10 of 1950 - Amending Section 5912, re: insurance required for taxicabs. Taxi cabs; taxicab; taxicabs; taxi; cab; •
Salt Lake City,Utah, J. N 26 1950 ,194
Affleck I move that the ordinance be passed.
Christensen /
Mr.Chairman . .
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Section 5912 of the Revised Ordin-
ances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, relating to insurance required
for taxicabs.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt
Lake City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That Section 5912 of the Revised Ordinances
of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, relating to insurance required for
taxicabs, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows:
Before any taxicab license is issued the owner shall file with the
Board of Commissioners, and thereafter shall keep in full force
and effect, a policy of insurance executed by an insurance company
qualified to do business in the State of Utah and approved by the
Board of Commissioners, insuring any person against loss or damage
to his person or property that may result to him or his heirs from
the negligent operation of any taxicab operated by or on behalf of
the said owner. The amount of such policy to be not less than the
following sums: For injury to one person or the death of any one
person in any one accident $5,000; and for the injury to more than
one person or the death of more than one person in any one accident
$10000; for property damage resulting to one or more persons from
any one accident $5,000; provided, however, that in lieu of said
policy of insurance any owner may file with the Board of Commissioners,
and thereafter shall keep the same in full force and effect, a surety
bond in such form as the Board of Commissioners may deem proper,
executed by a responsible and solvent surety company authorized
to do a surety business under the laws of the S e of Utah, which
bond shall be conditioned that the owner wi pay all final judgments
rendered against him for damages on account of injuries to any per-
son or the death of any person in any one accident not to exceed
05,000 and for the injury to more than one person or the death of
more than one person in any one accident not to exceed the surd of
010,000 and to pay all final judgments rendered against him for
damages on account of property damage resulting to one or more than
one person in any one accident not more than the sum of4i5,000,whic
bond shall be kept in good standing and in full force and effect
during the whole license period or, in lieu thereof, a boon of the
sate amounts and effect, as that required if executed by a corporat
surety, executed by two goon and sufficient individual sureties,
each of whom shall subscribe his name to said bond and swear under
oath that he is the owner of real property in Salt Lake County,
State of Utah, not exempt from execution of a value of not less
than 415,000. Said bond shall be approved by the City Commission
and shall be kept in full force and effect during the whole license
period and each said surety or either of them may be called in be-
fore the City Commis on at any time to 'satisfy said nocinission
that he is still the owner of property exempt from execution in the
amount as above set forth. The person filing said bond, if not
executed by a corporate surety qualified as aforesaid, shall pay
to the City Treasurer a filing fee in the sum of 410 or in lieu
thereof any owner may file with the Board of Commissioners, and sub
ject to their approval, a corporate surety bond executed by a re-
spon.sible and solvent surety company authorized to do a surety 'ousi
Hess under tt,eiaws of the State of Utah or a personal bond to be
approved by the Board of Commissioners executed by the owner, es
. principal, and two good and sufficient individual sureties, each of
horn shall subscribe his name to said bona and sear under oath the]
ae is the owner of real property located in Salt La=Sc County, State
sf Utah, and not exempt from execution of the value of not less than
'5,000, either of which bonus, as filed, shall be conditioned that
.'he owner will pay all final judgments rendered against him for
antoges on account of injuries, death, or property damage to one or
tore persons in any one accident of not to exceed 45,000. If any
owner elects to file either of such bonds, the same shall be accom-
panied by a policy of insurance which policy shall be approved by
the Board of Commissioners and insure any person or persons against
loss or damage to his person or property that may result to him or
his heirs from the negligent operation of any taxicab operated by
or on behalf of the said owner and determined by final judgment in
any amount over the sum of $5,000, but not to exceed the sum of
$15,000 or more at the discretion of the said owner; said bond and
policy of insurance to be..kept in full force and.,effect during the
full license period. The djrner electing to file a personal bond,
as hereinabove pro#ided., shall pay to-the City Treasurer a filing
fee in the sum of 410._
It shall be dnlaitful for any owner to operate or cause
tb be operated any texicab:4. on the public streets ':of Salt Lake City
without first having on fi4,e an approved"policy of insurance, bond,
or bond and policy of insurance combined, as described and provided
for in this section and in full force and effect at all times during
the license period of each said taxicab.
SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioner.
it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants
of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective 15 days afte
its first publication. ;
SECTION 3. This ordinance e a -o" effect 15 days
after its first publication. i
Passed by the Board of Commissio ers of Salt Lake City,
Utah, this ' oday of January, A. D., 1950.
VT '/ 4,�
City Recorder. i
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake_
tion 5912 of the Revised Ordinances
I1 Salt Lake City,Utah,1944,ralal-
nt to laps-poa mgdlred for taut. 2 - cc _Ev
He it ord hoed by the Darr! of
Commlesfone a of Salt Lake City,
ah: ,Thal eea„°n 5912 of Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad-
the.Revised•rdln0nces of Salt.Lake
'red ter texicane,be and
intl vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper
the same le•Ireby&mended to seed
0°•Sea tie BOND OR CONTRACT published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State
any taxlea• license 1s Issued-the h the Board of of Utah.
