103 of 1902 - Ordinance 103 of 1902 – Sewer Extension No. 102.— • - .. .._ , ORDINANCE . An ordinance confirming the assessment upon the property on the north side of North Temple Street between Nast Temple and Nest Temple Streets, is Sewer District le. 1, for the construction of a sewer. 114 it orda*Oet by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: . SIOTTON:1. float the assessment list made by the City Treasurer pi aorested,le*proved AmCcompleted by the Board of !Actualization 1 antyReales, bereitofory Slily appointed by the City Council for that ; purpot4, of the *oreperty-sbutting orObe:morth aids of North Temple 1 , OtreetlpetwesA Aims Temispu and Ws- t /ample Streets, in Sewer Distrie i *S. 1, of Salt Tooke City) for the pUrpose of conetructing a sewer upon said ponies of said street, is hereby confirmed, and the 4 assessments mad* and returned in said completed lists are hereby confirmed.. SNOTION 2. This ordinance shall take effsot upon approval. ! 1 Sewer Intention Ns. 102. 1 (._ --d-C„- : \ fQ - ?s.ptisi ty til Yity 3,stiwlil ot '.',Alt f.;NAeu tty, Utos..5, leptemt'or 10,11, stni rorerrei to tis,. Tlyor tar iliA w)royli. )1; (), Aporov3 Lhirt II Isoi of y, . 1 t as y},, Tef o"Q adt mum taenaaaaab sett g alartltaes aoasntbio d tae, bna slime? tall nsswtsd tssttt algaae d4t741 as able *Plait odt a to nottssrrtaaas said 1st ,I .st I414'00ba 701,441 al ,00s0l 01400't .Yovoa j utatU oat° NUJ 014# to Iluars0 qua aai# \ tt ;i1P 1s'utaaed yttfl ad* yd stau Ott , att g R sottaa/x.4,0E to :rims ski9 t s ames bot e ,, tacit io't Ifoiwo° iEttO od3 F t40Qna R • ;rt o ! ,no p� slgms? r1t * to *aka �[t matt 20 a elztala sows! al ,ateeit ice! boa `� iltow#ode t�o100 A C7 loops s bnt.tou^cta000 10 moo : iott vot . ' lavt alit boa ,basltLss 'avoid' ,ls.iti Ntio 4 cog b no 44 ydoloit Wm SOW Nlidwies WA. at bsaiut has ibis at cum o .bsailteos .I4000140 aoqu *sotto *tat Tuts saasntb io aid! •E 110I?II dig .s! astsnetnl lone* 1 :4\