100 of 1903 - Ordinance 100 of 1903 – Sidewalk Extension No. 45. AN ORDINANCE . An ordinance confirmin; the assessment upon the property on tie west side of State Street between Second South Street and Corn- mercial Avenue, in Sidewalk District No. 9, for the construction of a sidewalk. Be it ordained yr the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. Thc,,t the assessment list made by the City Treasurers as corrected, approved and completed by the Board of Equalization 1 and Review, heretofore duly appointed by the City Council for that purpose, of the property abutting on the west side of State Street between Second South Street and Commercial Avenue, in Sidewalk District No. 9, of Salt Lake City, for the purpose of constructing ' 1 a sidewalk upon said portion of said street, is hereby confirmed, and the assessments made ,and returned in said completed lists are hereby confirmed. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect upon approval. Sidewalk Intention No 45. V_ c (� I 100 ---t . , . U. r: R .A .:TIGSTO RA at) \-,*-zeo,,tiCi e ":: ao.u *riei.:ee se ex e I:J. Z i rttira'In o o eatottikirtte 1 —‘,0:1 1ysJ.3 tooltrl Jituot=1 Lnoosa asetrted tou•ite ea.c±a lo able *a / si* 70, rzoitoulterice f::-..:1 '1 ,e .o'll *e.h&ata 7.1.rawebta nt tiourtevA listo-sata z\ .)1.tavittl.6 t :,i7.4'..i ,,,-,:.'n o:?`,•..9,i */:,3<"1 'to X1atuso0 1:::1-10 a. * berits'eo *.t 4‘, \, 2 01'ZielVa.es.-"-T \:ttp 0 ;.* te etiehi *41 *del.:mats tda ot:t1 2.117 )..5 ROITMI untd..eN.t.L31.4, ,. lo .b.twoE..qa.dot ( In -.:ols. ri-ortuoD Ic*I9 gileo IsM'n-tocic411 X-Ci •: 610#"le tweiT 0:,`,r3e3 lo s.b.ttAsolg. At") rtt4c tt4oi ! 10 tot cf414\1‘ © 'c.;• it, '< ra teurgbek /sioletarilot) bit *) ---fttA o's,r(k., fp.oce-a ft etrt cr ki\ • 2 oo ;\4b nuttou-l*arwo 1:c: aria.tq l * 0 exi-4' ett oc .t e*; t lct. .o. *ajskta ' .v- • .1:1-.1100 ysfeletr :31 .eftsli'll ht.en lo rtol*-1 `.b.t.34,,rjogy.i 1.1.er4.takitt i .k. erlo :3±011 bet'efq.mon :,...t,;a fa berrilftel .hrtc el.'1 at*azteness eti!:'t .botal.kla_oe tccrotteci .1.ovo•,,,,-. .n II';L.tr *oe-trie ol`n* f1. c sort.r:rit.b.so c.t.t7.7. .9 TIOITOR rtoldTintrti fitt3tte'0.tE iltt"