10 of 1980 - Amending section 51-12-2 rezoning certain property in the Avenues to 'R-2H' District and other prope //
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Section 51-12-2 of the Revised
Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, as amended, relating to
rezoning and fixing boundaries of Use Districts.
WHEREAS, after lengthy study of existing land uses in the
East Avenue historical neighborhood and the problems associated
with such land uses and finding uses all substantially residen-
tial in use and lower, in density than the uses and density
allowed under the current zoning classifications, this Council
affirms the Planning & Zoning Commission's conclusion of the need
for downzoning to more accurately reflect the character of the
East Avenues neighborhood and to discourage land speculation or
buildings incompatible with the residential historical
neighborhoods; and
WHEREAS, the establishment of a new Residential Historic
"R-2H" District use classification will provide guidelines for
development of growth in the area that is sensitive to preserving
the unique environment of historical neighborhoods,
NOW, THEREFORE, be it ordained by the City Council of Salt
Lake City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That the use and "Use District Map", as adopted
by Section 51-12-2 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City,
Utah, 1965, as amended, relating to the fixing of boundaries of
Use Districts, be, and the same hereby is amended as follows:
That the following-described parcels of real property
situated in the Avenues Historical District, located between "E"
Street and "N" Street from 165.00 feet north of South Temple
north to Third Avenue in Salt Lake City, Utah, more particularly
described below, presently zoned Residential "R-6" and Business
"B-3", are hereby zoned Residential Historic "R-2H", and the Use
District Map is amended and changed accordingly:
PARCEL 1. That the following-described parcel beginning at
a line 165.00 feet north of South Temple Street, extending North
to Third Avenue between "E" and "I" Streets and between said line
north of South Temple North to Second Avenue between "I" and "N"
Streets, known as Blocks 1-9, 20-28, and 34-37 of Plat "D", Salt
Lake City Survey, currently zoned Residential "R-6" is hereby
zoned Residential Historic "R-2H" and the Use District Map is
changed accordingly:
"R-6" to "R-2H":
Beginning at a point which is 165.00 feet north of
the southeast corner of Block 1, Plat "D", Salt Lake
City Survey; thence North along the west side of "N"
Street 557.5 feet to the northeast corner of Block
28, Plat "D", Salt Lake City Survey; thence West
2,062.5 feet along the south side of Second Avenue
to the northeast corner of Block 23, Plat "D", Salt
Lake City Survey; thence North 412.5 feet along the
West line of Block 23, Plat "D", Salt Lake City
Survey to the northeast corner of Block 34 of said
Plat; thence West 1,567.5 feet along the south side
of Third Avenue to the northwest corner of Block 37,
Plat "D", Salt Lake City Survey; thence South 990.0
feet along the east side of "E" Street to a point
165 feet north of the southwest corner of Block 9,
Plat "D", Salt Lake City Survey; thence East 3,630.0
feet along a line which is 165.0 feet north of the
north side of South Temple Street, to the west line
of "N" Street to the point of. beginning.
PARCEL 2. That the following-described parcel of real
property, situated on the southwest corner of Third Avenue at "G"
Street, in Block 36, Plat "D", Salt Lake City Survey, more
particularly described below, currently zoned Business "8-3", is
hereby zoned Residential Historic "R-2H" and the Use District Map
is amended and changed accordingly:
"B-3" to "R-2H":
Beginning at a point which is the northeast corner.
of Block 36, Plat "D", Salt Lake City Survey; thence
West along the south line of. Third Avenue of said
Block 100.00 feet; thence South 90.00 feet; thence
East 100.00 feet to the west line of "G" Street;
thence North 90.00 feet along the west line of "G"
Street to the point of beginning.
SECTION 2. That the use and "Use District Map", as adopted
by Section 51-12-2 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City,
Utah, 1965, as amended, relating to the fixing of boundaries of.
Use Districts, be, and the same hereby is amended as follows:
That the following-described parcels of real property
situated in the Avenues area, more particularly described below,
presently zoned Residential "R-5", "R-6" and Business "R-3" are
hereby zoned Residential "R-2", and the Use District Map is
amended and changed accordingly.
