101 of 1960 - Amending Section 51-11-2 of R.O., 1955, relating to zoning and fixing boundaries of Use Districts, v ROLL CALL Salt Lake City,Utah, AJ5.2.31[1.5I1 ,196 VOTING J Aye Nay Il I move that the Ordi • r• passed. Christensen . . Harrison Piercey . . _•_ Romney . . . Mr. Chairman AN ORDINANCE Result_ . V AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Section 51-11-2 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1955, relating to zoning and fixing the boundaries of Use Districts. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Section 51-11-2 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1955, relating to zoning and fixing boundaries, of the Use Dis- tricts, be, and the same hereby is, amended by adding in and to said section a new paragraph to be known as Item 16, as follows: "ITEM 16. The following described real property in Residential "R-6" classification, as shown on the Use District Map, is hereby changed to Industrial "M-1" classification and the Use District Map is hereby amended and changed accordingly. Commencing at the northeast corner of 4th North Street and 5th West Street; thence east along the North line of 4th North Street 495 feet; thence north 330.0feet; thence west 495 feet to the east line of 5th West Street; thence south along the east line of 5th West 330,.0 feet to the point of beginning. Also commencing at the northwest corner of 5th West and 4th North Streets; thence west 404 feet along the north line of 4th North Street to the no access line of the Utah State High- way; thence northeasterly along the N/A line 333 feet, more or less, to the south line of Girard Avenue, said point being 375 feet west of the west line of 5th West Street; thence northeasterly along the N/A line 69 feet, more or less, to the north line of Girard Avenue, said point being 355 feet west of the west line of 5th West Street; thence north- easterly along the N/A line 113 feet, more or less, to a point 90 feet north of Girard Avenue and 287 feet west of 5th West Street; thence east 287 feet along the N/A line to the west line of 5th West Street; thence mouth along the west line of 5th West Street 488 feet to the point of beginning. That said Use District Map is hereby changed and altered to show the above described tract of land as part of Industrial "M-I" District classifi- cation, SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 23d day of August , i960. —' Mayor Cit eco ( s L A I, ) 0 Y::hl ished Au4u t 31 7 BILL V0, 10I. of 1960 960 Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, ss. County of Salt Lake AN ORDINANCE I D. M. On key l'i AN ORDINANCE AMENDING I�Section 51-11-2 I the a vCity I O_dmat[ces of Salt La k'e Chy, I Ufa” W.L elatln¢to "n¢ a ; ,ftxe`f the bounaarfes of Us_nis-1, Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is legal advertising O trissaners ofbdalt LHe Cityy,, . clerk of the DESERET NEWS ANT) SALT LAKE TELE- vtan: SiCTION 1 That seellen 51.11^ GRAM, a daily (except Sunday) newspaper printed in the Eng- f Lh R vls it 0 a7 e' f S It Lak Gt ❑tAh loss r;t g t i; lish lan u e withgeneral circulation in Utah, and published in ( od1g li 1 b 74 i g aJ h `h v °st e i' "`" Salt Lake City, Salt Lae Utah, i Fb yea b aaa( 1 ,j/ y k County, in the State of 19 qph t hb known a it 18 I! IZ�f 11 :.. lx>M ie Tnyrp�f llov,l g a That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto F a01b Il.—6 tllp1,4,a 1 Ras• ,. h t U E iV.st, t=i t gle- (bJg lli at Indtt„e Salt Lake City Bill No, 101.. d:.a,end'd and hang tl aceo tl= c' n n,g t t” northeast tin Ordinance relating to zoning and 1 b 'of 4Si N th street and o Wtht St t to ,ce tt' 1 the North'] f nth N t� str t 495 f t:° et fixing the boundaries of Use Districts. ¢ 7gqfpp6rth 330.0 feete t lilw t L.laVest Street t thcncet louaraalo,t ll 4 I t p f n'f wba 00 1 * l n fSA e 4 9, la( to¢th li )1' f thl art i eth 1Sttet Ut hi St to High--IF ttb yS`d lla eeo ;rf 1 gli s tams�o�t°411 io1 °ni August 31, l`360. n n e a d t °el¢ 3v8 waspublished in said newspaper on ih`•'Ic t si tP th noel' ron £act,more oJ''',`,%,TI line t n;�h t Dt Rt tl tnue reel f nn welt°i�o-ee°e. F N!A ihadis of leas t point a Sectj th tl ( 'eV d Al >lg a t O fee w t r sth aver at en,to / j2 t zev�faat lad¢th A r ,,gt� t6 wet lln¢, r g°t�i w si I ( .. � 'f R et 111,M 9ft1 ALeh"aloof the �V t s t.4aa `Legal Advertising Clerk/ aahgta°y d�t t ttgitI itio a.' aebarl}f a tract f 1Dn4. a Inlet'Saaba efa( Mt, th.oct' SECTION f S J th ❑ 1 ni th E AErj ppG gpperg1 1 nJ.C'i.s' • 34 t :t5 5ttips Eft „ N kV, L I, Clt t{la ordinance be SECTIOIS 0 Thin t.d f 8th day of nhall talra affa t 00 ire,f,rshIo before me this bliCafon. fP Sine by the Board [lii .;� 5 Of 9a1t LaY.e Cl[v,Utah, yRhis 23rd day of Aufvet,198E A D 19 60 d Boaal<en Lae Herman J, Nogensert City Recorder i (Seat/ \ r ''I SILL NO. 101 of 1980 1. IC-41 Published August 31,1960.I' //', j Notary Public My Commission Expires Nov. P5,- 1961,, fi,z