103 of 1947 - Vacating Woodbine Street and east half of 5th West Street from Brooklyn Avenue to Remington Avenue D VOTING AYE N Pr C -4 047 /
Salt Lake City, Utah, , 194
Affleck G'.
Matheson 4. I move that the ordinance be passed.
Tedesco d , s
Mr.Chairman .
AN ORDINANCE VACAZNG Woodbine Street and the east helf
of Fifth West Street from Brooklyn Avenue to Remington Avenue, Dal-
v ton and Freemont Avenues from 4th to 5th West Streets, and alleys be-
tween Brooklyn and Dalton Avenues and between Dalton and Freemont
17 • , Avenues running from 4th to 5th Vest Streets, in Fountain Place Sub-
c, -. -, division of Block 25 and Fountain Plate Amended Plat, a subdivision
't of Block 25, 5-Acre Plat 'Al, Big Field Survey, in Salt Lake City,Utah.
ti_S Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City, Utah:
SECTION I. That Woodbine Street and the east half of Fifth
Vest Street from Brooklyn Avenue to Remington Avenue, Dalton and Free-
mont Avenues from 4th to 5th West Streets, and alleys between Brooklyn
amd Dalton Avenues and between Dalton and Freemont Avenues running from
4th to 5th West Streets, in Fountain Place Subdivision of Block 25 and
Fountain Place Amended Plat, a subdivision of Block 25, 5-Acre Plat
'AI, Big Field Survey, in Salt Lake City, Utah, more particularly de-
Y scribed as follows:
Woodbine Street from Broolyn Avenue to Remington Avenue.
Beginning at the northeast corner of Lot 1, Block 7, Foun-
tain Place Subdivision of Block 25 - 5 Acre Plat A, Big Field
Survey, said point being on the south line of Brooklyn Ave.,
thence south 801.92 ft. to the north line of Remington Ave.,
thence east 66 ft., thence north 801.92 ft., thence west 66 ft.
to the place of beginning.
Fifth West,Street from Brooklyn Avenue to Remington Avenue.
Beginning at the northwest corner of Lot 7, Block 7, Foun-
tain Place Subdivision of Block 25 - 5 Acre Plat A, Big Field
Survey, said point being on the south line of Brooklyn Ave.,
thence south 801.92 ft. to the north line of Remington Ave.,
thence west 33 ft., thence north 801.92 ft., thence east 33 ft.
to the place of beginning.
Dalton Avenue from 4th to 5th West Streets.
Beginning at the southwest corner of Lot 8, Block 7,
Fountain Place Subdivision of Block 25, 5-Acre Plat A, Big
Field Survey, said point being on the east line of Fiftg West
Street, thence east 330 ft. to the west line of Woodbine St.,
thence south 66 ft., thence west 330 ft., thence north 66 ft.
Al 6
to the place of beginning. Also beginning at the southwest
corner of Lot 8, Block 8, Fountain Place Subdivision of
Block 25, 5-Acre Plat tAl, Big Field Survey, said point
being on the east line of Woodbine St., thence east 330 ft.
to the west line of Fourth West St., thence south 66 ft.,
thence west 330 ft., thence north 66 ft. to the place of
Fremont Avenue from 4th to 5th West Streets.
Beginning at the southwest corner of Lot 13, Block 3,
Fountain Place Amended Plat,A Subdivision of Block 25, 5-Acre
Plat 'A', Big Field Survey, said point being on the east
line of Fifth West, thence east 330 ft. to the west line of
Woodbine St., thence south 66 ft., thence west 330 ft.,
thence north 66 ft. to the place of beginning. Also beginning
at the southwest corner of Lot 13, Block 4, Fountain Place
Amended Plat, a subdivision of Block 25, 5-Acre Plat 'A',
Big Field Survey, said point being on the east line of Wood-
bine Stt., thence east 330 ft. to the west line of Fourth
West St., thence south 66 ft., thence west 330 ft., thence
11 north 66 ft. to the place of beginning.
Alleys between Brooklyn and Dalton Avenues and between
1 Dalton and Fremont Avenues running from 4th to 5th West
{ Streets.