That the following-described parcel of real prper.ty located
in Residential "R-5" and "R-6" districts, which includes all
residential properties located between "E" and "I" Streets from
Third Avenue to 165.0 feet north of. Sixth Avenue, together with
the area between "I" and "N" Streets from Second Avenue to 165.0
feet north of Sixth Avenue, together with the area located
between "N" and "T" Streets 165.0 feet north of South Temple to
Fourth Avenue, including Blocks 29-33, 48-65,76-84, and parts of
Blocks 85-93 of Plat "D", together with portions of Blocks 3-8
and all of. Blocks 9-14, and 19-30 of Plat "G" of said survey,
currently zoned Residential "R-5" and "R-6", more particularly
described below, are hereby zoned Residential "R-2" and the "Use
District Map" is amended and changed accordingly:
"R-5" and "R-6" to "R-2"
Beginning at a point which is 165.0 feet north of
the southwest corner of Block 8, Plat "G", Salt Lake
City Survey, thence North along the east side of "N"
Street 660 feet to the southwest corner of Block 24,
Plat "G", Salt Lake City Survey; thence West 2,062.5
feet along the north side of. Second Avenue to the
southwest corner of Block 33, Plat "D", Salt Lake
City Survey; thence North 412.5 feet along the west
line of Block 33, Plat "D", Salt Lake City Survey to
the southwest corner of Block 52, Plat "D", Salt
Lake City Survey; thence West 1,650.0 feet along the
north side of Third Avenue to the southwest corner
of Block 48, Plat "D", Salt Lake City Survey; thence
North 1,402.5 feet along the east side of "E" Street
to a point 165.0 feet north of the north side of
Sixth Avenue; thence Fast 3,630.0 feet along a line
which is 165.0 feet North of the north side of Sixth
Avenue to a point which is 165.0 feet north of the
southeast corner of Block 85, Plat "D", Salt Lake
City Survey; thence South 1,072.5 feet along the
west side of "N" Street to the northeast corner of
Block 56, Plat "D", Salt Lake City Survey; thence
East 2,475.0 feet along the south side of Fourth
Avenue to the northeast corner of Block 30, Plat
"G", Salt Lake City Survey; thence South 1,402.5
feet along the west side of "T" Street to a point
which is 165.0 feet north of the southeast corner of
Block 3, Plat "G", Salt Lake City Survey; thence
West 2,392.5 feet along the line which is 165.0 feet
north of the north side of South Temple Street to
the point of beginning.
PARCEL 2-8. That the following-described parcels of real
property in Business "B-3" Districts, situated on the northwest
and northeast corners of "G" Street at Third Avenue, the north-
west and southwest corners of "K" Street at Third Avenue, and the
northwest corner of "N" Street at Fourth Avenue, the west side of
"N" Street between Third and Fourth Avenue, together with the
southwest corner of "N" Street at Third Avenue, more particularly
described below, currently zoned Business "B-3" are hereby zoned
Residential "R-2" in the Use District Map, is amended and changed
PARCEL 2. Northwest corner at "G" Street and Third Avenue.
Beginning at the southeast corner of Block 49, Plat
"D", Salt Lake City Survey; thence North 90.0 feet;
thence West 100.0 feet; thence South 90.0 feet;
thence East 100.0 feet to the point of beginning.
PARCEL 3. The northeast corner at "G" Street and Third
Beginning at the southwest corner of Block 50, Plat
"D", Salt Lake City Survey; thence East 100.0 feet;
thence North 90.0 feet; thence West 100.0 feet;
thence South 90.0 feet to the point of beginning.
PARCEL 4. The northwest corner at "K" Street and Third
Beginning at the southeast corner of Block 53, Plat
"D", Salt Lake City Survey; thence North 90.0 feet;
thence West 90.0 feet; thence South 90.0 feet;
thence East 90.0 feet to the point of beginning.
PARCEL 5. The southwest corner of "K" Street at Third
Beginning at the northeast corner of Block 32, Plat
"D", Salt Lake City Survey; thence West 90.0 feet;
thence South 90.0 feet; thence East 90.0 feet;
thence North 90.0 feet to the point of beginning.
PARCEL 6. The northwest corner of "N" Street at Fourth
Beginning at the southeast corner of Block 57, Plat
"D", Salt Lake City Survey; thence North 165.0 feet;
thence West 125.0 feet; thence South 165.0 feet;
thence East 125.0 feet to the point of beginning.
