100 of 1912 - Amending Sections 6 and 8, City Electrician. • Salt Lake City, Utah,_._ AuE•_5t _1912_ VOTING [ ves No I move that the ordinance be pass Keyser , . . . . . Korns Lawrence V.i /f Morris `. I . / Mr.Chairman . . . �,�° RESULT - - AN ORDINANCE . 1 An ordinance amending and re-enacting Sections 6 and 8 of an ordinance entitled "An ordinance creating the office of city electrician, defining his duties, establishing rules and. regulatio s for the installation, operation, inspection and maintenance of electric light and paver wires, apparatus and appliances, providing for permits and inspections, fixing penalties for violation of pro- visions of this ordinance and. repealing all ordinances and resolu- tions in conflict herewith", passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, June 12, 1912. I I Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake Cit , �' Uta.h: SECTION 1. That Sections 6 and 8 of an ordinance entitled, "An ordinance creating the office of city electrician, defining his duties, establishing rules and regulations for the installa- tion, operation, inspection and maintenance of electric light and I power wires, apparatus and appliances, providing for permits and 1 inspections, fixing penalties for violation of provisions of this ordinance and repealing all ordinances and resolutions in conflict herewith", passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, June 12, 1912, be, and the same are hereby amended and re- enacted so as to read as follows: SECTION 6. All companies, firms, co-partnerships, corpo- rations or individuals who desire to have electric li:>ht or power wiring, fixtures, appliances or apparatus installed in • or on any building (except central power houses and substatio{is belonging to electric light or street railway companies opera-- ing under a franchise granted by S .lt Lake City) shall seeureI a permit from the City Electrician. It shall be unlawful for any individual, firm or corpora}- , tion engaged in electrical work to install any electrical wiring, fixtures, appliances or ap-paratus in or on any build- ing, unless and until a permit for such work shall have been I(L • • secured from the City Electrician, as provided. in this ordi- nance. In order to secure a permit for the installation of electrical wiring, fixtures, appliances or apparatus, and, be- fore any addition to, or alteration in any old installation of electrical wiring, fixtures, appliances or apparatus, is made, every company, firm, or co-partnership, or individual, shall make a written application to the City Electrician on blanks supplied for that purpose by said city, and shall pay the said electrician, in advance, all fixed fees, the amount or amounts named in $tea Section 7 of this ordinance. • • SECTION 8. (a) All electrical wiring installation, or • for furnishing electrical fixtures, apparatus or appliances light, heat or power, telegraph, telephone, district messenger and other electrical work introduced into, or placed in or on any building or structure in Salt Lake City, shall be in con- formity with the latest issue of rules and requirements of th National Electrical Code, and all fittings and materials used in such installations must be sanctioned in the latest list o electrical fittings, published by the National Board of Fire Underwriters, which rules and requirements and lists, as ap_u:lied above, are hereby made a part of this ordinance. (b) Service switches, cut-outs and meters must not be placed in bathrooms, and all switches, sockets and other electrical fixtures and apparatus must be located so that they cannot be reached by one standing in a bath-tub. (c) All wires in damp places, basements or cellars, unless concealed by plaster, coapo-bo,a.rd or similar. :finish on ceiling, must be run in conduit, and no metal-covered sockets or switches 'sill be permitted therein. All drop cords in basements or cellars must be of what -3- is termed "reinforced cord". (d) Each flat or dwelling place in an apartment house, flat building, or building designed for two or more dwellings, shall be provided with en independent service, unless the cuts outs or meters are grouped in a cabinet or closet opening int a public hallway so as to be readily accessible at all times. (e) Every building other than c. private dwelling here- after erected, in which electricity is used far light, heat o } power, shell have the supply wires, when fronk;underground mains, enter the building at some convenient location on the ground. floor, readily accessible to police or firemen, and said supply wires to be provided at this location with main cut-off switches as few in number as conditions will allow, so arranged that all current for light, heat or power can be cut off from the building. SECTION 2. This ordinance shell take effect one day after it:' first publication. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake Ci y,Utah,August ..5th, 1912 C` 7 �� NOBLE WARRUM, icayor J City Recorder By um-wt^cuo,. Chief Deputy. .-- ----',•.. ..- _ 1 " 'N• _." t 04 -.• t 11 c .t. I J1 _ . ., 6, 1 . - , . ,.....1. 1 i •—. ? 17:5ccri. II _ Vjfr tAL . or. . . . , . VI I ,_