101 of 1977 - Amending title 37 establishing sanitary sewer utility fund and increasing sewer service charge rates ROLL CALL VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah, June 23 ,1977 Mr.Chairman .. Agraz I move that the Ordinance be passed. Greener Hogensen Phillips , Result ,,"* AN 0 ANCE AN ORDINANCE amend,ng Title 37 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to the establishment of regulations for the interception, treatment and disposal of sewage and industrial wastes and the control of waste water, requiring charges to be made therefor and fixing penalties for the violations of said regulations. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Title 37 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to the establishment of regulations for the interception, treatment and disposal of sewage and industrial wastes and the control of waste water, requiring charges to be made therefor and fixing penalties for the violations of said regulations, be and the same hereby is, amended to read as follows: CHAPTER 1 GENERAL Sections: 37-1-1. Short title. 37-1-2. Purpose. 37-1-3. Definitions. Sec. 37-1-1. Short title. This ordinance shall be known as the "Waste Water Control Ordinance". Sec. 37-1-2. Purpose. The purpose of this ordinance is to regulate the interception of sewage and industrial waste and to control waste water to provide the maximum public benefit of the sewage disposal facilities of the city. The regulations shall include provisions for source control in order to monitor and con- trol quality, quantity and flow of sewage and industrial wastes. The regulations shall require charges for use of sewage disposal facilities of the city which charges are designed to achieve an equitable recovery of the capital costs and operating costs of such facilities. The regulations shall include provisions for enforcement and penalties for violations. Sec. 37-1-3. Definitions. For the purpose of this ordinance, unless the context specifically indicates otherwise, the meaning of terms used herein shall be as follows: 101. -2- (1) "Biochemical oxygen demand" (abbreviated as BOD) shall mean the quantity of oxygen, expressed in parts per million by weight, utilized in the biochemical oxidation of organic matter under standard laboratory conditions for five days at a temperature of 20 degrees centigrade. The laboratory determinations shall be made in accordance with procedures set forth in standard methods. (2) "Building sewer" shall mean that part of the sewer line extending from a building to its connection with a city sewer main. (3) "Board of commissioners" shall mean the board of commission- ers of city. (4) "City" shall mean the Salt Lake City Corporation and its environs included within city limits. (5) "City engineer" shall mean the city's engineer or his duly aughorized deputy, agent or representative. (6) "Contamination" shall mean an impairment of the quality of the waters of city by wastes to a degree which creates a hazard for the spread of disease and contamination as described in standard methods. (7) "Domestic waste" shall mean a combination of the liquids or water-carried wastes for residences or business buildings. (8) "Duplex" shall mean a single building containing two independent dwelling units. (9) "Dwelling unit" shall mean a building or other structure where an individual resides as a separate housekeeping unit, or a collective body of persons (doing their own cooking) resides as a separate housekeeping unit in a domestic bond based upon birth, marriage, domestic employment or other family relationship, as distinguished from a boarding house, lodging house, club, fra- ternity, motel or hotel. (10) "Garbage" shall mean the residue from the preparation and dispensing of food and from the handling, storage and sale of food products and produce and other refuse. (11) "Ground garbage" shall mean the residue from the prepara- tion, cooking and dispensing of food that has been shredded to such a degree that all particles will be carried freely in sus- pension under flow conditions normally prevailing in public sewers with no particles greater than one-half (1/2") inch in any dimension. (12) "industrial waste" shall mean any solid, liquid, or gaseous, substance, discharged or permitted to flow or escape from any industrial, manufacturing, commercial or business establish- ment or process or from the development, recovery or processing of any natural resource. (13) "Multiple dwelling" shall mean any building or other struc- ture, having four or more dwelling units therein, and shall include a mobile home park. (14) "Normal sewage" shall mean sewage having strengths less than those described in sections 37-2-3 and 37-2-8 hereof. (15) "Nuisance" shall mean a discharge of waste water in violation of city regulation or order, or which violates quality, quantity or flow standards adopted by the city, and all waste water discharges which unreasonably affect the quality of the city's treatment plant effluent in such a manner that water quality requirements established by law cannot be met by the city without special treatment. -3- (16) "Parts-per-million" (abbreviated ppm) shall mean the ratio of parts-per-million of solids or pounds of BOD per one million pounds of water. (17) "Person" shall mean any and all persons, including municipal or private corporation, association, society, insti- tution, enterprise, governmental agency or other entity. (18) "Pollution" means such contamination, or other alteration of the physical, chemical, or biological properties of any waters of the city or the discharge of any liquid, gaseous, or solid substance into any waters of the city as will create a nuisance or render such water harmful or detrimental or injurious to public health, safety or welfare, or to domestic, commercial, industrial, agricultural, recreational, or other legitimate beneficial uses, or to livestock, wild animals, birds, fish, or other aquatic life. (19) "pH" shall mean the logrithm (base 10) of the reciprocal of the hydrogen-ion concentration expressed in moles per liter as determined by the procedures outlined in standard methods. (20) "Sanitary sewer" shall mean a city sewer which conveys sewage, into which storm, surface, and ground waters or unpolluted industrial wastes are not intentionally admitted. (21) "Service charge" shall mean the basic assessment levied on all users of the public sewer system whose wastes do not exceed in strength the concentration values established as representa- tive of normal sewage. (22) "Sewage" shall mean a combination of the liquids or water- carried wastes from residences, business buildings, institutions and other establishments with installed plumbing facilities, together with those from industrial establishments, and including domestic wastes. (23) "Sewage treatment plant" shall mean all facilities for collection, pumping, treating and disposing of sewage and industrial waste and it includes sewage as well as the sewage treatment facilities. (24) "Sewer", "public sewer", "sewer system" and "sanitary sewer system" shall mean the pipe or conduit system and appur- tenance, for the collection, transportaiton, pumping and treat- ment of sewage, including the city sewage treatment plant. (25) "Single-dwelling unit" shall mean a building containing one dwelling unit. (26) "Standard methods" shall mean the examination and analyti- cal procedures set forth in the most recent edition of "Standard Methods For the Examination of Water, Sewage and Industrial Wastes," published jointly by the American Health Association, the American Water Works Association and the Water Pollution Control Federation. (27) "Storm sewer" shall mean a sewer that carries only storm surface and ground water drainage. (28) "Storm water runoff" shall mean that portion of the rain- fall which is drained into storm sewers. (29) "Surcharge" shall mean the assessment in addition to the service charge which is levied on those persons whose wastes are greater in strength than the concentration values established as representative of normal sewage. (30) "Suspended solids" shall mean solids that either float on the surface of, or are in suspension in water and which are -4- removable by a laboratory filtration device. Quantitative deter- mination of suspended solids shall be made in accordance with procedures set forth in standard methods. (31) "Triplex" shall mean a single building containing three independent dwelling units. (32) "Unpolluted water" shall mean water fit for human con- sumption. (33) "Volume of flow" shall mean that amount of water passing onto a person's property through an authorized water meter or the amount of water flowing from a person's property into a sanitary sewer. Volume of flow shall also be synonymous with the terms water used and water consumed. (34) "Waste water"shall mean all sewage, and other water, whether treated or untreated, discharged into or permitted to enter a sanitary sewer system connected to a city sanitary sewer. (35) "Waste water strength" shall mean the quality of waste water as defined by standard methods. CHAPTER 2 GENERAL REGULATIONS Sections: 37-2-1. Supervision by city engineer. 37-2-2. Injuring sewer prohibited. 37-2-3. Approval required. 37-2-4. Pre-treatment. 37-2-5. Submission of information. 37-2-6. Prohibited discharges. Sanitary sewers. 37-2-7. Prohibited discharges. Storm sewers. 37-2-8. Prohibited discharges. 37-2-9. Boiler and heating plants. 37-2-10. Special agreements. 37-2-11. Settling tanks. 37-2-12. Buildings to have separate sewer connections. 37-2-13. Discontinuance of privy vaults, cesspools, septic tanks. 37-2-14. Connections to be made by licensed and bonded plumber or sewer contractor. 37-2-15. Unlawful to clean sewers without license; fee. 37-2-16. Connections not allowed. Sec. 37-2-1. Supervision by city engineer. The entire sewer system shall be under the immediate care, supervision and control of the city engineer. Sec. 37-2-2. Injuring sewer prohibited. It shall be unlawful for any person to injure, break or remove any part or portion of any sewer or system of any sewer appliance or appurtenance. Sec. 37-2-3. Approval required. Review and written acceptance of the city engineer shall be obtained prior to the discharge of any waste water into the public sewer having: (a) BOD greater than 200 ppm by weight, or (b) A suspended solids content greater than 250 ppm, or (c) Having the characteristics of strengths described in section 37-2-6 through 9, or -5- (d) An average daily flow greater than 2% of the average daily waste water flow of the city. Sec. 37-2-4. Pre-treatment. Pre-treatment is required when, in the opinion of the city engineer, it is necessary to modify or eliminate wastes that: (a) Have a BOD of more than 200 ppm, or (b) Have a suspended solids content of 250 ppm, or (c) Are in violation of any provision outlined in section 37-2-8, or (d) Have an average daily flow greater than 2% of the average daily waste water flow of the city. The person liable for the sanitary sewer service charge shall provide at his expense such preliminary treatment or processing facilities as may be determined necessary to render his wastes acceptable for admission to the public sewers. Sec. 37-2-5. Submission of information. Plans, specifications and any other pertinent information relating to proposed pre- liminary treatment or processing facilities shall be submitted for approval of the city engineer and of the water pollution committee of the state of Utah, and no construction of such facil- ities shall be commenced until said approvals