100 of 1977 - Amending section 25-4-5 creating and reclassifying certain positions. ROLL CALL ;] ' VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah, June 23 ,19 77 Mr.Chairman I move that •rdinance be p. Agraz . Gr er ♦r e Hogensen ' Phillips Result AN • RDINANCE AN ORDINANCE/AMENDING Section 25-4-5 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to position titles and classifications and salary ranges. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Section 25-4-5 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to position titles and classifi- cations and salary ranges, be, and the same hereby is, amended as follows: Sec. 25-4-5. Position titles and classifications and salary ranges — Career service and civil service officers and employees. The career service and civil service position titles and classifi- cations, as numbered, and with the salary ranges or wage rates, as proposed and recommended and shown in the "Wage and Salary Administration Program for Salt Lake City Corporation Employees" (a copy of which is on file in the office of the City Recorder) are hereby adopted and declared as and for the position titles and classifications and the salary ranges for all career and civil service officers and employees of Salt Lake City, effective March 1, 1977, said titles being grouped under the following titles: Series: 100 Operations and Maintenance 200 Clerical and Technical 300 Managerial and Professional 400 Police and Fire Fighters SECTION 2. That the "Wage and Salary Administration Program for Salt Lake City Corporation Employees" as adopted in Bill No. 31 of 1977, be, and the same hereby is amended as follows: Add the position of Director, Civilian Components, Pay Class 312, under the title covering Managerial and Professional. Add the position of Bomb Technician Supervisor, Pay Class 312, under the title covering Managerial and Professional. Add the position of Computer Operations Manager, Pay Class 306, under the title covering Managerial and Professional. Add the position of Chief of Survey, Pay Class 311, under the title covering Managerial and Professional. Add the position of Safety Director, Pay Class 306, under the title covering Managerial and Professional. 1 I) -2- Add the position of Court Administrator, Pay Class 315, under the title covering Managerial and Professional. Add the position of Property Administrator, Pay Class 309, under the title covering Managerial and Professional. Add the position of Water Quality Lab Supervisor, Pay Class 218, under the title covering Clerical and Technical. Add the position of Electronics Instrumentation Trainee, Pay Class 221, under the title covering Clerical and Technical. Add the position of Assistant Golf Professional, Pay Class 214, under the title covering Clerical and Technical. Add the position of Water Distribution Valve Operator Assistant, Pay Class 108, under the title covering Operations and Maintenance. The position of Chief Water Engineer shall be deleted from Pay Class 318 and added to Pay Class 320, under the title covering Managerial and Professional. The position of Assistant City Engineer shall be deleted from Pay Class 318 and added to Pay Class 320,under the title covering Managerial and Professional. The position of Assistant Planning Director shall be deleted from Pay Class 317 and added to Pay Class 318, under the title covering Managerial and Professional. The position of Assistant Purchasing Agent shall be deleted from Pay Class 307 and added to Pay Class 313,under the title covering Managerial and Professional. The position of Chief Deputy Auditor shall be deleted from Pay Class 315 and added to Pay Class 319, under the title covering Managerial and Professional. The position of Payroll Superintendent shall be deleted from Pay Class 312 and added to Pay Class 315,under the title covering Managerial and Professional. The position of Director, Building and Housing Services shall be deleted from Pay Class 313 and added to Pay Class 318, under the title covering Managerial and Professional. The position of Director, Intergovernmental Relations shall I be deleted from Pay Class 311 and added to Pay Class 316, under • the title covering Managerial and Professional. The position of Deputy License Assessor shall be deleted from Pay Class 305 and added to Pay Class 311, under the title covering Managerial and Professional. The position of Chief Inspector-Materials shall be deleted from Pay Class 307 and added to Pay Class 309, under the title covering Managerial and Professional. The position of Cross Connection Control Coordinator shall be deleted from Pay Class 216, under the title covering Clerical and Technical, and added to Pay Class 303, under the title cover- ing .Managerial and Professional. The position of Water Meter Mechanic II shall be deleted from Pay Class 113 and added to Pay Class 115, under the title covering Operations and Maintenance. -3-- The position of Inspector-Watermains I shall be deleted from Pay Class 114 and added to Pay Class 117, under the title covering Operations and Maintenance. The position of Greenskeeper shall be deleted from Pay Class 114 and added to Pay Class 117 under the title covering Operations and Maintenance. The position of Assistant Watermeter Reader Supervisor shall be deleted from Pay Class 216 and added to Pay Class 217, under the title covering Clerical and Technical. The position of Traffic Technician I shall be deleted from Pay Class 213 and added to Pay Class 216 under the title covering. Clerical and Technical. The position of Traffic Technician II shall be deleted from Pay Class 218 and added to Pay Class 220, under the title covering Clerical and Technical. SECTION 3. This Ordinance shall take effect on June 1, 1977. