100 of 1911 - Ordinance 100 of 1911 – Sidewalk Extension No. 129, Third Partial Estimate. AL OHDILA eCE . An ordinence co:o eirmine the eee5 ueon ten property here innfter described within. the folloeer ueecribed districts, to-Tit: Conmienoiee at the inter aecti.on 07 the eon.th line of Cecond forth Street with the west line of Third ':rest Street, and re-e ing thence north to the center of Fourth forth Street; thence east to the center of Third 'West Street; thence north to the north line of Sixth forth Street; thence west to the center of Twelfth West Streit; thence north to the center of Leadville Avenue; thence west to the Jordan River; thence southerly along the Jordan River to the cente- of Fifth North Street; thence east to the center of Fourteenth Wes Street; thence south to the Jordan River; thence eaotcrle and sout.- eaeterly along the Jordan River to the south line of Block 1, Cakl:y; thence east to the center of Eleventh West Street; thence south to the center of Second forth Street; thence east to the center of Tenth ;lest Street; :thence north to the north line of Fourth North Street; thence east to the east line of Fourth iJeet Street; thence south to the south line of Second forth Street; thence emet to the place of beginning, with the exception of the euct side of .-Fourth West Street between Fourth forth and Fifth forth Streets; the west side of Fourth Weet Street between Fifth forth and Sixth forth Streets; and both sides of Third forth Street between Tenth West and :eleventh fleet Streets. Also commencing at the intersection of the center lines of Thirteenth North and Davis Streets, thence north to the north line of Everet Avenue; thence west to the west line of Hot Springs Streit; thence northwesterly along the west-most side of hot eprine Ct-ceer to the north line of Duluth Avenue; thence west to the center line of Dexter Street; thence south to the center line of Duluth Avenue; thence west to the west line of Superior Addition; thence southerly along the west line of Superior Addition to the north lino of Thir- teenth ford,. Street; thence east to the center line of eienth feat Street; thence south to the center line of fhirteenth forth Street; -2- thence east to the place of ledinning. i,,.i't:t r, the east-'most side of Hot Sprints ;Street between Everet Avenue mid Fifteenth north Street; and the west side of Fourth ,Jest Street ihetc.een North Temple and First Forth Streets, in Sidewalk Districts nos. 20, 21 and 41, for the construction of cement sidewalks. Be it ordained by the City Council of Sult dshe City, Uth: SECTION 1. That the assessment list made by the City Treasurer as corrected, approved and completed by the Board of Equolization and Review, heretofore duly appointed by the City Council for that purpose, of the property in Lots 1 to 52, inclusive, Subdivision of Block 85; 1, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8, Block 85; 44, and 1 to 35, inclusive, Block 2; 44, and 1 to 35, inclusive, Block 1, Wilkes' Subdivision, Block 86; 1, Block 87; 1 to 34, inclusive, Block 1; 1 to 17, in- clusive, Block 2, Thompson's Subdivision, Block 87; 1, 2, 6, 7 and 8, block 94; 1 to 44, inclusive, Block 1, Wilkes' Subdivision, Bloc 95; 1 and 2, Block 96, flat "C"; 6, Flock 101; 1, 2, 3, 6, 7 and 8, block 116; 1, 2, b and 6, Block 119; 1, 2, 5, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8, Block 134; 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8, Block 135; 1, 2, 2 end 4, Block 136; 1 end 2, Block 137, rint "A", Salt Lake Oity Survey, abuttint on tho east side of Sixth Best Street between Fourth north and Fifth berth Streets; on the west aide of Sir.th West ;;t:reet be- tween Fourth north and Sixth Borth Streets; on both sides of Fifth 'Jest Street between Fourth North and Fifth nu:rth St-ceets; on the so ith side of Fifth Forth Street beteen Third ','/rout and bevunth ',;e,,t 4troets; on the north aide of Fifth north Street between Third .Lest and Grant Streets, and between Seventh hnt and .air th , rut Streets; on the east side of Seventh West Street between Wearth .2tcth and Fifth north Streets; on the west side of Soveuth West Street botwee•I Fourth Borth and Sitii north Streets: or bath s4Jes o" „r;ound Sth 'eaen Third d .,ett and co,z e.ih Smr ;et• ; ., . - . ._ n o ' imni north .Arn of nets ons Third , nt and. Fourth ... t 61,ro. tn; on both aides of Fourth Forth Street bet--?.ell Third :,eat ilLd. fn'a'th tJua,. Streots; on the west side of Third .,,.ut Street dote n Fourth •z North and Fifth North Streets; un the west side of Fourth ;lest Street between r'ourth North and i'ifth North Streets; on both sides of Girard Avenue between r'ifth West and meth 4ost Streets; on the west side of Grant Street between Fourth berth and Fifth north Streets; on the ecot side of Grant Street between Fourth .forth and Sixth North Streets; and on both sides of Dexter Street betraeen Fourth North and Fifth North Streets, in Sidemal'. Districts _you. 2C, 21 and 41, of Salt Luke City, for the purpose of constraeting eeme.t sidewalks upon said portione..of said streets, is hereby confirmed, a and the assessments made itna re lied in said completed lists are hereby confirmed. SLC'TIUN 2. This ordinance shall t ke e"i'ect upon approval. Sidewalk Extension No. 129. Third Partial Netimate. / Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City//,Utah, October 30th, 7.911, and referred to the =`• ; f�,� ' 4al. IK__, I Approved this day of October, 1911, p_ yor. .. .. , 0 IU J. • .1 ., i, ,1 .. i1 nee . •__ • ..CJ `1'. .i ��:l1 I�t. .,•, .1. i.. 1-3 c. v., lq _ . 11 1