are obtained in writing if the effluent from such facilities is to be discharged into the public sewers. Sec. 37-2-6. Prohibited discharges. Sanitary sewers. No person shall cause to be discharged or make a connection which would allow any storm water, surface drainage, ground water, roof run-off, cooling water or other water into any sanitary sewer. No person shall cause any of the above mentioned water to be mixed with that person's sewage in order to dilute said sewage. Sec. 37-2-7. Prohibited discharges. Storm sewers. Storm water, surface drainage, subsurface drainage, ground water, roof run-off, cooling water or unpolluted water may be admitted to specifically designated storm sewers which have adequate capacity for the accomodations of said waters. No person shall connect to and/or use such sewers without first having obtained the written consent of the city engineer. Sec. 37-2-8. Prohibited discharges. Except as herein pro- vided, no person shall discharge or allow to flow into the city's sewer: (a) Any gasoline, benzene, naptha, fuel oil or any other solids, liquids, or gases which by themselves or by interaction with other substances in the sewer may cause fire or explosion hazard, and any noxious or malodorous solids or gases, which either singly or by interaction with other substances, is capable of creating a nuisance or hazard to life or prevent entry to the sewers for maintenance and repair. (b) Any waste which contains more than 100 ppm by weight, or animal or vegetable fat, oil or grease, or 50 ppm of mineral, petroleum or other forms of fat, oil or grease not aforementioned. (c) Any garbage other than ground garbage as defined in Sec. 37-1-3. (d) Any ashes, cinders, sand, mud, straw, shavings, metal, glass, rags, slurries or viscous material capable of causing obstruction to the flow in sewers or other interference with the proper operation of the sewer system or sewage treatment plant. -6- (e) Any toxic substance, chemical elements or compounds in quantities sufficient to impair the operation or efficiency of the sewage treatment plant and cause effluent thereof to exceed state or interstate effluent water quality requirements. (f) Any liquids have a pH lower than 5.5 or higher than 9.0, or have any corrosive property capable of causing damage or hazards to structure, equipment or personnel of the sewage treatment plant. (g) Any radioactive isotopes without obtaining a prior special permit from the city engineer. (h) Any liquid or vapor having a temperature greater than 52 degrees centigrade (125 fahrenheit) or lower than 0 degrees centigrade (32 degrees fahrenheit) . (i) Any waste waters having strength that exceeds any of the following: Arsenic 0.1 mg/liter Cadmium 0.2 mg/liter Chlorinated hydrocarbons .5 mg/liter Copper 0.4 mg/liter Cyanide 5 mg/liter Iron 100 mg/liter Lead 0.1 mg/liter Mercury .01 mg/liter Nickel 1 mg/liter Phenolic compounds 0.1 mg/liter Silver .05 mg/liter Total chromium 2 mg/liter Zinc .06 mg/liter (j) Any waste water which will result in contamination, polution or nuisance. Sec. 37-2-9. Boiler and heating plants. No boiler or heating plant shall be directly connected to the sanitary sewer until a trap authorized by the engineering department has been installed. If authorized by the city engineer the overflow of blow-offs from boilers and heating plants when cooled to a temperature not to exceed 52 degrees centigrade (125 degrees fahrenheit) may be allowed to run into a pump connected to a sewer. Sec. 37-2-10. Special agreements. No statement contained in this section shall be construed as prohibiting special written agreements between the city and any other person allowing in- dustrial waste or unusual strength or character to be admitted to the sewer system, provided said person compensates the city for any additional costs of treatment. Sec. 37-2-11. Settling tanks. (a) Grease, oil and sand inter- ceptors shall be required of any sewage contributor when, in the opinion of the city engineer, they are necessary for the proper handling of liquid wastes containing grease in excessive amounts, or any flammable wastes, sand and other harmful ingredients; except that such interceptors shall not be required for dwelling units. All interceptors shall be of a type and capacity approved by the city engineer according to plans on file in the city engineer's office and shall be located as to be readily accessible for clean- ing and inspection by city employees. (b) Grease and oil interceptors shall be constructed of imper- vious materials capable of withstanding abrupt and extreme changes in temperature. They shall be of substantial construction, water tight and equipped with easily removable covers which when bolted in place shall be gas and water tight. -7- (c) Where installed, all grease, oil and sand interceptors shall be maintained by the owner, at his sole expense, in con- tinuous efficient operation at all times. Sec. 37-2-12. Buildings to have separate connections. Each separate building or premise shall have a separate connection to the main line sewer, except when deemed impracticable and so found by the city board of commissioners upon the recommendation of the city engineer. No such special permission shall be granted by the board of commissioners unless the owners of the buildings or premises to be thus connected shall grant to city perpetual easements and rights of way across and upon each of the premises involved for the purpose of constructing and maintaining each separate connection. Each owner will bear and pay for the maintenance or repair of the connection whether the expenditure, maintenance or repair is or becomes necessary upon his own pre- mises or upon the premises with which he is connected. All ease- ments and rights of way must be properly recorded in the county recorder's office. Notwithstanding the above, where a dwelling is in the rear of another building and on the same building lot and owned by the same party, the city engineer may issue a sewer permit for a double connection. Sec. 37-2-13. Discontinuance of privy vaults, cesspools, septic tanks. (a) It shall be unlawful for the owner, or his agent, or other person having charge or occupying any property within 300 feet of a public sewer in Salt Lake City to maintain or use or cause or permit to exist any privy vault, septic tank or cesspool. (b) It shall be unlawful for the plumbing in any house or building not complying with subparagraph (a) above to remain unconnected to any public sewer for more than 20 days after such a sewer is ready to receive connection therewith. Sec. 37-2-14. Connections to be made by licensed and bonded plumber or sewer contractor. It shall be unlawful for any person to connect any drain or sewer pipe with the public sewer, unless such person is a bonded, state licensed sewer contractor (license classification A-8) , or plumber (license classification C-18) , who has taken out the necessary permits. Sec. 37-2-15. Unlawful to clean sewers without license; fee. (a) It shall be unlawful for any person not licensed as a plumber or licensed and bonded sewer contractor, pursuant to the require- ments of the ordinances of Salt Lake City, to engage in the business of removing stoppage from a building drain or building sewer, without first obtaining a license from the city license assessor and collector and filing a corporate surety bond with city in the sum of $5,000.00 conditioned such that the principal and surety shall hold the city harmless from any and all injuries to persons or damage to property, and particularly to the city's water and sewer mains, caused by or through the cleaning or removal of any stoppage in any drain or sewer, and further con- ditioned that the principal will faithfully observe all ordinances, rules and regulations of said city pertaining to plumbing and sewers. (b) The fee for the license herein required shall be set by city's board of commissioners. Sec. 37-2-16. Connections not allowed. It shall be unlawful for any person, corporation, or other business entity, either in person or through an agent, employee or contractor, to make, allow or cause to be made any sewer connection to the Salt Lake City sewer system to service, or for the purpose of servicing property outside the corporate limits of Salt Lake City, except upon recommendation of the city engineer and the express approval of the city's board of commissioners. ' I. -8- CHAPTER 3 PERMITS FOR SEWER CONNECTIONS OR REPAIRS Sections: 37-3-1. Permit required. 37-3-2. Application for permit. Fees. 37-3-3. Additional fee for additional survey and/or inspection. 37-3-4. Fee for repairs and replacement. 3-. 37-2-5. Permits must be procured before starting work. 37-2-6. Trial sewer survey. Fee. 37-2-7. Denial of permit. Faulty plumbing. 37-2-8. Failure to remedy defective work. 37-2-9. Permit not transferable. 37-2-10. Work must be completed within 60 days. 37-2-11. Revocation of permit. 37-2-12. Inspection required. 37-2-13. Re-inspection. Additional fee. 37-2-14. Survey stakes not to be removed. 37-2-15. Fee for resetting stakes. 37-2-16. Permit not to issue until special sewer assessment is paid. 37-2-17. Assessment to be in addition to fees. Sec. 37-3-1. Permit required. It shall be unlawful for any person to commence or carry on the work of laying, repairing, altering or connecting any private drain or sewer pipe, directly or indirectly, with the city's sewer, without first having re- ceived a permit required by these ordinances from the city engineer. Sec. 37-3-2. Application for permit. Fees. Application for permits for sewer connections must be made in writing by a licensed sewer contractor or licensed plumber or his authorized agent, on an application blank furnished by the city engineer. If in the judgment of the city engineer the carrying out of such connection will cause no injury to the street in which the city's sewer is laid, or to the carrying out of improvements projected, or which may thereafter be made on said street, or prejudicial to the inter- est of persons whose property has been or may thereafter be con- nected with said sewer, and that said connection in all things shall conform to the ordinances of the city, then the application to connect with the sewer shall be granted, subject to the pro- visions of this title. All sewer connections shall be to line and grade designated by the city engineer who shall prepare a plat of each connection and file such a plat in his office, for which services, filing and inspection, the city engineer shall collect a fee to be set by said city engineer and approved by the board of commissioners. Sec. 37-3-3. Additional fee for additional survey and/or inspection. In the event that the city surveyor finds the sewer connection at the building is not exposed when he visits the site to determine the elevation, or if the permittee has not given sufficient information when making application for a permit so that the survey can be completed, or if the permittee requests a change in the survey, an additional fee shall be determined and charged by the city engineer and approved by the board of commis- sioners for each additional survey and/or inspection. Sec. 37-3-4. Fee for repairs and replacement. Application for permits for sewer repair or replacement of pipes must be made in writing by a licensed and bonded plumber or licensed and bonded sewer contractor on an application blank furnished by the city engineer. Any repair or replacement exceeding five joints of sewer line shall be water-tested and inspected in accordance with standards set by the city engineer. A fee shall