100 of 1947 - Levying a tax for Sidewalk Extention No. 237 KC1LL tuHLL1 VOTING AYE NAY tt s r�(1 �,r a Salt Lake City, Utah, +, , 194 Affleck I move that the ordinance be paced. Matheson . . . Romney Tedesco `. Mr.Chairman . . / ` AN ORDINANCE Result Ah ORDINANCE LE'IVYINiG L TAX- and for'the assessment of property (SiCewe.1c Extension Do. 237) for the purpose of con- structing concrete aircvalks. Be it ordained by the Board of Co,muissioners of Salt Lire City, Utah: S1sCTIO'h 1. That the Board of Commissioner_ of Salt Fake City does hereby levy the tax and provide for the assessment of the same upon the property hereinafter described (Sidewalk cxten- ::ion no. 237) for the purpose of constructing concrete sidewalks, Lots 28 to 38 incl. of :lock 4, Lots 20 to 27 incl. of Block 3, Lots 22 to 29 incl. of Mocks 2, and Lots 22, 23 and 24 of Clock 1, of Idiewild _o.ciitior, of part of N.T. 1/4 of Sec. 21, T. 1 S., R. 1 a., S. I.. I,. °s M.; Lot 5 of Block 1, Lots 5 and 6 of Block 2, Lots 4 and 5 of Block 3, Lots 7 and 8 of Block 4, Lots 1, 2, 5 and 6 of Block 5, Lots 1, 2, 5, 6 and 7 of 1+lock 6, and Lots 1, 4 and 5 of Block 7, Fosslyn Heights of part of the N.E. 1/4 of Sec, 21 and h.i .1./4 of Sec. 22, T. 1 IC., B. 1 .-., S.L.P. & M-I.; part of the 5.1.1/4 of Be. Cl,. T. 1 E., R. 1 E., II.; part of the N.V. 1/4 of Sec. 22, T. 1 S., R. 1 L., S.L.B. ?c ?I.; Lots 1 and 4 of Block 1, Lots 2 to 5 inc_. of Block 2, Lots 1, 4, 5 a.ns. 6 of Block 3, Lots 2 and 3 of Block 4, Lots 2, 3 and 4 of Block 9, and Lots 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6 of Block 10, Country Club Acres, of part of the Ii.1 .1./i of Sec. 22, T. 1 E. 1 a., 0.L.5. & M.; Lots 1 to 8 incl. of dock 11, Lots 1 to 5 incl. of Block 12, and Lots 8 and 9 of Block 17 of the _mended Plat of Country Club Acres, of part of the I',i/4 of Sec. 22, T. 1 S., R. 1 IC., �r�t� -2- i B'B ti.; Lots 3 to 31 incl. of :-lock 2, and Lots 1 and 2 a.rld 48 to 72 incl. of Block 3, Union dois;hts, a subdivision of Block 46, 10 z_cre Plot r ", F-i; ::'field _urvey; Lots 583 to 593 incl., and Lots 636 to 660 incl. of Highland Park Plat ".' ", of part of the S.F. 1/4 of Sec-.. 21, T. 1. R. 1 s., ,..L._,. P ;.[.; Lots 2 and 3 of dock 160, Plat "En, Salt Lake City ircl. o�' Sur- vey; Lots 1 to 6 ,. Block 9, Lots 10 to 18 incl. of Block 11, and. Lots. 3 aso 4 of S:lock 14, 2uc. yside Park, of part of the s.W.1/4 of Sec. 10, T. 1 S., P. 1 h., and Block 27, 5 Ecre flat "C", Big!Aeld Survey; Lots 1 to S incl- of Block 1, Lou la.s Park, of part cf the s.E.1/4 of Sec 9, T. 1 S., 5. 1 E., S.L.B. & M.; part of the N.5.1/4 of Sec. 10, T. 1 2., P. 1 E., S.L._. & M.; Lots 1 to 12 incl. of Bloc 28, Park Crescent Sub. of;part of the F.?.J.7./4 of Sec. 10, T. 1 .., R.. 1 I., `:.L.B. & ...; part of Lot 6, Block 46, 10 ...-cre Plat "a", Bic Cielc. Survey; Lots 131 and 132 of Block 6, High land Park Plat "B", of Block 46, 10 acre Plat "A", ;Si : 'Field Survey; Lots 1 to 18 incl. of' lock 1, and Lots 1 to 18 incl. of Block 2, Beverly heights, a subdivision of slack 13, 5 Acr, Plat "C", Big Field Survey, and Block 13 of F.i .Lyfaan Jr.ts Survey of Eec. 16, T. 1 S., 0. 1. E., S.L. & il.; Lots 1 and 2 and 14. to 22 incl. of Block "L", and Lots 1 to 11 i cl. cf Block "B" of Iiasatch Sub. cf flock 7, 5 Acre flat "C", Dig Field Survey, and Block 7 of P.;ALLyma.n Jr.ls survey of Sec.l. , T. 1 ., B. 1 L., 5.0. & M.; part of the 0.? .1/4 of Sec. 28 and the N.E.1/4 of Sec. 29, 2. 1 E., E. 1 E., ..L._. & M.; Lots 53 and 54 of Block 3, highland Park Plat "C", of part of the N.i .1./4 of Sec. 28, T. 1 S., R. 1 L., ...L. . & M.; part o_f the s.. . 1/4 of Eec. 21, T. 1 B., P. 1 L., S.d.7 . & B.; Lots i to 4 incl. and 28 to 44 incl. of Block 7, ;.ots 7 to 27 incl. of Bloch 12, Lots 29 to 44 incl. of Block 13, Lots 1, 2 and 43 to 46 incl. of Block 14, Lots 7 to 10 incl. of Block 17, and Lots 7 to 21 incl. of Block 18, Clermont Sub. of part of the ri.'.'.1/4 of Sec. 28, T. 1 S., R. 1 F., S.L.B. & M.; Lots 2 to 20 incl. of Block 1, Lots 1 and 21 to 38 incl. of Block 2, 1 . -3- a.nd -Lots 2 to 20 incl. of Block. 3, Highland Pars flat "E" of part of ..., .1./4 of ;sec. 21, T. 1- S., R. 1 E., S. L. 1. The tax is levied to defray the expense of constructing icon.crete sidewalk four (4) feet wide on both sides of Logan Avenue from 17th to 19th East Streets; both sides of Blaine Avenue from 19th to 20th East Streets; the south side of Atkin. 'venue from LLig - lend Drive to Beverly :street; both sides of Filmore Street from 27 h South Street to Atkin Avenue; the west side of Hartford Street fro 27th South Street to a point 192.0 ft. north of Atkin Avenue and Ojnorth 23A.5 ft. from Zenith -.venue; the east side of Hartford Stre t Iisouth 479.99 ft. from 27th South Street, north 312.0 ft. from Atki Avenue, and north 134..0 ft. from ,enith ±venue; and constructing ';five (5) foot sidewalk on the south side of 21st South Street from h1.7th Last Street to Berkeley Street; the north side of Udilmington gAvenue from 19th East °treet to a point 81.375 ft. west of Yuma Street, west 61.0 ft. from 21st East Street, and west 55.0 ft. from H. point 116.0 ft. west of 21st East Street; the south side of Iil- i�. ILri.ngton Avenue from 19th East Street to a point 693.5 ft. west of 21st East Street; the west side of 21st East Street from. 21st South Street to Par's.way Avenue; the east side of 21st Last Street from a point 351..6 ft. south of 'vtil rington Avenue to Parkway Avenue; both sides of Oneida Street from 21st South Street to Country Club Drive; (the north side of Country Club Drive from 21st to 22nd Last Streets; !the south side of Country Club Drive east 130.0 ft. from 21st East !street- the east side of Berkeley ::street from a point 374.1.5 ft. south of 21st South Street to Wilmington Avenue; the west side of Berkeley Street from 21st South Street to Failmington Avenue; both sides of Lriggs Avenue from Highland Drive to 13th Last Street; the west side of 17th Last Street from Hillcrest avenue to a point 137.13 eft, north of _Stratford t:venue; the east side of 17th Last Street (from Hillcrest Avenue to a point 140.89 ft. north of Stratford ave- r nue; the west side of 18th East Street from Hillcrest Avenue to a point 137.0 ft. north of Stratford Avenue; th4 east side of "E" Street from llth to 12th Avenues; the north side of Michigan Avenue from Foothill Drive to 21st East Street; the south side of Sunnysid 1i -4- Avenue from. Foothill Drive to 21st Last 'Street; the west side of Padley Street from Sunnyside Avenue to 9th South Street; and the west side of Highland Drive from Ashton !:.venue to a point 439.0 ft, south; all said sidewalks to be four (4) inches thick; upon the portions of said streets opposite the