aide, abets r mate therein, shall, upon conviction thereof, be subject to a fine o naamount not seeding Fifty Dollars (550.00) for each offense or violation or be imprisoned i the city jail for a term not exceeding one hundred dare,or both. A judgment that a fine be paid fora violation of this ordinance shall provide that the person against whom it le directed shall in de- fault-of its payment serveday 1n the city jail for each$. of one the Pine. (1)The mina deposited in parking me- tern as provided herein are hereby levied ss and.a need as fees to provide for the D/ODerregulation. control and inspection of traffic upon the public streets, and the coat of supervising, regulating and inspection of the parking of vehicles in the parking meter Caerecreated hereby. and.torn r the coat oof a th purchase,su- pervision. protection, inspection, installa. tion,operation,maintenance. control and use'of the parking meters installed there- and the fund created thereby shall be devoted exclusively to those purposes. (m)This ordinance so far as sistent therewith shall be deemed to becon In addi. tion and supplementary to.and not in con- flict with nor a t repeal of prior o exist-. ing ordinances of this City, but shall be an additional provision 4or the reptile- tion f traffic and parking in the paring RM -provided for herein. SECTION 2.If any section,Dart of ordinancetashall•beusheldr tohbe eunco sti- vireters 1 hereof vehall neverthele srnremain In fall force and.effect. POTION 3.All ordinances or parts -ordinencea In conflict with the erne. lions o1 this ordinance be and the same hereby repealed. POTION 4.In the opinion of the Board r Commissioners. it is necessarY to the health d safety of the lohabi- ^It of Salt Lake City that this ordi- enECTIONme s n S.Th Mordinceeffeives shall take ect upon er Paned by r first the Board u of publication. Salt Lake City.Utah,this 9th day of arch, A. D, 1939. JOIIN M. WALLACE,May er. •EA MACDONALD, `(SEAL) City Recorder. y Bill No. te. Published March 10th,1939.