be determined and collected by the city engineer and approved by the board of com- missioners for each such inspection. -9- Sec. 37-3-5. Permits must be procured before starting work. If any work requiring a permit under these ordinances is commenced without a permit first having been obtained therefor, such an offender shall, in addition to any other penalties, be charged double the regular permit fee. Sec. 37-3-6. Trial sewer survey. Fee. In order to determine the feasibility of connecting a basement or proposed basement to the sanitary sewer, the owner, plumber, or licensed sewer contractor may make an application for a trial sewer survey, the minimum cost of which shall be set by the city engineer and approved by the Board of Commissioners. Any payment made here- under does not constitute payment for a permit to connect to the sewer. Sec. 37-3-7. Denial of permit. Faulty plumbing. A permit to connect with the sewer shall not be issued unless the plumbing in the house or building to be connected is in accordance with the provisions of the Salt Lake City plumbing codes. Sec. 37-3-8. Failure to remedy defective work. No further permits shall be issued to any sewer contractor or plumber who has failed to remedy defective work, after he has been notified in writing by the city engineer, unless said defective work has been remedied to the satisfaction of the city engineer. Sec. 37-3-9. Permit not transferable. It shall be unlawful for any sewer contractor or plumber to use his contractor's license or allow his license to be used in any way for the purpose of procuring a permit for any person other than himself, or his duly authorized representative. The duly licensed and bonded sewer contractor of plumber shall be responsible for any and all work done pursuant to the issuance of any permit specified hereunder, regardless of whether the work is actually done by said contractor or his duly authorized representative. Sec. 37-3-10. Work must be completed within 60 days. The work authorized by a permit hereunder shall be done with all possible speed and in accordance with city ordinances. If the work is not completed within 60 days (unless a special extension is granted in writing by the city engineer) the permit shall be void, no refund made for such permit, and a new permit must be obtained to finish the work. Sec. 37-3-11. Revocation of permit. The city engineer may at any time revoke a permit because of defective work which has not been corrected after written notice within the time specified therein by the city engineer. Sec. 37-3-12. Inspection required. The inspection of sewer connections between the sewer main and a building foundation shall be under the direction of the city engineer or by his duly authorized inspectors. The city engineer shall be notified at least 4 hours in advance of the time the permittee requests in- spection. The entire length of the sewer connection, including the "wye" (nose-on) at the sewer main, shall be fully exposed. If any portion of the work is not done in accordance with these ordinances and the instructions of the city engineer, or his inspectors, it shall be corrected promptly. There shall be no backfilling until the inspection is made and the work accepted. No certificate of inspection shall be issued until the work is satisfactorily performed and accepted. Sec. 37-3-13. Re-inspection. Additional fee. In the event that the inspector finds the connection not in conformity with city standards, or if any changes are necessary requiring another inspection, a charge to be set by the city engineer and approved by the board of commissioners shall be collected for each such additional inspection. -10- Sec. 37-3-14. Survey stakes not to be removed. Survey stakes set by the city engineer for the sewer connection must not be disturbed, removed or covered. Sec. 37-3-15. Fee for resetting stakes. In the event that said stakes are not available for the inspector to check the pipe- line when inspection is required, he may refuse to make an inspec- tion of the work until stakes have been reset by the city engineer and a fee to be set by the city engineer and approved by the board of commissioners has been paid by the permittee for the restaking. Sec. 37-3-16. Permit not to issue until special sewer assess- ment is paid. (a) When a special assessment for sewer improve- ment has not been paid by the landowner, no permit for a sewer connection shall be issued until the city has been paid said special assessment in addition to the connection fee. (b) The city engineer shall maintain a record of the payment of the said assessments and fees, together with survey plats indicating the real property within Salt Lake City for which said sewer connection assessments and fees have been paid and these records shall be open to public inspection during regular hours of the city engineer's office. r, Sec. 37-2-17. Assessment to be in addition to fees. The payment of any of the assessments set forth in the preceding section does not in any way relieve the owner from the payment of other fees levied under this title. CHAPTER 4 SPECIFICATIONS FOR CONNECTIONS AND REPAIRS Sections: 37-4-1. Unlawful to connect. 37-4-2. Concrete driveways and porches part of building. 37-4-3. Installation and maintenance. 37-4-4. Connection to unlike pipe. 37-4-5. Size of connections. 37-4-6. Type of pipe allowed. 37-4-7. Bed and grade of pipe. 37-4-8. Changes in direction of pipe. 37-4-9. Pipe to be free of defects. 37-4-10. Cleanouts. 37-4-11. Trench requirements. 37-4-12. Water test for leaks. 37-4-13. Specifications for joint at point of connection to main sewer. 37-4-14. Backfilling of trench. 37-4-15. Earth cover required. 37-4-16. Fee for opening sewer if junction pipe not available. 37-4-17. Fee for replacing damaged "wye" connection. Sec. 37-4-1. Unlawful to connect. It shall be unlawful for any person to construct or attach any building sewer with the city's sewer, except upon full compliance with the provisions of this title. Sec. 37-4-2. Concrete driveways and porches part of building. For the purpose of this chapter, all concrete driveways to garages underneath or adjoining residences where foundation walls are required, and porches and all types of construction shall be considered part of the building. -11- Sec. 37-4-3. Installation and maintenance. All building sewers, including the "wye" connection, shall be installed and maintained by the property owner. Sec. 37-4-4. Connection of unlike pipe. Any connection of pipes of unlike materials shall be subject to the approval of the city engineer. Sec. 37-4-5. Size of connections. Any house or building sewer connection to the sewer main shall be not less than 4 inches nor more than 6 inches diameter, unless approved by the city engineer. Sec. 37-4-6. Type of pipe allowed. A building sewer or house to sewer main connecting line may be of cast iron, vitrified clay, AC or concrete pipe, or city engineer approved plastic, except that cast iron, plastic or transite pipe shall be used where the grade is less than 2% for 4-inch pipe and less than 1% for 6-inch pipe, and except that AC pipe, shall not be used for connections other than for dwellings. In all cases the kind of pipe proposed to be used shall be first approved by the city engineer. Sec. 37-4-7. Bed and grade of pipe. All pipe must be laid on a firm bed specified by and true to the line and grade given by the city engineer, on a uniform downgrade of not less than 1.67% for 4-inch iron, transite or plastic pipe and not less than .89% for 6-inch iron, transite or plastic pipe. Sec. 37-4-8. Changes in direction of pipe. All changes in direction of a building sewer must be made by the use of proper fittings, which in no event shall have a change of direction greater than 1/8 bend. Sec. 37-4-9. Pipe to be free of defects. All pipe shall be sound, free from holes or cracks, without traps, valves or other obstructions which might prevent or retard the free passage of air and sewage. Sec. 37-4-10. Cleanouts. A cleanout "wye" not less than 4-inches in diameter must be located immediately inside the pro- perty line. In all cases, the cleanout pipe from the "wye" to the surface of the finished grade must be iron or other material approved by the city engineer, and on a slope of 45 degrees. The cover must be a 4-inch brass cleanout plug, with a 1-inch high solid wrench head. Additional cleanouts, if necessary, shall be placed 50 feet apart along any 4-inch sewer, and every 100 feet along any 6-inch sewer. At the house or building sewer connection, a 4-inch cast iron cleanout must be placed, and at all other changes in direction greater than 1/8 bend. Cross supports for cleanouts shall be 18 inches below the cleanout tops. No waste or soil lines shall enter cleanout pipes short of 5 feet below ground surface, and then only by special permission. Sec. 37-4-11. Trench requirements. In excavating a trench for a sewer, holes must be dug under all bell ends of the sewer pipe so that all joints can be easily made and examined. The sewer trench shall be kept free from surface or ground water during the progress of the work. In all sewer trenches the sewer pipe shall be supported in place by sewer rock, 1-inch seive minimum. No tunneling shall be allowed except where absolutely necessary and then only by permission of the city engineer. All gas and water pipes and other conduits encountered shall be carefully supported and protected from injury until the backfilling is completed. If the sewer trench passes within 3 feet of, or through any cesspool, or other pits, the pipe passing through shall be of cast iron satisfactorily supported. _EI1 -12- Sec. 37-4-12. Water test for leaks. All building sewers shall be tested for leaks in the presence of the inspector by filling the line with water from the "wye" on the sewer main to the top of the highest cleanout. Every joint shall be water tight before acceptance by the inspector. Sec. 37-4-13. Specifications for joint at point of connection to main sewer. The connection of the "wye" onto the main sewer, shall be entirely surrounded with a collar of a design approved by the city engineer. Connection work shall be done only in the presence of the city's inspector. Sec. 37-4-14. Backfilling of trench. (a) The trench shall not be backfilled until the sewer line has been water tested and approved by the city engineer's inspector. Sec. 37-4-15. Earth cover required. No sewer line shall have less than 2 feet of earth cover at finished grade. Sec. 37-4-16. Fee for opening sewer if junction pipe not available. Where there is no junction pipe "wye" in the sewer at the point where connection is desired to be made, the opening of the sewer and the installing of a "wye" will be made by the city engineer's department, if in their opinion it is deemed absolutely necessary, upon payment of a fee to cover the cost of the work. Excavation for same shall be provided by the sewer contractor. Sec. 37-4-17. Fee for replacing damaged "wye" connection. In case the "wye" connection to the sewer main is broken off or damaged so that it must be replaced, due to the negligence or carelessness of a plumber or sewer contractor either in the process of excavation for the building sewer or in removing the plug placed in the "wye" during construction of the sewer main, the installing of a new "wye" will be made by the city engineer's department upon payment of a fee to cover the cost of the work. CHAPTER 5 SANITARY SEWER SERVICE CHARGE Sections: 37-5-1. Classification. 37-5-2. Sewer service charge imposed. 37-5-3. Sewer service charge. 