property hereinbefore and i thereinafter described to be especially affected and benefited by ! said improvement, and it is hereby adjudged, determined and. estab- Ilished that said. property will be especially benefited thereby to Ithe full amount of the tax hereby levied and said parcels of land are hereby assessed at en eoual and uniform rate in accordance wit the linear foot frontage upon and to the entire depth of the same' ! ownership back therefrom not exceeding 330 feet, and the tax here-, ! by levied and to be assessed upon said parcels of land is ifty- ! seven Thousand Eighty-one and 92/100 (-57,081.92) Dollars; Eighte n ' Thousand., Two Hundred Sixty-four and 68/100 (U 8,264.68) Dollars gor Two and 03/100 ($2.03) Dollars per front or linear foot of abutt ! tiny property for constructing four (4) foot walk, there being 8,997.38 feet abutting said portion of said improvement; and Thirty- height Thousand, Eight Hundred Seventeen and 24/100 ( 38,817.24) Dollars or Two and. 33/100 (62.33) Dollars per front or linear foot of abutting property for constructing five (5) foot walk, there be- ! ing 16,659.76 feet abutting said portion of said improvement; with- in. the boundaries of the lots, blocks and streets above mentioned, which is the total abutters' cost and cost per front foot of said 1 sidewalks, according to the contract entered into for the perform- ance of said work and making said improvement with Griffith, Gor- /nail & Carman, Inc., dated the 16th day of July, 1946, and the I Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed. to assess in accordant with the provisions of this ordinance, for the purpose herein men- ! tioned: FOUR (4) FOOT WALK. Fron.ting_on the north side of Logan avenue, The south 68.0 ft. of Lots 1 and 2, all of Lots 3 to 17 incl., and the south 84.17 ft. of Lot 18, of Elk. 1, Beverly Heig ts.; a subdivision of Blk. 13, 5 Acre Plat "C", Big Field burvey, and fl I -5- Block 13 of F. M.Lyman Jr.'s Survey of Sec. 16, T. 1 S., R. 1 5., IS. L. B. & M. Fronting on the South side of Logan Avenue. I1 The north 56.32 ft. of Lot 1, the north 56.32 ft. of the west 29.5 ft. and all of the east 56.0 ft. of Lot 2, all of Lots 13-1.6 incl., the west 54.0 ft. of Lot 17, and the east 31.5 ft. of I I the north 112.34 ft. of Lot 17, and the north 112.34 ft. of Lot 18 of Block 2, Beverly Heights, a subdivision of Blk. 13, 5-Acre Plat j "C", Big Field Survey, and Block 13 of F.M.Lyman Jr.'s Survey of 1Sec. 16, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. B. & M. Fronting on the North side of Blaine_ Avenue. The east 60.0 ft. of Lots 1 and 2, and all of Lots 14 to 22 incl.., of Blk. A, Wasatch Subdivision of Block 7, 5-Acre Plat "C" and Block 7 of F.M.Lyman Jr. 's Survey of Sec. 16, T.1 S.,R. 1 1E., S. L. B. & M. Fronting on the South side of Blaine Avenue. The east 60.0 ft. of Lots 1 and 2, and all of Lots 3 to ' 11 incl., of Blk. B, Wasatch Subdivision of Block 7, 5-Acre Plat "C" and Block 7 of F.M.Lyman Jr. 's Survey of Sec. 16, T. 1 S., R. 1 5., S. L. 3. & M. Fronting on the south side of Atkin Avenue. Beginning at the intersection of the east line of High- Hand Drive and the south line of Atkin Avenue; thence east 597.15 ft. of part of N.W.1/4 of Sec. 28 and N.F.1/4 of Sec. 29,T.1 S., R, 11 L., S.L.B. & M.; and all of Lot 53 and the north 12.5 ft. of Lot 1 54, of Lots 53 and 54, Blk. 3, Highland Park Plat C, part of N.W. 11/4 of Sec. 28, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S.L.B. & M. Fronting on the west side of Filmore Street. Beginning at the intersection of the south line of 27th South Street and the west line of Filmore Street, thence south 1479.99 ft. of part of S.W-.1/4. of Sec. 21, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. al B. & M.; and all of Lots 1 to 4 incl. and. 28 to 44 incl. of Blk. 7, Clermont Subdivision of part of N. W. 1/4 of Sec. 28, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. B. & M. Fronting on the east side of Filmore Street. JI, 1 -6- All of Lots 2 to 16 incl. and the west 65.37 ft. of Lots 17 to 20 incl. of Block 1, Highland Park Plat E of part of S.W.1/4 of Sec. 21, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. B. & M.; and all of Lots 7 to 27 incl. of Block 12, Clermont Subdivision of part of N.W'.1/4 of Sec. 28, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. B. & M. jj Fronting on the west side of Hartford Street. " I All of Lots 1, 25 to 38 incl. and the east 60.19 ft. of Lots 21 to 24 incl., of Lots 1 and 21 to 38 incl., of Bik. 2,High- land Park Plat 1E1, part of S.W.1/4 of Sec. 21, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., { S.L.B. & M.; all of Lots 29 to 43 incl. and the north 20.0 ft. of Lot 44, of Lots 29 to 44 incl. of Bik. 13, and all of Lots 1,2,44, 45, 46, and the south 22.5 3't. of Lot 43, of Lots 1, 2 and 43 to 46 incl. of Bik. 14, Clermont Subdivision of part of N.W.1/4 of Sec. 28, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S.L.B. & M,; and beginning at the N.E.corner of Lot 1, Block 14, Clermont Sub.; thence north 12.0 ft.,part of N.W.1/4 of Sec. 28, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. 2. & M. { Fronting on the east side of Hartford Street. All of Lots 2 to 16 incl., and the south 16.74 ft. of Lot 17, and the west 69.49 ft. of Lots 18, 19 and 20, and of the north 8.26 ft. of Lot 17, of Lots 2 to 20 incl. of Blk. 3, High- land Park Plat 1E1, part of S.1.1/4 of Sec. 21, T.1 S., R. 1 E., S.L.B. & M.; all of Lots 7 to 21 incl. of Blk. 18, Clermont Sub. of part of N.14.1/4 of Sec. 28, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S.L.B. & M., and lbeginning at the northwest corner of Lot 10, Block 17, Clermont Sub., thence north 9.0 ft., part of N.14.1/4 of Sec. 28, T.l S.,R. II 1 E., S.L.B. & M.; and all of Lots 7 to 10 incl. of Blk. 17, Cler- mont Subdivision of part of S.1,1.1/4 of Sec. 28, T. 1 S.,R.1 E.,S. { L.B. & M. FIVE (5) FOOT WALK. Fronting on the south side of 21st South Street. { The south 121.11 ft. of Lots 28 to 35 incl. of 31k. 4, lI the south 121.05 ft. of Lots 36 to 38 incl. of Blk. 4, the south 121.02 ft. of Lots 20 to 23 incl. of Blk. 3, all of Lots 24 and 25 of Bik. 3, the south 121.0 ft. of Lots 26 and 27 of Blk. 3, all of Lots 22 and 23 of Blk. 2, the south 120.92 ft. of Lots 24, 25 1 -7- and 26 of Bik. 2, all of Lots 28 and 29 and the south 120.92 ft. o" Lot 27 of Block 2, the south 120.88 ft. of Lots 22, 23 and 24 of IBlk. 1, Idlewild Addition, part of N.E.1/4 of Sec. 21, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S.L.B. & M.; the south 160.88 ft. of Lot 7, and the south 160.88 ft. of the west 10.0 ft. of Lot 8, of Lots 7 and 8 of Blk.4 1 1the north 70.0 ft. of the south 160.83 ft. of Lot 5 and the north ij70.0 ft. of the south 160.83 ft. of the west 25.5 ft. of Lot 6, of ! Lots 5 and 6 of Blk. 5, the north 134.83 ft. of the south 160.83 f . 