100 of 1904 - Ordinance 100 of 1904 – Amending & re-enacting Sections 382 and 383, re: pawnbrokers. AP ORDIA. AJC :;;:
An ordinproe ameedir,' omo re-cnactio,r SectJorr SM eed of
to Reviaed Orel:tire:loon of 1903. of qalt
no it ordained by tho city lo-noll of lelt Iteh!
1-17rTior 1. Tut Soctiors 3112 and of to Revised Ordineneeel
of 1903 of Selt Tk o Uteh, he, nnd the same horohy aro m'ended
ond re-ere.otod RC z to rend an folloivr.
SIMTION 3A2. It nhall be unlawful for ney :ornon to Carry
on tbo buninese er envnbroor, or tlic bunineo of loaning or
advanoir.7 mone7, or cheek or draft for money on tho deposit or
pledJee or bailmoot of pernonal proprty %And as seouritir
for evoh damn or advc:roemeet, or te -mninonn of loeninr or ado.
vnnoieg monoy or check or draft for moroy in r trnsaction er
tram:490E1one in the form of a sale of neroona nrop2rty whereini
the .peronnal property involved under a!ryoonloot, in to bit or
may he reourollshod 'oy the vendor, nledror, bnilor or depositor
withi upon t'ae o.y. of an ofTeod num, or any
sum in oxoons of to reel mua no loaned or edmhoed, or taw.
br.sino ,c of lo%nirw or advnoinp, mono" or cheok. or draft for 1
monoy cttel .!-,orte or mortr:t.Tos or .7, 1-monl property
There the personal 3.roporty involved or emyc. r of 12.10 same is
tier into the ol.4:.toly or oonnemnion of tho arson advanoing
ouch money, or hi ,r:ont or trvnter, or f*e of loaning
or sdvancinr any money or check or draft for -lousy upon.eny. 1
o.:isignle.'It or aesi,c.7m.aontn, or oledae or pledgen of e,Irned or
burdnons of
uneexond nalary, WW7G2 or cerel.n ., or t':,e loanin, advaneing
any monoy or e7look: or draft for ?-erney roly under-
taking or agrcemoht which in substance and effect assigns,
pledgoe or bindo tht earned or unearned salary, wages or oar -
ins of the borrower an security for such loan or advancement,
without previously having obtained a licence so to do in accord
anle with the provisions hereinafter contained and sot fortlt.
A sign or adverti%emont indicirte that any person in ongs..4.
.,. ...
Of 1, LO L+.1)017L, :ina of buine:'.a sialli 1:,e reeived
evidence dg::,in::t suol't ,or;:--in ?:;,;),t ,,. is engaged in I.
th,:: ';,1,:sinose or pursuit therein advertised. Every person en- li
g4ged in ny ousinec or puret4t abcve Yienticned is hereby de- I.
ell:,red i a aaenbroer, and wual p %.1,0 sam iicoUe fee
,-7 and ructfive the $ licen e 4',,s a pannbrer, -end aLa.11 be
- '
gove;rnee040. itiolnld by a:11. ordinances anc, .mgulati'ep.-,6704gernini
. ' paranbro4prOiWee'rar. 0.s t?f.., ar,.me pc.rttan to lite441.41 *
snow.Tvii, 364 iiipory j,orrs,yn ap,lyin,r .'of' Ailiopasse 4paeal-
.:. .i'
bro,,,w, 04.11 2 Wero,rocoivinP; mon lic,o,)oo, 'fnkr ,Ilto t4ei
n'oeury a)lioento ta4 of w)o M.311(txqd ( •.1.)(1. ) doalurs per en- ,
nv,:m (no suc'o 11.‘e to b,i is,,,;ued fc,0 , T.;..,)n ,..-,,,,r1,)(, than aia i
..ionte) and uhall bro receivit : 1.10:!) li.,,,): c0 enlr into a
joint .LALL sopardte .,,.)4(:., aij21, cor;.)ore sL-4t;;. to .,,: op rove4 I
b;,,,' :.; ,(.: l'l.y.)r, in L-0 ,'..:4;,1 e..ro of 01':: t',.:,1,. (v1,000.(J0)
tiOlL :0, conaitic,nek: fcw t.:-.(:, faltd'ul oV..,r‘p,-;.:c!c s- all ordi-
n.,.noQa rus,outinG ,,,,,in'sreers; 1)rovided, Lo.,..t t-itc license pro-
for :In .,.. ds ;.:ceti,:n 4;;:a.,'..1 not :),. ..11 i.--, liclsee to 004
due:, the 1,1..3int; ol' ,../. 4,1%;rclax,A.
CEC".2 Z. 'L.A.:: 0y...:1.a.. eo Jball %,..1;:e .)::ffr,,t u.An ,,i_vroirol.
, 1
Posed hy tfc City Coonc-il of SLIt(i_,-ef-fri Utall, Orly P.3i.b 1C04, i
80e, T(.. fe t'r tilr ryc.,,y: f7.,-p FiF .Epp7r1:f.1. --
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