100 of 1910 - Ordinance 100 of 1910 – Paving Extension No. 61, Second Partial Estimate. ..
Ad oapiA (.: E .
AA ordinance levyiuL. a tax and or the assensment of property on
Third South Street between State and Tenth East Streets, in faxing •
Districts Non. 7, 27 and 28, for the purpose of providing for the
gradinc, gutterine; and curbing, and pavinc thereof.
Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt lake City, Utnh:
SECTI1T 1. That the City Council does hereby levy the tan and
provide for the assessment of the same upon the property hereinafter
described in Pevinf Districts Dos. 7, 27 and 28, for the purpose of
providiuv: for the gradinL, gutterin and curbina, and. J.) .171IL of a por-
tion of said districts, to-nit:
In Dots 5 and 6, rdocl 53; 5, 6, 7 and 8, Clock 54, Flat "k"; 5
and 6, Clock 56, flat "B", abuttinf on the south side eC Third. South
Street beteen State and, fourth Cast Streets.
This tax is levied to defy the e:: ense of 3.rad.in:, buttering
and curbiDL: with cement, and .a2.vin;_: with as shalt (Eaid. ashalt pave-
ment to be ninet -teo 92 fast wide between curbs and nine and. 1/2
(9-1/2) inches thick between State and Third East Streets; seventy-
t':, (72) feet wide between curbs za,la la-i. c and. 1/2 (9-1/2) inchcs thic,
beteen Third East and Sinth East Streets; sixty (Sc) lent wide betwean
curbs and niae and 1/2 (9-i/s) inches thiek boteeen Siath East and
lanth East Streets; and. fifty (Sc) feet wide between curbs and nine
and 1/2 (9-1/2) inches thick between ninth Cant and Tenth Cant Streets)
the portions of arid Third South Street hereib,eCere and iteedJa.'dter
described to be especially afdected ant liens Cited 1:, scald. Li.,),a)vement,
Leal it is hereby odjudFed, detor!:-.i-ied nil est.Cblis . tl)at ;30,1_,,i prop-
erty will be especially benefited thereby to lbs full auleaut ,if the
ta:r hereby levied, and said parcels of land are hereby assessed at an
e.1:aal and uniform rate in accordn=o with the lineat. foot frot-o:..n
upon said 5oatisn o. nail trai.. 2Ja)- 7L,1 TL, ca. cf to L de, of
twenty-Cave (25 feet hue:; tidroffc , rid t :n i.o::' -ilreliy levied and
to be assessed upon ,:aid ..,:Laceds of lici is '1.,7:ut,/ thcutot.,Tui one hund+d
twenty-three and 6/1i20 ( 20,125.06) dollars; fourteen thousand si.5C1-H
. ,
hundred twenty-four and 17/100 (: 14,624.17) dollars, or eleven and
78915/1,000,Ot ( 11.078915) doll.' rs por front er lirocr foot of abut-
tin:4; proporty for roadway nirety-two (92) feat A.de, there being 1320
feet of abettinL: proi)erty within ti„c bou:ai: riee (a7 no lot , blocks
and street above ,c,eutionod; and five thousand four hundred ninety-
eiLht and 39/100 ( 5,498.39) dollar8, or oint and 031654/1,0000
( 3.351654) dollars por front or linear foot of abuttinc, property for
roadway seventy-two (72) feet wide, 0- au. ( 1.);;. 66c) fe-t of abutting
proirerty within the boundariesof the lots, block and stropt above
mentioned, in said district, which is the total cost and coat ,:er front
foot of said j)ave-ment, aceerdinL to the cortract eta red. into for the
performance of said work and makin : said i. p,rovoment with the Strame-
Mauire 2a.vint.: Company, dated the 15th day of :ovember, 1909, and the
Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed, to assess in accordnce
with the frovisiono of this ordinance for the .‘2UM.)0',30 heroin mentioned:
17in.etz-two foot aoadlyay.
The north side of Lots 5 and. 6, Clock ITS; the north aide of Lots
5, 6, 7 and 0, hloek .31, flat "A".
Seventl-two foot Road
The north side of dots 5 and 6, 'Clock 36, riot -131,Li,at tOke
city Survey, a-- Lie 0. ', o aro ohown upon the o['2icirl plots of said
city to a depth of twenty-five (25) feet back from said street, and
to collect 1,,aid tax.
SECTIOU 2. Said tax shall become and be delinveut in ten equab
yearly installments, with interest bk the whole 31:111 unpaid at the ratle
of six per cent per annum, paysble at Ho tice each instellment is due,
to-wit: One-tenth thereof ore year ftor to a)drovsl of the ordinate
conirmin,s the levy of tho tax for the .d.- ri-lr,nt for such -_iii;roverient; 1
one-tenth thereof in two years after such aproval; one-tenth thereo,d
in three years after such arJprovol; one-tenth thereof in four years
after such approval; one-tenth thereof in five years after such ap-pro-
w,11; one-tenth toroof io air :,,o1,T.,; C'': •., :.,, it ae-2-rovaa; one-1;enth: -
1 • e' 1
' 1
1 .
thereof in seven years after such approval; one-tenth thereof in eight
years after such approval; one-tenth thereof in nine years after such
approval; and one-tenth thereof in ten years after such approval.
One or more of said installments, in the order in which they are pay-
able, or the whole special tax may be paid at any time within thirty
days after the approval of the ordinance confirminC the levy of the
tax, without interest. Ii the. event of any installment or the inter-
est aforesaid not bein -paid on tie date the same becomes due, the
whole amount of the spoil ,mac ui aid at the tine said instalLrlent
and interest are due, shall :bacri4 ;flue and ><;yable, and shall draw
interest at the rate of ei;;h't:: Per dent per annum until sale of the
property assessed; provided, one or more installments, in the order
in which they are payable, or the whole special tax unpaid may be
paid on the day any installment becomes due, by payin!, the amount
thereof and interest to said date.
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon approval.
Paving Extension Po. 61.
/)1Second Partial Estimate. �_� % �--� �s� � '��
`:acsed by City Comic i of Sal- ake City,ii;<;", .r14 ]. th
ref.,^eu to the - ayor
City o�ecordc4.
t rov,o -;; Lio / rr;7 01445/P2-11_17/-W(1
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