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 23.rd day of June, 1977. MAYOR 71, )4,e2.444-, CITY RECORD (SEAL) BILL NO.100of_ 1977 Published June 29, 1977 AON-aea Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, I SS. County of Salt Lake AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Section 25-4-5 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake Car,Utah,1965,relating 10 position Shana D. Palmer cites and nlassiflCetions and salary ranges. _-- -- ----'----- Be it ordained be the Reerd of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,Utah: SECTION 1.That Section 25.4-S of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake es Utah, 1965, relating to .non Linea and Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is legal adver- Iassifieanons and-salary ranges,he,and the same horeuv i, ai nded 25 es toalbowP'. smhr Isles d classifications servicens and salary Using clerk of the DF.SERF"P,NCIY S, a daily (except Sunday) angel - Career service sera and civil service positionff es a poassi The career sac l�and civil {s.position ran uses newspaper printed in the English language with general air- wa classifications,as promised as numbered,.and with the salary ranges hor e a rates,as Salary Ache and recommended Program and shownLe City culatiurx in Utah., and published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake CWage end Salary EMPLOYEES"(a Pr for Salt Lake City Corporation of the CINPRLaOaderl are hereby°M lee and Is declareed the Cuun-ty,in the State of Utah. rod'W forhall ccarleeerr eel civil1adery ce officers and employees of Salt Lake City,effective March 1,197/,sold Hiles being ermined under the foh0wlnoMies: That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto Series: 100 Operations and Maintenance 200 Clerical and Technical one 300 Managerial and Pofessional Pub notice to amend an ordinance relatinCj to 400 Police and Fire Fighters -------- ---- ----'- ---- SECTION 2.That the"Wage a and Salary Administration adopted Program lei Salt Lake Clip Corporation Employees"as adapted in Rill No.31 of 1971,be,and the same hereby is amended as position titles and classifications and salary follows: 312.Add der hhe e�titleucovfering Manoagerrial and Professional Y Class Add the position of Bomb Technician Supervisor,Pay Class 317,undr,,r Itre title covering Managerial and Professional. ranges Add the positron of Computer Operations Manager,Pay -- '_--_-'- --- - ---- Class 306,under the title covering tootlegnelel end professional I Add the pptitlon of Clrkd of surveyy,Pey Clogs 311,under the title Add t hip sitiosci ieell and Directslunal. I title Acavern°Man.Jon 1a1f 1f and Professional.y Class 306,under thg Add the goal bon of Court Adminlsh-atop,Pay Class 315,under the title covering Managerial and Professional. Add the position nof Properly Administrator,Pay Class 309, and Alto Herr savoring Water Qualify Lab Supervisor,Pay Class - - 218,Wider the title covering Clerical and Toaleicei. Add hie position of Electronics instrumentation Trainee,PayJune 29, 1977 Class22d21,under the covering Clerical and Technical. Ica. published in.said newspaper On Old,undorlltre title otvoring Chancel elnd Technic lei,PeY CIa.,s Add one position of Water Distribution Valve Operator Assistant,Pay Class 108,Wider the title covering Operations and Maintenance. The position of Chief Water Engineer shall he deleted from Pay Class 318 and added to Pay Class 320,under the title covering Managerial and Professlonal The position of Assistant City Engineer shall hedelotedtrain ----- ------------------ ----- Pay Class 318 and added to Pay Class 320,under the title covering Managerial and Professional.of position Assistant Planning Director shall be deleted from PoV Claes 317 apedde ad to Pay Class 3111,under the tltla � � „�� ,�_I. -- P�� �v\, covering Managerial and PrOFesnnonal the position of Assistant Purchasing Agent shall be lieleted L1+ e pal AdvertisingCleric from Pay Caeos 307 and added 10 Pay Class 313,under the title covering Managerial and Professional. The position of Chloi Deputy Auditor shall be deleted from Pay Class 315 and added to Pay Class 319,Winer the title covering Managerial and Precessional. l he position Of Payroll onderd shall be debated tram fro Pay Class 312 and ark/Ate Paway Class 315,under the title covering Man ire eel Nntl Of dsre tonal. The pofrelnMDClans 33 andldrr��tlggUa0nd0 Peingass 3t0, shalt the title covering Managerial and d Professional. The Class 318,Vtdar? me this_____-__ ..___let __ - day of The position of Director itrterno tal Relations:,hull 10 m deleted fro Pay Class 311 and added toPay Class 316,under the title covering Mananerlal and Professional. A.D.. 19 .77 The position of Depody License Assessor shall he deleted from Pay Class 305 and added to Pay Class 311,under the title covering Manaborial and Professional. The psltlon of Chief 1 Ctor-Materials shall be deleted from Pay Class SW and added to Pay Class 309,under the title covering Managerial and Professional. ro o- / - Thesitionross Connection Contra l Coordinator shall be deleted from Pay Class 216,under the title covering Clerical and Inchnical,and added to Pay class 303,under the tine coveroag _ t_ -1-�._�_ Manaoorlal and Professional, ------'- ----I The position of Water Motor Mechanic.II shah be deleted NotaryPublic from O Pay Class 113 awl added fe Pay Class 115,under the title c v Ina Operations and Maintenance. The position Wcter- ateri olns I shall be deleted fret Pay Class 114 andd added to Pay Class 117,Under the title covering Operations and Maintenance. The position of Grecnskeener shall be deleted from Pay Class 114 and allied to Pay Class 117 under the lithe covering Operations and Maintenance. The position of A Col WOtatmeter Reader Supervisor shall be deleted{corn Pay Class 216 end added to Puy Class 21/. under the the covering Clerical and Technical. The position of Traffic Technician I shell be deleted from Pay Class 213 and arkkM to Pew Class 216 udder the title covering Clerical and Tetscm al. The yslllon o Traffic Technician II shall be deleted Irma Pav Class 218 anti added to Pay Class 223,under the title covering _ Clerical and Technical. a� -- PSassed byCTION 3the IBO:W(1s lr of Contnllssiicnars a onit Lake City, Utoh,this 23rd day of June,1911, TEDMILDR L.\YILSON Mayor City Recorder V.HIGNAM City Recodo 15 141 (SEAL) MIL.NO. o Intl PvPublishedJu June 29 1977 • J ti a