Beginning at the southwest corner of Lot 7, Block 7,
Fountain Place Subdivision of Block 25, 5-Acre Plat 'A',
Big Field Survey, said point being on the east line of Fifth
west St., thence east 330 ft. to the west line of Woodbine
St., thence south 16.22 ft., thence west 330 ft., thence port
16.22 ft. to the place of beginning. Also beginning at the
southwest corner of Lot 7, Block 8, Fountain Place Subdivisioy. ,
of Block 25, 5-Acre Plat 'A'ry Big Field Survey, said point
being on the east line of Woodbine St., thence east 330 ft.
to west line of Fourth West St., thence south 16.22 ft., thence
west 330 ft., thence north 16.22 ft. to the place of beginning.
Beginning at the southwest corner of Lot 14, Block 3, j
Fountain Place Amended Plat, a subdivision of Block 25, 5-Acr:
Plat 'A', Big Field Survey, said point being on the east line
of Fifth West St., thence east 330 ft. to the west line of
Woodbine St., thence south 16.2 ft. to the northeast corner
of Lot 1, aforesaid Block 3, Fountain Place Amended Plat,
thence west 330 ft. along south alley line, thence north 16.2
ft. to the place of beginning. Also beginning at the south-
west corner of Lot 14, Block 4, Fountain Place Amended Plat,
a subdivision of Block 25, 5-Acre Plat A, Big Field Survey,
said point being on the east line of Woodbine St., thence
east 330 ft. to the west line of Fourth West St., thence
south 16.2 ft. to the northeast corner of Lot 1, aforesaid
Block 4, Fountain Place Amended Plat, thence west 330 ft.
along south alley line, thence north 16.2 ft. to the place
of beginning.
be and the same are hereby vacated and declared no longer to be
public property for use as streets, avenues, alleys or pedestrian
Said vacation is made expressly subject to all existing
rights of way and easements of all public utilities of any and
every description now located in, on, under or over the confines
of the above described property and also subject to the right of
entry thereon for the purpose of inspecting, maintaining, repairin_,
(replacing, removing, altering, or rerouting said utilities and all
lof them.
SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners,
it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants
of Salt Lake City that this ordinance shall become effective imme-
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its
first publication. .
Passed by the Board of Commissioners o It Lake City,
Utah, this 474/ day of Qe.r u. s" A 1
City Recorder.
. .
Presented to the Board of Commissioners
DEC-4 1947
First Publication hi
at....1.44- iti„,-J
kr2-0-C.-., 7--1797
Salt Lake City, Utah, , 194
I move that the ordinance be passed.
Matheson . .
Mr.Chairman . .
Result )'
1 vv
'0 a AN ORDINANCE Place Amended Plat, a subdivision j
(tom. "I` "I AN ORDINANCE VACATING Fieldof ock Survey2 5 said points b'A'
ng Big
��+'YY�� j��p�e Woodbine Street and the eat half the east inesa f Woodbine Ste
ee. -'" lyn of Fifth
AvenueWest to Street from
Avenue, tohenceFourths 330%stft.Ste.thence the west line south
@tt Dalton d Freemont Avenues 66 ft., thence wet 330 ft., thence
' Ohl alleys betrom 4th ween to t➢rooNyn West trend,Dad north 66 ft. to the place of be-
i3 ton Avenues and between Dal- ginning.
I ton and Fremont Avenue s Alleyses betweenandbBetween
td nD and
, running teem 4th to 5th {Vest Fremont Avenuestronni Dalton
f., Streets, 1n Fouetflin Place Sub-dl- nn g
^ `,, n or blocs ea an¢ Fountain to egi West Streets
! v rlsl a Amended Plat, a subdl- Beginning at Block 7, Fountain
v1 t \Big vision
Field Survey,In 5,SSalt Lake Plat
City, Place ner d Subdivision of Block 25, 5-
d r I Utah. Acre Plat A', Big Field Survey,
➢e it ordained by the Board 0f said paint being the east line /'
.]( Commissioners of Salt Lake City, f Fifth West St., thence east 330
�{OJ'ey� \stun; ft. to the west line of Woodbine
SECTION 1. That Woodbine ' St., thence south 16.22 ft., thence
�1'� / Street and the east half of Fifthwest 330 ft. thence north 16.22
,West Street from Brooklyn Ave- ft. to the place of beginning. Also
f2 Ieue to Remington Avenue, Dalton beginning t the southwest corner
and Freemont Avenues from 4th Of Lot 7, Block 8,Fountain Place
to Sth West Streets, and alleys Subdlvisloo of Block 25, 5-Acre
"`w - between Brooklyn d Dalton Ave- Plat 'A', Big Field Survc y, said
\' '• ues d between Dalton and Fre- Point being on the east line of
`-) mom Avenues running from 4th to Woodbine St., thence east 330 ft,
S5th ubdivision
Streets,an Fountain Place to west One of Fourth West St.,
Subdivision f Block 25 and Porn- thence south 16,22 ft.,thence west
rain Place Amended Plat,a subdi- 330 ft., thence north 16.22 ft. to
vision of Block 25,5-Acre Plat 'A', the place of beginning.
