10 of 1949 - Vacating portion of alley running south from Simondi Avenue and being 125.15 feet east of Redwood Ro ROLL: CALL VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah, FEB 171949 ,194 • Affleck I move that the ordinance be passed. Matheson . / Romney Tedesco Mr.Chairman . . AN ORDINANCE Result 0.4 AN ORDINANCE VACATing portion of alley running south ' from Simondi A nue and. being 125.15 feet east of Redwood Road, K I and portion of 66 foot street lying between Lot 7, Block 1, and j sP c�� Lot 3, Bl ckJordan Plat t t 4, , nowa t_of Rock Springs Sub- division nd no iously vacated in the riling of Rock Springs Subdivision. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That portion of alley running south from Simondi Avenue and being 125.15 feet east of Redwood Road, and portion of 66 foot street lying between Lot 7, Block 1, and Lot 3, Block 4, Jordan Plat 'AI, now a part of Rock Springs Subdivi- sion and not previously vacated in the riling of Rock Springs Subdivision, in Salt Lake City, Utah, more particularly described as follows: PORTION OF ALLEY RUNNING SOUTH FROM SIMONDI AVENUE AND BEING 125.15 FEET EAST OF REDWOOD ROAD. Beginning at the northwest corner of Lot 16, Block 1, Rock Springs Sub. of parts of Lot 7, Block 1, and Lot 3, Block 4, Jordan Plat 'AI, thence south 138 ft., thence west 16 ft., thence north 138 ft., thence east 16 ft. to the place of beginning. PORTION OF 66 FT. STREET LYING BETWEEN LOT 7, BLOCK 1, AND LOT 3, BLOCK 4, JORDAN PLAT 'At, NOW A PART OF ROCK SPRINGS SUBDIVISION AND NOT PREVIOUSLY VACATED IN THE FILING OF ROCK SPRINGS SUBDIVISION. Beginning at the southwest corner of Lot 3, Block 4, Jordan Plat 'At, thence east 574.2 ft. to the east line of Rock Springs Subdivision, which point is the southeast corner of aforesaid Lot 3, Block 4, thence south 66 ft. to the north- east corner of Lot 7, Block 1, thence west 574.2 ft. to the northwest corner of aforesaid Lot 7, Block 1, thence north 66 ft. to the place of beginning, being a part of the NW* of SE* and NE* of SW4 of Section 34, T. 1 N., R. 1 W., S. L. B. & M.; be and the same are hereby vacated and declared no longer to be �_a -2- public property for use as streets, avenues, alleys or pedestrian ways. Paid vacation is made expressly subject to all existing rights of way and easements of all public utilities of any and every description now located in, on, under or over the confines of the above described property and also subject to the right of entry thereon for the purpose of inspecting, maintaining, repairing, re- placing, removing, altering or rerouting said utilities and all of them. SECTION 2. In the opinion of. the Board of Commissioners, it is necessary to ,the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance shall become effective ionic- diately. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication. • Passed by the Board of Commissione of Salt Lake City, Utah, this / 7.liK day of , A• ' • ;9 L r \In or. City Recor.er. M► 1 6,..i.4_,... 4.1...4_, ,g • Presented to the Board of Commissionersilt + AND PASSED FEB 171949 ' A 9-Xi-a-P'—7 ji le- c.-,/ , • CITY RECORDER First POlication in ,, ' LO-44..0.1.1- AAr k �,i fit) '"/�'. : ,., STATE OF UTAH, ss. City and County of Salt Lake, Frank A. Shields, Deputy City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Utah, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance entitled, "An ordinance vacating portion of alley_ running_south_fx-am_Simond-1-Avenue and being 125.15 feet east of Redwood Road, and portion of 66 foot street lying between Lot 7, Blk, 1argil__Lot__3_,__Blk.__1Fr_ATordan--Plat--'A', now a part Of Rock Springs Subdivision and not previously vacated in the Filing of Rock Springs Subdivision" passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, February_17tht__..1x93t_-1949 as appears of record in my office. IN WITN S-WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal 3J� Februar 1949 of said City.:. its�•, day of___. y a ..... (SEAL) $ '" 1� 9 lo Chief pepupy Cit Recorder. rj ,i,......." February 19, _1949 ?; ,.. . Published _ ID J— 11,19295 ' '' ' .one 0) ,lir R AN ORDINANCE �. W e, AN ORDINANCE VACATING par- a, miondof alley running south from Si- \. Avenue and being 125.15 feet ('s, east of Redwood Road, and portion I* N of 66-foot street lying between Lo'. CV • clan Plat 1. nd Lat 3,Block 4,Jor- Spn gsat bdi now a part r Rock Springs Subdivision and not of Rock m S vacated in tM1e Filing of Ruck W Springs Bubdivisl on. LTi Be it ot'dained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Luke City .J Utah: J/v/ SECTION 1. That portion of alley • tI nd Gri so th from l ealti 5 nue d d MT 111 antl being u125.15 feet east - -led- - A street ying between[Lot',[Black 1i, and Lot 3, Block 4, Jordan Plat 1 'A',now a porn of Rock SprinV6 Sutt- divihe in t lockioS sli d in the division, in al Roak ..City, :tuh- mo li Salt Lake City, Utah. lows! particularly described as 'ol- PORTION OF ALLEY RUNNING SOUTH FROM SIMONDI AVENUE �' . ne AND BEING 125.15 FEET CAST OF REDWOOD ROAD. B ginning t the nothw'est �9 r of Lot 1G.Block 1,Rock 9prings Sub.of parts of Lot ,Block 1.and Lot 3, Block 4, Jordan Plat 'A'. 