10 of 1945 - Amending Section 6621 relating to weights and measures and oil inspection-keeping weighting instrume ROLL CALL
VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City, Utah, , 1,4
Affleck I move that the ordinance be passed.
Matheson . . .Romney '0�/
Tedesco C/!Y
Mr. Chairman . .
nances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, relating to weights and measures
and oil inspection.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City, Utah:
SECTION I. That Section 6621 of the Revised Ordinances or
Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, relating to weights and measures and oil
inspection, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows:
TO STANDARD PROHIBITED. (a) it shall be unlawful for any per-
son to use, keep or permit at his place of business where arti-
cles to be bought or sold, or offered or exposed for sale are
weighed or measured, or upon his wagon or other vehicle used in
his business of weighing or measuring articles to be bought or
sold, any weight, measure, scale, beam, patent balances, steel-
yard or other instrument which has not been seal4d as provided
in this chapter, or which does not conform to the standards of
Salt Lake City, or the State of Utah, or which shall be out of
order or incorrect.
(b) It shall also be unlawful for any person to keep, have,
make or sell any short measure, mould or weight which pretends or
purports to be g measure, mould or weight for a greater quantity
than it actually is.
(c) It shall also be unlawful to violate any of the following
1. All scales shall be placed on the counter or other
place of weighing in such a position that the reading on the cus-
t {i�irrs 'side of the scale shall be in clear and convenient
vC ;;of the customer v.ilen purchases are beirl. weighed.
I '
2. No posters or other thin p or article shall be
posted or hung oz pleecu on the scale or iii front of the
scale in such a position so as to obstruct the view of any
1 weight or amount of the re aging at any time.
5. cafes shall not be pieced under a fan of any
e ..inu or in such a position that a fan of any rind effects the
a � . true rea ia, oI the kale. '^*
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SECTION In t���pirlior f the :�uu �o:�wil� lo_�ci•s
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t ie ne c s: dry to the pet° tiff . l r sal u k}pe ,inhabitants
1 l (lali, Lal.c city than: Liz rC gal— teco,di fcC lke 1.,14ediateiy
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Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt I•lie )
Legal Notices ., Oo.rep,
EMeTIo 04 68a1ti1ra a ;ty. Dtw", Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad-
1i rela11 ti¢weirN,a and roses.
d 9laZoi te`°jf the Lake vertising clerk of TILE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper
uiR°CCmmiaei°nere f Belt
Cfty, Ltah; eB31
sEcaPN' I. That Seetl°o} salt published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State
L r Revieed Ordln 6 a relatlnoll
alLalcafghle ratan. 1rrtea ava
d roses o,f Utah.
sDe¢tloaread aae fol�
hereby mended&°lo'th a
lows CON-
EC._8621. REM iN1� WEIORr I
SNG IhgTRUME8T 9ND RD PRO- That the advertisement
FORMAELE TU LRahall ha "
i'''''ED'r nY Peredn L°fl[ti'na se
'r De[mft at FfatoDl4ee enn�]"t°¢ Ordinance Bill No 10, relating to
whore artoffeted )b¢eYDosed fof
sale art; wei6hcd or meaanred,
. 'In Ron lo, ether•e v¢1 Weights & Measurers & Oil Inspection
hoi 1'11od[ mefl a blageelee to
heC bl 34 r n6WV hi.
le, b h Patent bel.
rier l Salt Lake City Corporation
a a vi reri�n tie net inn or ovtotrto I
D[o dead 1 onto r P¢g elandsrto
t a form to Lthe state oI
ao a It.LakLIoSYI°ah be °t o1 was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the
order oe ineorregt.' b unlawlPP
shall eto ° riav¢,
b'a °;ti°'a'n9 eho t:''',aie'ai, IMarch 45
make Dr wht¢h ore --...14th._day of A. D. 19------
o`ld or wei8ht a mean`e,
C`ilt,,°rura'lttaofnb�lly jawhil1
and was published time
aalcl It ham, of the 10110,0.
to vi late
Provialone ealaea dho 1 be Ptta¢cd °f
,.AD ther Piano the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the
th'''''7jtin up�h�� ay°"'rotora tend
phe emR on tin°�; I
x Lthri ant tavfew the welshed. 1tF+. day of March 4. D. 1J
wn Pura etedea erbem�R er[nunR ////��//jj/
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a' .D Doe o n front
.ora tlrle o antra¢aa%eai oa ����
1 d v h a 1Doeltiml � G '--
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Di toe"p::`.' '°tcncimme 'Fri �\ Advertisiu Cler C
°y aaweraRhta [ a °`rat
R t ttalll°re.not be 1,1aehd
under Caaee kind San f I tang i a that a, ad/. I /
au n a P°1� tka trit6.'.re
a y kind e
01 the, ale.. In the votoimf Ve
SECTION Cnmmtaafotfere ]t d
na ,r 1 tC Vthe Peers. healg salt
ICY of e>t� �habitant= before me this ].7tZt day of
Lake City trial ihla t tab.age b"'"
of i'I'".° immedlmely %11
takECT1ON 3� Thlaitedllret°BPublt- ^.D.19 45
take flfect',uhon Gom� !Y 1 I
''''fora 6he Roar' 1 Utah.
psonegqebo3 salt La1ce C1tY. D.. /
tNa IJth fay ¢f March,
int. EARL 1.GLA Mayor. -
EgjoCOio°' Notary Pu e
YSbhehed yMarck 14tL, 1940.
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