37-5-4. Charges combined and billed with water service charges. 37-5-5. Charges for discontinuing or restoring sewer services. 37-5-6. Collection - accounting - costs. 37-5-7. Right of entry for inspecting and testing. 37-5-8. Unoccupied dwelling unit. 37-5-9. Measurement of flow. 37-5-10. Sewage surcharge. 37-5-11. Computation of surcharge. 37-5-12. Rates of surcharge. Sec. 37-5-1. Classification. The user of the city sanitary sewer system shall be divided for the purposes of this chapter, into (1) single dwelling units; (2) duplexes; (3) triplexes; (4) multiple dwelling units; (5) all other users of the sewer system. Sec. 37-5-2. Sewer service charge imposed. For the purpose of defraying the cost of construction, reconstruction, maintenance and operation of the city sewer system, there is hereby imposed a sewer service use charge upon all persons and premises receiving sewer service and collection. City shall review annually its sewer operation and maintenance costs and each user's contribution thereto to assure equitable charges and adequate operating and maintenance funds. -13- Sec. 37-5-3. Sewer service charge. The sewer service charge imposed by section 37-5-2 hereof, shall be as follows: (a) Classification. (1) For each single dwelling unit, $2.00 per month. (2) For each duplex, $2.00 per month per dwelling unit. (3) For each triplex, $2.00 per month per dwelling unit. (4) For each multiple dwelling, a minimum monthly charge of $1.00 per dwelling unit, or $0.16 per 100 cubic feet of total water consumption, whichever is highest. (5) For all other users, a minimum monthly charge of $2.50, or $0.16 per 100 cubic feet of total water consumption, whichever is highest. (b) Since the charges specified above reflect an allowance for water which is consumed but does not enter the sewer system, any consumer who has more than one water meter, one or more of which measures water eventually to be discharged into the sewer and one or more others of which measures water not entering the sewer system; will be charged the amount specified in section 37- 5-3 and in addition thereto the sum of $.05 per 100 cubic feet of water for water flowing through each meter which measures water at least part of which is discharged into the sewer, and will be assessed no sewer charge on the meter which measures water, no part of which flows into the sewer system. Sec. 37-5-4. Charges combined and billed with water service charges. Said sewer charges shall be combined for billing pur- poses with charges for water service rendered by the city Depart- ment of Water Supply and Waterworks. If said sewage charges are not paid when due, the city engineer may cause sewage and/or water service to be discontinued after 5 days written notice sent to the last billing address, and without any liability whatever therefor. Sec. 37-5-5. Charges for discontinuing or restoring sewer services. In the event sewer service to any building or premises in the City is shut off, a fee to be set by the city engineer and approved by the board of commissioners shall be charged for turning on or restoring sewer service. Sec. 37-5-6. Collection - accounting - costs. The city Department of Water Supply and Waterworks shall receive and collect the sewer service charges levied under the provisions of this chapter and shall promptly, after receipt thereof, account for and monthly pay over the same to the city treasurer to be credited to the sewer utility fund for use by the sewer depart- ment. Periodically, under rules to be established by the city auditor, there shall be paid to the city Department of Water Supply and Waterworks out of the proceeds of such charges the reasonable costs and expenses of said department incident to the billing, receiving, collecting and accounting for said charges. Sec. 37-5-7. Right of entry for inspecting and testing. Officers and agents of city, upon presenting identification and stating the purpose thereof, shall have the right at all reasonable times and hours to enter upon all premises within city limits receiving sewer service from the city for the purpose of inspect- ing, sampling and testing the sanitary sewer system on said pre- mises and the sewage contained in or discharged through the same. In the event a duly authorized officer or agent of Salt Lake City is refused admission for any purpose, the city engineer may cause sewer service to the premises in question to be discontinued until the city officers and agents have been afforded reasonable access to the premises and sewer system to accomplish the aforesaid pur- poses. 1.e1 -14- Sec. 37-5-8. Unoccupied dwelling unit. Except for multiple dwelling units, in the event a dwelling unit becomes unoccupied, the sewer service charge for such a dwelling unit as imposed by section 37-5-3 shall be suspended when sewer service to the dwell- ing is discontinued at the request of the person liable for such services. Sec. 37-5-9. Measurement of flow. The volume of flow used for computing waste water charges and surcharges shall be the metered water consumption as shown in the records of said city water department: (a) If a person discharging waste water into the public sewers procures any part, or all, of his water from sources other than the city water department, all or part of which is discharged into the city sewer, said person shall install and maintain at his expense, water meters of a type approved by the city engineer for the purpose of determining the volume of water obtained from these other sources. Such person shall notify the city water department of such installation within 30 days of the enactment hereof and/or installation and grant city access thereto for read- ing. (b) As an alternative to the above-outlined method of deter- mining charges, when good cause is shown by the person that the above outlined method would cause an unreasonable burden and written authorization is obtained from the city engineer, such person may use one of the two following methods as a means of measuring the flow of sewage in order to compute a sanitary sewer service charge: (1) The person may install, at his own expense, a meter of a type approved by the city engineer, for the purpose of measuring the flow of waste water into the sanitary sewer. The sanitary sewer service charge, designated under section 37-5-3(b) hereof, shall then be based upon the rate of waste water flowing into the city sewer. (2) The city shall estimate the waste water flow, by taking separate flow readings from time to time during the year in a manner, which in the opinion of the city engineer, is representa- tive of the waste water flow that the person discharges into the sanitary sewer, or by other means calculated to determine waste water flow. The city shall then be empowered to apply the appropriate sewer service charge. The person would also be liable for any expense incurred by the city in preparing each estimate, and for sewer charges based thereon for the period during which such determination is being made. Sec. 37-5-10. Sewage surcharge. All persons discharging sewage into the public sewers shall be subject to a surcharge, in addition to aforementioned sewer service charges, if these wastes have a concentration greater than the following: (a) BOD of 200 ppm; or (b) A suspended solids content of 250 ppm. Sec. 37-5-11. Computation of surcharge. The computation of the sewage surcharge shall be determined by the following formula: SC = VS x 8.34 (RBOD (BOD-200) + RSS (SS-250)) SC = surcharge in dollars. VS = volume of sewage in millions of gallons for the billing period. 8.34 = conversion factor to convert BOD and SS from ppm to pounds. ROOD = unit charge for BOD in dollars per pounds. BOD = biochemical oxygen demand strength index in parts per million by weight. 3i -15- RSS = unit charge for SS in dollars per pound. SS = suspended solids strength index in parts per million by weight. Sec. 37-5-12. Rates of surcharge. The rates of the industrial waste surcharge for each of the aforementioned constituents shall be as follows: (a) For (RBOD) $.052 per pound (b) For suspended solids (RSS) . . $.082 per pound CHAPTER 6 CONTROL OF ADMISSIBLE WASTES Sections: 37-6-1. Submission of basic data. 37-6-2. Control manholes. 37-6-3. Waste water sampling. 37-6-4. Analysis. Sec. 37-6-1. Submission of basic data. (a) Each person desiring to make a new connection to a public sewer for the pur- pose of discharging industrial wastes shall prepare and file with the city engineer a report that shall include actual and predicted data relating to the quantity and characteristics of the waste to be discharged. (b) All persons discharging industrial wastes into the public sewers which, in the opinion of the city engineer, exceed the concentrations of BOD and suspended solids as defined in section 37-5-10, et seq., shall, upon receipt of notice or order from the city engineer concerning the industrial wastes of the person concerned, comply with said notice or order within the time specified in the notice or order and submit such verifying data to the city engineer as he requires. Sec. 37-6-2. Control manholes. Each person discharging in- dustrial wastes into a city sewer shall, at his sole expense, construct and maintain one or more control manholes or access points in the building sewer to facilitate observation, measurement and sampling of his waste water in a manner acceptable and accord- ing to plans approved by the city engineer. Sec. 37-6-3. Waste water sampling. (a) Industrial wastes discharged into the public sewers shall be subject to periodic inspection by the city engineer or his authorized representative, and a determination made of the character and concentration of said wastes. Such samples shall be collected in a manner to be representative of the composition of said wastes. (b) In the event the person having had his said wastes inspected disagrees with or challenges the result of said inspec- tion, he may request a second inspection by the city, at his sole expense, or request an inspection, at his sole expense, by an independent laboratory acceptable to the city engineer. If there remains any substantial difference between the two inspections, either party may request an inspection by the City-County or the Utah State Board of Health which inspection and result shall be conclusive. Sec. 37-6-4. Analysis. Laboratory procedures used in the examination of industrial wastes shall be those set forth in standard methods. -16- CHAPTER 7 ENFORCEMENT AND PENALTIES Sections: 37-7-1. Enforcement. 37-7-2. Appeal procedure. 37-7-3. Delinquency. 37-7-4. Restoration of service. Sec. 37-7-1. Enforcement. The city engineer may adopt pro- cedures and rules for the implementation and administration of and shall enforce the provisions of this ordinance. Sec. 37-7-2. Appeal procedure. Any person receiving sewer service or discharging into any city sewer or any other person affected by any decision, action or determination, including cease and desist orders made by the city engineer in interpreting or implementing the provisions of this ordinance, may file with the city engineer a written request for reconsideration within 10 days of such decision setting forth in detail the facts supporting the request. The request for reconsideration shall be acted upon by the city engineer within 10 days from the date of filing. Said decision, action or determination shall be stayed during such period of review by the city engineer. In the event that the city engineer's final decision is unsatis- factory to the person requesting reconsideration, said person, may, within 10 days after notice of the final action by the city engineer, file with the city recorder a written appeal and request that a hearing date be given in order to have the matter heard by the Board of City Commissioners whose decision shall be final. Sec. 37-7-3. Delinquency. Charges and surcharges levied in accordance with this title shall be a debt due to the city. If this debt is not paid within 30 days after billing, it shall, at the city's option, be deemed delinquent and may be recovered by civil action, or the city shall have the right to terminate sewer connections and enter upon private property for accomplish- ing such purposes. Sec. 37-7-4. Restoration of service. Sewer service shall not be restored until all charges, including the expense of termina- tion and restoration of service shall have been paid. CHAPTER 8 ENFORCEMENT REMEDIES AND PENALTIES Sections: 37-8-1. Damage to facilities. 