Sig Field Survey,in Salt Lake City, Beginning at the southwest§1,` Utah, more particularly described r of Lot 14, Block 3, Fountain
4 1� Y as follows Place Amended Plat, subdivision
Woodbine Street from Brooklyn s Block 25, 5-Acre Plat 'A'. Big
Ct 1 Avenue to Remington Avenue co Field Surve, said point being on
Beginning t the northeast the east line of Fifth West St.,thence
ner f Lot ie Block 7, Fountain-5 east 330Si to the uth line f
Place Subdivision 1, of Block nt-5 eastwoodbineit.,thence tout 16.2 no
Acre Plat A,Big Field Survey,said to the northeast cornerof Lot 1.
.I point being on the south line of aforesaid Block 3, Fountain Place
, Brooklyn Ave.,thence south 801.92 Amended Plat, thence west 330 ft
ft. to the north line of Reming- long south alley One. thence
ton Ave.,thence eat 66 ft thence north 16.2 ft.to
an the place of beg
orth 801.92 ft., thence West 66 ing. Also beginning at the s
ft.to the place of beginning. rest cornerf Lot 14. Block 4,
Fifth West Street from Brooklyn Fountain Place Amended Plat.
Avenue to Remington Avenue bdivislen f Block 25,5-Acre Plat
a ➢eglnning t the °;thwest co- A,Big Field Survey,said point be.
L8 of Lot 7, Block 7, Fountfn rE the eat line of Woadbinc
Place Subdivision of Block 25-5 Si.,thence east 330 ft.to the west
Acre Plat A,Big Field Survey,said line of Fourth West St., thence
VI - point being Bro klyn Ave.,n the south thence south ine 801.92-801.92 osouth f L tint to the sinernaid northeast
Bl Block 4.
D `' ft.to the north line f Remington Fountain Place Amended Plat.
• Avc.,thence west 33 ft.,thence north thence west 330 ft, along south
801.92 ft.,thence east 33 ft.to the alley line,thence north 16.2 ft.to
k ,v place of beginning. the place of beginning.
-�.-t Dalton Avenue from 4th to or be and the same re hereby vacated
.$ \ 5th{Vest Streets ant:declared no longer to be public
Beginning t the southwest propertyp for use as streets. ave.
oP Lot 8, Block 7, Fountfn ,alleaycs or petlestrian ways.
Place Subd lvislon f Block 25. 5- Said v adds is m de cypress
Acre Plat A,Big Field Survey,said IF subject to all existing rights
'Nap point being on the east line of of way nod easements of all public
i-+ s, Fifth West Street,thence cast 330 tllitiese or any nd every descrhp-
le C It. to the west line of Wnndbice hoe w lnestesunder er
r`({,l, f St., thence nth 66 ft.. thence over the confines of the above de-
west 330 ft.,thence north 66 it to Bribed property and also onhtvct
the place of beginning.Also beams, to the right of entry thereon toe
ing a the outhwvet r rner or eM the purpose f' nspecting, m e-
"'-"`te1sy\\\{{{s.ftsli 8.Haock 8 Fountain Pence Five
of 'A' moving, altering, r outing said
yr Big Field Survey, a id point being utilities and all of them.
le No s c the east line of Woodbine St.. SECTION 2.In the opinion of the
thence east 330 ft.to the west line Hoard of Commissioners, it Is
^a of Fourth West St., thence south necessary to the peace,health d
,;`\ • 66 ft.,thence west 330 ft.. thence safety f the Inhabitants of Salt
north 66 ft.to the place of begin- Lake City that this ordinance shall
\ ieg' become effective Immediately.
ant Avenue from 4th to SECTION 3.This ordinance shall
5 West SStreets at the southwest o take effect upon Its first publlca-
t� `n egf nLot 13 Bl ck 3, Foun tale to Passed by theBad of Commas)V �'^.. -Ace o Amended Plat, Subdivision n r of Salt Lake City, Utah,
0 Block 25, 5-Acre Plat 'A', Bin thisn 4th day of December, A.D.,
leld Survey, aid point being o 1947.