Commiselon wner shall file t e 5,and thereafter•hall
keep in Su 1 tures and effect, e
policy of In trance axe uted by an
bustheee°th he°Statetof qualified
approved by the Heard of Commis- That the advertisement
ioner.,lnau tug any person against
loss or dam'';a to his person or prop-
Ey that m.y result to hint o or hie .An..Drdinarae..B.ill..2a....10
heirs from'he negligent perarlen
of any taxlb b operated by or on be-
half of the'.aid owner.The amount
of such
°ae be n less than
the follawin:sm:For injurytoone
per n r t ended t1r'e any per-
n.1n any adaia nt'n5000 and
tor the into a to more than one per-
son t the oath of a than e
person In y one accident,aI0,000;
for propgrty aamege resulting to one
de S f6Daog prov from
dent was published in said newspaper,in its issue dated, the
1n lieu of sal policy of insurance any
owner May fill•with the Board of
k ep the°n a Innfulthereafter
fa cete nde el-
a mere nand In such form sae day of A.D.19
the Board ;df Commlesl°nere Nay
.deem pro executed by a respon-
sible and aoret and was published.Qn.. Jz�nuax f .a .19.50
underrthe laws oft the State f Utah a ;
which bond)hall be conditioned that
the owner pail pay 11 final Judg-
ments aro ed against him for dam- the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the
ages on a opdnt t lotteries to any
person or th death of any person In
any one the dent not m exceed n one day of /.c A.D.19
and for the Jury to more than one
parson or th death Of more than one
person 1n appy one ldera of to // -
71°finalhJudgm of ent&rendered
add to pay st 1� �G` GL,Z.-p
him far dam des on account of against
thty damage resenting to o prop- Advertising Clerk
an pe n In y a °oddest
not more tk eh the s one
which need •hell be kept 1n goad
standing and In full force and effect
during the phole license period or,
in lieu th t, bond at the Same
amountsa a d effect;-as that re- ,-
_ quIrea It e eouted by a corporate 2nd
urety,executed by two goo and auf- o be f ore me this day of
whom shall
1ndligldual sureties, each of
s name to
hesaid bond it swears undebe lY oath that
is the s}ne of real property In I A.D.195 0
execution°offa value of
not lees,Elan $16,009. Said band
hnll be approved by the Clty
o m isalon and shall be kept 1n full /J
force and effect durang the whale 11- „ _
sense period and each said entirety or --- ---
either of ah may be celled 1n be. 2_ -
fore the City Commas/on at any - '--- _
time to satiety said Comml1eion that NotaryPu
he is atilt.':the owner of property
exempt from'executlan in tthenmount
a°above set forth.The filing
said bond,if not executed by a cor-
surety qualified atoreea ,
shall pay to the City Tre1eterer a
filing fee In:the sum at VD or in
lieu thereof any owner may me with
sot to their Commissioners, and
surety bond executed by roval.ee corporate
ble and solvent rarelyl company
authorized to do e surety business
under the laws of the Stale of Utah
by a tpersonal
e s notedonof Commleeefenera
executed by the owner, Drlanipal,
dG two good and fficlent in-
ivldual sureties,each of whom shall
aubacrlbe'his name to said bond and
' swear under oath that he is the
owner of real prolerty located in
Salt Lake County,State of flair,and
not exempt from eaeoution of the
value of not less than$5000,either
of which bonds,ae filed, obeli bebe
conditall finial Judgments rendered willoned that the owner pay
him for damages on account of in- '
Juries,death,or property damage to
one or more persona In any one ac- .
trident of not to exceed$5000,I1 any
owner eta to file either
be of such
bonds, the same
hall accom-
panied by a policy of lnsuranceewhfch
Board of shall
re and by
any person or 3 or
damage to his persons
or against
s property a that
may result to him or hie heirs from
the negligent opperation of any taxi-
cab operated owner edand'determined behalf or on by final
Judgment In any amount or the
sum of$5000,but net to ez eed the
aunt of$15,000 or more at the discre-
tion of the said o said bond
and policy of insurance to be kept
In full force and effect during the
full license period.The owner elect-
ing to file a personal bond,as hese.
Inabove provided, shall Dap to the
City Treasurer a filing fee ill the
sumf 810.
t shall be unlawful for any owner
to operate or cause t0 be operated
any taxicab upon he public atreete
of salt Lake City without first nav-
ing on file an approved Dollop of in-
surance,bond,or nd End poncy of
ineuranc ,e combined,as described and
provided for In this section and 1n
full force and effect at all times dur-
ing the license period of each aald
SECTION 3.In the opinion of the
Hoard of Commissioners It me acces-
sary to the peace,health and safety
- of the lnhab0Wnts of nail Lake city
that this ter Itsnfi become effective
15 days after Its flrstordina publication.
Se a ION 3.This its
take fleet 15 days.after fW fleet
p a ed Psby the Hoard of Commie-
Menem of salt Lake City,Utah,this
26th day Of January,A.D.,1950.
SILL No 10
Published January 28th,1950.
! O