10 of 1943 - Amending Section 875 relating to organization and salaries in Police Department ROLL CALL. 7 —f V salt Lake City, Utah, ~4 3 l94 VO'C 1NG - - - - I move that the ordinance he passed. Keyser - - - Matheson - - McConkie alkxgZeki cx - - Mr.Chaa'an - - - -- AN ORDINANCE Rea,Jt - - - - AN O;RDIVii1NCE AMENDING DEL 875 of the kovised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934, as amended by ordinances passed by the koard of Coiw,rissio'.nors on November 10, 1936; December 6, 1939; Novem- ber 19, 1.940; September 17, 1941; February 19, 1942; April 28, 1942; June 9, 1942; and November 24, 1942; relating to the Police Depart- ment. be :it ordained by the Board of Co,amisstoncrs of Salt Lake City, Utah; SECTION 1. That Section 875 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934, as amended by ordinances passed by the domed of Commissioners on November 10, 1936; December 6, 'i939; dovem- ber 19, 1940; September 17, 1941; I''ebrua_ry 19, 194:..; ltpril 28, 1942; June 9, 1942; and November 24, 1942; relat.Lna to the Police Depart- ment, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: SEC. 875. OBGAI1IZATION AND 5ALA ISS. The Police Department of Bait Lake City shall consist of the following officers, whose annual salaries shall be as fixed by the guard of Commissioners,, A within the limit specified; Not to exceed. Chief of Police, who shall be head of the Police Department p4200.00 Inspector 33U0.00 (which amount includes the -l0.JU as provid- ed in Blil No. 9, published r:.pril 23,1943) 2 Captains 2760.00 1 Superintendent of I'itst Aid and saIety 2460.00 1 Superintendent oi Detective bureau '�580.O0 1 Superintendent of accords . . 2460.00 1 Assistant Superintendent of rtecords .J'J 1 Secretary to Chief of Police 2460.UU 1 Supervisor. of Instruction 2460.00 6 Lieutenants S460.00 1 ladle c echniciwn . . . 2J40.00 12 Sergeants 2200 uJ 3 Radio operators is,P0 00 Patrolmen, first Grade 21Uu.uo Patrolmen, Second Grade 1960.0O Patrolmen, Third Crude 1636O.00 Policewomen, First Grade ;L!.100',.00 :. iiLb a: in6idae; tvvi��.o. :tti tp.111, PO) LCOWaWon, L',CCOdd 6P,Jac, ;j,1740.00 L)otiOewom(3n, Tdiru Grade at Ciel•L;Ls, :,ccono 1,P1,0.00 (;lors, Fofita,to, I Lu dr—do 1560.00 1_44,0.00 Gloc , Female,▪ Third Orodc 12. 0.00 L LOUPoi Lt 1.260.00 ,;„ in L1L UnI. LLdL floe ,,odcu il. t,o,in[1:,;itorter , • necodory id inu caoc duo tn ,nd a ia L u Lao iH ,UUjalat;.; , oiL L,k0 Lity Clot CC,JU,.IUC et J, 'uLabaL,,f. ;1,',GT.1-.0 .1• Tii2 oci.lhadce Odd cane chfict, di once UpGri i — bY the LOarL, ai,cc (;11J, (Lid, LhJa671-Cd ay of „(21 -1943•;.. dajoc. e - -° ,oity im,coccr. ., . • . . . , . , . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . ., . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . .. , . , . . : . ....6 ... .'. . A e., . ZI Eg I PP - .'.. ... .1. ........ irA. "4* . 1 •** .,' ''U'. . . _ • Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH,' County of Salt Lake "('IO'fleo of the Revised Ordinancesmot L - Salt Inky City, Utah, 1934, as ended by ordinances passed by the Doarrl of Comissioners 22 November ber 19, 1030; Being first duly sworn deposes and says that he is the ad- SepteDecember 13,1939: November 19, 3990: , September 17, 1941; February ID, 1942: "�4,6la.aa'r�18;,;r,F''o'itien'hol Novem- ber vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper partment. Do it ordained by the Rnard om- m of Caf Salt Lake City,Utah: published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State SECTION 1, 'leeat Section 875 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt 'Lake City, Utah, 1939, as ',mended by finances of Utah. Passed by the Dosed of Commissioners n November 10,1936;Peeember 8,1930: November 19, 1990; September 17, 1941; 9,1942; t9, lots; April 26, 1942; rune. That the advertisement 9,1942;and November 24, 1942; ;rig to the Police Departmenk be and the same is hereby amended to read as fol. lows. • SEC.'eve ORGANIZATION me AND SA LA- Lake The 1,011 Department of Salt Lake City shall a consist of the following officers, hrwhoseannual salaries s be •s hsed the the board specified: Commissioners. - within the limit specified: Not toexceed Chief of Pal ire, shalt be De L - head of the Police Depaztntcnt §3300.00 Ina 336ao6 (whisk not ini naBi the §10.00 lishedovirled in Bill Nn, 9.0 taunt belt April 23, 1943) was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the 1 Superintendent p i 2760.00 1 ndS of First Aid 1 aSmeriohovdent of Detective 2460.00 day of A.D. 19 Dusenu 2580.00 1 Superintendent of Records 2460.00 1 Assistant Superintendent of . 1 Records 2280.00 and was published I Secretary to Chief of Police..2400.00 1 Supervisor of Instruction 2460.00 8 Lieutenants 2460.00 I. Radio Technician 2340.00 the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the 12 Sergeants 2260.00 3 Radin Operators 2220.00 F P trnnnen, tint Grade 2100.00 day o f A. D. .19Patrolmen, Second Grade 1980.00 Patrolmen, Third Grade 1860.00 •Policewomen, First Grade 2100.00 (which amount r ncludes the 010.00 as provided Bin No.9, published, Second 2nd, r d) Advertising Clerk. Policewomen, second Grade 1620.00 Clerks, Male,ThirFirst Grade 2100.00 Clerks, Male, Simi Grade 1980.00 Clerks, Male, Second Grade 1830.00 Clerks,Efate,Third Grade 160.00 •Clerks, Female Furst Grade 1560.009 Clerks, Female Second trade 1320.00 C1 Police Female, Third Grade 1260.00 1 EC I Nat2on 1260he SECTION 2. In the opinion ion of the ., aonrcl of Commissioners.Pt is neer;a ry I'n to before me this day of to the •pose, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this 1 arch/tun, take effect immediately, i SECTION 3.This ordinance shall take A. 1). 19 effect at olae upon its first publics.-I tion.• Passed by the hoard of Commissioners of Salt Lake Clty, Utah, this 29th day' -of April,A.D.1943. AB JENKINS, f Mayor, E1'EEL PIA CDONALD, f s\ \ t L+'-}C/--\f��.--R.-p\,✓ (oE4i) trity PRANK A, SHIELDS, Notary Public. Chief Deputy City Recorder. WILT,NO.to. Published May 1st,1043. • "f� Proof of Publication OF AttoPne,y.