10 of 1962 - Amending Section 25-8-1 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1955, as amended, relatin ROLL CALL Salt Lake City, Utah, January.3.0 , 196_2
I move that the Ordinance he passed.
Christensen . . /
. . . t,"
Result . . . .
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Section 25-8-1 of the Revised Ordinances of
Salt Lake City, Utah, 1955, as heretofore amended, relating to salaries of
appointed officers of the City in the various departments.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
SECTION 1. That Section 25-8-1 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt
Lake City, Utah, 1955, as heretofore amended, relating to salaries of
appointed officers of the City in the various departments, be, and the
same hereby is, amended to read as follows:
"Section 25-8-1. Except as to the officers of the Police Depart-
ment, Fire Department, and the Board of Health, the compensation to
be paid to the various appointed officers of the City in the various
departments shall be as follows:
Per Annum
"ITEM 1. Department of Parks and Public
(a) Superintendent of Parks and Public
Property $ 7,800.00
r) Office Manager 6,630.00
) City Sexton 4,800.00
"ITEM 2. Department of Public Affairs and
a City Purchasing Agent 7,200.00
b City Recorder's Office
1. City Recorder 7,200.00
2. One Chief Deputy Recorder 5,160.00
3: One Deputy Recorder and Chief Clerk 4,440.00
4. Three Deputy Recorders (City Court
Civil Division) - each 4,800.00
5. One Deputy Recorder (City Court
Civil Division) 4,380.00
6. One Deputy Recorder (City Court
Civil Division) 4,260.00
7. One Deputy Recorder and Supervisor.
(City Court Civil Division) 5,160.00
8. One Deputy Recorder and Supervisor
(City Court Criminal Division) 5,715.00
9. Two Deputy Recorders and Clerks
(City Court Criminal Division) - each 4,440.00
(c) City Treasurer's Office
1. City Treasurer 8,400.00
2. Deputy City Treasurer 6,630.00
(d) License Department
1. License Assessor and Collector 6,300.00
2. License Inspector 5,460.00
(e) Planning and Zoning Department
1. Planning Director 9,600.00
- 2 -
Per Annum
"ITEM 3. Department of Streets and Public
(a) City Engineer's Office
1. City Engineer $11,400.00
2. Assistant City Engineer 9,600.00
3. City Chemist 6,840.00
4. Building Inspector 6,030.00
5. Plumbing Inspector 6,480,00
• 6. Electrical Inspector 6,480.00
7. Traffic Engineer 9,600.00
(b) Power and Heating Division
1. Chief Engineer 8,100.00
2. One Deputy Smoke Inspector 6,840.00
3. One Deputy Smoke Inspector 5,760.00
4. One Deputy Smoke Inspector 5,760.00
5. Two Deputy Smoke Inspectors - each 4,860.00
"ITEM 4. Department of Water Supply and
ra Superintendent of Waterworks 10,000.00
b) Office Supervisor 5,970.00
"ITEM 5. General Government
(a) Law Department
1. City Attorney 10,000.00
2. Four Assistant City Attorneys - each 7,800.00
3. One Assistant City Attorney 7,200.00
4. One Assistant City Attorney 7,020.00
(b) City Auditor's Office
1. First Deputy City Auditor 7,500.00
2. Second Deputy City Auditor 7,200.00
SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners it is
necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake
City that this ordinance become effective immediately.
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah,
this 3Otb day of January, 1962. I)(9IRMJ
9 `/
( :
(S E A L)
BILL NO. 10 of 1962
Published February 3, 1962
Affidavit of Publication
i ss.