37-8-2. Termination of service. 37-8-3. Liability for expenses. Sec. 37-8-1. Damage to facilities. When a person's discharge or content of waste water causes an obstruction or damage to the city sewer system, the city engineer shall assess a charge for the work required to clean or repair the facility, and such charge shall be added to said person's sanitary sewer service charges. Sec. 37-8-2. Termination of service. The city may terminate or cause to be terminated sewer service to any premises upon violation of any provision of this title. Sec. 37-8-3. Liability for expenses. Any person violating the provisions of this title shall be liable for any expense, loss or damage caused the city by reason of such violation, and shall be subject to a fine not to exceed $299 and/or imprisonment for up to six months in the city jail. Is 1 y -17- SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect 30 days after its first publication. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 23rd day of Tune , 1977. MAYOR CITY RECORDER j (SEAL) BILL NO.101of1977 Published July 1i,1977 101 ARM•aan Affidavit of Publication STATE OF ETA'', 1 J. ss. County of Salt Take AN ORDINANCE "-��� Shana D. Palmer AN ORDINANCE rrrCity.g TitleUtah., 37 of the Revised - qdtorm of Sall L.akc CiN, Ut.-.h. IDS, relating to film 'l ,rent M regulanns oar the I or-,,,Nnn,trealmenl poi p — f 9-9,3s.f irxluslrlol wos 9r°9E thy,cpdrolofwaite k uo-aeanaryc rorn,ad heemrardI nsrrenanle Rein, first dul'swarn,de oat and.sa ,s that he is le al adveta� olailausofsaldsregulmins. b 1 p Y gElordained w the Board of Commissioners a sad Lake tr.seng cleric of the DESERT l'NEWS, a daily (except Sunday) LaknCify,Utah,1965,relating7to the establishment of tigers a er printed in the English ind forustrial thestr il wastetion,treatment and disposal of water,requ nd l p F n h language with general rn- s charges des w t or l of walla e for Me culatian in Utah, and published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake charges to An and ilati ma.and fixing t rntesreb Me r amended,of a Id lollons. >e and the sit .hereby is, � arnenaedrorea�laerolwws: County, in the State of Utah. it h CNAPTf:R1 Sections: GENERAL' That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto A 37-1-1.Short tote. d 37-I.9 Purpose. o- 37-1-3.Definis. Pub notice to amend an ordinance re latin to r- -Ste. afar Control Odinaneralnance shalbeknown.®ithe ---_--_._--_-.-- _-- g. — "Waste Wafer Control q.TIle p Sec.37-1-2.Purpose.The purpose of Hsi ulna is to r ufate Re Interception of sewage and Indus 1 11 war and id' nrolwastewater to provide the maximum Of the city. he Ilcben If of the establishment of regulations fro the inter— sewin:lud proovisions fosal iritsource control in orde to Imtonitor and _central q Iity,quantity and flow of seem and industrial d;stes.The regulations shl require charges ^of sewage ception, treatment and disposal of sewage and isposal facilities f the city which charges a designed m - - -- ., achieve an equitable recovery of the capital cos and operating costs of such facilities.The regulations shall Inc provisions or Sec.si l3 and ptions.Foralties thevio anti.. industrial wastes and the control of waste .e cant nt Definitions.For the purpose othe of f• ordinance.ming of tesnIst used context nhallcbe on tolowss otherwise, meaning ---------------_----of toms used herein shall he as loomed: (11"Biochemicalnthequa oxygen oxy en,expressed labsed In vial as soot hall mean the quantityin bochemiaxMCsuNi ofparDperganic matte water requiring charges to be made therefor and shall ywrlgt stautilndard is the biochemicalcondilnars for tie days attar ------ ---- -temperature eof laboratory conditions for ato bets asi a to ns shall toe o20 de In arc rdan o with procedures desenor mina. trans shall he made In accordance with Procedures set forth In 1 viol at ionS of said standard meth sewer",limn mean that Pan or the sewer him was p i?r�c4A4�dApit��L'�Z ljt�u �hp grin extending from a building to its connection with a city sewer main. (3)"Board of commissioners"shall mean the board of 1 regulations commissioners of city. (41"City"shall mean the Salt Lake City Corporation and Its environs Included within city limits (s)"City engineer"shall mean the clty's engineer or his dvro; Deseret News July 14 1977 authorized deputy,agent or representative. _-- ----__._—_- t an impairment at me 1t1 "Contaminatrs ion"cis hall degreeo a hazard for the spread of disease and ctes tontaminati nna ndes:ribe creates d In standard methods. (71"Domestic waste"shall mean a combination of the -----"---- -'---- --' --- - "'-------'----- liquids or watertarried wastes for residences or business Legal Aflverti.sin,Clerk DUiltlat"Duplex"shall mean a single building containing two independent dwelling units. (9)"Dwelling ugh"shall mean a building or other structure where an Individual resides as a separate housekeeping unit,or a • collective body of persons(doing their own cooking)resides as a marriagete,housekeepingit n a domestic other bond based iatlansh^as distinguished from el Fa boarding house, lodging house, club,frt i. ]_tjth (lot"Garbage"shall mean the residue from the preparation me this - ____________ day of arm dispensing of load and from the handling,storage and the sale of toed products and produce and other refuse (ti)"Ground garbage"shall roan the residue from the I.D. I9 77 preparation,W,.sucook cooking and dispensing et tood that has been • egret that all particles will be carried freely in wrsewith no particles greater thanditions rone-hhail I hi")inch IT In any blic also'2)On."Industrial waste.shall pea any-solid, liquid or / I substance,discharged or permitted to flow or escape F� f / hem anufirwoeing,commercial or busIno rum nY industrial, " / establishment or Process or from dC development,recovery W ."' �'-- / _y �._�- / .1— In,of env natural resource. —'—' -- processing "Multiple dwelling"shall en any building or other — f`r structure,having lour or more dwelling mills therein,and shall Notary tit dry Public include a monde tome pork. (141"Normal sewage."shall mean sewage having strengths fess than those described its sect ins 37.2.3 and 37-2-8 hereof. (In"Nuisance"shall mean a discharge of waste water In lab. 13, 1977 i P , .i 6 n ton.Frans,specifications and 'Y'�oiteat eettei information relating to proposed for preliminary ll of tthencity enginee or rgand facilities of thehall he submitted water eotluiion committee shalil be commence. state nce.Utah,and said Construction obtained IERET NEWS,THURSDAY,JULY 14,1977 B 9 iota rriting ifse theeeffff luers nt from such facilities Is to be discharged Legal Notices SeC. 37-2-6. Prohibited discharges. Sanitary sewers. Nn 9Legal Notices person shall cause to be discharged or make a connection which gid allow any storm water,,surface drainage grouts water, oof oft,cooling water r then ter Into any sanitary violation or Blow re-aviation adopted'by tide city end ail uwaste be mixed with ntsl at Ipersott sn se the d order tto d�iluteferfid quantity ater discharges which unreasonably affect the quality of tit. sewage. sewage insaid city's treatment plant effluent insuch a mannerthat water Sec.37-2-7.Prohibited discharges'Storm sewers.Storm quality renuiremenfs esablished y law cannot e eel ylhe• ter, 'rface drainage,sabsurlace drainage,ground water, city without special treatment, roof runWt,cooling water or unpolluted water may 1w admitted (16)"Parts-per million"(abbreviated opal)shall mean me to specifically designated storm sewers which have adequate ratio of parts-ear-Infllion of solids or pounds of BCD per xis • capacity for the c ddations of said waters.No person shall million pounds of water, feet to and/or use such teeters without first having obtained (17) Person"shall mean any and all persons,including the written consent of the city engineer. municipal leeteeeeisc governmental agency or ottler entity.ty inside- provided.no person Prohibited discschargeaallow to flow into the herein Ilti "t t"Pollution.' ,a such co taminatl er or ies orsewer:)Ann gasoline,benzene,neatha,fuel oil or y other alteretion d the ion.' ale means Ccol.or bards otl o, Or Off or any waters of the city or Me discharge of any liquid,g9as n, solids,liquids,or gases which be themselves or be Interaction solid substance to any waters of Inc city as will Create ora with other substances in the sewer may cause fire or exploslee nuisance render s water harmfl or detrimental or hazard,and any noxious or malodorous solids or gases,which inferlous to public health,safety or welfare,or to domestic, either singly or by Interaction with other substances.Is capable legitimate commercial, industrial, iuse,s,or tot livestock, aouMmals,b or ids, se eram9maint maintisanceenance andazard repaiir0 life or prevent entry to the fish,or other aquatic life. - (in Any waste which contains more than 103 yam by weight, (19)"pH"shall ocean the iasrithm(base 10)of Me reciprocal or animal or veeetable fat,oil or grease,or 50 ppm of mineral, of the hydrogen-ion concentration expressed in moles per liter as petroleum or other forms of not,oil or grease not aforementioned. determined by Its'procedures outlined in standard methods. /c1 Any garbage other than ground adrDago as defined in (20) "Sanitary sewer"shall mean city sewerwhich hiwhichSec.37.1-3. ich conveysted industrial rto wastes are rt n surface,and ground waters or s,rags, ashes,hes,cinders,viscous cou mote straw,shavings,metin hoop(21) iervelalwr."shenotreate teed la is assess glass, ags,slurries i e m oteeal (de l"Serviceusers charge"shall neap to base assessment not pro oar open ti Me fton tin er systor omen atuo treane,ef causing ati. levied on all Users of the public sewer system es established waste rip not PrO car operation of fire sewer system or sewage treatment plant. teed In strength the concentration values established as (e)Any toxic substance,chemical ekl or compounds in representative of normal sewage. quantities sufficient to impair the operationeo Cr or efficiency Cl the (22)'Sewage"shall mean a natlon of the build liquids Cr age treatment plant and cause effluent thereof to exceed water-carriedwastes fromresidences, business buildngs, state or interstate havemwater quality requirements. institutions aid en establishments ith i plumbing efI Aly liquids a pH lower than 5.5 or higher than 9,0,or facilities,together with these from industrial esiablshne+his, have any corrosive property damage capable of causing Caage or arts including domestic wastes. hazards to structure,equipment or personnel of the sewage (23)"Sewage treatment plant"shall mean all facilities for treatment plant. collection, pumping,treating and disposing of seamen se and Sal Any radioactive topes without obtaining a prior industrial waste and it Includes sewage as well as h a sewage spacial permit from the city ketones ee reatment facilities. (h)Any liquid or vapor havng a temperature greater than 52 (24) "Sewer", "public sewer," "sever system" and degreescentigradeiodon (125 farntmlti.t)or lower than 0 degrees "sanitary sewer system"shall mean the pipe or conduit system ,centigrade(32 oeerrec rs hewing and pn rtenance,Mr the collection transportation,pumping ()Any waste waters hewing strength that exceeds any Of the and treatment of sewage,Including the city sewage treatment following: m plant, one Arsenic 0.1 mg/liter (25)"Single-dwelling unit"shall mean a building containing Cadmium 0.2 mg/liter dwelling unit.