100 of 1950 - Amending Section 6714, and amending Section 6730 of Chapter LXV, and amending Chapter LXV, re: zonin Mk./ L VP%LL S.T 19 195u VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah, _,195 Affleck I move that the ordinance be passed. Christensen . . . Lingenfelter . . Romney . . Mr, Chairman . _ DINANCE Result AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 6714 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City;- Utah, 1944, as amended; amending Section 6730 of Chapter LXV; and amending Chapter LXV of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944; relating to zoning. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Section 6714 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, as amended by ordinances passed by the Board of Commissioners on February 21, 1945; April 5, 1945; August 17, 1945; December 18, 1945;' March 28, 1946; April 5, 1946; June 4, 1946; August 6, 1946; September 18, 1946; October 8, 1946; November 5, 1946; January 7, 1947; February•sll, 1947; March 5, 1947; March 25, 1947;April 16, 1947; May 27, 1947; tune 5, 1947; June 26, 1947; July `� 22, 1947; October 14, 1947; December 2, 1947; December 18, 1947; April 26, 1948; May 26, 1948; September 22, 1948; September 28, 1948; October 23, 1948, known as bills Nos. 60 and 61; March 9, 1949; August 3, 1949; November 15, 1949; February 23, 1950; March 30, 1950; May 4, 1950; May 31, 1950; June 27, 1950; and August 24, 1950; relat- ing to zoning, be and the same is hereby further amended by adding in and to said section a new paragraph to be known as Item No. 86, which shall read as follows: "ITEM No. 86. The following described real property in Residential tB-2t District, as shown on the Use District Map, is hereby amended and changed to Business IA, classification and the Use District Map is hereby amended and changed accord- ingly: Both sides of Edison Street from a point 106 feet south 100 -2- of 9th South Street to Belmont Avenue, being Lots 12 to 18 inclusive, Blk. 1; and Lots 5 to 11 inclusive, Blk. 2, Linden Park Amended Plat, and Lots 11 to 20 inclusive, Blk. 1; and Lots 1 to 10 inclusive, Blk. 2, Linden Park No. 2, in Blk. 21, 5 Acre Plat 'A', Big Field Survey. That said Use District Map is hereby changed and amended to show the above described tract of land and the whole thereof as Business 'A' District." SECTION 2. That Section 6730 of Chapter LXV of the Re- vised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, relating to zoning be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: "SEC.6730. AREA REGULATIONS. In all use districts for buildings hereafter erected or altered to accommodate or make provision for additional families, the required lot area per family housed shall be as follows: 3000 square feet for a one family dwelling. 3500 square feet for a two family dwelling with an addi- tional 500 square feet required for each family added. Provided that in any district a single family dwelling may be erected on any lot held in separate ownership at the time of the passage of the zoning ordinance, September L, 192 . A lot extending to a rear alley shall be deemed to extend to the center of such alley and a lot abutting upon two or more streets (a corner lot) shall be deemed to extend to the cente of the side street in computing its area for the purpose of this section, and any off street parking space provided in accordance with the off street parking requirements may be computed in determining the area requirements hereunder. For the purpose of this section the number of families which a building is designed to accommodate shall be determined by th= number of separate housekeeping units in such building. A sui.e of rooms without a kitchen or facilities for cooking meals 'shall not be deemed a housekeeping unit for the purpose of this section." SECTION 3. That Chapter LXV of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, relating