1 lof the east 52.0 ft. of Lot 6 of Blk. 5, Rosslyn Heights, part of 1N.E.1/4 of Sec. 21, T. 1 S., R.1 E., S.L.B. & M.; beginning at the Ijintersection of the west line of Preston Street and the south line of 21st South Street, thence west 165.0 ft., part of N.E.1/4 of Se . 121, T. 1 S.,R. 1 E., S.L.B. & M.; the east 49.81 ft. of the north 1105.0 ft. of the south 160.75 ft. of Lot 5 of Bik. 6, the south 1160.72 ft. of Lot 6 of Blk. 6, and the north 58.69 ft. of the sout 160.69 ft. of Lot 7 of Blk. 6, Rosslyn Heights of part of N.E'.1/4 of Sec. 21, T. 1 S.,R.1 E., S.L.B. & M.; the south 160.68 ft. of Lot 4 of Blk. 7, Rosslyn Heights of part of N.E.1/4 of Sec. 21 and 1the N.W.1/4 of Sec. 22, T.1 S.,R.1 E.,S.L.B. & M.; the south 160.6 ft. of Lot 5 of Blk. 7, Rosslyn Heights of part of the N.P.1/4 of Sec. 22, T.1 S.,R.1 L., S.L.B. & M.; beginning at the intersection of the west line of Yuma Street and the south line of 21st South Street, thence west 162.75 ft.,part of N.1.1i.1/4 of Sec.22, T.1S.,R. 1 E.,S.L.B. & M.; beginning at the intersection of the east line of Yuma. Street and the south line of 21st South Street, thence east 232.81 ft., part of N.Si.1/4 of Sec.22, T.1 S.,R. 1 E., S.L.B. & M. ; beginning at the intersection of the west line of 21st East Street and the south line of 21st South Street, thence west 273.43 ft., : past of N.2.1/4 of Sec.22, T.1 S.,R.1 E., S.L.B. & M.; beginning a the intersection of the south line of 21st South Street and the ea.t line of 21st East Street, thence east 290.0 ft., part of N.h.1/4 0 Sec. 22, T.1 S., R.1 E., S.L.B. & M.; the north 89.32 ft. of the south 244.32 ft. of Lot 4 and the north 89.24 ft. of the south 244.24 ft. of Lot 5, of Blk. 2, the north 104.23 ft. of the south 244.23 ft. of Lot 4 and the north 70.0 ft. of the south 244.16 ft. -8- i jof Lot 5, of Blk. 3, Country Club Acres, of part of N.H.1/4 of Sec. 122, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. B. & M. Fronting on the north side of Wilmington Avenue. I The south 66.0 ft. of Lots 1 and 2 of Blk. 5, the west 1104.92 ft. of the south 81.0 ft. of Lot 2 of Blk. 6, the east 50.0 eft. of the south 160.0 ft. of Lot 2 of Blk. 6, and the south 60.0 ft. of Lot 1 of Blk. 6, Rosslyn Heights, part of N.E.1/4 of Sec. 21 IiT.l S. R.1 E. S.L.B. & M.; the south 72.0 ft. of Lot 1 of Blk. 7 iRosslyn Heights, part of N.E.1/4 of Sec. 21 and part of N.W.1/4 of 1Sec. 22, T.1 S., R.1 E., S.L.B. & M.; beginning at a point 81.375 ft. west of the intersection of the north line of Wilmington Avenu 11 and the west line of Yuma Street, thence westerly 84.03 ft., part it of the N.W.1/4 of Sec. 22, T.1 S., R. 1 E.,S.L.B. & M.; beginning at the intersection of the north line of Wilmington Avenue and the west line of 21st East Street, thence west 61.0 ft.,part of the N.W. 1/4 of Sec. 22, T. 1 S., R.1 E., S.L.B. & M.; beginning at a point 116.0 ft. west of the intersection of the north line of Wilmington Avenue and the west line of 21st East Street, thence west 55.0 ft., part of the N.W.1/4 of Sec. 22, T.1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. L. & M. Fronting on the south side of Wilmington Avenue. The north 67.5 ft. of Lot 4 and the north 50.0 ft. of ij Lot 5, of Blk. 3; the north 65.0 ft. of Lot 5 and the north 65.0 ft. of Lot 6, of Blk. 2, Rosslyn Heights, of part of N.E.1/4 of Sec. 21, T. 1 S., R.l E., S.L.3. & M.; beginning at the intersec- t tion of the south line of Wilmington Avenue and the east line of 1 20th East Street, thence easterly 165.20 ft., of Lot 5, Blk. 1, ' Rosalyn Heights of part of N.E.1/4 of Sec. 21 and the N.W.1/4 of Sec. 22, T 1 0., R.1 E., S.L.B. & M.; beginning at a point 693.5 1 ft. west of the intersection of the south line of Wilmington Ave- nue and the west line of 21st East Street, thence west 65.5 ft., jl part of N.W.1/4 of Sec. 22, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. B. & M. Fronting on the west side of 21st East Street. ii Beginning at the intersection of the south line of 21st j South Street and the west dine of 21st East Street, thence south 823.8 ft., part of N.W.1/4 of Sec. 22, T.1 S.,R.1 E.,S.L.B. & M.; -9- beginning at the intersection of the south line of Wilmington IlAvenue and the west line of 21st East Street, thence south 804.05 I.i ft., part of N.W.1/4 of Sec. 22, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. B. & M.; beginning at the intersection of the west side of 21st East Street hand the north side of Parkway Avenue, thence north 548.36 ft., par of N.W.1/4 of Sec. 22, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. B. & M. Fronting on the east side of 21st East Street. All of Lot 2 and the south 135.4 ft. of Lot 3, of Lots 2 and 3, Blk. 10, Country Club Acres; and all of Lots 1 to 4 incl. of Bik. 11, Amended Plat of Country Club Acres; part of N.W.1/4 of It Sec. 22, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. B. & M. Fronting on the east side of 21st East Street and the south I side of Country Club Drive. All of Lots 8 and 9, Blk. 17, Amended Plat of Country i Club Acres, part of N.W.1/4 of Sec. 22, T.1S., R.1 E., S.L.B. & M. Fronting on the west side of Oneida Street. ! Beginning at the intersection of the south line of 21st ISouth Street, and the west line of Oneida Street, thence south 259.5 ft., part of N.W.1/4 of Sec. 22, T. 1 S., R.1 E., S.L.B. & M.; 1 all of Lots 1 and 4 of Blk. 1, and all of Lots 1, 5 and 6 of Blk. i. 10, Country Club Acres, part of N.W.1/4 of Sec. 22, T. 1 S., R. 1 II E., S.L.B. & M.; and all of Lots 5, 6 and 7 of Blk. 11, Amended Plat of Country Club Acres, part of N.W. 1/4 of Sec. 22, T. 1 S., i ff R. 1 E., S. L. B. & M. 1 1i Fronting on the west side of Oneida Street, and on the north side of Country Club Drive. All of Lot 8, Blk.11, mended Plat of Country Club Acre-, part of N.E.1/4 of Sec. 22, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. B. & M. Fronting on the east side of Oneida Street. All of Lots 2 and 3 and the south 244.32 ft. of Lot 4,oi Lots 2, 3 and 4 of Blk.2, and all of Lots 2,3 and 4 of B1k.9,Coun try Club Acres, part of W.W.I/4 of Sec.22, T.1 S.,R.1 E., S.L.B. M.; and all of Lots 2 to 5 incl. of Blk.12, Amended Plat of Count y Club Acres, part of N.5.1/4 of Sec.22, T.1 S., R.1 E.,S.L.B. & M. I Fronting on the east side of Oneida Street and the north sid of Country Club Drive. II -10- Beginning at the northwesterly corner of Lot 1, Block 12, Amended Plat of Country Club Acres, said point being on the line common to Lots 1 and 2 aforesaid sub. at its intersection with the east property line of Oneida Street, thence southeastwardly around i'a 