100 of 1917 - Amending Chapter 33, relating to soft drink establishments 64
VOTING AYE NAY Salt Lake City,Utah, October_.11, ,1917 .
Green -I I move that the ordinance be passed.
Wells LNC:
Result. —
Am ordinance amending Chapter 33 of the Revised Ordinances
of Salt Lake City of 1913, by adding in and to said Chapter 33
seven new sections, to be known as Sections 875x1, 875x2, 875x3,
875x4, 875x5, 875x6 and 875x7.
Be it ordained by the Board. of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That Chapter 33 of the Revised Ordinances of
Salt Lake City of 1913, be, and the same is hereby amended by
adding in and to said chapter seven new sections to be known as
Sections 875x1, 875x2, 875x3, 875x4, 875x5, 875x6 and 875x7,
said new sections to read as follows:
SECTION 875x1. It shall be unlawful for any person,
firm or corporation to sell, give away, serve or keep for
sale for consumption upon the premises, any near beer, malt
brews, cider or other similar beverages, or ginger ale,
grape juice, soda water, root beer or any similar beverages
commonly known as soft drinks, within Salt Lake City,
without first obtaining a license so to do.
SECTION 875x2. (a) The license fee for places where
near beer, malt brews, cider and other similar beverages,
under any name or description whatsoever, are sold for
consumption upon the premises, where dancing is permitted,
or in cabarets, whether sold on draught or in bottles,
shall be ?r50.00 per year or any part thereof.
(b) The license fee for places where near beer, malt
brews, cider and other similar beverages, ginger ale,
grape juice, soda water, root beer or similar beverages
commonly known as soft drinks, are sold or dispensed, for
consumption upon the premises, by means of fountain,
or otherwise,
gx on draught,/shall be 425.00 per year or any part there-
(c) The license fee for places where ginger ale,
grape juice, soda water, root beer or other similar bever-.
ages commonly known as soft drinks, exclusive of near beer,
malt brews, cider and other similar beverages, are sold or
dispensed in the original bottles only, exclusive of the
places mentioned in paragraphs A and B hereof, shall be
5.00 per year or any part thereof.
This license fee shall be paid in addition to any
other license which may be required to be paid by restaur
ant keepers, merchants, or for other businesses; provided,,
however, that where a merchant's license has already been
paid, based upon the value of the stock of goods carried
in the soft drink business, a refund shall be allowed for
the fraction of the year remaining, based upon the propor-+
tionate amount of stock included in said soft drink
SECTION 875x3. Every peron desiring a license for
the sale of soft drinks under the provisions of Sections
875x1 and 875x2, shall make application therefor to the
License Assessor and Collector, and shall, with his appli-'
nation, file a statement showing the street and house
number of the place where he proposes to carry on said
The application for such license, together with the
statement of applicant, shall, by the License Assessor and
Collector, be presented to the Board. of Commissioners at
its next regular meeting, and shall, by said Board, be
referred to the Chief of 2olice for inspection and report.
The Chief of ?olive shall, within five days after receiving
such application, make report to the Board of the general
reputation and character of the person making such appli-
cation; the general reputation and character of the place
sought to be licensed; the general reputation and character
of the persons who habitually frequent such place; the
nature and kind of business conducted at such place by the
applicant, or by any other person, or by said applicant at
any other place; whether intoxicating liquors are or have
been served or permitted to be drunk in said place, or by
said applicant at any other place; whether said place is,
or has been conducted in a lawful, quiet and orderly
manner; the nature and kind of entertainment, if any; at
said place; whether gambling is or has been permitted upon
the premises, or by said applicant at any other place; and
he shall add thereto his recommendation as to granting or
denying said application. Upon receipt of the said report,
the Board of Commissioners shall act upon the application
as it shall deem fair, just and proper, in regard to
granting or denying the same.
SECTION 875x4. No license issued under the provisions
of this ordinance shall be transferred from one licensee
to another, nor from the original location to another,
without the consent of the Board of Commissioners.
SECTION 875x5. It shall be unlawful for any person
licensed according to the provisions of this ordinance, or
for any person in the employ of such licensee, to at any
time while conducting such business, sell, offer for sale,'
or give away, any intoxicating liquor, or any soft drinks
containing intoxicating liquor, or to mix, compound, add
to, or in anywise adulterate such drinks with any intoxi-
cating beverage, liquid, or other substance of an intoxi-
cating nature, so as to render the same intoxicating to
any degree, or to contain more than one-half of one per
cent. by volume, of alcohol.
SECTION 875x6. Any license issued under the provi-
sions of this ordinance may be revoked by the Board of
Commissioners of Salt Lake City upon notice and hearing
for violation of any of the ordinances of Salt Lake City,
or law of the State of Utah.
SECTION 875x7. Any person violating any of the pro-
visions of Sections 875x1, 875x2, 875x3, 875x4 and 875x5,
shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished by a fine not
exceeding vi299.00, or by imprisonment in the City Jail for
a period not longer than six months, or by both such fine
and imprisonment. The court may, in imposing a fine,
enter as a part of the judgment that the defendant in
default of the payment of the fine, may be imprisoned in
the City Jail for a period not exceeding thirty days.
SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners,
it is necessary to the peace and safety'of the City that this
ordinance shall become effective immediately, for the better
enforcement of the Prohibition Law.
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its
first publication.
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
Utah, October , 1917.
Mayor . 7
y Recorder.
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