(� the e t lane of Fifth West,thence EARL J. GLADE.
east 330 ft. to the west line f Mayor.
Woodbine St.,thence south 66 ft., IRMA F.BITNER,
jthence wet 330 ft.,-thence north City Recorder.
66 Pt. to site place of beginning. (SEAL)
Q�•.Py�(Also beglnning tar
s thwest SILL NO. 103
• 11 J rner of Lot 13,Black 4,Fountain Published December 8, 1947,
City and County of Salt Lake,
I, Frank_A.-._Shielus, Deputy , City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Utah, do hereby
certify that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance entitled,
"An ordinance vacating Woodbine St, and the eAST HALF OF Fifth West
Street from Brooklyn Ave. to Remington Ave., Dalton an reei5Ofl -
Avenues from 4th to 5th West Sts. and alleys between Brooklyn
ana-Dalton Avenues and between Dalton and Freemont Aventas running
from 4th to 5th West Ste. in Fountain Place Subdivision of Blk. 25,
and Fountain Place Amended Plat, a su.bdiviion of Mk. 2 , 5--Acre--- Plat
'A', Big Field Survey, in Salt Lake City, Utah."
passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, December 4, ffir 1947
as appears of record in my office.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal
of said City, this.. 15th day of _--- December, 1947
BILL 'NO. 103 - ief Deputy City Record
Published Dec. 84, 1947 .
: .
. •
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
Legal Notice
Woodbine Street anti the east haN D 1 Ockey
of Fifth West Street from Brook-
lyn Avenue to Remington Avenue,
Dalton and Freemont Avenue.
from 4th to 5th West streets and Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad-
alleys between Brooklyn and'Dal-
ton Avenues and between Dal-
;tinLfttaindfroolftreixtnt to Aovt e n u e a vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper
Streets, In Fountain Place%tint!
vision ol Block 25 and FoUntaln published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State
. Place Amended Plat, a sUbdi-
vision of Block 25,5-Acre Plat'A',
Big Field Survey,in Salt Lake City, of Utah.
n 1 ordained by la Bali eL B°"'of
ake City,
SECTION 1. That Woodbine
Street and the east half of Fifth That the advertisement
West Street from Brooklyn Ave-
nUe to Remington Avenue, Dalton
and Freemont Avenues D 4th
to 5th West Streets, and alleys Ordinanoe B51.1. No 103
between Brooklyn and alton from Ave-
nues and between Dalton and Fre-
moult Avenues running from 4th to
5th West Streets,in Fountain Place 'al t Lake City Corporation
Subdivision of Block 25 and Foun-
tain Place Amended Plat.a subdi-
vision of Block 25.5-Acre Plat'A',
Big Field Survey,in Salt Lake City,
Utah, more particularly,described
as follows:
Woodbine Street from Brooklyn
Aven g iu ge ta Remington Avenue was published in said newspapel, in its issue dated, the
Bennin at.the northeast co,
ner of Lot I, Block 7, Fountain
Place Subdivision of Block 25-5
_4cfs Prlt,tA,-Mg-Field Survey,said--4
point'tieing on the aouth line of day of A.D. 19
Brooklyn Ave.,thence south 801.82
ft. to the north line of Reming-
and was published
ton Ave.,thence east 66 ft.,thence Dec 8 1947
north 801.92 IL thence west 66
ft.to the place of beginning.
Fifth Weat Street from Brooklyn
Avenue to•RemIngion Avenue
Beginning at the northwest nor- the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the
sues of Lot 7, Block 7. Fountain
Place Subdivision of Block 25-5
• Acre Plat A,Big Field Survey.said
point being on the'south bite of day of
ztl A.D. 19
Brooklyn Ave.,thence oath 801.92
ft.to the north line of Remington
Ave.,thence west 33 ft..thence north //A4-.",
801.92 ft..thence east 33 ft.to the
Place-of beginning.