400.28'ft. radius curve to the left 202.66 ft., thence eastwardly !around a 20.86 ft. radius curve to the left 21.39 ft.,Lot 1,B1k.12, Amended Plat of Country Club Acres, part of N.5.1/4 of Sec. 22, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. D. & M. Fronting on the west side of Berkeley Street. all of Lots 1 and 6 and the south 244.16 ft. of Lot 5, lof Lots 1, 6 and 5 of Blk. 3, Country Club Acres, part of iN.1,1.1/4 lof Sec. 22, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. B. & M. Fronting on the east side of Berkeley Street. All of Lot 2 and the south 119.0 ft. of Lot 3, Lots 2 an 3 of Blk. 4, Country Club Acres, part of N.5.1/4 of Sec. 22, T. 1 '., R. 1 E., S. L. B. & M. Fronting on the north side of Driggs Avenue. All of Lotsl and 2, all of Lots 49 to 72 incl., and all of Lot 48, B1k.3, Union Heights, a subdivision of Blk. 46, 10-Acre Plat 'A', Big Field Survey. Fronting on the south side of Driggs Avenue. Beginning at the northeast corner of Lot 6,Block 2,Union Heights, thence west 64.6 ft., of Lots 3 to 6 incl.,a11 of Lots 7 j to 28 incl., and all of Lots 29, 30 and 31,of Blk.2,Union Heights, is subdivision of Blk. 46, 19-Acre Plat TA', Big Field Survey. Fronting on the west side of 17th Last Street. All of Lots 648 to 660 incl.,Highland Park Plat 'A', of part of S.E.1/4 of Sec. 21, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. B. & M. Fronting on the east side of 17th East Street. All of Lots 637 to 647 incl., and the north 21.11 ft. of Lot 636,Highland Park Plat 'A', of part of S.E.1/4 of Sec. 21, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. B. & M. Fronting on the west side of 18th East Street. All of Lots 586 to 593 incl., and the east 58.0 ft. of Lots 583 to 585 incl., Highland Park Plat 'A', of part of S.E.1/4 -11- lof Sec. 21, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. B. & M. 1 Fronting on the east side of "E" Street. The south 154.0 ft. of Lot 2, and all of Lot 3, Blk. 160, Plat tD1, Salt Lake City Survey. Fronting on the north side of Michigan Avenue. All of Lots 3, 4 and 5, the west 54.25 ft. of Lot 2 and the east 42.62 ft. of Lot 6 of Lots 2 to 6 incl., the east 20.0 ft, of the south 73.625 ft. of Lot 2, and the south 73.625 ft. of Lot 1, Blk, 9, Sunnyside Park, of Block 27, 5-Acre Plat tCt, Big Field Survey. 1 Fronting on the south side of Sunnyside Avenue. All of Lots 1 to 7 incl. and the east 6.56 ft. of Lot 8, 1 of Lots 1 to 8 incl. of Blk. 1, Douglas Park, of part of N.E.1/4 j of Sec. 9, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. B. & M.; the north 91.56 ft. of Lots 3 and 4 of Blk. 14, Sunnyside Park, part of N.14.1/4 pf Sec. 10, 1. 1 S., R. 1 E., S.L.B. & M.; beginning at the northeast cor- ner of Lot 1, Block 1, Douglas Park, thence east 10.0 ft., part of N.W.1/4 of Sec. 10, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. B. & M.; and all of 1 Lots 12 to 18 incl., and the north 55.0 ft. of Lots 10 and 11, of Lots 10 to 18 incl., of Blk. 11, Sunnyside Park, part of N.W.1/4 of Sec. 10, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. B. & M. -Fronting on the west side of Padley Street. All of Lots 1 to 12 incl., Blk. 28, Park Crescent Subdi- vision of part of N.N.1/4 of Sec. 10, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S.L.B. & M.; beginning at the northeast corner of Lot 12, Block 28, Park Cres- cent Sub., thence north 14.0 ft., part of N.kk.1/4 of Sec. 10, T. 1 S., H. 1 E., S. L. B. & M. Fronting on the west side of Highland Drive. Beginning at the north corner of Lot 132, Highland Park Plat 131, thence northwestwardly 116.58 ft. of Lot 6, Blk. 46; the northerly 32.1 ft. of Lot 131 of Blk. 6, and all of Lot 132 of Blk. 6, Highland Park Plat 1731, of Blk. 46, 10 Acre Plat tAt Big Field Survey; as the same are shown upon the official plats of said city to the entire depth of the same ownership back from said streets, not ex- 1 -12- ceeding 330 feet, and to collect said tax. SECTION 2. That the assessment list made by the City Treasurer, as corrected, approved and completed by the Board of Equalization and Review, of the property described in Section 1 of this ordinance (Sidewalk Extension No. 237) of Salt Lake City, for the purpose of constructing a sidewalk upon said portions of said streets, is hereby confirmed, and the assessments made and returned in said completed lists and the report of the Board of Equalization and Review to the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City are hereby ratified, approved and confirmed. SECTION 3. Said tax shall be payable in five equal year- ly installments as provided by law and ordinance with interest on the whole sum unpaid at the rate of five per cent per annum, pay- able at the time each installment is due; provided, however, that one or more of such installments in the order payable, or the whole tax, may be paid without interest within fifteen (15) days from the date this ordinance becomes effective. One or more installments in the order in which they are payable, or the whole special tax, may be paid after said fifteen days and before the first installment becomes due by paying the same with interest from the date of levy to the date such first installment is due. One or more in- stallments in the order in which they are payable, or the whole special tax, may be paid on the date any installment becomes due by paying the amount thereof and interest to the date of payment. Default in the payment of any such installment of principal or in- terest when due shall cause the whole of the unpaid principal or interest to become due and payable immediately and the whole amouat of the unpaid principal shall thereafter draw interest at the rat, of ten per cent per annum until paid, but at any time prior to th- date of sale or foreclosure, the owner may pay the amount of all unpaid installments past due with interest at the rate of ten per cent per annum to date of payment on the delinquent installments, and all accrued costs, and shall thereupon be restored to the rights thereafter to pay in installments in the same manner as if default had not occurred. -13- EILTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect one day after its publication. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 2,0645-. day of Mayor. • • 7 ' City t-tcorder. Sidecaif Extension No. 2 2nd & • 100 Z Presented to the Board of Commissioners AND PASSED NOV 201947 94-;10/"F/A5&;Ei First Publication . •�Bds.P�- t l � ft Affidavit of Publication • STATE OF UTAI1, ss County of Salt 10ka • • JX a 8 rvey of 6 0, 16,T. I S :R. 1 Street,and n the erth end f CAM AY?L�`dl i�14ti6es I Club Drire E 8 L.8 $ds M All- i L t a Hlk 11,Amended'PLt'et ZZ18y 1 F At1vi`°n{he s a/h sld C entry Cl b A Y t rt f N W Y of •'AN •.L V ANCE . 