103 of 1912 - Fixing powers of Superintendents of Departments. KULL, V.,./11_L. Salr Lake City, Utah,...'',:- -',- '* ,-".k ''A) 191 VOTING 1 (...9 t".Yes No I move that (1.:, c_ '1' i ' .e.,_ e:: ,,,....=-1/4.-- ----.•---' Keyser I iati 1 000 ----""t'' ,,C1- r,' L......_ Korns 1 I , ......)/ Lawrence Mr.Chairman RESULT - - n ordThance rrescrii6E tfc :CV,02S a ies 0. 511_.erintendents on H c :JerLrt..lentLI cre,,ied 'oy law H. rho cities of the firi.:t class. Be it orthLined t:-.0 :card cf ,(). 1.1csion,rc of FtL:c. JECTIO: 1. srleri.,-,.tendentk c,' each of i; c, s'tatutory deuartaents, H cdl live Ia 'ucli : ale e-...-ec- ivo and administrative ,:owers a:. only, ohall, uraer H c (tree lion of the Board of Commissioners, ilave charE:e c2.ha control e-2 each of no sub- ordina-c,e depart:I-lents as clacified neC aistri-outed hy reso..,ution 0.. the 1,o-rd of Co J.;iscioners lily :,assed 12-1n2. • .',1-1CTI.Cf: 2. B. nuerintenOentk shall ",:)e to Board of Commiscioners for ILhe )roper cr.nduct eac"n daarUment under his stmervision, and shall ''.rs&rt in detail, if reriredand at5ften ref ired, to -Ole Board of qo,.,:,lissiOners' II e state-of'affEArin and 4; the condition of his department and'ot each subordinate dVartlyMilt under his juri5diction. eY0, - Y SECTIM 5. The superintendeiltt of eac,: statuto* i7er,ament shall, rocompend to the Boe,rlt df Com-i46Sioers for a :.Dointthent 0.1cyt.lenti. a.a. officers, asista±lts, dp.1uties, elera,:s and ei.f2loYoqs as son -nay 1,,sreaiter lo urovidea by 1,ca on ordinance or so Luri neiceszar7 fos lee proper c'On(''.uct and 0)eration of each 2'uc.,_ deI'411,tment or; of ,any subodinate 6. 2sruent under provided, how- : ever, tat before any -.erson sLall Be a- oluted. or a:u,f,oint- ment or em.:loinnt shall be confirmed By t: e -;card of Col- issioners, ,rovided further, that no lis;)ility a 'clued Cfty in e7:cess of One Hulidred and fifty ( 1130.00) dollars, created By the superintendent of cue statutory depsint :i"Jhout ne sanction of the Board of Commissioners first had and o,rtalned orb urovided further, Iliad when urgent ii.oe6iate neces:Aty exists therefor, Be ou:2eriatendent oi eacll statutory de,,ari;ment .2h.L..11 have pourer to em-!:a.oy toquorarily, sufficient help or acsictance to relieve is cazistinr nece;:sity he 'fall at lee meetinr; of the 1;oarC... of Oo,-.1 irisoners, or as noon Hereafter as -2ractica;,1c, ic-Bait a L'tate;Jent of 7is :-.na doings in ,:hr :remises .116 his rea'.ons for crea'.:in.s ore-. E::ce,,t so 'nerein -provided, no l'croon o';.,er than fhe cr.2 Go joel 01111cc 'bell creati'e any ljalillity acair.ot ','Jte City. ,TXTIC,„ 4. The superintendents shall 1)erZorm duties in their everal Ceparif.r:eilts are or rrevided by law or ordinence. 110110:.. 2. orinance Hrnll cc' e efect one da :..'ter 'publication. ( Passed by the Board. of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, ist 5 , 1912. NOBLE WARRUM Aayor City Recorder By epu y. _ 10,3 Lr -4s, k i ' .. _ .. �T1 , -. -, . . - , F. , , ia -11 , .f/.'')-''L.:;03F.4j1,. ..'1 .. ' m..:,:_.:. .. ►'t7 g ... = � d 1c g , oc 1 ' '6. d't a , , �. 3. • 4 .. , ,„,44., , _ , , , , . , , . . r . . . . , . . . , . . . . . , , , . , . . . , , . . .. . . . r • . . , . . . . . r . . . . . . . • . , . . . . , .k .., . .., , 6 . .... '}�k, . . . . . 9 . - „... ..... . . _ , , .,.. .. . „:„... . . ......, .. . ., .. . . •.. , __, __ . . . , . . . , _ , ., - , . . . c), % , =, . , �� . is -- _ 4.;