to zoning, as amended October 28, 1948, be and the same is hereby further amended by adding in -3- and to said Chapter a new section to be known as Section 6730-A, which shall read as follows: "SEC. 6730-A. OFF STREET PARKING ACCOMMODATIONS REQUIRED There shall be provided at the time of the erection of any main building or structure or at the time any main building or structure is enlarged or increased in capacity, minimum off street parking accommodations with adequate provisions for ingress and egress by standard sized automobiles as fol- lows: A. For One aid Two family Dwellings: In all residential zones there shall be at least one parking space in a private garage, or on a permanently maintained parking area on the same lot with the main buildin:,, for each unit in the;case of a new building or for each unit added to an existing building. B. For Buildings other than one and two family Dwellings For a new building or structure or for the enlarge- ment or increase in capacity, floor area, or guests rooms of any existing main building or structure, there shall be at least one permanently maintained parking space of not less than 144 square feet on the same lot with the main building or not more than 1000 feet therefrom as follows: 1. For apartments and motels, one parking space for each unit in such apartment, or motel. 2. For hotels, fraternity or sorority houses, room- ing houses and dormitories, at least one parking space for each 5 rooms or 5 guests for which the building is intended or designed to accommodate. 3. For hospitals and sanitoriums, at least one park- ing space for each two bed capacity. 4. For medical aid dental clinics at least ten park- ing spaces, provided that three additional parking spaces shall be provided for each doctor or dentist having of- fices in such clinic in excess of three doctors or dentis s. 5. For any theater, auditorium, stadium, church, cl '., -4- mortuary, wedding chapel, or other use designed to draw an assembly of persons one parking space for every ten seats provided in such places of assembly. 6. For business or commercial buildings or struc- tures having a floor area of 2000 square feet or more at least one parking space for every 3U0 square feet of fir t floor area in said building, and for every 750 square feet of floor area above the first floor. 7. For manufacturing or industrial uses space for a 1 the vehicles used directly in the conducting of such use and in addition one parking space for every two persons employed or intended to be employed on such parcel of land. The Beard of Adjustment may authorize on appeal a reduc- tion in the above required proportions if it should find that in the particular case the peculiar nature of the building or premises, or the exceptional situation or condition would mit,- gate the need for the parking spaces as above specified. For the purpose of this section, one parking space shall be assumed to be 144 square feet, exclusive of adequate inter for driveways or ingress and egress driveways to conneat the parking space with a public alley or street and all required front yard space. All off street parking areas required by this ordinance shall be deemed to be required "open space" whether located on the same lot with the main building or on property within 1000 feet therefrom and shall not thereafter be reduced or encroached upon in any manner as long as the business or use to which it is appurtenant continues unless other areas are obtained to provide the same number of parking spaces and such change is approved by the Board of City Commissioners."' SECTION 4. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitant - of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediatel'. SECTION 5. This ordinance shall take effect upon its -5- . first publication. (,/' / „--"__ ---- -. ---. - -------- .