PARCEL 7. The west side of "N" Street between Third
and Fourth Avenues.
Beginning at the northeast corner of Block 56, Plat
"D", Salt Lake City Survey; thence West 125.0 feet;
thence South 330.0 feet; thence East 125.0 feet;
thence North 330.0 feet to the point of beginning.
PARCEL 8. The southwest corner of "N"Street at Third Avenue.
Beginning at the northeast corner of Block 29, Plat "D", Salt Lake City
Survey;thence West 125.0 feet; thence South 165.0 feet; thence East
125.0 feet;thence North 165.0 feet to the point of beginning.
SECTION 3. In the opinion of the City Council of Salt Lake City, it is necessary
to the peace, health and welfare of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance
become effective immediately.
SECTION 4. This ordinance shall become effective upon the day of its first
Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 19th day of
February , 1980.
() GU �-t
Transmitted to Mayor on February 19, 1980
Mayor's action
"i2(< 1.-(///e
BILL NO. 10 of 1980
Published March 28, 1980
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
'AN ORDINANCE AMENDING,S Section 51-12.2 of the RE ShanaE D. Conatx
vised Ordinances Of Sail Lake City,Utah,1965,as amended,
relahny to rezoning'aea live boulbarles of Use District.
WHEREAS,ehnr lengthy study of cklsting land uses in
the East Avenue historical nelahorhood and the problems
lafed wd ry set 'and gsea a Bnd'"g°Sea aB aubea"- Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is legal
1 ally resmentlal In use and tower In densit Man Ine uses and
density.auowe0 under the current zoningclassifications.?Ms
Cron cisof aaffirms,�pthe
�Alan Planning
1 tZoni Zoning �aasiehM.tely een< advertising clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily
charade,.ot Me£dst Avenues neighborhood and to dlacourage (except Sunday) newspaper printed in the English
land speculation Qr WIr0ings Inc°mpatlae,with the residential,
historicalneiyhboehoods;and language with general circulation in Utah, and
WHEREAS,the establishment of a new Residential Histor-
ic'R-2H'•Destriot a slncatlon will provide guidelines published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the
for bra the nest of growth In Ile area that Is sensitive to pre-
serving Me unimM:FORE,beent of historical neighborhoods. State of Utah,
NOW,THEREFORE, it ordained by the City Council of
Salt Lake City,Utah'
SECTION I.That Me use and"Use District Map",as
rooter by 111,''n 5';12 2 of Me Revised Ordinances of Salt
bake Ores ofan, D, r as, e, lang a0 e erebg a That the Iegal notice of which a copy is attached hereto
boundaries of Use Districts,be,and the same hereby is
amended as t follow:
Thal me v n Avenues
Hi escril l parcels of real property"E
nred to 1M Avenuos Msronc16 03 tees,located South Temple l' PUb notice to amend do ordinance rely tin to
or th andT i'd"venue in S t6L.ak Lit nonh of South arted- g
M1 to jhhd Aveow, r Sera Lake stop,mare d'an-
Busi Business
-bed hero.,presently Zoned Residentialtial "R Historic
Business"B-3U a hereby zoned Residential an changed
cordand the Use blsMlct Map n amended and onto"gad toe- rezoning & fixing boundaries of Use Districts
PARCEL 5 1 That the id South Temple Street,
at id to Child Met north of South Temple"t"er reefs alnd
orth n aidid Avenueb f 'T'•and Tito and
Avenel said line north of South Tempw North to Second
28,and berween Plat
a"0",S Salt
known as Blocks Ire,toy
z8,and side of Plat 6"is Say.Lake City Survey,currently
zoned Residential"Rise ct hereby zoned dainl Historic
L'R-2M"aid the Use District Map is changed accordingly:
Beginning corner point which i t6"DO feet northa of the
southeast of Block I,Plat D",Salt Lake rCity
Surveyy too to North along the rest ids of"N••Street
SSan s ak City
c of Block lentn
e Prai"D", es lake f lByl ck 2.0,;thence No was published in said newspaper on March 28, 1980
its lees along the West tine of st corner
Pldt inch Sale
Lake Cite Serves to Me northeast rn I Block 30 of
m Plat;thence West 1,561.5 feet along the sOaln aloe of
Third Avenue to tne northwest corner of Block 37,Plat
"•D" Salt Lake City Survey;thence Soul.eat990,0none,
along \
the 1 -d I E Street f mint 16S feel nonh of Me
uth t f e k 9 Mal"D" Salt Lake City •
thence F. 3,630.0 1 t along a line which is 1650 1r Pi /.P. l( 21 „fl/`,/�r� .- ,
feet ll i north sloe of Soul.Temple Street,to ine
west tine l " Street In,MMeMlntblcrIbed pa Legal Advertising,ilerk
PARCEL Tot Incyutheeringdrnerl of parcel a real
"0"mammy,smarm/oncthe southwest.corner of Lake
Third y Sur a at!