Dalton Avenue from 4th to • Advertising er
5th West Streets
Beginning at the southwest cot, .Big Field S G ner of Lot O. Block 7. Fountain
Place Subdivision of Block 25. 5-
Am Plat A, urvey,said -
point being on the,east line of
Fifth West Street,thence east 330
ft. to the west line of Woodbine
St.,'thence south 66 9 west 330 ft..thence nortft., thence h 66 ft.to F.76 to before me this th day of
the place of beginning,Also begin-
ning at the southwest corner of Lot
EL Block 8,Fountain Place Subdivi.,
sloe of Block 25, 5-Acre Plat 'A',
Big Field Survey,said point being
on the east line of Woodbine St., , f
thence east 330 ft.to the west line
of Fourth West St. thence :south ,
I 66 ft.,thence west.330 ft..thence
north 66 ft.to the place of beg!
Yis. Notary u c,
Fremont Avenue from 4th to
Sale Weet Streets
Beginning at the southwest cor-
ner of Lot 13, Block 3. Fountain
Place.Amended Plat, Subdivision
of Block 25, 5-Acre Plat 'A', Big
Field Survey, said point being o
the east line of Fifth West,thence
east 330 ft. to the west line of
Woodbine St.,thence south 66 ft.,
thence west 330 ft., thence north
66 ft. to the place of beginning.
Also beginning at the southwest
3P Block
Place Amended Plat, a subdivision
of Block 25, 5-Acre Plat 'A', Big
cast line of Woodbine beingid point St.,
thence east 330 ft.to the west hoe
of Fourth West St.. thence south
66 ft.,thence wet 330 ft.,thence
north 66 ft, to the place of be-
ginning.Alleys between Brooklyn and Dalton
Avenues•and between Dalton and
Fremont Avenues running from 446
to Sth West Streett
Beginning at the southwest cor-
of Lot 7. Block 7, Fountain -
Place Subdivision of Block 23, 5-
Acre Plat 'A', Big Field Survey,
said pint being on the east line
of Fifth West St..thence east 330
ft.to the west line of Woodbine
St., thence south 16.22 ft., thence
vest 330 ft. thence north 16.22
ft. to the place of beginning.Aloe
beglnninq at the southwest corner
f Lot 7, Block 8,Fountain Place
Subdivlelon of Block 25, 6-Acre
Plat 'A', Big Field Survey. said
paint being on the east line of
Woodbine St., thence east 330 ft.
to west line of Fourth West St.,
thence south 16.22 ft.,thence west
330 ft., thence north 16.22 ft. to
the place of beginning.
Beginning at the southwest cor-
ner,of of 14, Block 3, Fountain
Placce� aided Plat,a ubdivleion
f 2910 0, 5-Ante Plat A', Ott
Roll: Vey.PIRA
the cant of P1 West St,.thence'
0et 33'•ft. to the'past.11ie of
Woodbin St,titenee south 18:2.ft.
to the northeast corner of Lot 1,
aforesaid Block 3, Fountain Place
Amended Plat,thence west 330 ft.
along south alley line, thence
north 16.2 ft.to the place of begin-
ning.Also beginning at the south-
west corner of Lot 14, Block 4.
Fountain Place Amended Plat, a
subdivision of Block 25,5-Acre Plat
A,Big Field Survey,said point be-
Mg on the east line of'Woodbine
St.,licence emit 330 ft.to the west
line of Fourth West St.. thence
south 16.2 ft.to the northeast cor-
of Lot 1. aforesaid Block 4,
Fountain Place Amended Plat.
thence west 330 ft. along south
alley line,thence north 16.2 ft.to
the and
of a beginning.
he¢d the x ore hereby vacated
and declared no longer to be public
property for use as streets. ave-
nues.alleys or pedestrian ways.Said vacation is made express-
ly subject to all existing rights
of wee and easements of all public
utilities of'a and y descrip-
tion now located In, on,
under or
r the confines of the above de-
scribed property and also subject
to the right of entry thereon for
the purpose of inspecting. main-
taining, repairing. replacing. re-
utilities and ran Hof rth rerouting said
SECTION 2,On the opmfen ne the
Board of Commissioners, it is
to the peace,health d
safetyf the inhabitants of Salt
' becoe City that me effective effectiveh immediatelyis ordinance.
SECTION 3.This ordinance hall
take effect upon its first publica-
Passed by the Board nf Commie-
_ tonerx of Salt Lake City. Utah,
this 4th day of December, A.D.,
City Recorder.
Published December 8. 1947.