----" Passed by the Board of nraiss ners o alt Lake City, Utah, this /9.4day of , , . D. 1950. M r. • ty ecorder. il a ,,,,,,. ..,e). • • .,- .,. ' "r .f: !': .,,i2t /3 i • i 4 • r -,",-, - l'A r.1 it • ,••,,,. •- • :, ' ,,,, rl9 tr r, ''.:1 I ,:, , fi. • ,..1 ,,..t •, 4: . i .., . . ., Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, } }as County of Salt Lake Legal N AN ORDINANCE; AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SEC- TIO 6714 of.the RootedRevleed Ordinances of Salt Lakk Clfy, U,ah, 1914, ♦fir ryTr'l of sChapter amending Section Amending D. M. OCKbY Chapter LXV of the-a Re vleed Or'al- nf Salt Lake City, Utah, ng B• efit relating ordained I,to the Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad- Be it aalu¢tl by .he Board of Cnlnml=stoners of $alt Lake City, D`SECTION 1.That section 6714 of vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper. the Revised Ordinances of Sal,..lake City. Utah, 1944, as mantled by odilanTs pass4a b th, iinard of published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State CornmAslonere on Fe•broar'y 21.]945; April 5, '945'Anguxt 17, 1945. DC- T� rmber 19, 1945: March 38, 1948; of(.Ptah. April 5 1 .,June 4,1946;Mu:net 0, 104e; September lg, 1946; Oc lobar g, 1946. Noy ember 5, 1947' January 7,19,,February 11,1947 March s, 2947; March 2u 1947 That the advertisement April 16 1947. May 27, 1047.Jun 5, 1947; June 29, 1.7; July 22 1947; OC.bar 14, 1947. December 2, 1947:December 18, 1947, April ,I Qrdinance Bill No. 100 2E, 1949; May 26, 1948, Ssplem bar 22, 1948,{'Sep,cinber 28. 1940; Or- tohe:23, 1946, known at hill, No G0 and Ail;March 9..1919; August 3, 1949;Nnvemhei 15, 1949: Feb 0- _ sty 23, 1950;March.30, 1950; May ♦, 1950:-Ales 31, 1150: June 27, 1950;air AtIg9t 24,-11956; relating t ��Itj y pq e h 'e l rU t e e itiAtt a bN d 1 nz • pIn h td know;tI(, N.a6, wI ea' nllpwa was published in said newspaper,in its issue dated the 1TF 1'xn:iopit;hc.•1hg do- f f 'A-2'eN)1stil pi npeIn,Reside,teal 'R-2'-;Dlstrl fs.,ae snnwn n the Use District �1ape 1:z hcreb amended day of A.D.19 and ehanged`Lb•Ai ii44s''A'r elas,1- II Mon;,and..tice @de District Map Is hereby,ame ded aRAd ehanvAd zd; °AtItn's50C1 of ',hod street from and was published on September 22, 1950 A point 106 loot:Y(i E:of Stir South Gtrect•dr(}\R41mtln v bfl^g Lute 1 a.11 ,pp 2k:1:" - the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the do ts''J t4 11 InCtus v I 2 Lin- den-1505 AmendQ5L(5 .and Lels 11 LD<?0clprwelaat 91pRf:'end Lots 1 Park No. it itlo rt;-5 Acre Plat ,.> ��' day of A.D.19 4•41snow hereby lhe'9Ht+4% e tr19 d td.dact tIlan d pad LxtP N thereof as 101131... /A�dves tssing Cle • • A'D3411' - SCC'TJON 2 That Section 6730 of Chapter LXV of the Revised Or-• dlaxnc-ca of Salt Lake Clty, Utah, 1944,I imp to oiling, be and the same Ma: Mg hereby emended t 'read as "SEC. 673al AR RA RoI.UIffor TIT Sla In all use ct d make al- tr eredtnp,ahereaf terccommodate erected d m- L t0 before me this 23S-d day of esio m ndatoro inks.pro- v ision oa l required formaarra nai minty families. the eh< 1:ed lot as fora per faintly hou,ted 50 30 be. as a!sees: A.D.19 V .3000 sqn see teat[or a one Sxlnlly dwelling. 95ily dwelli s9u it fret far n p l 500 square f t re re additional .500 added feet required for each family added Providedthat to any dietrirt a single Saa, dwelling m Y be erect- ed any the held f separate 2� L\ �\F✓�C%'�tu�wL./' ownership at the time of the pass- r ae of 1, .Doing otdextend, Sep- Notary P ie ear 1, 1927.A lot extending to to a ter alley shall l deemed to ex- tend to the center o1 such alley and a lot abutting upon two or atreetsextend d corner Intl center l edec sidd to extend to the c Coo Alr tIn side on:art in other tong on area fnr the pn eel of this s snare and Any off at reel. parking spare provided ACM Lamerwit,Inc oft street nark- ing 9roliol g may be m21re- m cletecmlung the tm pose under. For theimpose • Ilh is Inkr'tlon the r mbar of tined Iles which e to chit 1s Uedet e- m nodatn chill be Berate lnnod btnr the separate ou;.e Ace pinR unn, in Adchwit,lArirhour _ ,hrn e or(,III Psrnsfor nnelne cal,..ball 1,,noL doomed a b0u,,e kcopinc unit fnr the purnn:.e of Lni, Aarhus Dtices SFr,ION ] That Fla.er ILXV o, 7 row'aulld:tle ar for ea^.h malt t Ihe R v1Ut 1 Ire. 1 9.tlt • add en For ; Lake , 1S Ill to B. For .n one q Is October la, and two e family 00001 tt Fs- 1948, be d e 1s hereby For a bugle-ma o ��111.cl e toi they amended a new ng i end r far rapacity,en floor are or In ere.