mvr Spaeth in Block ri Pat w",Salt City urines,i \'y
e particularly zdoned
below,Historic coned Business e
is hereby same desiand changed
gad accordingly:
and the
use District May is amended and cnaneea ac"oraln9ly: y
Beg inn o a•'a point wish is the northeast corner of e me this 2nd day of
Block 36,Plat"D".Salt Lake City Survey,thence West
llong 1M south Ilye et Third Avenue of said Block 100 00
eer;hence Soul.90.0n feet;thence East 100.00 feet to the,.,A•�.19..f0
rest tiM of"G"Street;tnence North lnnl set along the
west linear"G"Street totem Mint of beginning.
SEC1 tow 2.That lye u and"Use District Map",as
admired by Section 51-12-2 of use
Revised Ordinances of Salt
Lake City,Uran,1965, mended, 'tln9 to the fixing 9f J�
boundaries f Use Districts,be, and tin same hereby Is
am ed as follows: ..� `
That the following-describd parcels of real E hell h situ- ��!//.
toted In the Avenues area,more particularly awed had bolo., i Lam'j,e, -i
presently zoned Residential"R-5'•"Rd"and Business"B-3" -' " ✓ (' a-_+--^-�r are hereby zoned Residential"R-2",and the Use Dlstrkt Map Notary Public
I,amended and changer acidic par 1V ! Ul
That the follow-5" cribe"parcel of real property locat-
ed In Residential"R-5"and"R.6"districts,winch Iriclues ail
residential ropertles located between"E"and"1"Streets
Irom Third Avenue to eon north of Sixth Avenue,1ogelh-. Beglnni rag tar the southeast collar of Block 49,Plat"D",
Awith the areabetween"I"end"N"Streets from Second Lake tnence Sov;tnence North 90.01eas thence Wes!
venue to 165,0 feel no M of Shah Avenue,together with the 100_�lin,01 a South 90.0 leer;Menc¢East 100.0 Icef to
area coated nehtien"N and"T"Streets 165.0 feet nosh of UTh nin9.
th Temple to Fourth Avenue,inuring Blocks 2633,48-05 VgftCF_L 3.Thanorinaas!corner al"G"Street and Third
76-6,,and pans of Blocks 85-93 of Plat 'D", other with Avenue.
" of Flocks 3L and MIof Blocks 9-14,and 19-30 of Play Beginning at the southwest corner of Block 50,Plat"D",
"G"of sand survey,curt ntly toned Residential R-5"and Sal!Lake City Survey; thence East 100.0 feet;than
"R-6", o titularly describer below,are hereby zoned North°i feel;tnence West 100.0 Met;tnence South Y0.0
m re tar ended ale chatialnge cot and the"Use District Man"is a PARCEL 4.Tne n et orthwest corner at"K"Street and Third
did chdngM accordingly. Avenue.
"R-5"and"Rd"to"R-2'• 1. Beginning at the southeast corner of Block S3,Plat"D",
Beginning at a paint which Is 165.0 feet north of the Sae Lake Ciity Survey;
uv lli tryhennce North 90 G feet;
e t;th0.01aef for
southwest corner Block 8,Plat G",Sat Lake City the Preel Olthence So
to The southweesst acorn corner ofast Blockd 2a IP at"01",Salt PARCEL S.The southwest corner of"K"Street a!Third
Lake City Survey;!hence West 2,42.5 feet along me norm Avenue.