County of Salt Lake
... ..,traces .,.-Ts'9 'llikao.,Notices
N 6EEb .1 igte
AN ORDINANCE RMEµLj}�NO•!lCtto 25e1 f the R iced Ontlmancea D M 0cke
/Salt Lake City Ut h 1955, tAF amended, 1 tin to salaries y
M PP teg➢ed a, Mg f lth va IOU departments,
Be! d In dby 'B6, t1mml loco f Sall Lake City,Utah:
S-c i TM1 BaII 2581 f Ili R 1 tl 17)"es 1 Salt / 7 / legal
aako to 'officers o955, caret tore io u departments,
to ,and t first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is legal advertising
a°m'nte racers of the Clty Ip the tlepartmenis, be, and the
' a shn t°1tn51-er eL ed a ie h iln 4fi h lic a.°a rlaoeola )f the DESERET NEWS AND SALT LAKE TELE-
P D fine f t-a the oa d f 7 /
cl tl 1 its 1 p of d ofN.. a°i iF city m ous VI, a lady (except Sunday) newspaper printed m the Eny-
dePt f`sh II'E follows: Utah,
i'5t hiTfi V,ep t 1 f Pak d 41Vbllc A er89 PerAnnum .iguage with general circulation in l' and published in
()8Up f dent M PYM1k Ltd'Pubic Property s 6,630.00 C' i C U
(b)0111 Manager JU ;� - /000.00 Ike City, Salt Lake County, In the State of Utah.
r . Departmenty I800.00
"ITEM 7. ofPubtrgfn.�dntl Finance
(al City Purchasing Agent - - 7,200.00
(b)Fray,Recorder°tf'sQ;t bat the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto
1.C 1 R r!r. ]A00.00
3.One Chief Daenl r R dd C 4,440.00
' 3.�h Deputy
8 pulvRAa co tl re dlceA CClefk Civil ,440.00
D I it
t ach 4.e00.00 i Lake V'ity Bill No 10 of 1962.
ofgp d 'R a ((Lc.Bn all c ll D ion)) 4,380.00
6.Io ,p01Y.R c tl lClh up t CNII DI rslonl 4,260.00
],-D Do4 Rec dr d Sp V Q
1N Oily c r Civil der I I 5,160.00 rdinance relating to salaries of
-- aify e.Oa Deputy Red tl and Sup vlsbr r?
fti iY Churl Cr0ln I Dl IJun7 5,115.00
t,-y' .0 T D 1y�FRe d 5 d Clerks
{ 1y S V t q I D ISIOn/ aGs 4,440.00
CO 'city T,i'�, t,01,'e 2.2,Sg inted officers of the City in the
7.D uiY C IY Tre0 6,630.00
idIl,Ite D parlment
A e9°Y d C II '" - 6,3o0.OD
,r }n 41¢¢.s IsaectD s,460.oD ous departments.
( ,plan I d'Z9ni y Department 9,600.03
T12a D Direct f
ITEM 3 t dPpp in l f 7D ty and Public lmnrovemenis
la7 ty Ercggln i e OH 11,40000
I,city E 9 n e
17 X0119' f Cloy,dyl ear 96e0.00
J 6,840.00
�ai`1mp0 I IP tir - Van0 h February3 1962
IS 1Byji�`-°ens�te,l°' _ Van lis ed in saidnewspaper on
WI POwer a a lleaVI1a Dlvieien e,1o0.00
11 one
eputy Sr 6,040.00
310 DerrIY Smoke Inspector
J'8 DetlUty"51)tOk I p 1 r S,J60.o0
d.O e D r 'smoke IpaP Fier ,I6D.D0
5.T Dnf at Wafer kf I C ct n—ead,B60.00
"ITEM 4 S p rtnt nt t W t Suably and Waterworks
1 S i t d f- f W t WOrkY 10,000.00
Office l G lg 5,97000
" ITEM' G B I O e 1 Y
(d)LawiD Pl101meY r.. 10,00000
2 � � I r h atY Arrb F vere. h _ ze0o co /,/c���"L-"�L^--,
J O Assistant City'Attorney _, -: - - J,iC000 =
e o Assistant City Attorney _ 7 02o.o0 /Legal Advertising-Clerkz-._
lb)City,Auditor's Office ],500.00
1.First Deputy City Auditor 7,500.00
2.Second Deputy City Auditor
SECTION 2.In the opinion f the i BOerd1 of CommissionersP It Is
rY f0 the Peace,health and felt e the lately. s f Salt
LakS CTI that this°rrdinne become ef'oIled pan It,a inlY.
SECTION 3 Thls ordln anteshals take effect upon its hrsf idgrs,l°n."
30110 day dOfb January,1962. Commissloners of Salf Lake CItY,Utah,Ihi9
Temporary Chairman
BILL NO.10 Of 1962,Published February 3, 1962 1C-83) 5th day of
- 11.L. 17
Notary Public
My Commission Expires