1 of Blaine A eh. t ile0 0 the j •ail' f Th t 600ft of Loy 1 and 2 and B 2R,T 1 8 R PE s L B.ds M. for 110O]'trWAi '•]'VINO A TAX end Bulodl 3 t it 1 1 2 BM.H A(1 S Lot 2 ndo 07 a 4 dlr ao.(•n - ter the dde di014DL Of 00 1197tY sidewalk Wasatcht"Ch' and Block 7 of 1 B5,R Lyman E Oneida Sat t Lqt 4 1 L d 2 J nd' nd1900 0fl':NO 8371 fob.:bhp pulp4 f Blk. 2 d al1'o[•Lot 2 3 and •Cd❑60 1 one oon to 14 Walk • S-L Survey M sec.16, 4 '[ 8Ik 9 C ntrY CI b Acres,'part Hd f9-G,rdhlpeaa byy tine E d°}Com F tin(° the lh sid Y ef W, f S 22;T' 1 8 B.1 E., y T .t)� 1¢Lip31CTLO';bf 8dlt LAke Cnty Dt Ei. ( Atkin A S L B. .+s M and All f Lai 2 ato Sys that he is the ad- 5 L ......M.: elk ld• 'Am d tl Plat L • $ECTIf1N 1 Thdt the o d I C m- 8 line of L th '1 Drive and t of the ..22, T 1 S�, R. i s B.i.B. EWS,a newspaper r 116ardn6rh.'I'Belt Lake City'doeshC • east line of Highland Drive antl the south y Cl b A D N I. by).eyYthp.,tax, d provide f the - re:P rtl LAN!W thnnf eSec6L28 Ind M , .a the p Ieeiti t of th a up° Eh P P EY U.E. '% f Be 29 T. 1 S R. 1aE Fr gntl Ehth tD aet f tf Goa.. na County,2n the State {HdielhaltEX tles r1bCd'{eftl Ik'$t 0 S L B &M nd 11 of LOt 53 end th0r- I{r g{p Na,Z377 to:ids purpose'of r Elf 12 g tt 1 and 54 f L is 53 a tl I CI b r /t1 46ln2 24 tO 30 ,tltlRvlElk M wit of Hlk.3 offehland Ra T. Plat C Pat Beginning o t the ns0northwesterly t0¶05010 of 1 C1.of BlockLots 4 Lto 2D of N.W."<' Sec.R8,T 1 8,R.1 E Lot 1,Block 10 p dad t o01 C CrY S-1 A ggid pfnt belttffgg F Incl. H10ok 3, Ldts 22 to 29 S Lti B. M. the IIDe of t011dta'1 end 2.St0 e- the west side said aUb t t Intel Lion With the Deb Of 1,:of 1-Aud LOE 22 n23, and 1 Fronting,Fin Street aids Street'he i Of B10Ffr 1, xdlewlld Addition,of pa t ]3 gl Sng at.the note tl n f the Cbe r�rOo Ehy too dip loft e tl 4001fi. i 6t N E.tk of d .It,.T.]S R 1 E tit line [. 14 BO th-et et sad ft. radius to W 1 and a fib .2i iE L 8,dj 00 2 t 5 of Hl k 1 Lott 8 tht t lln f F{Imon Street,'Lheace b000cO e t d1Y ar•o d 10.86 St. 'el 16f !p k 7 Lote 4 tl S f Hlock gouEh°479.99 llp, of'p8t'Bi 18 BW'M adios e e to th 1 ft 2139 ft.,lOt ''Est(7jand a t HltlC$4 Lot -1 1.5 tl all of tole 1t to 4 in 1 d 28 to Clubl, 12 p e Amended 0Plµ': CfuttC 7Ftd 8 p f H1 01 5 Lots 1 2 5 6 ntl R 22 T 1 6 R 1 E., S LH dr M., a31131oh1t S,191 Lots 1,4 and S f 81vek SS I ct f Elk.7 Clernl nL Subdivision T Re elpp_H i,e,; [D%t f th N.E f Flit of N.W Y.of Fier:28,T.1 S., }renting to set side' f $erkeley p 4 tlt 860 11 d N.w 1 f Bee.22. °R 1 E 8.L E.do M StreetJ. T.1 S.8,1$'3 L.E�Ar M-p t nf.tl+e Frontlog en the east eM! All f Lots 1 and fOLot and the 6 and south ,U��rl { N 7D }4 f Se[•21.T. 1 S. 1 E of F11moro Street 244.l6 of t Lot 6,o S.Iv i.-ds M ,part°E th N e•- .°' All of Lots 2 to 16 1nc1 and Lhe west 0f H1k 3' Country Club Ares. Dart i 8 21,T 1 9 P t F. S,1 H dr iS 6537 ft.of Lots 1R L°20 lnct ef,Bl0GOk f 1c W. UI B c.l2 T•1 9,R,1,E•, Lite 1 A A f HI°ek l4 T t r to 1 Hlghl and Park Plot E f part f y.L,B.d4 M • hionop2 k 2, '+ P W, '/. of Sec, 21 T 1 B R.I E. Frenlio( theeast 1d f Berkeley 3 so 4 fats 2 anA 3 0f Pi k ,2 979 „As': y B,rl M And all 10 Lott 7 b. Strect. di 1 1 n or part of N.le. f Sec 28 f Let 3 Lots 2 and 3 of Elk•4 Country 2 d 4ot}Doak 9 and L�L 1 2.3 5 2p 1. f BL k 12. Clermont Sub• ClubAlf Ac of Lot V E and1 theW South 119.0fi C. End b-p?Block 10 Cnu E Club Acres. T.1 A.,R. 1 E o L 8 n�°M T 1 6 R 1 i S L H. 01 M .ts issue dated, the ,. • of pii t Of theN.W.Y.of Be22,T.1 F rtini 1 R:1 E 6 L 13 .ds M Lots 1 t Fronting thewest side thee rth Id et Drlg(e g 1n 1: of BI k 11.Lots 1 f 6 in 1 f .77.777.7. et 't '4_Ail orLa Eg 1 ntl 1 811 [Leta 4B to 2'gA d��� ,t a t,9 S g,,, Air f Mite 3 15 M 35 fhd t th A.D. 19 DL2a.9 9'199'rf nd• tee' h t-t1B:19 ft yL Lots 11 t 24 tncl f 71 I 1, i d 9 e Lot 48 elk 3, Ae�y L (the N W V•Of" 8 1,ot 1" nd 33 E 28 1 I t Blk..E .Antprt.•�'ig1'6 bdi 1 1 n f Blk. k Piet"E' P t f e W 46 30-A a Pl t e'A', Big Fn ld-survey, 11."T. 1 B. $ 1 E, B. L. 8.� M, H1Hhlan of F ling a iha septh ld,of.DrygB 1,end to an i 4B of H2 i 2,end Leta t Bea 21'T 1 B•,to 1 E 8,L.H Avenue! 1 and:7 Ol d8 to:72 Incl. 4 Block M; all 0 It 1B to 4,of L and Ehe • 3,IIp1'on'$efahts,a subdivision df Block north 20o1 HIk,�13Loand all ofLLots 1,2. Lo Beginning,lkat R,t DNOD Helghfo, Obtnne t Of 4g8,410 Acre Ptat"A'•,818.F1e1d Eurvny; 44 45 46, aed the-s0 th 21,5 1t. f et 64.6 it., f Lots 3 to 6 Intl„ all Tel B83 Eo 893 Incl.and L°ta 63660 160 1rcl,o1[�ppHlahlanA Park Plat"A'• f nnt't 0f. Lot,43,of Lota 1,2 antl 43 to 46 Shen. f '50t'e.,r7d t°18 Incl., a eH i Lela 1, 'D' skit'LLeke.mut Citv3 of S 1D to 19otfn•P101 to N E'k°orn'C4M LotLla'becknl4,HCietm he A',I gg subdivision oe LheU Ht,side of-11tsIBE 51 the issue dated the 6"nn 1.of block 9 LotsNubN Eh! f Sec,north'120 ft, pp g"°0` A.D. 19 28,T.1 8,R. of All f Lotq 64.8,to 660 1 1. HI Isla d el 9 9 i "' 3 '1 4 f Bleak Park PIeL A f pet f 8. E, pt -/ r 14 Bus.1 P k,nt ft t the N.W' S ,,• B.ds M • Matti T 1 B R:1 E S.L 8. M / .r, / 1 i r3Et 10•T 1 6.,R r E S L P th East Side ' the east id f 171h B4 6'4 0>�%�/F Arm..., d HI k 27-S A Cl t C•' Fronting Street ff.• $ig t end 9v LOta ] t 8.of. f Of Hartford Street Bl 8. 1�D y!c'Park f D F , the All df'Lots•2 to 16 Intl end tht o th o2111t ft3',ttoLot7 61E H1ahl e, ertisiny Clerk NNNN E 'A of 6EG 4.T.1 B R 1 00 B,L• ovth 167o tt 1 Lot 19 and 20 wand Park Plat A,of put f 8 B. f Sec' ) •H A-M.:pdrt;of the N.W. V.Of Sea. or thf6:north . 2 Le Le I8, 1b, 00 R,f 0 f , o ch 8,26 ft. I LoSHohland Fronting one She west Heide of 181h&Bast lag. 12 1 1 of Block R8,Park Cteeoent kg 7 to 10 VI. I of Hlk. 3. Street. 9 23 T.1 9'.R.1 E 8.L.11 A:,M all of Alt f Lots 586 E° 593 1 el., d the Llb.Ot pt C 1'the N.W / f gee.30, Puk PI t L PA t of 5.W [B c east 680 ft. i Lot 583 t 666 1 1, H 1 99 B. L B ft bL:2 1%.,Ag 4 Hey{apd ,P k- Bit A et uE f s.. dLots°-131' PI t A le,;;R to�� }N W gi.y{B{a?2Lep.. s E y DL a° i T f!'.,if-. 1.s Big F1etd S Sb C Lots 131 d 132 f 1e f P of Lot 10 cnweso - Fr line eh .t 1a of r'a t day of Slack 6, 110Highland, Pak PI t •H' [ 1 8 R.1 E ® L't Q o M� re EIt S 41 a th 164 0 1t t L t 2 d UI g r 4fi k(I ill.Plat A',.81§FS ld Ong t}het i.N, W /' t-Bec 28 f I:3 Blk I60, Pl t D ftalt L ke Lv Y::t.t . t 6-1 1, 1 H,R,3 1 el Ck-,., CI rP1 on the north side of Michigan lY HeightI t subdt oleien of AI c0 13 r6 V.11f8.R 1 E incl.L.:.....;B . aed 3 Acre Plpt C -His Field .ri d f 11ta 7 t 10 E1 f L I. ffi M• Fronting 05l of LotB 3.4 antl 6,Lhe et 54.75 Block 13 [P TS.Lyman Ir's Survey f ont 9 ti T. 110, f P rE [S'W. f f,eof LOt Z antl tHe a•t 4a 62ii t Lot BEy.16.T.1 B..R.1 51/B.L.A do M See 28 T 1 B., 1 ft.of the south 733.625 ft.of Lota2,and Lpptg 1 And 2 and It to 12 Intl.