101 of 1908 - Ordinance 101 of 1908 – Sewer Extension No. 192. 11, , 1‘. I .J A. i-. ,1 \ , x,..dinp.-:1,-,,o loL,T,:rin,L: L. ta-.7.. L..,..,7, for the L.,L,a,:-..:L..-vo',. 1.),.:-.•7'7...j. ,:m t .7. ...or t. ] ,a1.7: .: ,•-' cco,,a :rtil ...itreet r'r,-,',. - 7H ' '-. ..;''7' ‘i-)77 ' OD I'' ...'!..F,-. .,) 7 :1,-. orth ;3t.-,L:..Lot, Le rcl nart-c.: -Cti-L.- t:. on f..7.-le ea...,t .,;',..3,.?.. nf .;:•,.,..,i,1 .,',1(J ti-e..A :7"r:or.. -...,-7:1-,—,•-:',o' "••-,-.„-!': ,. -fe,--.)1-,; L.,,T the 1 . d 1 south Sid E. .,..,'r ,2.7,-...i:c3. ...c.,-,71;11 :::;trot f-r„..,.., 17-7-, -...: •-'.. i.:,'1.:r.• 71e“,:lt• Stroet,„ in ,Sewor ..L;intic,,t '-o. "...'-. L,,tol.; .. o." .3e..,-.:e.r... . il ..:;.,.. `....T, ...,-c:.T.al.a,-...1 1.4 ttild City I..-:::.311 o f ....:..1 t in.'..,-, ;.,47, 7j.......'7.,: • 11 . ::)=EACT1017. 1 roviao :-.•.•,.- t....10 t.;,,,...3,--,1,zi:•.:,,---.,,t Jr 1:::.<.., ,.;,.-:•,-... ,...L., .. 7- rik....r.'t4. ....o•.:..Leofter i‘1,......or1bed in ;IJ.,NL.--.-t: Cist71,-Lt ...",-.). I, "..:'r 17.1',..--, conatracticoi 1 LI to-,Nit: . . • In not u 5, 6 ard. 7, -131,.,e1,- 1u4; 1, Z, 5, ..., 5, , , 7 t ,3 o' 0, Oloc..dc '!ill 1 .1; 1, 5, ,7_,, 7 and 6. 7,11,ek. 11,1, ail I.:, _1..' "A", i...T.I.,....,_, : ,.n 1 .loc,o'ud south side off Jocund "ortl ;,-,:treet ht.+, ,L,.: 7,..e.,i1. .7,,..-....„-1,.: a-, : 1,11:r4, ',i,-iA., - treets, on tkc ea.lt ;nide or T.,e, ,oni. 7ef-.:t •nt-,-,-.,,,I. ".,.1,nee-1., 7'.•..., --...,rtll 11 end C.--)c,...):: I. t,,.-uon -L'''....•: t 77c,n1,:h. !?-ni ,..hl.cd. -.;'.7orth 1-:r..-,L'‘,..c. L-od on .1.•:-) ,,;,::!-T, :,;.1-... o_7 ' 11 1 727-,i2 tL-r.-. 1.5 1::::,,i0.1 t jr .. : ...,, '1,71,-; e.--,,.,...n....•: e..,, i,:t...-- :::.'. :„..., -,..Li.ri.„. fe,T i)io ..-. --...,•r.:1 .t t,. , in...To..., I,. ,7,..... ..:„.-.'r:r _...1,,,•', ''..1-j3 „....;,.',•'. 7 .-..- ,21' sal.d nt3.:eE.ta ol, .oito ".-. ., .,:-..-o_:-.,-',.:, ..,:_,,..-"._-....7 (.•r'•:....-.... •;,-,•-,,i 1:,:••-,.,•ir,:•,.'.. -.1.-- des- : cribed to 3,3 ,:).3fiecially a.r?ected El0 a lr.):,-', 7-11,,,-,ci. „,., 2..„1„:: and It. i.-, T.•..• -_,1•,.,.. L.5.j..,.5.L.,,,,7,, d':-.. ' , •:..,:_c-,,,.1 ,....-,-,7, .-.,-t:.!.1.1...),_':31..,f.,d 1.11.•1, U:7:7:.7. prcLp- erty wf.11 1,0 eo :0-1.:....11;/ in.Lio.51t,...:3 ',5 ,-- ,,‘,. t,,.., i'..-..... .....• c. . '. ....:: the or 1. 1. !_c-,--„, 1,.., ;-,1„,./ &..:',,--x:... ,-.,,,a. at I11,un equal ,::'...,1,1 -in].Cor:. -,.. :e ...-., b.c...,--e (11.-no,„: ,L1.1-ii ',....,. 11,A.n....r I'.7,..4. i1 age ...pun eza.