(251"Standard methods"shall mean the Chlorin led hYdrovarbolls Son. analytical . liter ne000t arton and procedures set forth in them t recent t edition 1 Copper 0.4 ps/liter "'Standard Methods For the Examination r,Sewage and Cyanide St/cc/liter Wastes,"published'Intl b the Ay tte American Health Iron 100mg/liter Association,the American Water Works Association and the Lead 0,1 mg/liter Water Pollution Catrol Federation, Mercury 01 ngi liter (27) Storm sewer"shall m w er that carries only Nickel I mg/limn storm surface and ground water draige. Phenolic cthmpounQs 0.1 my/limn na 1201 Storm water runoff"shall mean that portion of the Silver OS my/liter mint.which is drained Intostorm sewers. Total chromium 2 mg/Mier (29)"Surcharge"shall mean the assessment in addltlon to Zinc 06 mg/liter the service change which is levied on those persons whose wastes (1)Any waste w whi will result in contamination, are greater In strength thanthernncentration values established 'nNlution emirs , ,x representative of normal selvae. Sec 37-2-9 nd heat a plants.No boiler or leaded (30)"SuspesMed.solids"shall mean solids that either float on 'plant 4a1) greet! comet }'its nil the surface of,or are In suspension In ester and welch re sanitary sewer until inst Ut zed by en9 ne dneeri the has been ov ea n a laboratory Rtlshall water accordance i ew tied. ore. g engineer the Overflow of wit yricatnon of a forthsuspendedIn solids shall is made In accordance 'blowoorol from tOboilersexceed ,nog plants wMn cooled re ea with of l"Trrre5 set fall standard m uildin It@�rhce etura not to 52 centigradeanm nne t degrees ( tdwel shalla single building containing onset kfPrentk�it)may M allowed run into a poop connected t0 a (32)eIndependent dwelling wain.mean WiwvSec. 10.Special aqr ots,No statement contained in (321 Unrolluted ter"shall mete water fit lOr human consumption," a sects. all M sh any other special written 31"Volume of flow"shall eau that amount of water doi meets n isu city, as then person alto.. mtd passing onto a pennon's "ter flowing through as ers.'s authorized parer 11IIIQQ l slut was r e000idetrold or on co,eer to be dinned meter or the amount at plume of flow from ape be sy depots tat sewers m,provided sued person compensates the city wth a sanitary sower.used ne M now shall also be svnOnvmOde r . al costs of treatment. with the toms a water" r"s and mean consumed sewage, "Sec. 37rs sha l Settling tanks. se Grease, all and when,sand (0e)"Waled orlunt shall,mdis hll sewage,antl Other wafer, ta opini ors fhae it reng inede of hey are it a suaro or t e Proper 'whether healed or ensystem nnected to icit or nary ttedsew fo ran ling elf liqui ty easieser,lneyerw lh grease InrfMlue enter 51"Wsanitary sewer system connected shall city sanitary osews. hanamounts, or liquid wastes containing drand to Iva (ra defined water ndar me h dll mean the quality of waste Ms,s any flammable wastes,sand and other harryddi dined water as defined by standard methods. for dwelling except that such interceptors s mad not be capacity CHAP?ER 2 for need b units. Interceptors shall g to a type and In the Sections: GENERAL REGULATIONS appcity engineer's be the office engineer Coaccording to pans on file In fly c c eiblrhfor's office shall. o located nn tos e readily 7-2-2.Supervision seer city engineer. 1ble Gforeean and inspectionby city employees 37-2-3,wyeroo,sewer prohibited.fed. impervious usease and oil capable Interceptors shalls beg abrupt of 37-2-3.Approval required. ch�r.c .esmat in temperature.r M shall he esub t d 37-2-4.Sub issioe of construe changes r rro They shall a of e removable 37-2-6.Submission le information. covers wh ich, ns tight and equipped shall a with and removable 37 2-2.Prohibited dischargges.Sanitary sewers. toy which when aged.Inall pare se.o be gas and water fight. 37-2-7.Prohibiteed discharges.Storm sewers. (Cl Where maintained all grease,oil and sand interceptors 31-2.0.Prohibited discharges. shell uo Iicentoperation by the taller,es his sole expenaT.In 37.2-9.Boiler and Mating plants. continuous 3-2.12 h Operatl to of all limes: 37-2.10.Special agreements. Sec,37-2-12.Buildings to have separate cvnnecmise shall have a separate 045rc Each 37.211. tion tit 37.2-12.Settling eddlr5s"to have separate sewer connections. 'he man linoks. separate sewer,or except when deemed Impracticable and so 3/413.Discontinuance of privy vaults,cesspools,septic wad by the city board of commissioners upon the recammenda- lanks Ion of the permission city engineer.No such special shall h T/-2.14.Connections to be made by licensed and bonded 'ranted by the board of commissioners unless the owners of the plumber Or sewer contractor, widings or premises to be that connected Shall grind e-city 37-2-15.Unlawful to clean sewers without license;fee. petual easements and rights of wayd across and upon each of 37-2-16.Connections not allowed. he premises waved for the purpose of constructing and Set.37-2-1,Supervision by city engineer.The entire senor nal Manning each separate conett}ion.Each owner will bear end system shall be under the immediate care,supervision and nay for the maintenance repair of the connection whether the control of No city en Ihheer. mpendltur0,maintenancea oe repair is or becomes iVessary Sec.31-2.2.Inlurinal sewer prohibited.If shalt beumawful for nn his own premises or upon the premises with which a is any person to Inlua,break r reinove any part or portion of anyo...acted.All easements and rights of way must be properly se or system of any sewer appliance or appurtenance. dad in the county r'ehorher office.another building Notwithstanding 11e Sec.37-2-3.Approval required.Review and written accent hove,where a dwelling Is in Me rear of another building arid on tame of the city engineer shall he obtained orlon to the discharge he same building lot and owrad by the same party,the cite of any waste water into the public:ewe having: -.i e,may Issue a sewer permit fora double connection. (a)GOD greater than 2W combo weight,or Soc.37-2-13.Discontinuance of privy vaults,cesspools,septic (b)A suspended solids content greater than 2501pm,a anks.(a It shall Deus)awful for the avatar,"his agent, Bother (c)Hoy'.the characteristics of strengths described in ersOn thawing charge occupyingy property within 300 fret action 37-26 through 9,o d a public sewer In Salt Lae City to any a use a cause or (d)An average daily flow greater man 2%of the average her If to exist any privy vault,septic tank cesspool. water daily waste water flowed Its city. (b)It shall beflounlawful e plumbing In env reuse er Sec.37-2-4.Prmireatment.Pretreatment Is rewired whop, funding not complying with subparagraph(a)above to remain i the opinion of the city engineer,It is necessary to modify or t acted to env public sewer fa more than 9 days alter such eliminate wastes that. ,sewer Is ready M receive Connection therewith, (a)Have a BOD el more than 202 ppm,or Sec.37-2-14.Connections to be matte by licensed and bonded (b)Have a suspended solids content Of 250 pmm,or dumper o sewer contractor.If shall be unlawful for any person (c)Are In viok tlon of any provisionouflined in section 37-2-9, o connect any drain or sewer pipe with the public sewer,unless or nd w orb person Is a boed,state licensed seer cohdractor(Ilcem(d)Have an average daily flow greater than 2/of the 3asstication ALI).or plumber(license cimsilicatlon C-10),ere aver daily waste water flow of the city. as taken out the necessary permits. 'she person liable tar the sanitary sewer vice charge shall Su.37-2-15.Unlawful to clean sewers without license:lee. Provkle al his expense such preliminary'treatment or praessing a)It shall eunlawtu-1 ter any pe not Ikensed as a ofytuber facilities as may he doterminaf necessary to render his wastes r licensed tl bonded sewer tractor, pursuant to the a eatable for admits km to the nub ll r.sewes, equiremenis at the ordinances of halt k City to engage i of lie unmans of removing stoppage freer a building drain nr tiff ildi rig ewer,without first obtaining a license from Its city license Additional legals on nest pego {i .1 /0 i B �� k�� (Additional legals on preceding page) and collector end filing a Corporate'surely band with assessor In the sun,of$5.000.00 conditioned such that the principal and surdty shall hold the cliv harmless from any end all Iniuries to 1 to 1 ro d damage to roperrtcausevd end norticuuly or hrly to oletha drgitto's e aai ci 000 staopesse in an drain o ,and further e orddor nence,any the principal 111 said city and o ordinances, sees s. regulations M said city pertaining to plumb( drawers. cltY sbboard of r.pemmissioners�merlin requlretl shall be sat by Soc.37-2-16.Connections not allowed.It shall be unlawful for any,real,corporation,or Other business entity,either in person or thrvagh an agen,employee or contractor,to make,allow or cause to be made any se connection to the Salt Lake City outssystem to service,or for h purpose of servicing property ide the corporate limits of Salt Lake City,except upon the ca lotion of lice city engineer end the express aporovel of lty's rboard of commissloners. CHAPTER PERMITS FOR SEWER CONNECTIONS OR REPAIRS Sections: 37-3-1.Permit required. 37-3-2.Application for permit.Pees. 37-3-3.Additional fee for additional survey and/or inipectlon, 37.3-4.PFFee for repairs and replacement. 337�7.35.T lal sewer surbe pyro0ured before starling work. 37-37.Dental of pormlt.Faulty plumbing. 37-3-8.Failure to rernedy defective work. 31-3-9.Permit not irenstereble. 31-3-10.Work mast be completed within 60 days. 37-3-111.Revocation of permit. 07-3'3.Inspection ernsi slpectiorn..Addditional tee. 373-i d.Survey stakes not to be removed. 37-3-15.Fee for resetting stakes, 31-3-16.Permit not to iesue until special seseor assessment Is Paid. i 37.3-11,Assessment to be In addition to fees. Sec..37-3-1.Permit required.It shell be unlawul for any anteing on commence a or ny private dfrent ork aselwerl pipe,directly or indirectly,with the city's sewer,without first having received a permit required by those ordinances front the city engineer, Sec.31-3-2.ApplIcatIOn for permit.Foes.Aol,bailor for • p0�ts for sewer edddneewer contractor or licensed,must plumber o made rn his rauthorized IIln tie lodgm en t application city engienk nished ineerr thevcarrying city�d srucih rMlon will cuss,no inlory to the street In whirl,the city's laid,or to the carrying out of improvements projected, er whlchh mew thereafter be mode on said street,or ppareludklal 10 thherhe eafter be cans.persons whit id men andtthel said conn necllen �,'In all things shell conform to the ordinances of the city,then the I'thh d cation to connect with the sewer she/I be granted, m�a,tct to e provision of this title.All sewer connections shall bo to line • and grade designated by the clty engineer who shall prepare a services,each nd insp�iano,such cit aenginreer off for whichcollect il.fee to be set by said city engineer and approved by time board of commissioners.le -survey inspeecction. a iheeverlt that th for e cite wrvioya fnds Ito sewor er -rI connection of the building is not exposed when he visits the site to vl determine the elevation,or If the perminee has not given f r making sufficient information when maki epplicatl or for a permit so ..gal the survey can he completed,or II the parmittee requests a change In the survey,an additional fee shell be determined and II charged by the city engineer and approved by the board of commissioners for each eddltkanl survey and/or Inspection. Sec.37-3J.Foe for repairs end replacement.Application for permits for sewer repairer replacement of pines meet be made writing by a licensed end banded plumber or licensed and r nonded won mustier on application blank furnished by the city engineer.Any repair or replacement exceeding live loins of sewer line shag be water-tested and inspected In accordance with'tondards sal by the city engineer.A fee shall be determined end collected by the City engineer and approved by the board of ommessionors for each such inspection. 