100 of 1961 - Amending Section 41-2-8 of Revised Ordinance - 1955, relating to street obstruction permits and bond - - ROLL CALL Salt Lake City, Utah, November.. 2.. , 196..1. VOTING Aye Nay I move that the Ordinance be passed. Christensen . . Harrison . . . .. Smart. Romney . . . Mr. Chairman . V AN ORDINANCE Result . . . . AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Section 41-2-8 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1955, pertaining to street obstruction permits and bonds. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Section 41-2-8 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1955, pertaining to street obstruction permits and bonds, be, and the same hereby is amended to read as follows: "Sec. 41-2-8. Permit to occupy street with building material . Bond. (a) It shall be unlawful for any person to occupy or use any portion of a public street for the erection or repair of any building abutting thereon, without first making applica- tion to and receiving from the board of commissioners a permit for the occupation or use, for building purposes, of such portions of streets, and for such periods of time and under such limitations and restrictions as may be required by ordinance or by the public convenience; provided, that no permit shall be granted to occupy more than fifteen feet from the curb line, and any such permit may be revoked by the board of commissioners, at any time, when the holder thereof falls to comply with any rule or regulation under which it is granted, or when, in the opinion of the board of commissioners, the public good requires such revocation. No such permit shall be granted until the applicant therefor shall have given a bond in the sum of $5000, to be approved by the board of commissioners. Such bond shall run to Salt Lake City and to any person injured by reason of the failure of the principal therein to comply with the provi- sions of this section and section 41-2-10 of the ordinances of this city and shall be further conditioned for the payment of all damages that may be adjudged against said principal or surety, and shall save the city harmless from any and all claims, liabilities, or demand, arising from any bodily injury or death at any time resulting therefrom, and any damage to or destruction: of property, arising in any manner out of any operation or opera- tions being performed under the permit required hereunder. No part of a street other than that so allotted shall be used for depositing materials for work to be done or for receiving rubbish arising from such work, and all such rubbish shall be carried away by the person to whom the permit is granted, and at such times as the board of commissioners or the city engineer may direct, and in case of the neglect or refusal of such persons so to remove such rubbish, it shall be removed, at his expense, by the city engineer. "t(b) The fee for the permit herein provided for shall be the sum of $10 which fee shall be paid to the City Treasurer before such permit is issued." 100 -2- Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 21st day of November _, 1961. 9 Mayor �lMdblf�� CI Re (SF, AL) BILL NO. 100 of 1961 Published November 28, 1961 100 Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, ss. County of Salt Lake Legal Notices D i OCKey n, AN ORDINANCE n $ AN ORUIN It' F AMENDING. BeiR a ' E In R d otlr. g first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is legal advertising f 1 II L ke I U.ah,�955 Pa f D 1 clerk of the DESERET NEWS AND SALT LAKE TELE- mif d D 1s s e h d ea°S Itth I a , GRAM, a Badly (except Sunday) newspaper printed in the Eng- j L i,U N u' ° 9sse 1, Ins°i lisp language with general circulation in Utah, and published in t eel b 1 d Salt Lake City, Salt Luke County, in the State of Utah. gig !amd",'r apt Ile o hereby i�see.tier- d s ailous;°m z'ra. Fertrrll IO ^ 1 That the t shall m=',,il_ legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto fo�ndinvfa)rlon ia'' be unlawful g areb ^ feP°°'of Aweet dr- Salt Lake vity Bil1No 100 of 1961 bnfl A lh4". without ISt'1 m aapllcafion toad a��(oa -he bo rd fn r eiv- b.. - a°fo'b,i,S,,,V,4`.Ws An Ordinance pertaining to street ,e )e) of suoliu Por ions et streets, a s, __. _..-.-- .................... „s for such Peri,xls°i trrrentl untle I ------- ---- --- --- --- ----- er, ssch Iimilaflon5 0 reslrielions I a ,7r,oe°einuir,1eYoreinn obstructimn permits and bonds. rc. °ided, na, mil enhall rf,o or:wed to Poccimv emu' Man rile il , feyfleet r n IhmcurFehr'ev d PI byyy II, board boardYofcommissioners,YFs,k al f to lads tfo a omhen ih,IhA hlereof re5uteflon utl, whlrh It or d tIh o ti b d is 1 o bhcN od e h 4. 5 Orel thh �1 thli ° 'e, November 28, 1961 th h l L � by roe r°oartl cooi I^n1.7,oeetl Mi was published in said newspaper on orl such Dond shalh c von rs. Cl°v°hd to any I'un to$.:It Lake F reaaon o}the failure of nlFe�d°y I I�' dual rn Of to toma�Y Prin- TI _. orou lion M fh', wlth the Cl ----- Itiotf AI-2-10 1 lhenil ill aness of Cl thils .Iry ando shall be lurlher I' c didllobed t Ta o 1 f Ito' d l 1tl9etl as i rhafio maYY^b j TQ- S" h II i iI the 1 / ;lit �DIt- r° II r' :tC (,. , ; 1. b tl l d I'm II ti he d Ih H' r� d of1'I dam,. tP ek d�irue.i db legal Advertising Clerk unn a. oopP orf a_r slnn dpnary i meraue^m,l 1%;„".,ee°f,eunaetr a 11 at Parl f sire^I n he- than Id %I D r III" hI II sok ft Fr 1 D n1 h tlb-h I 11 ilk. tl dl Ffc d he fhh Sn ae d tl nil 29th Ire me this day of i,1 �reclt gsud 1 a.e erae'�ii g l,V; y I removed.at b,sry ixrtaiisc, bytheld=�, 6.d ( r,l � AD. 19 -- ' 'fbl 9Te fee far the r II�M: herein o+�'detl tohall be ihc-'ne sell to Ih10 which foe air ^I36 I T er b a P ottr b th 0 d,f Com tla � 2 m li N Y k l f lgal . . ,. itt J.9 ICFN I.E t- �T Public fSEAL)-KHAN J HJGr"SFN: Notary ( RILL Nf]. iC0 jgdl Recorder. I PUDllsned%womb,CB,19R1 (g.19)I^ My Commission Ex Tres Je.n 16, 196�4_