-.'a, iJortic-o..., of 01.d .Aro,:-)1,,,, ,:fo-,,..1. ,, ...i.:,..,: 611,-, 'L o a de,dth 2 (2:5' 2 - 11.'e.,,e1. t7,(,.,,,.-,,,i..ruIL,, ac,i t h, .,,, ,,,c ,,,..::... ..-,,,, .1 ,.let.i. and to he aioosed iii...,,:. , ,ii.t.i,:, pa,reels .).5.7 1,,,,a 1_, .2....,,-;. t,... ,:L..-.. I hui-pirod. nl..i.. -t"r.roe ,:,..-,-..d 4;A::11C.C, r.7, C.-,';.49 1 C.c.,::.1 f.ifs, or one anil 11 II. 1_01. I I) . -2- ,15-1003/1,OU0 2 • fuct :at prv1::---r.t : for 000r 1r ' J" tic 61: ovc 3tstriot u. 1, 36LL. j7 abut tint., rty ,:r.1 thin tho lo tot coot :in." r ,33.11 sevr,Jr, tho e..eteccul 2 Of nrd hen_uidy, ihtted. the 25 th3b %) Hay, 19(:8 arc.: Tre. : :":o cized and :3".rect L-, 7' 0 r L; LL,•30 t'07, i;•1:ri,•:7.- • 7 ' . ,rt Oteet ,1:71e LetO , n irt7: t _ 7 o ' of L:•24 2, " - ' • " ..o", 1, -" 7 • U. . 7, 7 '7 103; the south 305 feet tho 0t . 2U 0, th. 305 foot of tho. east ..0ot 1, the no..th u 7nuts ' and 8, ;1 the east 11.. f.:ot the north Ile __Jt , :Suit up Th. V... i plat:. of 30,id. City to a de,.A.1., of t;ionty-fis -.:: streets, and to col:loot tax. 3E0'1'1,32 Skit tux shoi1 he delinquoqt e equal ins!..allinent s, t: one-. ' f'1-11 a?ter . oval of the ordirionce co:if irnrinf!' 1,51 for the paymont for such in') 1y-int; hYle,-.71 r ;fear. aft:'- such aporovel; :)f in throe d'C onoh aPpro-vs1; on r.th forcr n aft , :1; and of : t t.x 2 ,paiJ 00 ) tt3/1 : Jr cho3e I t ! on the iii: I aif.; ...-11Lit...i.1.11,:111, 1(,.3:).:.:::.> :,' ..` i.,„ 1...‘f:.:1!,L. i', f 1 I1 and ..13. 1.:t:eet -,:o dE,t..) •,., ' ,q,L ,ent-,. each e`' siii,7, ia.,tall-.1::: ....•. ..i•--,11 ibear intrest at the f:•'..--: .).17 sli,-; (r.', 2..)-- 3-, ,1.7 iJer date of the arc,,w=.1 of the ordirblico con..'i,:•,Aint: the levy ur." acid --\ . 1 ta untd,1 date of dell.-A, hksir - ,J ei.-....ht (':'4,: :•-;-,t, I 0,/ 1 I a i -2afr•c-)in..:;/ an t i i z, I i/ Z pi 1 1 3. Ti kr4ri:,•477-k, .6-1-F.,.11 t•11.=t7;»,; ...7.t ,n if ' i ,z, 4 Se p;A:r Ct;,--::::-,'.., ,i :I . 15ac'.u1 e / -''' 0 , i(" ay 1 i2, • 1 Y42 0 , 0 Passed by the Olt unc1.1 9.f.,$Salt ?Jaz. ty, h, August 4,;. • ' , 1908, and referre0, to the Mayor for 71": ' . —71-ty Recor e r. 7 Approved this /g/ d o u.7u t, 1908. May r. , L- • , 1 . 1! 11 1 •ii r I • ----... : ' 1,..,\:=.1.1 - - " ' 'c-c-....,. a "tt (`I' c N o • ,_..,...4114_i:_. r')/ \"-x s: \11-0 ..4-..- �`�'�0 CO Q ,,,..1.,C '•. :1'C3U...S IL. etl V7 esr� ; .i :I"r.Pet. t..:Of.it 4 :� x .3Oel .f•'ji j 1-o h \ B_-ah hE -cc 9, ''-2\. 'N:--.--',-- N\N‘k\.-- r, , • 1� '