103 of 1909 - Ordinance 103 of 1909 – Sidewalk Extension No. 98, (Second Section) First & Final Estimate. AU ORDINANCE . An ordinance confirming the assessment upon the property herein- after described within the district described as follows: re-innieg at the center of the intersection of Third South and Fourth West Streets; thence north to the north line of First Forth Street; thence tenet to'-the east line of Third West Street; thence north to the south line of Second North Street;>?thenoe east to the center of Second West Sheet thence south tothe''center line of First North Stkeet;.,thence 4 east to the center line of State Street; thence south''to the north e't South Temple Street; thence west to the east line of First Nest'Street, thence south to the center line of Third:South:St?est; thence ,West to the centeriie of Fourth West Street, the plag sl e Of beginning. Also on both sides of Second West Street from Fifth Borth Street to a point three hundred and thirty (330) feet north of Seventh North Street, except where sidewalks are laid or streets are vacated by ordinance to railroads, in Sidewalk Districts Nos. 5, 11, 19 and 20, for the construction of cement sidewalks. Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That the assessment list made by the City Treasurer as corrected, approved and completed by the Board of Equalization and Review, heretofore duly appointed by the City Council for that pur- pose, of the property in the southwest quarter of Section 31, Township 1 north, Range 1 eabt, and in Lots 5 and 6, Block 93, Plat "A", Salt Lake City Survey, abutting on the south side of First North Street between Main and State Streets, in Sidewalk Districts Nos 5, 11, 19 and 20, of Salt Lake City, for the purpose of constructing a cement sidewalk upon said portion of said street, is hereby confirmed, and t e assessments made and returned in said completed lists are hereby confirmed. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect upon approval. Sidewalk Extension No. 98 (Second Section) . First and Final Estimate. Passed the City Council of Cult lib,:a City, IIt::', ,.. ... July 19, 1909• and :i oferrod. to the i:110.- or _i o,.0 2_1.., • cep / yrow P t'.1r . . . .felf ';',J"'''. tV..'... .-....',' -.,,..1t; '. :"' '. ::Ri'.U.:.::. :!'...,1 ".-..'if:"Ii.',.t.,(•.!' •,•,,..-',._1. ,(. :1,,,L, 1(1.. fill.10,7 Clr'.'ff!'.","! t!,....,:•tif-.--rilJ .' .... . - ., ' ''•' , y,‘. ,;,, ' .',':.tf.,ir.f :., '' ''. 1... C'..: '. i' ...Pr '1-0 ,:)...1.1: Pi-1.,1 :-. . , -' ci...t•]...ri t-,,,,t- •:-• ;:.:":',4-, 3-, _ ' i.,"...F:ot.: -iq (.1, f;t• f,t1 .‘:-.r. ." ; ''.'-'.'.,.. ' '.-- c ' ! 0'. -- : ',4- 5) ''',%, .,",-.• ;tc.:f.“..,' filzo..)-,i Z',, -,: *-., u.r:-i ,-,t -1',v., „,:_,:\.-..1 ..;:' ..J.;.. /;,-., ., i,,,,.,, ,,,,L .„.,, ,,,, ..1.. -a a - 02 • . .. , ,e%.,, '•:-,;- . c.,. ,"PE..-,.-! ,,- :i 9 : ..,q ,,,I ''''4:)..",-t:::,t. .,'I-i 1 '1•::'1• ' : \..\' t _::: - , ,;L-,1 :a; .,,f t„:,te -) ' • ....).,;cs*.t,...;:r .,:,:.,:1‘,",?tke-io-E, ....-.1.,...:•' •,:k)..\- -k,....:-. ,';\. I . .• ...,„ ,,-,,:::. : •.,, :\',...k,-7; ;,tlir i-Vi. 'OWL', ;•'•'.:' 'J.." ‘',! i 1 6.-,RZt-1-7.:,:.)';' ,-.:1 i.-..1?",:-'1:-tc..:-... 9c.,,cr,--,1 ?,...1;:...'i,•• ••••,..;:, - . ' !:,,77,..., 0 .41. - 091 4 ‘-'••\, : :, C'•,,lit i';(1.e:'+134,J, "') 4.... :.! ..1., 1,:kl.t.r.: . .... .., i-rv-,c 3i ; ' :, Elt*.i() re l'''.:i 7:: :,,.5' _'.. —,.,;.,.. c.,-, 2-:- 406,,,c1 •-1,• fi. r., -. ,.,,,; ric, ,:.,..,..LL. 4. ,..k,.. .; \ , : r-;.,,,,,e-v 7 7 `1 :. ''.--'.,'" , • -::, .••';';•,._:', ..;,t- 1.r.f 1., , : ,!'Yr.,it ` c-• • - tr.c.',(,,, f. C..-.:\.\,k. r.i.;t: if , % ''‘ ,:', . , •T7 ;1-1-.1..•.,`,, (I, ..`"pvic,i :" rt.; ,PJ...-o•r i.;-r.,r; .._t ec,.!w, ,,'1.',•1,, ..,;:r. boNini)^,r.; J.:. _ ;,;',KainvoT ,..11::: rv. :, '7,..,‘' 1.., -,, ‘'.--.. %,.:11 `. ,w r.,., ,,,., ..!. : ,.. ;: •......7• .., .. : -:' ". 4 r;.: ,...., .10 ..1.- 4 .: : .,...;., : - -,.,,. '. • .. . .,t a.=2 .i. fl:Ai.'' 4. J ..... .1: •..),-.0..1i,f---.... : . . .-f,t, ',.' .. ... •-'.f) 4 1::., ir' , ' ,..'", .:': ' ,.1'.c., .!-!" ,,!.. ,...,,:-',,,.• :: H 7, ,,v1. ',.. :,1' ..-c.. .. .,.".:r,c i:.;•:'..: n;:;(...: :,'.. .' - ,:'.. 1,•.,.) . . • . . Sil k .