°f Block "OE, IVE e F00 St 6t of Lots 2 to 8.Intl Lhe E 20.0 [p••;. rid Lett 1 S if Incl, of Block Fronting eo-the South elthe •cr } Wasatch Suh f flock 7. 5 Of 2Sel olio Street Sunnvalide PaeA,offBl0ck 27,E 5-AcrekPlnt the south 12105 11 C• BIB P id S rvuY' A re o f C HIII Ff, Survev, and The th 1235 ft. or L044 26 Ih e° h Id.of Bunneelde Hlock f. f P M Lyman Jr's ...,% f 46� ttl 36 Hlk J8,Inti t Elk. 4 th F Dolt 6 fi c.16,T 1 d R 1 E.B.L R d:M a Vth 12a 02 t - f Let 0 t0 23 In 1 Avenu Public Ail f L t 1'to 7 l 1 d the ttAa[ V�ta'Y`7 !�,tiV l2(:p f0'�Of th-N K' 'i Df fitc.28 4nd•ih< o� 1210 ft. f Lot 6 56 Et f L t B f Lot 1 t0 8 Incl. Y N.]3,y i B 28.T B.R I E S. t Hlk 3 'll of L k 24 d�15 "f H1gHldnd Park Platt"p d SE pfri lol kth* 8Ik'2 d Lh a H 26 a tl 27 Hlk.3 all f Lots 12 an0tl 1 8Ik 1 D°uBlae Phrk, I DaY 0 t of-the e a W. '/ f Lots 14, 25 „„,„..rig BIk. 2. 11 f S. L..B.d4 M, the fEh 91.86 7t.' f $.L. y.of Bec.28'T. a R, 1 E. 23t{24, nd 19le 124,120.• ft. LotaE3 ado 4'ot/4°irrionYtide Puk, d,l„B,•d4 M,Dar 0 of Block 2, the south 120.68 part' f N. W Ya f text: 10, T.-1g S., Bet.21, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S.L. B. ha o°s 29 and 24 of Hlk. it rile lnertheeet• p[nu-M.tin g11,�>{loak Of Lots 1 to 4 lircl.and to to 44 iecL ft.t LOL 17 ° L Aouglse park, thence e t 30,0!flock SBlock 9 tot4 7 to of Bloc. 3.Lots 000 of Lots 17. e.L.B.S M.' E°S N,W, ', hf cec.sl 10 1 t.., 'Lite Sec 21,T.1 B.,R.i E., and Use psi j2;'LOL'e 29 to.44 incl.of Block 13.LOtg rev soli Addlcion, part of M. R 1 E 8 L B A M.; and 11 f 1, 2 end 43 to 46 incl. f Sled Lota that„°160.886088(6'the west of Lot 710.0 4-the f Lots 12 to la Incl., d the Lo4st north • Leta 7 to SO noel,of HIDekCle[m17 ont Sub. Lot 8.of Lots 7 and 8 f ilk?4,the I L0t' 30 antl end o R to rt 1 I t ElW.22 k 18lg rflnci.B}El:. Ikg 12 8ec�10s1 T 0 1 B.L.'H R 24,Lots 2 to north 700 ft,,,,of Lh uth 160.83 2L f 11 tl56 f t££h N.W. Y f Sec.18 T t 25.5▪1t.of p •20 1ri01.01 81 k1,'L 1 1 nd 12 tl 38 Lot 5 d the>•° 50u1 8Ik 5 tits the edt Nda.ef Padley d Lis'2 to 1n Inal, south 16U t tt f the a R•Fee t1 L H':A M E c1:OS Bleak 3, } Let th.16B 93 ft BtAll Park pp 6 f LOU 5 01 BIOck 2,Hl¢hland P k P1atT"Ei 9 nort lea l St. t.o 6 of f sec All f•L t 1 toy 11 WCI.,Elk.18, raft of S. W V.0f B 21 f the t 52.0 1t E rf Nt E.'�BD.5, Crence t BLLtlivlelotl of part 17.f N.Vb..4 R.1 E 8'L.H.R M RO s1YneHei6hce,Bar f Be,10,T.1 s ii. 1 E„B,L B.m 'Phi to is:Dated to def[y theMono! 21 T:1 8. R.1 E,B L.13...4.M.,b t ginning Q the south M.; beginning t the- [Eheasc corner d4 c otf wide. concrete es Ofk tour t the l Street _the off-Lot 12,Block 2a,Park Crescent Sub Ac feet wide. to 19th oE1 Sees treets, line•of Preston b 0te },hence north 14.0 ft.,part Bec.wdo' of Bee 10,T. 1 S., R. 1 0, S. L.B. AVehp!iY0n7 1B VneAneerueafro Er 19tH 165.O6tt.�lappc rBOUEDFs. B E,tt, thence t both' d e of e tD Mid f T 1 8 R 1.E..e L h'06.0 ft• f Ugh'Edet BteEft6; ED 160.75 ft of Lot.e of Blk 6 mPr°ntieg on the west aids of Highland Attrin A ante teem Hl ids d D?UM t0 eE 49 81 it f Et. n Hr1v i Bd.Jt from 3 b00 Itl e f ?UMW, then sou t. ;tot fE f Lae nth Beginning E Eh th Borne of Lot 1 COO,f pl 27th South 5tn t ttl Atkin the south 160.72 f T ofM Hi&6 6 f$8l�tyy6 1J nhland Pe. Plat B offence- r Qt°! the*Up eitl of H EtoLdt 1920 160,E, tt f Lott N E Se M..t .2r .2A p,•er41y 4 68 ft.Of Lot 6,. ci.. 7�th at.A_BEY et to D Height-Of ,7- ,,E 1•32 f 1 o 22 ands E i-� ra -: 1,tt, naFtn a[ ADM(Av n a � a t 1 910000 ft }f ,Eg0tlh t eoOt An f0ht [P rt o 6tdE 0Y-Nat+l""§STeEk f aat12 0 ft the ot[t- Mini 27Eh SO th Street, r f 22o T. 1 8 Acre Plat'A' Big Field S Y south 16D65 as the e.arc h P Yqm,Aoki AVp and north 1346 ft. Ed1 E 8 lWHrdt 5 Bch ep1f�,�yet� 1 G ¢v "(Mart k t 18a t -- 1( t old tax - _ Of.11st•Wiz i., ie It tit•1" BtrEet to 9,,tV,Ari V o f om! 19dkhih 8 at h'the ti t f Omit, pf'Whminktd i '/E en k ie nt Yuma BtrtlG D the a;i VA m8de by0th<ClcynTt fl afar aegm fretted Street td.e Pel61 f11 375 ft wen of Yuma 216E 6 of 8tT W. a ;s Tit"B, approved d completed by th Board Streit, West 61.0''ft; f m-21s6-Mat ft!.part EA. W.06 M.b.g Rig the of EOuallaation end Review, f the prop- Straet, and West 55.5 ft from point R.0$tIBr L'18 a t 11 1 fume Street ¢ty deaerlbetl In Section 1 n1 this rdt- 1}6-.0 it West e[ 21at io t Etre t romSoutha laid Ik Extension No 2371 of 15110 elst -t' t,to•a in EnLL t' m d th th line f 21 t. W t� [ point 693.5 ft then t 2..1 ft p E Salt Lake City,2 theP N said p lions Ha Bast'Stint,E e P west ids f of BE 22,T.1 s R 1 e 8.L Bin strLL tf 8 end w 1k p fl ad and t West Of 214E EaaE.Btttet.theM;begl t g t th note a Wo Of aid tf!ts ishef by 21st Bast fat set f EW 11i t South idde tof -11 at.East ettset and the the ee mente made aed returned in L.t So•P k WYs a Foe south llt e-if 21st South Bt eat th ore Id t DI Led Meta „to,th moo, CDop E of r m..s r t from a Do1nt 351 6 ft west 272.43 ft.peat of N.W.uY f S! ante Bud.a Edtc tmatro Arid N vleW _ M.:.tie. _- -aI .e mleelone[a bf Silt Acre Piat 'C", Big Field Sumer. an of ltsu.. toionT. t one- W.'/ [ - -"" - Block 13 f F,M.Lyman Jr.'e Survey of 1 5,the Bee.16,T.1 8.,R,I E.,B.L.B.&M.; Sec.28,T.1$„R.' E.;.S.L.B.&M. ft All Lot a Bnd-thand East 42.62 ft of Lot Cote 1 end 2 and 14 to 22 in 1,of Block • FIVE (e FOOT WALK 6 of Lhe 2 to 6 Incl., the east 20,0 A d Lqt I to 11 incl. of Block Frentlog _eh South Side ft.of the south 73.625 ft.of Lot 2,and B f W t h Suit. f Block 7. 5 Of 2/el S ih Street the'south 73.625-ft f Lot 1, Blk. 9 Acre-of C, Hlg an I sureey nod The Lh 121•11 It e[ Lota 28 t. BunnYYed P k f 81 k 27 S Ae Plat gg1 k T 1 F M Lyman 11'.'a u Y P 35 lncl f Blk• 4, the south 121 05 he C B,g po le 0._ y,mod .4_ ltde.; - . 'BEd 16;T 1$ 'R 1 E., L R,k M.; of•Lots 36 to 38 Incl. t Blk, 4. the -FI>nti g -thq'eR . 1 l'of th N W i of•Bec•28 antl the. south 124.02 ft, 1 Lets 20 to 23)seen MAnue <9RH7 -Ir.- N.E. Vs f Sec.29,T 1 s R 1 E S. j elk. 3 ll f Lots 24 nd 2S F All of Lot / to 7 n cl d"the a ---- L.B.&M.Lots 63 d 69 0[Hlork. Blk.3 nd Ehe o th 1210 1t. f Lots 656 ft ['I.ot 8 of Loft el to 8 incl. i ryy� 1,) Highland Park Plat"C f past Of the 26 and 27 of Blk.3,,all of Lots 22 an f Elk. 1, Douglas Park, of part-of otary Public N•W-. �/,Of Bec.2g,T. 1 S.,R,',1 E., 23 of Elk. 2, the outer 120.92 ft. f N, E. 4 1 Sec. 9, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., • $,L. &M.;part of the S.W. 4 of Lots 24, 25 and 26.of Blk, 1 ❑ t 8. L. B. & M; the north 91.56 ft.'of 6e6.21, 'I'. 1 0.. R. 1 F.., S,L. H. & Lots 28 mid 29 and the a e04th l2 00 Lots 3 and 4 of BIS of.'le,.Bunn side Par, h1.:810ck Lots 71 to 4 tote Incl.end 29 to 448i incl. cl. it.Lot Lots 121,1 23 oolt2 and 24.south Blk'88 pare&..Ns.L. B. Mc beginning S4 .Sec o21,T.1 S..R.1 E. L.B.