101 of 1979 - Amending section 25-11-15 establishing requirements for promotions by job bid for executive level, n •RQLL CALL f VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah, July 10 ,1979 Mr.Chairman ,\ Agrar�' I move that the Ordinanc passed. ', �7 Gre,fa i' ///,f t� // i ,•F L fi� Phillips Result AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Section 25-11-15 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah 19657'relatinq to promotions by job hid for Salt Lake City Corporation employees. Re it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Section 25-11-15 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah 1965, relating to promotions by job hid for. Salt Lake City Corporation employees, he, and the same hereby is, amended as follows: Sec. 25-11-15. Promotions by iob bid. (a) Bid policy. The purpose of the hid system provided here- under is to assure that qualified Career Service employees are given proper consideration when a position vacancy exists while avoiding the ineffeciencies likely to result from advancing employees inexperienced, incompetent or otherwise lacking in employment skills. (h) Non-executive level bids. When a department deems it advisable to fill a vacancy in a non-executive level position on a permanent basis, the department head shall request the Personnel Department to most job bids at work locations within each department. Said notice containing the vacant lbb title, pay range and requirements of the lob, shall remain posted for five (5) working days during which time employees may bid for an appointment to fill the vacancy. The Personnel Director or recruiting representative shall review the job bids and appli- cants' personnel files, and certify all persons who meet mini- mum qualifications to the department head. Appointment to the vacancy shall he made from those qualified employees from the same department where the vacancy exists. If applicants from the department where the vacancy exists are not sufficiently competent or experienced, the department head shall select from qualified employees from other. departments. If there are not suitable applicants from the other City departments, the department head may select from qualified hourly or seasonal. employees. If no suitable applicants are selected under the foregoing procedures, the department head may fill the vacancy by a person outside of City employment. Notification of position vacancies shall be posted under the foregoing procedure prior to recruitment outside of City employment except in the case of emergency or where it appears unlikely that the position will he filled by a gual.i.fied City employee. 101 (c) Executive Level Rids. ,yob bids will be posted for five (S) working days for vacancies that exist in all execu- tive-level positions and all eligible Career Service employees may bid on said vacant positions during that time period. However, the department head is not obligated to select anyone who is certified on the bidding list of eligibles for any executive-level vacancies. (d) Rids by probationary employees. All probationary employees newly hired under Career Service shall obtain authorization to bid in writing from their respective depart- ment heads before they can he considered for an appointment to fill other position vacancies. A copy of this authorization- to-hid shall he furnished to the Personnel Department with the employee's job bid. (e) Recruitment summary. Department heads shall furnish the Personnel Department a written summary of general quali- ties lacking in City Career Service employees certified under the bid system which led to their request to post the vacancy for interested applicants not employed under the Career Service. This written summary by the department head shall be used for recruitment purposes only and he so designed as to assist the Personnel Department to accurately recruit and screen applicants not employed under. the Career Service. (f) Probationary period. A successful applicant for a job hid shall be on probation for a period of not to exceed ninety (90) calendar days, during which time he shall receive the same rate of pay he was receiving when he entered on said job. The probationary period may be extended, if necessary, for training purposes if agreed upon by applicant and supervisor or department head. During the probationary period an applicant shall not he eligible to apply for any other job vacancy. If retained in the job applied for at the expiration of said probationary period, the applicant shall he ineligible to apply for another lob opening for a period of nine (9) months, after the expiration of said probationary period, unless authorization to apply is given by his supervisor or department head. if the applicant is not retained in said job so applied for, after the expiration of the probationary period, he shall be returned to the position held prior to being accepted in the job applied for. SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, it is necessary to the peace, health and welfare of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first. pub- lication. