10 of 1946 - Amending Section 3719 of Chapter XXXV relating to licenses-transfer and refund of licenses VOTING Aye Nay $Alt Lake City,Utah, - , 194
Affleck I move that the ordinance be passed.
Matheson . . .
Romney e
Tedesco v�
Mr.Chairman. .
of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, passed by Lhe
Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, on the 11th aay
• of September, 1945, relating to licenses.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt
Lake City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That Section 3719, of ChapterXXXV of the
Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, passed by the board
of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, on the llth day of
September, 1945, relating to licenses, be and the same is hereby
amended to read as follows:
license granted or issued under any of the provisions of any
ordinances of Salt Lake City shall be in any manner assign-
able or transferable or authorbze any person other than is
therein mentioned or named to do business, or authorize any
other business, calling, trade or profession than is therein
mentioned or named to be done or transacted; and that provi-
sion of any ordinance of Salt Lake City that provides for any
assignment or transfer, or conditional assignment or transfer
of any license is by this ordinance repealed; provided, however,
that any person to whom one or more licenses have been issued
to transact or carry on some business, calling, trade or pro-
I(J fession at a definite location in Salt Lake City may make ap-
plication for the transfer of any or all of his said licenses
for the sole purpose of transacting or carrying on the same
business, calling, trade or profession as is therein mentioned
at some other definite location in Salt Lake City by himself
by filing said application with the License Assessor ant Col-
lector, together with the sum of $25.00. If the application
is granted the $25.00 Shall be deposited in the city treasury
and if the application is denied the 25.00 is to be return-
ed to applicant. The city commission, after receiving re-
ports which shall be furnished by the License Assessor and
Collector, the police department and the board of Health,
when necessary, ,may in tir discretion deny or grant the
transfer of ang;,oT all oithe said licenses strictly within
the above limit4tiO4. ,.
sM +."
Pb) No lice.410e feev,9r'any part thereof, shall be return-
ed for any reason wbi}tep Or once the license has been grant-
ed or issued anK that pb 1 on of any ordinance of Salt Lake
City that provides to the contrary is by this ordinance re-
SECTION 2. In the opinion of the board of Commissioners,
it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants
of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately,
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall tie effect upon its
first publication. /
Passed by the .Hoard mission of Salt Lake City,
Utah, this/lday of A.b 46
__6944.14k- //
City Recorder.
Prey€to die Board if Commil io ers
FE8 i919/6
Pfrzt PrIlicavon
Affidavit of Publication
County ofSalt Lake
. AN OpRDIN1�14C'1f A'MRIN D IN D III Ockey
aECTIoNIq Silt,of Chapter X ZV of
tee Eeplae,Crd 7r6 of Set Lake
City.Utah,r. et iy tke Eeea et
CDMmlehabs et eatl Lxks et"
Utah, Being first dulysworn,deposes and says that he is the ad-
Ile on the 11th defy of Septem44
lYIle if ordained
to Ifby ill.
Ee te'°rnre o by It eke , vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper
COmmfnetonerl'e1 salt Lake CIO,Ulan:
ion 3710,of
Ch ed AAEVToflthe EaeyleeVt"
,Maneea IEEE Leke o Revised Utah, published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State
neee,,,by the aoam o!C°mmleion.
. iiih°ni�alofLs:nta e:tUti%.°eDlci° of Utah.
inR to ifaeneee.be ere the a le-
hl..ga amended E°mad teliowe;
�een.BEN. 7110. LICENSES.E AND
Ethe: OFere:M ** No
e Rranld er en.,n dad a° That the advertisement
of the nrakelenn nt any rdlnnnc e
ni sell Lake ble ehxll be In any No 10
lane°edny nether,
a transfer:*t hie or Ordinance Bill
thenenlm any peYllnr name the°L
mane mentioned named a do Corporation
n. o calmly.
ee any et:*
than lee. aninR.entio er dr emns"Mn Salt Lake City P
than L therein Mentioned ar name
to>»Bona Or treneaceea;ana tnae
�r s1alnn } ny o,lnenoe n}9.16
Leke Nttrenae nsfer, a ter
elYnment or transfer,°r n91t1°nal
a°ni tent•e tranarer et y 11•
erne le by however,
thr ne mMir edi
.0m.es bum neee,mr,Ey.trrTmo*have ,
bear Lemad..;ter Derry en was published in said newspaper in its issue dated,the
• e Merlon
trade of Dre- 46
}aRlon at a ,gflnlle lnraaoe Ix
Mt Hake lady ribn.alepahatleA'tar p ,1. Februa '.y A.D.19
__-.-=.tnn aratiatm• ar xny°r an ni 111$ _.-.N�'a..lt---day�f
mid naaneee tot tba eelernrneee et
traneeceMR DerrylnR o me game
o t other
l,Erase ni pr mmtrh tittle
..1. tnereln a lien,,, i and was published 1
mar deNnae.611'E6;in San Leke
Olty aP hiWith by ionl 'Aid
ale smelled the 1 *4'* Aeeee.
ae,r..no Colla°t°r,to lather"Nth the the last publication thereof being in the issue datedthe
M }lae.aY.I}the "'Mt"'
le tted I a the ts.Do ana$ he de- 46
Hoene,fel me I.d tro}env ana a y f FebruarF A.D.19
the o be returned
a de"I the fat.,, ? a t da 0
to to be returned to neelMant,Tme
Doriotty ao lolen,site ---,la �(__A_-_
Dome Ntnh em , tmnlhed by
tha_no tined Aetmenr and,CeMalr.
m.H n°,when nee«'d tnmEe°m Adverttising Clerk
tr eelm, men xorr, aye —�--
lra°tElatetfriHon�eny 7]ot�het tl1ee • __.__.
INeeneM.aa'A' °t;411. ma above
(t Nn Ileenee Le, y pert
merooi,eh is aver epee
}or xny
b ae wh autos p the Ilene
her q°e (r Ma er lithe arid hat
p°mten met r eemanoe et S day o f
rake enst.preetan�t°.}h23Pd
..a.r.s mla nrm erCrqe d Iinn. rn to before me this:11 r 1{4.In Um epimtofl e!<hs
. Ibarvl Di CDmMlaleneY.IL le n
aYeary to the Della.heath sad at
t{ti ittie%it°ii n'tr°dinu°xtabµe.D=om A.D.19 ettxane N eleieb.
aio Met xml erflintn,e AM)
..,•.foot tenon NL tint pnbllM)
Pagel,lar ll ftl of C TWO
aleaex et a )
M Leke U11y,Utah.{hl '
19Eh,Ay Ot Pebrpa».A.D.YIee. Notary Public
1pAEL d. flLAD$
(SEAM- fi.MA tea:-
PuDllabedd 8egearY St,tlllllfeelroro
F=i) sk•
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