3 See,37-3-5.Permits must be procured before starting work. It any work requiring a permit under these ordinances le commenced without a permit first having been obtained therefor. uuuch an atmMar shall,In addition to any otter penalties,be chapped d0uble the regular permit f • Sec.37-3-6.1 real sewer survey. In order to determine he feasibl lltw of caw/acting a basement or proposed nasernanito the sin itery sewer,the plumber, licensed sower minimum costs makefhich application be aol by r a the ial sower engineer d avid by the Board of Commissioners.Any payment and hereunder does not ca,slllute payment fore permit no Conned to the sewer. 'Sec.37-3-7.Denial of perm().Foully plumbing.A armlt to with the sewer shall not be Issued unless the plumbing In �';''ereand hours or building in be co 'Chad Is in accordance with the provielens of the Sail Lake City plumbing codes. Sec.37-343 Failure to narewa defective work.Na further •permits s I illed to(remedy defective work,alter h�R been In •mediendv the tettelsatisfaction of the city enginid eer. Sec. ve work has been remedied 37-3-9.Permit not transferable.It shall be unlawful for any sewer contractor or plumber to use hie contractor's license Procuring license permeo Itbream pperdrsonn other than himself,or h'A l f authorized representative.The duly it„,,,.al and tended sewer tractor or plumber shall be responsible for any and all work ",:done to the or any par�specified peoYmigroeeea whhetherth ualyd h wd contractor or his duly authorized renrmoniogvo. Sep_.37-3.10.Work mutt be completed within 60 dens.Tna work,Wlarµed by a permit hereunder shall be done with all speed and in accordance with city ordlnences.If the .�work n Is not completed within 60 days unless a special extension it ono refund mode for suucchceerml,ran d a the permit shell uell be obi mined to finish Ile work. 373.11.Revocation of permit.Tie city engineer may at not tbeencor�eectteoke dd after wpltien ranee e of detective thinvthee time epeuffkM therein by the city engineer. ` 37-312. InspectionThe connection,tengen t m seev maid.and al building fee dstlon shall be under the direction of the city engineer or by his duly authorized Insp00lers.The city ongleeer shall be ndltled at last 4 hours In afvence of Ile time the permitted requests Inspection. The entire length ea tie senior coselectleey,�including the'egg" of tie ork isnnot done main, n f aacoerdencebe euwith thaw ordinances inancesl s and the instruction of ihq city engineer, his inspectors,It shell to corrected prompliv.There shall lee no bockf111leg until the ':Inspection Is made and tM work accepted.No certificate of 10l x_oto.xel and l,n I0l,l See.213 13.I -in^-,+ecllon.Additional fee.In the even11hn1 lire In-sr-3l0r.toil the ro -0cllon 001 In r00i trml'y with city or If n let/anon, llnnon,e lull1r1 another av note lion,O cilium to he sot by too cliv ont,Ioo.r 0/0 nporov i by the hoard of<onnmis-lcne.n shill h,coliacloll lot o,ch such n,knSoc.331 Sviv Soc.e city S)1100=.fl!:oI.niltoh rnm111.0Svrvnyy vial,nn die by the rtiv nn or co for II'n mum ro,»seta,met not M d l:d.ibnd if/too/iv/.01 for vor,d. d/- 01 n for His nm1-. ,n,r 1t mar,Id ohen I,reu In rbr Ynn inn-star lie sled<oih«ntoeliie, f Ito-,,,1,11,lloa Iskos how lx,n r mr us or oily anhr1.1,56r. Idlhnl.ur kr111a1 the city on Irmo rand bymuenv 1tra Isom cu Ia b0 se by the boon nl n r and,r , veto byy e i loin o n alu0 3 I hu erml 1331 10 ' ell Ina tor re al 3e ra. 3IJ I0, Permit not to Is°. until -ilt fo wl f Paid.(a)WhO1 n air oft for.� in sroconnee has nut Iwo°sr id by tin I:wrcily ha011,on wilt so e idle,r1 I,, bo i ut to Ito mer city has Won geld sold r(b) �1Inarkllial t 1 it n(010s,a I,ssicl ose mlolannr snail llo,to,O0ro Ord of lhoco ly,obnt ts o1 11m void n ,pis and r br lh;ln with srw pints nnllrn ere I11 Hotel n ,I,,wlIirn fees 1-nln men for•1001r s„itl ncl loin,001^,nr,nts,nxl fell,3,!men paid,1,0 0 n.11,e ullera lip,1,1,pubilr.InnanclVen durinu rnrular l,uusso Tin rdy o0/0rnrs,10. Sarof any A.:eee.ro/n1 to he nuWh lIn to lens-'nce i of y,(ha rm wn ,.0(Orin In 11 I' on,i01 nu 101i 111000pal Ina, yr Iiavn jha nv/n0r train IPF•nnv,n0a of olYer lo,s l0vlud un,k•r h,ir,title. AP 12 51'1(1r I0:l,l IONS l-O'Ct N(O(l1011:(411ONS AN11 foil,0Ai ti5 Sn,:l lrxtc. 31 4 1.1,00 wlvr la ualncl, 31-4 2.C,vn_r n l I driv0ways nrvl n n,las pn,i ni full dlw+- 31.4 3 Conn/4,101 11 unlike lire i,l,rnncn- 31-4-5.Ci/eofrla,,iins.pl{n- _t/.41.'1 yo of ronnm-110.ve 1/-4.7.fvpo of wt.: :of pip 31-41.C11.and grout of pipe. II 31 tin.Ch.antohoh eofde Ohio defect,. . -{/-49,1'IIn:to ho hoe of de(ocic. 31-4 10.Clnn,rnv,s • 3/.4 II.Toss,'.,re4e,lrort3,16. 3/4•e 2.Water the,0 Is et,, 3/413.SpnchluiiMs for loin(al point of rwt,clbn In rriMit 1113/-v..14.P3ckfl111w/of Irn,h- 31-4•15-1--nrth rover rnuuir0d. 3l34Poo for or rn,,lornl,o d01r,o sow.inn1Hn"wvve 3o0xcnot ila,ilnnlc. 373317. Gr:.3/-4 1.Ilnlnwfvl to cows..II shall 710 uldmvful for any a,la constr. !o ,ttec:h ,v bulltfinn•a, In,the cityy .,11{Inrr,nxrnpf upon 11111 compilnnce with Ile provisions of this. Soc.3i-4 2.Co,x,cto Or lvmvppoys nr,d rx,rrhos part of b,lttl lrm. f,`:K r11c o11 eSneeh,anl.1,k/10111lr rol l'II concrete whore l foundatioon wuIto 0 mulled,and p rdx,s owl n11 typos of construction steal Ill,,onsidered purl of Ifa1 huild11x1. Sac. 3/-4.3. Installation and n 1inlhila lro. All building .,inrl,xtllll the" ye-non.stud!bn Inslnnod and vIO o ro mil See. -4 lh,ner:9riy 100110 4•k 31-4-4.Conner:non al unhko pins.Any 00000,,l Of of (015, of unlike I».dorinks;ball be vlhi,x'.f t,the approval of the city r„111Se rii-4-S SI,,of cireerllon..Any hp,cv or building sorer +radian 1011m:reser nail,shall by not loss Ihnn 4Ir ilas nor o than I Inches dlnm0lnr,unless nnnoved by the lily nulvmr. 3/-4A.Type of ay pill•allowed.A bultd0nv usvfor or house l9 ruin onnear rl,i lie m la,of rust Ira,,vlirltl0d cloy,AC or i N owl loser approved plastic,oxront that lea et Iron./.sell or to pip.sh;,li ten/else wl/ern'the grads Is a,r.Ikon 2'/for 1-Inch ch,,pit p,and loss than lei for 6ew1,ldpo,and rnpt f13:,f AC n011 sh,dl not ton,01 0 for conrwcti0ns otter,limn tar ll/olllrhr;.In all cn_f fhn kind of pipe 1100110000i to be/cod aral .t�i"-n.i rl:e and orlom I�relw'I nilrnlna must h,Ism en firm I1011 3nocrfl,l by and Inun to lln,lino and,rude swan by Viso n 10n111klwnm'nrle of not less Ihnn 1.67k for 41 11h Iro u 1wo,,h0n:ilo or plr..311c plpo and riot I.,than.19h for inch Yon,transits or plastic ph,e. :-w-I.X u.'o.Ch,. In ofch.direction plp0.All ,,b(1 In direction of n hulidl:,u,war 0111001 111 mode by ti,o use of pro or flftlr,ns,w1311 In Ion event shall have a chawln of direction nnanterlhnn I/3 bon, Soc.37-4-9.Pin/to bo free of def.,.All PIM st011 be-,u1.d, rp 1 Ira holes rcks, without , ., valve;or o;I1or hs oi ,rucilnn,which mi(Ill 'alr woven)or retard Ih0 fr,n p0sp3ra of rr r d 014 free.. p 3]-4-11),Clenneo13.A clannout"wee"riot loss than Inch,.In dlam0tar must Ion located Imniedlnlely Inside 11-i0 +001,11110.In sett s.0;-,tlti,cleanlul p110 from in-"aye"10 • ih^x=.Orfllc0 of the 11n0had/reds must ba Iron or 1doo mots sal anorovod by 1hn elly ineer,and on a v10iu, I43 deur.e.',Mortal must hen 4-inch braes cicnnout p1uf,with n 1-inch hire, solid rII,ell cl,h^_n1L ACdltlonnl cicansuls,If res,>nry,shall fw ola0011 60 Inn(npnrt o,,,1p env 4-11,11^av/nr,r1nJ ovr1Y 100 brut y fi loch r. At the home or lwllrllrr,:donsclla, n 4lnrh rnsl Iron cleal,ld must In placed,end nl ill toro1 11 ainovta sllnlrllbs 1Iion0 hrhreolor^s bellow 10 el,1ancut tots,Nnl9 or line/_shall phial clear.n1/1cllrs:h,rl of 5 trot belowomund ilrinr0,and tire,only by-p1c10i l,nrinieSIOn. Sac.37 4.11.Ti erlch rn,uir omol ll::.Ill oxc„vatino n trench for holoo must 1M CIL,urvlor all t3,11 ands of Ito sawor plea so 00,1 all lames con ho 605.111,weds nod ovan110011.llxl souls/. Ira,11 shill lie kill Irro from rurfan or pi-a/r1d valer dull.the 1 a s of the wo,k-In nil uwror tronchns 11;v eovmr nine shelf IInuu000ricd In plot,by lie('or rock,1-Inch stove mh,lmum.No • tunnellM'hall la allae;ed rooep/ 1>,m,1 alysolutoly ,pry and lion loll by rmlmion f the oily Yudl,a0r.Alln/ A a� wain).pip,- nn Mi rr, ler con/lulls onccuntlrnd snail be Gsrelully I or'le11 anti PI-Meet/id from Inlury until Ina bath11111w]is coninloted.II ti:0 sower trench passe,within 31rmf of,or Ihroul-,h any l or olfeor pis,1110 nine['easing 111rw/h shall bo of r t iro.rvwn enistnctorl ml y wwrlod. .31.312.Water fast for teelus.All binding eaware shot:b= ' tested(or leaks In I'he aresnne of the inspector by IIIIhno Ina line Ith water from IM",lye"en the sower matt to the bop of the hhlhosl clennout. every loot angel bo ulster 114ht before 3,433. ,l--i ec,fIclor. c per.. Tr Sconnlcntlnn:orf lotnf Cl oleic of.mat lea,er moon sower.Tine surrounded of 1ha"wvo"Onto it's^morn sower :l:nll as enilrll,0 0,r,nonck:0 wlih ark(shall collar-of a damn.non1Y In ni-n one of oho lit's imndlai wwk slate he tlorw niy In ihr� rnarncn of oho cly's thine r. p l 31-414i P11,es we o irnnch.(n)one i,0 nth seal 1w1 bye btuiro./d until ilx+ sower Ilse has team until tested n r o a,• void by its EarlhL Lover is lnnredar. 1 f Soc.I feel earth loyal raft 1'nd.No nwyor Ilnr shall hang( e 2f 4I f '1 to{.1 ,. J,. n I .hs 11 I. I , 'red to ,00 1,0 seal • 1h•'Cl1l+`end the.installing re 1100 in of0 aye will be toyer I,y ill Ir. , Jo' • i r('' - i,if 0�ri((A $2B ncif��l`•�ro'Iv n f of to tocoy,th of of 1h work Excavation to,s o droll he nrovldert by the sonar contractor. sir.5/-1 le,For far rrnlucm0 d esd'' contraption. man In roar,gthe.'Y nn to troear novena n he broken oft or Hy, r m,l it nn�si ee ranmrrr doe re ma,Is m•ltl n<c a �om a of a anfo Ii r Onir.,C Il either in Me tier s co nncave tray"' horbuilding31 sg„•n_r or In sewer log the der n I,N 1 crM In the•ow" (,nrlwg<s,e matte by tf the sewer main, the pin erltnnal of n n will he code by the 1 at h5'Nec. d.nnrlmnrd neon naYm of n Ira to color inn cost of IP,^work- d;^ nnC th11'01RS n't•- �AMITARY SFWl-f2:[!!V IC'E CHARGE <5-1.3,.: ling 3%-5-2.Sower ic.vI e Ili• r 3)5 3.Sow r sarvluu charge in„msetl. 3I0h. (0,ar 00 00r ItInad. hur 5 of 3/-5l�hOr[`^s minhlrrod nnC bII1M win,water service s 375,5.Coarpns'nr rl I-contlnulnp or ro<}rrhrn*,awn,snrvlces. 31-55.Collr,t of en a for Barr, l-costs. 3/-5-8. 100 el cool 00 for h.onacf lnu and tasting. tic, 3/-5D.llneccunion ewer flop.,nit. her 3]-5-1 11.^osuromenf Cl flow. us, 37-5-11.C ioo;oo.ntloo orS. 3/-5.11.Ropes of slop he surebgrfen. <nl .t,otl h Cie,/ltrdatlnn.