• ire of Second Avenue to tin southwest corner of Block 33. Beglnnin9 at rho northeast turner of Block 32,Plat"D",
Fiat D",Salt Lace City Survev:thence North 412.5 feet Salt Lake City Survey;tnence Welt 90.0 teal'IneMe South
Slone the west Ann of Block 33,Plat"0",Salt Lake City 90.0 feel;thence Cast 90.0 feet;thence North 90.0 leer for
urvev to the southwest corner of Block 52,Plat"D",Salt Ina point of beginning.
Lake City Survey;thence West 1,650.0 feet along the north PARCELS.the northwest corner of"N"Street al Fourth
sme of Third Avenue to the southwest corner of Block 48, Avenue. - Y
Plat"D",SaII LaKe City SprVPIC thence North 1,402.5 feet Beginning at the southeast corner f Block 57,Plat ' -Y ' a ry tti� -'
along the east sine of"E"street to a point 165.0 teat north „e,, Sag Lake City Survey; nence North 165.0 feet;
of eo nlrrh side of Sixth Avenue;nn a, east 3,630.0 feet tnence west 125.0 feet; thence South 165.0 feel;thence a'�� �Q N p m O
Sl0nk a line wench is 165.0 tour Mann of the rn rM side of EAO 125.0 tees el the sl slay beginning. N s- A r j mo :f
ivrh Avenue to a Poll. M1i[li r;Ie501cre1 north of ttte PARCEL e Tne West si a of•'N"Sireef between Third aO mo " D� O
astcornerf Block 85,Plat'O" Salt Lake CRY arm Fo no,Avenues. � n0
Sul.Survey;Mane South 1,072.5 feel along'thewest side of Beginning a1 rM r vye: tit comer of Block 5le Plal"p•• y' z� a v A5
"N"Street to the northeast corner of Block 56 lat"D'•, son lake City Survey: a West 125.0 feat; thence 3 01 m1
Sall Lake CITY Survey;thence East LAMA feel along the South.3JU 0 lee,tnence East 125.0 feel;thence North 33110 �� m� ,y FO
M me of Entente Avenue to Me northeast cur 1 feet to the Point 01 Oagmmng. pS 1
Bork 3U,Plat•'G",San lake City Survey;theme bolo Avenue.
,8.the mulnwest corner of"N"Sfret at Third �_ y a
1.402.5 teen lon the west side o`'T"Street to a ifr Ueginning a!the norfhea151 corner of Block 20,Plot"D".
M1 is.Sai feet noCh of ifte soutthrov corner of Block 3, San Lake City Survey; hence West 125.0 eel;thence ; -
P born"G".Salt Laka Clty Survev,fiance West 2,392.id eet South i65.01eel;tnence East nc5.o feel;thence North thence
k the eft winch Is he lees rah ei of Ito.tort"side pl feel fo the eotlnl of165.0
li 2 ammo Street for Ine owie of tsceib lrg. Dt5,nnnd.
PARCEL 2J1.That the t"nuwing-deurlbed parcels of real SECTION 3, n the opinion of Me easy Council of Salt La c
property In Business"0-3"Districts,situated on the northwest, Cd'''rt is necessary to a mace,health and tare o1 ey
and northeast corners f"G"Street at Third Avenue,1M habitants of San Lake City nar tis ordinance Datums effec-
eve,a northwest and southwest corners of"K"Street at Third Ave- hve immetliateI, d
nue and the northwest corner of"N"Street a Fourth Ave-: SECTION 4, euni ordinance shall become effective u
nue,Inc oast sine 'N•'St'eet between Third and Fourth the ray of i!s Ilr'puoli<ar,on. Pod y
royelM1er with IM sou hwesl norMr of N"5treaf at Pa�setl by ..f:nY Council of Salt Lake CM.,Uran,this S
Yh'1d Amour,n particulecy tired Oed below,currently 191h nay tit Fenruary,198U.
ed Business"B-3.are hereby zoned Residential"R-"and RONALD J.WHITEHEAD
o,_.d,'�.ITi"'f 111:g;gwesl V4',"d i4 e Street r'"JlyTfilyd CHAIRMAN rji
or rat an D