1 thence south 138 ft-, thence west 16 \ ft,thence north 138 ft. thence east 16 ft. to the place of beginning. • 1.. PORTION OF tiff-FT.STREET Ly ISO BETWEEN LOT '1. BLOCK 1 w AND LOT 3, BLOCK 4, JORDAN PLAT'A', NOW A PART OF ROCK Q SPRINGS SUBDIVISION AND NOT !� S •• PREVIOUSLY VACATED IN THE FILING OF ROCK SPRINGS SUBDL ISION. Beginning at the southwest corner � tf % of Lot 3. Block 4. Jordan the rt thence cast 5'I4.2 ff. he the eas' Ilne of Rock Borings Subdivision which point Is the so itheast r D 1\ 1 5f aforesaitl Lot 3. Block 4 thaner utM1 l . Block cke 1. thence o - N. , of Lot , Block h thence awest 5742 ft.to the northwest corner of 7 V aforesaid Lot Block 1, thence W north 66 ft. to the place of begin- ? a ningtEV. be paort SW V. NW cliof on �' $ - 34,T.1 N.,R.NEV., W..S.a d s a Se • L of B.&M, be and the re hereby vacated and declared no longer to be pub- - Z nu propertyalleys or pedestrian ways eve IS % t' Said vacation ti made s oprcwssaly •[J`Ilk subject v all existing rights f and easements of all public utilities I n[ any anode e ne y 0ersco Lion c.o7 �Qi located m under the er cy lg 4 tines t the subject described property cr and er subject In the right of en- try thereon for the purpose of re- specting, maintaining.ng, repairing, re- placing, removing. sharing o outing said Ovutilltles and all re- routing hem SECTION 2, In the opinion of - Boardd of of Commissioners,It is neces- sary to the peace,health and safety lof hothe inhabitants of all[Lake City - teat this da shall Income ef- fective immediately. 3. Thi SECTION!. This ordinance shall take affect upon Its first onblica- ti Passed by the Board of Commis- sioners of Salt Lake City,Utah,this l7th day of February,A.D 1949. EARL J.GLADE, IRMA F.BITNER, Mayor City Recorder. (SEAL) BILL NO. 10 Published February 19,1949. 10 Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, 1 County of Salt Lake I Legal Notices AN ORDINANCE KotiN fClaM131PLYACAT•Ligo monde AiLlue"sir gegt'12ir.17 fet • east of Redwood Road, and portion ])... Tr. a7,1.• • 66;foot.strent lying between Lot danttl'Al,"nol ,,TAVd= Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad- Bprino.Subdivision sad not previa.. Sbe Filing " Rood vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper Be it ordained by the Board of Commiselonere of Salt Lake City, Utah: published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State SECTION 1. That portion of alley riiniting south from Simondi Avenue and being 129.10 feet oral of Red- of Utah. woud Road, and portion of 56•loot etrei lying between Lot 7,Block I, and Lot 3, Block 4 Jordan Piet 'A'.now a part of Reek Springs Sub- divielon and not previoutly vacattd That the advertisement In the Piling of nook Springs Sub- division, in Salt Lake City, Utah, more pOrticularly described en fol- lows: PORTIQN OP ALLEY RUNNING iab.1.1.4 C.Indinanc.Q SOUTH PROM SIMONDI AVENUE AND BEING 120.15 PEET EAST or REDWOOD ROAD. Beginning at the northwest oor- ner of Lot 16,Block I,Rock IliprInge Sub.of parts of Lot 7,Block 1,and Lot 3, Stook 4, Jordan Plat 'A', thence south 136 ft.,thence west 16 ft.,then.north 138 ft.,thence east *6 ft.to the place of beginning. PORTION OP 135-8T.STREET Lk- INO BETWEEN LOT 7. BLOCK 1, was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the AND LOT 9, BLOCK 4. JORDAN PLAT'A',NOW A PART OF ROCK SPRINGS AVM=AND NOT PaYeilretal4 EIPRINCirelliBDP day of VISION, of 111619,41INkth4e,7ordrni:r thence east 574.2 ft. to : eo east and was published e 19, 1949 Line Of RoOk Springs Subdivision, which POW is the aelitheast corner of aforegaid Lot 3,Eloek 4, thenoe eouth 66 ft.to the northeast corner the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the Of hat 7, Nook 1, then. west 574.2 ft.th the northweet tiorner of aforeatild Lot 7, Block 1. thence north 66 ft.to the place of begln• day of A. D. 19 ntng,being a part of the NW% of We and NICK of EINV/e,of Section 44,T.1 N..D. be end the esme are hereby vacated and declared no long. to be p ub- lic property for ueo as streets,ave• Adi,ertisin;' mien alleys or pedeetrian ways. Said vacation is made expressly and mem.ta of all public of any and every deecription now located in,on,under or over the con• fines of the above described property And oleo subject to the right of len- • Si try thereon for the purpose of in- 'ore me this 25th day of epecting,maintaining, repairing, re- placing, removing, altering or re- senting said utEltiee and all of them. D.19.4-9— B41.70.1.414,1„1:,priT:Ltel° eery to the!earth health and eafetY of the lamb tante of belt Lake Clip that dna or Apatite Shall become ef- f4oDyn_lpipiediat. ...noit,"rnallia / tg 11,.PVIrdotbijiti argty.11=1.1 Notary Publi nay of r b A 1:1 I 9 L'as$1,• "".''ggr1.440rder.U4M• BrINO, lB Pub111.1100 babEina It 1041 Proof of Publication OF Attorney Of,