103 of 1908 - Ordinance 103 of 1908 – Paving Extension No. 41. 1,4,,. ..
An ordinanco con trmire the aosessrie) t u,don the proporty here-
nil aftel- deacril-,od on l' Ctreet 7 ruin the n.n.0,,O s.',.ie o ,.;o7ith `2,:;rqple.
i Streot to the south side of 2irl;t Avenue, in 2f,vil'g Dibtrict lio. 3C,
for tble 1,-,, ,00(,, 07 provi3int for the grmdinte (.71 psvi,,L Lor-of.
Be t ordainef by the City Co-4ncil o Oflt Li7.0 C 1%', Li t All:
.,L. .L. riar-:. e t..1.:.3ses,;41nt li.3t. I.I.,,do bor the City Tr OP C,urei
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andRev e; , hereto 7ote ,1:1Iy, tip.9pinten:', Try ill:: . Conioll for that
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-psro t 7t. l. 6: ot92,.., 2 iic iQ 1 a 4, Blo.
t40 Luth Terll)le :t ;sot to t)1 south sidE‘ ;.. ritvonue, in
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-7.1. Odistriot -.do. 30, -7of 6:1t-1.41te City fcri. ile porikoo of yravi
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in for the gradinE a avinuf; ticlacdgf of oy,-.1,1 pOrtr;on 6 r 8,:.:Lca Etre,-t 1
is hereby con firiaod, ai the asse,-.s::-:.,t,3 :•,a,le !_,1,4 re.1.Y;c', :d. in raid
completed lists are hereby confirvied.
SECTIOI: 2. Thia irdirrhoe sils1.1 take c roe t upon apwovni.
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Passed by the City Council of Salt hake City, Utah, ,
August 17, 1908, and referrdd to the Mayor for his approval.
1 1
Ci y die;order.
Approved. this /r day of August 1908.
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