&M.: IBA. Douglas Palk, thence t 10.0 tt.. 12;-Cork 29 10 44 Intl:of Block 13.Lots Itllewlltl Addition, part f N. E. { the northeast earner of Lot 1. Block i k, 2 A 43 fe 4fi loci. of block 14, and 'Cote T to 30 lace Of Block ll,and LOte the o Eh 16b.88 ft. 1 Lot 10.0 7, and the Lute IE., S1. tool.. d .; north.Tfto It incl. the of N.W. 18,oOle moat 8th. [ALL 8,160,BBots•7 P ae 8aeft Elk.4}t the to lI Ltlao 10 l.. 11, of Lots 3. t0 1 s..R.O1 E.,S.L,E.&tr.;Lots 2 to a th T0.0 ft.01 the uth 160.83 E. f IB Incl., t Bl arid.- ,,of.Llde Park, 20 incl.of Mock 1.Lots 1 and 21 to 38 Lot 5 d the north 70,0 It. of thoe Dart t N. W, 4 of Sec. iv T. 1 8., 1ppc1:O[Siock a.c A Lots 2 to 20 In01, south 160.83 [t. f Lhe meat 25.5 ft.[ rt. 1 E. S. L.B. &M. 04 SIOnk 3,Hlghlantl Park Plat 'E" / Lot 6, 1 Lota 0 a d'6 of Hlk 5, the Fronting en the weft side et Padley Dart of$. W'. It P Bec.21,T.1 S., north 13s4.83 tt f o e th S6O.83 it. Street, f the east 52,0 ft. f Lot 6 of Blk.S, All of Lots 1 to 12 Incl.,Elk.26,Park R.1 E.B.L.B.&M. 'rtooet.n Heights,Pert f N,E.V. t Sec. Crescent eudiola]ort of part of N.W..'/a The tax is levied to defray the tpenes 21,T.1 S.,R.1 E.,S.L.H.&M.:be- f Sao.10,T.1 e„'R,1 E..R.L.H.& f constructing co a Ee sidewalk lour elapse t the intersection a}the'w et" 1d. beginning t the northeast corner ' (4)6 feet wide both Idea Of Logan line-of at Street,antl the eoutti f Lot 12,Block 28,Park Crescent Sub., Avenue from 17th to 19Lh r fe Streets; -line of 21st South street, thence rvaat Ehance. 10, 14.0 It.,Dart 7 Ni.W. bpth idea t Elaine;Avenue from 12th 165.0 ft„Dart of N.E, 4 f Sec• f Sec. 10.T. 1 S., R. 1 E., s L,B. to-20th East etreete; the south side t T, 1 S„ R. , E., S.L,B. &M.: Lire Fronting en the west side of Highland Atkin Avenue.from-Highland Drive.to et 49,81 It. f the north 105.0 It f &M. Beverly Stet both Ida 1 Fi1m0 the.south 160.75 ft, f Lot.6 of Hlk o 6 Beginning t the north eO cr Of Lot !meet f 27th South Street to At9f Ehsouth 160 T2 ft. }tot 6 et talk 6 Da Highland Park Plat '8 thence A! 'the t side f H t[rd SC Set 160 69hft f Lot '0 0Itt�k•f 6 Roplyn • th 8 is Him 27th.South Street t point 108h. Heights f pert qt N E / o{Sec.21 rthwes northerly 116.58 ft.at L0E 6,.Elk. it th 7•Atkin A n n T.1 S. R 1 E 0'L &NI the south 46;the rth ly 32.1 ft.of Lot 131 f 2345 ft I Zenith A the t 16 68 ft I L 4 I Hik T R 1y1 Blk, 6 d all of Lot 132 f Elk U a He tfppd$GI¢E nYlh 47@@@ 9y k- $ 40 Fp *of-do E, a •1 liu rir� agzt11� 0-7 3 N 'gr y:-e 4fee 22 ;'1 45 +}cam till, :@ 8iIM i ;. ig, a e,: tl nb thada.d,dig-, en 1 B e L.E •'t9htht.ao��17t;}�0.68 si'pia. ale ire -fro 1 frem`( { 4, A A e bnode -'1 LOG•She 50.. 0g 15"'fro. ' 61aft-p1 Es of ome t t 't five 161 tot Itl Ik on the south East of pa t of the•N. , 4 of Se 22, depth of the a me ship back from Of 21st South Streets from 17th East nT.i 1 B .1 E„S. .B.&M..begin- id streets,not-exceeding 330 feet,and 1 Street toBerkeley0treet;the north side nln8 at theIntersect f the west,line to collect; Id tax. - f Wilmington Amine from 1901 Edet of 1 S Street an .the south line of SECTION 2.That the assessment hot Street to pal t 01.375}t•west of Yuma 1St South Street, A et 162-75 made by theCity T e u a corrected, Street, west 61.0• ft. loom 21 et East ft„part of N W.4 of Sec:f1 T 1 approved d plated'by as Board Street, and eft 55.0 ft.frem a'point R.1 E.,B Li'B.&M.;beginning at the of Equalisation and•Review,of the Prop- 116,0 ft.-west of 215E East street;.the Intersectio f east line of Yuma-Street efts,described in Section 1 f this oral- - oath ells f Wilmington Avenue from and the tooth line of not.South street, ranee (Sidewalk Extension-No. 23T)'of • 19th EMt Street,to point 693,5 ft. thence east 232.81 ft.,part of N.W. 4 6alE Lake City;foe the ionep06e of an- t west Of 21st East Street;the west aide.of t Sec,22,T.1 S.,R.1 E.,Fl aL.B.ds strutting (sidewalk.upon said porttoes 21st East Street from 21st South Street M.,beglmm�g at Ehe lrttereeetlon f the of Mid tleeto.is hereto confirmed,end- t to•Parkway Avenue; the east side f aeet.line OI 910n Eaat SUreen d the he assessments-made and returned to l 215E East Streit from a point 351.6.ft. South line f.21st South Street, thence, id completed lists'and We'report of south Of Wilmington Avenue to Parkway et 2T3,43 ft.,part qt_- W.4 of Bee, said Board of.Equalisation end Review Avenue;both sides of Oneida Street from net• '''.1 t.,R,1 E„S.io B.&the nut- to the Board' f Comml'selonera pt Salt 21st South Street to Country Club Drive: fine of E the Sointuth Street f ae Lake City.arehereby ratified, approved the northside f'Country Club Drive line t 1alot Est Street,a thence east and confred. from.21st to 22nd East streets; .the 200.0.ft., part of N.W. 4 f Sec. 22, SECIION.3.Bald tax hell.be payable south side of'Country Club Drive east T', 1 8„ R. 1 B. e, L. B, &M.: the in five equal yearly installments p.Dro- 130.0 ft.from 21st East Street;the east north 89.32 ft,of Lhe South 244.32 it.Of tided.by law.and Ordinance with"inter. side.of Berkeley Street from a point Lot 4 and the north 88.24 ft, of the eat on the whole sum unpaid at the 374.15 it.Routh of 21st South Street to south 244.24 ft, of Lot 8, of Elk, 2, rate of five per cent per m, pay- - 1 WWilmington Avenue; the 'SL Bide of the o th 104.23 ft.of the a th 244.23able at the time each installment 1a f Beerkeley Street from 21et South Street fE. of Lot 4 d thenorth T00 ft. f due:y000ided,however,that one er paoye to ggs Avenue. ue Avenue; both Ides o the south 244,16 It,of Lot 5,of Blk.3, of such ftheellmente In the order f ➢rlggs Avenue from Highland Drive to Couty Club Acres,of part of N.W. able, or the whole tax, may be paid E Brit Esst 0100.0' the wet sIde Of 17th 1 Sea 22,T. 1 e., R. 1 E„ S. L. B. without Interest withinordinance fifteen(1be dayse East Street from Hlilm'ast Avenue to a &.M, from the date this reek n Cal becomes - point 137,0 ft.north of Stratford Avenue; Fronting on the:north side of Wllmisg- effective. One m payants.m • the east Ave of 17th East Street from ion Avenue. the o fee in hick they erepayable,or IfIltc[est Avenue to aa point 140,09 de The south 66.0 ft.of Lots 1 and 2 f thea whole speclnl tax,may be paid after north Of Stratford Avenue;the west side Elk.S the t 104.92 ft.of te south id fifteen days and before the first t Of 18th East street from Bitterest Ave. 81.0 ft, 1 tot•2 Blk. 6,the.east 50.0 tNtallment becomes.due by paying the nue-'to a Point 137,0 ft.oo)Oh of stoat. ft of the Routh 160.0 ft. 07 Lot 2 of same with interest from the date of i f8rd.Avenue;the at side Of"E"Street Bik 6, el'the south 60.0 ft.of Lot 1 evy to the date such first instalment 1{pm 11th'to.12th Avenues;'the north f Blk-so 6,Roselyn