-rare umr of t l l0160nier ,11 swab, ,bell 1m un•t,-1 inr,11n 3a,(1I of this,;doter,multiple le slab '10111 dvnall00. a,ifs (31 u5ero of (3)rwur 5y-s.(A) ,ulhnle sop dwnSuc. d-1 (5)all other uahem the s^_w,lr ror that s:s.3/- 1.osi of rr rvlcg.:110,1 m Ir,o,o.rd.ror 1'in numoso of'not And ovlirnllon of llrecl11100lr,1r'5,1rn,1herre IstherrawIt'o e3ed0 not sassIOn pylon oto chat na, all vorsons rind n -,s rnlu rnlolly oreiona ,,.form hon. City droll avlow each • sorry Its sower -noon anaort intmr r e each t rr11 contribution rs,d,o, tet n-sir+equitable charpns and Ms. a"r• rSecte w'nrn San and rnah,t.chrame lunI. Ms. -ii so,,tt,rr1,01 hnrno 1f,n er<nrvlri chow, Igloo ICi rtl 5-t - l 315511 h bll .: )CI III tl fl )For not, C„I III 51 00 ver month, ()For onct I5lev2 00 r mouthc downing unit. 13)1Mcttmuri 0ou10nw' -, 1 nod 1 ' 1h oIn 1.11 1 mi par toll, of Slmnor wettlnn unit,ori0.16per,M :0 out,te,I of total v for o ot nntlon,whir how,Is hlohr..t, pray ,r1(!il)For nil other gears,o minimum monthly ehomo.of 52.50, s55.161mr IRO cubic foul of total wWor consumotlon,Whichavor one hl(b)St (b7 Strum the Conrooe,fled istl not o 0011'an:rlsy55om-i 11 for w.0tm-'.vl doh is cneurnnd Md ddns not a;l r n5e1 r, re 10'rc,e T1o` of o ha:MOM Ihln water norm,and In mnl'e 11f r of ,adboa res rn1b tanytmbors lOt viichn onsurf god ou 'Iteo It,^.r not Ihs eel1l�lnu the st-rvoi,,',:ohm will bp rir1rped the mnrannt annci'led In 5ertipn 315-3 and In o lditlon 11,,^r,•to the snm of$.05 ow 1C0 my cubic Inca of WAt0rte for*Mos 1 0010 prat oil m,lctl Is dtool'rll,adnb,lo i111a '3" nnnd,vlll CImm = Of 0,0 5svar rl,nrpa on the mu:nr which 1,to f _twat3%idt Ct,,ruoat ilillytl nn f lido the illod l rower lsvxlvmica ,'• ctnar,1Fs. Sold r clomps co,111 1O rn,nbinodite °for op�blllln''''1 f)^In00,with at Water en'S,,nnryiaand service Il Isnnf to ray sey000 run chops;,pro not Id Wron due,the cry ompaw,er ,oY oIl_C , M, and/or w for=or Ica to ba dluontln,10d after 5 der, ry liability hoto sold to the Iasi bllflop rddrnas.and rdlhoN env,o Ilrb hoc w 3-5,er Char-cos or. Sec.ill/11. yen!ns for dl0ronto nay or re•.0or tw 1 er Ie C y the oven!savor s r Ian et may e cllylq M rTorn,_r5 norl ho overt Is rind off,a no tom bt set by Nil clay npineor and„ }urnvod M Ile I of cmnrVICO, ors,ball ncachnrrina Mr tOp lnn a1 or WADI s.°,t sn o:cn. i t ri,. t of l,)o,S0 - e wo sh. The oral rlv rolled lIonl 10 Water Supplyan.A Wolorwndu the fvov,i,c and 111I,c}ror for the and shall ner l o,nln'tlY,e ltiof recort ellrl tan roof,arsioul ts of tor'd�• awl monthly pny ovor ale some to tin city tramper to be cityndlbd to tha .35 r utility beat for ,n by lend s to ohnmnt.irorlotllcnlly, r lo:to be csttbllslod by the 0 0 Siu,y,lr'dilnr,liern shall o ddrto liar city Dotwrrmont of Writer y and`ata00,0 0,out of Ih••nmrneds of such chem.,the ,oblr<outs and alrnenoes of sold deonrlmn5f lnetdenf to the bill'nrg,rtvwdvltm llO or tl1m nrbt acunlln yyp for sold char r.'Y/.57.R{n1 f 11 of entry 1nr lnsnoctllm and 0005 a.Officers nett n mot:of city,upon nras,111,Icntl l,radon and sharps,the • PP •thor+:ot,shill hmvo the r14h1 of nit r lfy 6,ble r000-i end hours. rvllcor from tiren all,cityieas win,for liva city of Insruxltin,, vina stair, nr3irllirtd mod lo,ll,mm the sanitnry eovmr or-trIn nn sold n,'anrl,as t11,0 o,„ran nml,oi,'d In or dl:ch mood thrvuoh Ion mtne.In h,:_evonl.a d,,1)I,3thor13o1 oftlror o-,0000t of Solt iebo City Is r'ntucd 01,11 110n for any moor,aro city 0,xllnool'none opine rower vim to ihn prproiros in ashen to rediccontinunti until Ihn city of floors Earl Err,l•.hove ham 0lie1dnd reaaonabin 0ccass o ihn -t mbos and sower svuton,to a0Comnli511 tto r.o mforgi0 turf roos tic Sr,.37-5 R. l od dwrlllrc unit. tar m,htlrha hovloutheelcauchl+,tllo,0n, ooyr vr:rvire hor.for ollin uitns Imn b ' •lctlrm 3723-3 5r,a11 he s »,xlyd vMen s ce to Ilia dwelling le diecw,nnum of tiro,,01110E Cl sower a hob-,for ,gch rarvk�,. Sou,33-51e.Moony nnvenf of 11n v.The web aro M flow Wool fno xllllm v nsto wolor otes and,ncfinr5os slra'I he pity nd �oto,vvl wrarr consumption as shown Inrltre records of said city far water donarlmant1 (a) if n n dlschrrolnp poste cantor Into the public n+• NMenprocylos nv cart,or all of this,valor horn sources other tie city,vnmr 35pnrtmonf,all or port of halo 15 dlmc15,NM 31 Into tlm car,soon neuter shad shall Ifedn m 11 and alnteln nt his p- vator mmto s of n typo atn,roved by❑m car nnvirse er for 115,nurporgof dctorminlgp the volume of r 1,0 011+d boa ll-sc other-arc . such nor rail,sR 0v +Im cal vho, I0,00000,.of strrli instloo go5d10nproo ac notify o oc the ehaph000lo too rrcot a tar ins,all:d ion nrM proof clay m��s IheroN for r odlru,11d n lb) A,o, nnarnntivc to Ito abovenulllnod method of dole,min inn champ.,whoa yy d ca• Is saloon rY fins nor on'log that Ito outlh,ad molar.),mold con, nmbin Or ItiIrn ntui vwriflnn uulhori'allon na obtal0_C11f,on,n Ile city npinrar,such Ioroott env use noa W the 1wg following man nQs • tram,of rh Mu llxr flow of sown.irf w-d,:r to COMM ,a a,rl tar 1ilrio cl1,0501: y wrr sot [t)ihnod b ImoY hn_ra1l,ni,heels ourone.a mgvaeMo qyua ono 'cd by It In el'v Intoln,nr,for ni lira our Pow M m sanitary hr fiatlrn'ri ofo,0 to,vnt:.r Into and ennih,re aort 3( sanitary waste 1,02101a ,d101ar in of 55optorflowin)hto not 1. citnlr rowel in Ursod anon Itre rota o!uvnnfv w'ator area/Inv Into not r city ewvor 's ('))Thl illy shell n-.rpm b na,v.'to wafer flow,by t I no a flow r1 rniln+,y hem Imo to tlnh Uvrinv Ian par Inn nI 'rblvo Ile oo Im of to cal o ile,nor, In ed t'noon,5ran,r,o,'t,lly of to note ,o flow othot,eo the i do anoints Into.out na for f . •05ro lnr,noanscnlailntal n to r1e'Tnrinlnn wash.wSrAt iY;w",'t�"��>;5,,.,l11Psv:i ttr,,o,.,,r;o w„dM;a / 0/ Sole,-Il:d,ln for any a01010,Innrr1,1 by Ihn city In rre,u,rlt, Pineal vrin Jnwhich;1kir dolohn;knit ni Gn5etl Ilx,roa,for tf It,t1 110,00 0 Vo ah010. iaivr gownrBaal?b:+Ali,orate, di'chonGin II for o 101 rig,In to F Il n l I , I IY*'rv.,rr, 1 !WW1 nlr'oilo 11.rn 11 f II f rci- to MOD of 200 tarn:or Id (1,)A1v-wnLo,solids,,,Ot tof20nn,"m. S c.31-5-11.Cnrno:,tnll,.n f. hnrg0.l h0<omlwt,tion of ni the wain surdnt droll of dolormrnad by the lollowln0 lorno,ln- hA SC.,VSfiu h8.rpn(Rl3 In IDInr'lOD.200)r RSS(SS-).50)) 't,' VS volmno of sn.voc,'in millions of°allots for the billy,° (I nnrl 5 31•car worslm)rector to corlvrv!(son nod SS from and to mis nu Rl�OU °c f r:llorl:?for'I0 In chtars tar ht inc100 fSUD bio0Y•gm cal Oxym,n<lomnnd strnnr,lb Inclnv In nnris ° all lint h111 chulrt.r rRSS onlf ctl it so for S,l In dollars no 0vnd. SS-sit=oontAod.olldz•.Irrnnlh rr:dox In nnris Ina roll Ilan by`Ir, -i1511 Natoli f i h Tlro , fit Iti -liol f ,i I r rich 1 7 f om I{ d ,lit :rls 1 III)I-�r It lr lllell lnNit (R,SI ...........ta]I0,rl ,0�, 00 l"I-R 0 In (0011001.OF AD01155AR1 00 021101 LS 3darn: / 6„brnl:slarr or tv,�ic dn`6 2. a -il 6 2.C.thinl _1 n ,ties. 3/0 1,.:,:1a 1,n;err snmrlinq, 10 di.ke nSui VOW cn Mc1 booth l0n 1o<lat,.UlIc•'Each norf for the,,, 111,01110 „ n n, can m a w 01?,nnarun,a Incrfion,c,l wot^b rlr all° and file v,ltII,�thn cot nm ail),e marl Mot nhall't o o IgtI cpll he -0flic'tad 0dota 1110 rnlailn0 to Ina nunntity and chat odor 1.}Ics of the fr to h0 1ischonlod. a{i(h)All cn-0,n d:^n abler°°fr du,l city wades Into Ilxr ell Ill,,, • rollo,c In lil)i)0,nl,i isven0,f 1'ru(1 5,111,lc ft,daf Imtl In''t-t11,1 n� 01r0r10,rinis ,x'binl,worm focal�,ot noncom ardor from lhncily12 otrdI ,1 l0 OIth s I 'I. withed AfrifAgAs of in Maha -1 1 are fled In ifnonho nr ordr,nodsumit ,:h t lr0lnpol-t0'a lhn coy organ-x•ar s'.,ronoirho. $ 3/62 ControlI A . Each dlAhlifin011, I d t l I wont wontos nitocity ringoor thnit. t hls foki' 11 comtr n 1.ono or more coo/rail inonhoths 001111,In it M II Ilrw mv< I•1<•cll,tala o .Hone :rblo r nvihi,wag1a rorodrn0 to iA.n^r.400nrvotl 'n ho ilo city ortilnoor.<xrtt fold or o (.3.Weigh)foai s nekton-(.,) Industrial ty ill,br O and into the ro0llc cowers Nail Yn subt0cl 1n oar-iodic- ,.ueM by 1i,oy nutitorlgod l n of rrindai noilonmade of ctin rrnd onocentriioo olcl woetys.511111/0100100 shell la holloh.d in ninon,to bo r onr ,0r,trmlvo of rno carol.,„elan of cad Yw„tar.a lU11 In 11,nvanl 1'rn nnrnon Il nvtno hod hlz cold ,isms ' In,l,ohtod dlsnotoi. 00 Ii <irah0mtn; fort >tr',1 of sold- In.nr„lrnrr,t'. alai on ecnnd it oc!Ion by tlrr hlty,at Iris . solo nurkon-o,r or r,yinoeot an O1,001ctlon11 hr;sole om0n.,0,1yf 0n IrrAy�•nr',bn(i.,lmr01,0,avAtt0blo to ilur oily engin',or.If More ooy a„hn.lanllal flit foro,xe 1oon it,two lm:nv bane, olthor ar0Y mnv ratites!an insoehIl00,o„by the City-Cmniy or tl r0 Uln,n Stnnn Roar d of I loolih which in.,,x rllrn,and result moll Lo corn loilve. Soo 3/-6-,.. An, ,0 tory nrcndnr<t'id tin) eninntlan onC•al 0015,0 shall ba t.`1 tat-Ill it tarit1,dmolhotl. HA!'TDR I eNr-OrcEMeNT AND re_Nny,r lc.VS Sccllmr, 31/-2,Amino(0,0 nf_ ., ((. ].Amino(nrorvtlorv. 00.0.0-Oc110,,11 ry. •7-7 Iort:ifo of 00,11 n. • Sec. 31-I 1 Dntor<l oni. The otot c,o,,01,r n o 'Wool omndvr0s and rules for nay In,nlnnl.,nt0 00 hen hdminlehoPlon f nn,l ahnil 0nforv,1hl l�n�++rovlsia�,of ibis or cN o,00, or/dlf civonlrx,I,,tfo any Ally sower ,t,00 001100 00s.n nrfecver l,.l by n y d±rlsl5n,notion of drip•nlr0t0010n,Including 10,100 and<I,sist o 0(A1 by thorny ar,pin<» ho r In IntothI,1n HOrion, rcroviolwn of this or-din-moo,may fll0 rvllh vrrr,l10 nnpla0r a wrIHm rwguasl for rcccnoichrntla,within 10 i0ri ti oirlvtfo 11hi,il0iriponnr gen.Te :9l rrac00rld,o1 n boocoul by 11ro city o0uiremr wilhln In days from Ile dale of 1,1100.Said '1,01 o'action o ley/by 1i1.1lly t6000.1 rhnlio 11,,1 on i i1Y0r lips city 0,nr .n°In-1c10 '001 1000rl00dAhisto 0 notlnradory to Ilia011 I oti,011110 lent,notioln b s-Id city ,hAnc r,NIA 0cityy,cocl v r of fix final f°oho I nd dh or ,11101 NIA van,,l'O dly yorlrron a oni and rw t4, that n hoorin,I data try order to have hlo rno liar board by tl>°FlOnr11 of City rCrrm,ninolorxlr7 whrma Cocic'on shall nil sec.3l-/3.,ll,I, ll10 0 Ch00 0,,nnl surchar0 0I y II I In r dnn-.0 wllh thl��400 ;!toll Iv,:,,:^Dt d,w ti Ibs c I}}yy If 10's it LM,1,,tat 000, ,0 hln In dnvs after bulbs,,It 0holr ed b civil oR(Ion,0 flan mad,olloll nor and may be rnr orod by dvll coarroi or na city shall boos it,nuhf to lr accomplishing ccome ,ing tome:and°tier anon°rive}°o,m,arty for ar.<.o,nta lshln° one c`9i101 l c err,,,of 9orvira'nwor s000 of shoo not meta ncl uo111 all'00000 Includb,n boon o001,1. of lvrn,lr,allor, Waxy restoration 01 smvlw CluA trove Dann [HAPI hit,Cs FNbO:2Cc:M[:NT REMEDIES AtlD PENAL TI f-_S 3ee.1rn,s: 37-2.1 Dornncw to fnclllnr- 3/-8)2.'Corr»Inrd foe 00r-arvl,n. Sor.3. A I.ll di for etoomos. rn or S ramie Clays e wntnto ueas e.Wilco strucllol WilntnaltBiro It,a city fovmr system,Il,O rily err ino0r shall rssoas n char°0 for the mrk rerlulred to morn or meta Ir.a Iocltlly,and such chnrpo Soh nrl,Hd 10 enld ter-nn's snnlf!,ry 00vmr-sorvice cherrTyx°n [.3/-62.Tn,rnInotlon of svrvlrn.Thn city may for min0to ,0 l0 b0 for minntml so rvlcn to any Ornt,loan ono or of env 01001'don of 1h s title. Sec.37.2 3.I lo.blllty for oxh,n0vs.Any b orson violating,the denvlstoro.al thy:1I1lo-hall be li0bin for oily e.vp0nsc,,loss or ar one c -sad 1iie city by r of snitvlolnlion,and.holl bx sublr,i to rlir,not to 0xceod 52,9 and/or Imtrlsonrnonl for ul,to six m5B1 In the city yell, Sf:CI ION 2.This or dlnance shop lake of foci 30 days of ter 11s WI publication. 1`coo1+s00 Uy Ih0 fioar of Commis•lonhrs of Snit Loin City,' UYn t,!lain 23rcl cloy of lone,19//. MI l_DI.f_D V.HICI-IAM TI:D l..Wit SON r oily Racorce,r. htnyorl ) t I�L o.l01 of ISR nubllshotl July 14,1977 I,A.gll ' /0/