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 10th day of July , 1979 MAYOR CITY RECORD.R (SEAL) BILL NO. 101 of 1979 Published July 14, 1979 1€i ADM i'5A Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAII, County of Salt Lake AN ORDINANCE Shana D. Conaty AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Section 05-11.15 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lak0 City,Wan 1965,relating to Promotions by iob bid for Salt Luke CITY Corporation employees. fee it ordained by the Board et Commissioners of Salt Lake City,Utah: p SECTION I.Thad Fecbnn 25-11 15 of Inc Revised Ordinances Being first dulysworn deposes and says that he is legal f salt Lake City,titan 1965,relating to notions by soh bid for g y b SaltLakeduvCotpoationemvlayees,,innsIho-ampheehy advertising clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily Sac.Bid policy. y.The by purpose bis (except Sunday) newspaper printed in the English (al.Bid tier.The g of the font Service pr views are,fl don is to assure that io qualified Capon Servicevacancy employees gl000 m cinafmrehen when position yawnY exists language with general circulation in Utah, and while yews ling the ience.incompetent likely petentto result warn advancing16kcl employees inexperienced.encea.ipen„perern or otherwise locking in published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the employment skills. (b)N to 1111 a vac level folds.When a ve level o deems'p State of Utah. permanent t0 tip a vacancy d In a non-executive level request on e Personnel estab„ the department bend snarl r noel me Pcrwnnnf Department to cuss lob hills at work hoc-aliens within each department.Said noncecontaining the vacant,ob title,pay r That the legal notice of which a copyis attached hereto 0 requirements of me lob,shall remain post So for five g (5)working days during which time employees may hid for on appointment to flit the vacancy.The Personnel,Director sting representative shall review the lob bids and recruiting personnel files,and certify d persons who .r pub notice to amend an ordinance relating to Qualifications be made to me deportment head.Appointmentlons the vacancy shall be made from those qualified emplovm Irons me same department where the vacancy exists.If aonticants from he department where the,f e ee exists arenot romotions byjob bid bySalt Lake CityCorp.competent oroxperienced.the departent hea sham P select from qua Idled employees from other departments.If more dee not suitable applicants from the other City departments,the partment head may select from qualified hourly or seasonal foregoingprfocfeddures,thee'department'headrolefillthe vacancy employees by a person outside of CIIR employment Notification of position vacancies shall be posted under the foregoing procedure prior to recruitment o tslde ofCity employment except in the case of emergency or where it appears unlkely that the position will be filled by a qualified City employee. (C)Executive Level Bids.Job bids will be nested for live(5) working days for vacancies that exist in all executive level Positions and all e career Service emplowAts may bid on said vacant positions during that time perial.'However,the department head is not obligated to Wed anyone who is certified on the bidding list of eligibles for any executive level vocanclos. was published in said newspaper on July 14, 1979 employees t bly probationary Career esveeae shalt btan hoods betern t0 bid in writing from their respective department others position e vacancies.A cony of thiscan be considered fauthorl ar an t onn-to-htdisshaIl ll he furnished to the Personnel Department with the employee's -ob bid ( ( Recruitment summary.Department he d -1 ll i furnish / f ( \/\ thePersonnel Deportment 'It f (r 1 � 1. 4 e ( l /. �' ^le. -C t . q,lali cking y Caeer erViCp under I bid system itwhichr ten f M employees t t tithe cy forinterested applicants noteaeeortd under me Career Legal Advertising Clerk Service.This written summary by the department head shall beu assist the recruitment Department oses to and acburatel to ye5recrruitas to and applicants not employed under the Career Service. screenf1 Probationary period.A successful applicant fora lob bid calendarear:°ell"Ide:nd�niimldhn°snail�aexceed �lv`me'se°„et�°�pre me this .,....18tb, day of of pay he w receiving when he entered onsaid lob.The probationary perod may be extended,if necessry,for training department leagreed ur upon erob applicant v and all aneliicant A.D.1979 shall not to eligible to apply foray other tub vacancy.Ir retained in the job applied for at the eve motion Of said probationary period,the applicant shall he ineligible to apply for another iob opening for a period of nine(9)months,afterthe J probationary period,unless -ti n to -/apply hen 1 b i Isor or department -head If the applicant is Mt retained in sold lob so applied 1 afterthe ! _ expiration ofineprobationaryperiod h;shall be 1 drone .�,� ALP• Nothe Board of Cornmers ortar e position held prior to being accepted In the iob apn hem for- ft Salt Lake City,itlnion Is necessary tofthe peace,health andssio welfareof y Pu blic the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately. SEC f1ON S.This ordinance shall take effect liven Its first publication. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Solt Lake City, Utah,this 10th day of Jule.1999. 1ED L.WILSON Mayor MI I.ORED V.HIGHAM City Recorder (SEAL) BILL NO 101o1 toms Published July 14,1919 (A-Os)