Heights,pert of L.E. t dve. ' Ou or more installments stallments On side of Michigan Avenue from Foothill r M 2L T.12 R 1 8..8.L 8. the order1 which they payable, r _D Iva to 2 st Bast Street, the south 38 M, theScuts 720 7t of Lot 1 of the whole D lal tea y be paid an f } ofk 7'R sly Pargho yart 1 N E / the data y m tall t becomes due by Drive. of 82000 Eastas'Street; them'Fo side of 8 2L and Part ,f N L. / I BE Deytng thent thereof--and Interest g of Padle 215E street'type aw Avst enue aid be T 1 a--R. 1 0-75 a. eat Yd- to the date f payment. Default In the of 5th South Street from ndnn eltle west side inter e ig et a point north line t of thet;of n such inetaliment of print 9th oneef from and the Set efts ton A e nos of the t of 0ln6- elpal oany se [Highland,0- Ashton Aida-et to ton Av n and the west Ilse of Yt of the Interest whendue shall ▪�bint 439 t 1t' )In l all rk: side- the'N. W. -Westerly,01. S., part ., whole of the unpaid principal e I- th ks tot be f (41 f e Inches-Think;ki uphe the N.. :beginning T.1 s„nR.l 1 E., terest to become due-and payable loa- the property 000y t 1d streets opposite the S.L.B.&e. o th nine at the lmington Umnpaid and principal the hie amount of in. P rrlbe tie inbe[or and hereinafter Won of the.north line of Wilmington paltle 1 IDeI obeli thereafter r cent 1 k n. described to be Specially &fleeted end Avenue end the west Ilse of 21st East Wrest t the to f ten any per, 4 benefited by laid Improvement, and it Street,thence west 61.0,ft.,part f the nn until paid,but at s y time prior la hereby edlulged,'determined and a N.W. 4 0f Sec,22,T. 1 S..R.01.E„ to the Cate of sale or foreclosure, the' .tebllehed that said property will be tape- s L.B.&M;beginning.at•point 16.0 owner may Day the amount e}'-aai7l unpaid Bell benefited thereby to the full ft._west of the lnteraectlon on the north instalments peat due with sinterest-at the amount of the tax hereby laeseesed said line I Wilmington Avenue a tl thew t to of ton per c t,par to date.. parcels of]and are hereby aeeesaetl tan line of gnat 8treeE,thence weeE 55.0 of payment the delinquent shall end uniform rate m accordance ft.,part of the N,W.4 of Sec,22,T,1 ments, and all accrued eta, and hall with the entirelineard foot of the a upon and e..R.1 E.,e.L..B.&M. after to pay to Installments In Lh!a m<' h▪i .bark therefrom not x edink a330 ten Avenue, manner If default had not occurred. ppThe .f. of ft. t Lot 1.3.the SECTION'4. This ordinance-shall take aooe and the said hereby plarcels o and to be north 50.0'ft. Of Lot S and f S north 0.0 effect be day after Its publication. i ifty-ntl upon n0parceg of land is north 650. of 5onetOre 65.f Passed byethe Board of Commissioners 02Fifty-seven Thousand Eighty-one and rat Lot fin of 0 o.S,e.21.yn He1>Ittg 1 of Balt Lake City, Utah, this 20th day Thous100-d,Two Hundred dll Sla ourEig andnn art.of L. B. �,� .:f Sec. ni g'1 the Rto- of November,A.D.1247. 68,100 (8 Two Slaty.four tee eeS.io of&the 5 th line at. in- 68.100 ((82.031 Dollarssars or Too am to Avenuev Dean else of 20th Fast EARL J:'GI,A M hear. (t of n per front or ton and the east 5.20 of 10fh East Mayor. r llpenring,f or abutting propertyalk for eon- arrest,thence easterly]of p0 ft..of Lot 45. IRMA F. Record flF 8,897.38g,tp feet (4)foot walk,there being ofk ro,L.21.son the to n*part 0f N.E.1 City Retarder. said 3i nentting mid portion .of of Scc... mud the N.S. ya of Sec.22. BILLL h0 improvement;Eiht and Thirty-eight be 1 ny R. 1 . 0 L.,-6 R'eft. SILL NO..loon Tho0 1t Eight Hunded Seventeen d hes ot at ee pOfft 693.t -lift.ne Sidewalkn Final No.stat 24-10037. e. , (($2.337,24)learn s or Too andwest of the intersection of•the south 11ne 1ud and Final b e kk - (t133) Dollars per front o of 1 Easton Avenue and wests went. line Published No9'lmber 25.194T. linear Sg f ve sbutting walk property for eon. of t 21st East W. ils t.Sen.22,T. 0.,5 R. 1 E,859.76 five<Ab foot eni there being part of N. '/.of Bee. T,1.f A.I Mid69 rd feet.Abutting said portion of Ee,S.L.se M Mid improvement: within the. 'bean. FronElnr „&., IYe west Bide of Llat donee of the lots,blocks and streets above Eap!gtree4. mentioned,which is the total abutters' Reglnning nt'the intersection t the dpifnand'bat tier front foot of said aide= south line-Of 21sf.Sonfli Street and the walkas Ce d1 g t-the' a Era l entered d w.t-ll iP t F t t• fh h VW-`e th,perf .rm -f said k ti_8 t. H f-- yq / f S• in T.. l-d making id improvement with OM- 1...-I 1 F A.7,nn f &M b 1 1 g of fhb,O 11&Carm I ,dated.thet. A 1 mti th h line of I6th day f July,1946 and the Treasurer 21at.Fa.rN p nu a pa- 05 ft. is hereby authorized and directed to a io T.s S..R.1 Ness this in ordinance, ilbt the provisions as- S.r.,Rs.M.1'beeleutne et fro la_ r0 Prirpgse herein Ilan n l the wet( s e itt n f of west Mentioned: ,.et(s• r ,e,,we, FOUR (4) FOOT WALK fete,."..•n ne• of Fronting on the marth elde of Logan Avenue. ' 'r N.A,M. Th€ oath 60.0 fa-. f Lots 1 and 2. Fronting on the east:Ode of 21st Rest 'all 'f Lots 3 to 17 1nel.,and the south Siren/e All 1 Lot 2 and the south 135.4 1t.of 84.37 ft. of Lot 111 0f Blk. L '5 Acre Cl 3 cr f.ef.a 2 and 3.Elk.11 Country Heights,a Rig Field 1 Mk.a13,nd lock Club Acres:and ell 1 Lois 1 Country 4 Incl. P10.t 'C", .L m an Survey, eyd Bieck f res; 1.Amender.%of Sc. 0,Club '.'16 of.F. ., Lyman S.L.survey 0f See. •Acres;pert of N,W.'/.of bee.22,T.1 16,T.1 e., 1 South B. d H.& ' S..Frontline ae of Logan on the South Side • eery and a the met side t slay Cast e[Cagan Avenue. Steer/end the south side of Country Club The north 56.32 ft. et Lot„ 1, the Dribs. north 56.32 in: of the west 29.5 it. A77 nP L'I R+d•A RIk,or Amended A.W. and ill f the east 56.0 t,,of Lot 2, FIaE of Cnuntry flub Acres,pert as N.W. 'all f Lots 3.16 incl.,the wait 54.0 ft A,Tr sac.22,T,1 8..R,1 E.,8.L.B. of Lot 17, and the east 31.5 ft. of slime en.the west aide"of(memo the north 112.34 It f Lot IT, and the gis. north 112.34 ft.of Lot lit. et Block 2. ,,,nine „ fhe Inte••actien of the Beverly Heights,a SiaFIeslon of Blk.13,. .0t.i S••tn.cheer sn •0-Acre Flat "C", ig/held Survey, and nee le et^^ot.thence z * Block 13 f F. M. Lyman Jr,'s Sm`vey a ef.Iles n o f Sec. 16,T.-1 S., R. 1 E., S, L. B. a"4 _ of '. , r of :a 2of O.M. m, ,1 .?l.met W.nit.I.l P.i r+ ll.:nf an of •&Frentlog a the North side 1.Is and a ns Rlk,lO Covnfr,Clue Amer. of Blaine Avenue. • n.rt Of N W.Ws of Sec.27 T.I S.,lt,1 E.,S.L.P.A M.:and ell of Lots 5.6 The east 60.0 It.of Lots Ind 2,end end T of Rik.11.Amended Plat of Colm- an-of.Lots'14 to 22 Incl., of•Hlk. A, try Club Arm,pert M N.W.4 of See. Wasatch Subdivision Of Block 7, 5-Airs 22,T. 1 S„R.1 Le.,S.L.tan&V. a B Plat"C"and Block'7 of F m F.M.Lyan Fren el tlog en the west side elde