- to.sold Chapter a0-A, wh be ht of door a or gucs.P new section Shaven [colon 6'120-A, which of any existmg there shall he a Shall C. as follows'. Ina least structure,uperm there shall n "5KI;, d t'OO OFF STREET past r permanently e t thanln a4 PARoonnpD. here shall be pro 8n- sal.tn R one apace of net less e than th 00 Ihe;time Thor[ shall to p01 ded tear[ Pert o the dome lot with m the tame of the a ectlon of a 100,main n'herefg a e than vq mein meldapg o main [Lure n at 1000 tort apartments as toot', structure time br1110012 L.For apartments and motels,one rt eapa 15 alenlarged inim or I! eredt parking space for each unit In such pa cng age, minimum'oo o[[ vet apartment,s. notcl. 0 islenK e aor I withtnons ode- 2.For hovel 1 tram lfl o qua to provisions for Ingress and 0Its,00 h0'nt are hausessa antl bs andazd sized automo dorm l!odes, rt ago o Pauk lac bFl errs r One andmin l A.For One Two faml{v Dwell- Party far earh 5 for lrf h th h'lldmg d lit Ps: r Orion. to In all Inset tialone there a 3. For hn parking gad s • in a be a' Inset one parking s at Ieasr o arking sparep for each m a private maintained p a Aer- two bid cap_cttY. nely melis.at d parking 9-F mehl�:+i and dental cllstlr- on month[ s lot with the m icatt ten parking snag. dons pro- building, foe each unit in the case npn'n that :ice rovlded for spares shadentist. tt aided for each doctor n dIntla lief haying offices i ior�as a''nein ex yea of three aoc"- 5. For theater. auditorium, stadival. r1rch, hit, wedding altureh, or other use de- signed n draw e mblor Per- e prde space t try n eats provided in such passes of bay_ h For hush, or build:n 0 e ha log afloor sit 2000`qua-neleel o at area o ne 300 of of lr�.lP floor ar or ea fl�d .11,h:l K, and for ery 750 square fees of floor area aoo Inc llrst floor_ q. For manufacturing o' indus- trial s e. t for all the vxhieles used dlreallly In the of tots a and In addition n �rk- Ing space for every lwo perfaenr em- ployed or Intended employed n o. parcel of land. The 8o and of Adjustment may utherlxe on appeal a reduetien In the above required proportions of It should find that In the particular case the peculiar nature of the building or premises, or the a cep- P.M situation or and1110M would Kate the need fey the perking mitigate as above specified. Far the purpose of this p, e parking space hell be as 10000 used o be 144 a feet, exclusive of adequate Interior driveways or In- gress and egress driveways t act the parking space with a nub- ile or t eel and all r'equL'ed front yard space. All off street parking a gulred by this ordinance shall rbe deemed to be required'open span whether Located the s Int with t s building;o rop-ertyit main shall within t• 04 fret be reduce and snarl not tupon In be reduced a encroached tile Ousltenan e.es o ues nvhich less n appurtenant ainedn to unless the a r of par to provide the e umber of proved s and such change n mission[by the Hoard If City Commissioners." SECTIONdof4.In the op. tap of the nec- essary et C the-pe ne, a h n ety to the-peace, health and safety of the Inhabitants of 8 e- , Lakecome City that this anlety.ce be- eIfective Immediately.take affect' This ordinance 5Oral/ affect upon its first publica- tion. Phased by the Board of Cottsmlh- fhnens of 7't Lake Clty, Utah, this ]9th dal' of September, ssa. i EARL J.GLADE Mayne IRMA P.BITNER City Recorder corder (AFL 1 BILL,\'O. Ip0 ;p50. /DD