103 of 1950 - Amending Chapter XX re: City Purchasing Agent inventory and permanent property of City. KOLL GALL VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah t .i -26 ,195 � " Affleck . . . . I move that the ordinance be passed. Christensen . . . . Lingenfelter . . . Romney . . . r� Mr. Chairman . . ,— - N ORDINANCE Result AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER XX of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, relating to city purchasing agent, by adding in and to said Chapter a new section to be known as Section 2006, relating to inventory and permanent property belonging to Salt Lake City. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Chapter XX of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, relating to city purchasing agent, be and the same is hereby amended by adding in and to said Chapter a new section to be known as Section 2006, relating to inventory and perma- nent property belonging to Salt Lake City, which shall read as follows: "SEC. 2006. INVENTORY AND PERMANENT PROPERTY BELONGING TO SALT LAKE CITY. (a) DUTY OF CITY PURCHASING AGENT. It shall be the duty of the City Purchasing Agent to maintain a complete record and valuation of all permanent property belonging to Ga Salt Lake City and shall, subject to the approval of the Board of City Commissioners, 'devise appropriate methods and prescribe the forms of records to be kept and the operating procedure to be followed in maintaining the proper accounts pertaining thereto. He shall also keep a record of all new or used permanent proper- ty hereinafter acquired by the City and of its disposition. (b) PERIODIC VERIFICATION OF PROPERTY RECORDS. During the month of January each year and at such other times as it is advisable the property accounts shall be verified by means of a physical check of all property against the property records. A report of all items which, after the physical check, remain unaccounted for shall be compiled for each department together 1.03 -2- with a statement of observations regarding the orderliness an. adequacy of storage facilities and the care and use of proper ty. A copy of this report shall also be submitted to the Board of City Commissioners. Department heads shall be held accountable for proper care and use of all property entrusted or assigned to their custody as herein provided. (c) CUSTODY OF PROPERTY. Each department head shall be held responsible for the receipt, proper custody and use, and disposition of all property purchased for or used by his de- partment, in accordance with the property accounting procedur.. He shall be held responsible for such exercise of due care an.' proper use of property within his department as Is consistent with the powers of his office and with city facilities avail- able for its protection. Department heads may designate mem- bers of their department to assist them in caring for depart- mental property. (d) CITY PROPERTY SUBJECT TO INSPECTION. Tie City Pur- chasing Agent or his duly authorized agent shall have access to all offices, laboratories, storerooms, shops, lockers, storage cabinets, and all other places where property belongi to the City is kept, for the purpose of locating, inspecting, and labeling City property. (e) DEPARTMENTAL STAFF TO ASSIST IN VERIFICATION OF RE- CORDS. It shall be the duty of the department heads and em- ployees to cooperate with the City Purchasing Agent in the lo- cation and identification of the property records and during the location and labeling of new acquisitions. (f) ACWISITION OF PROPERTY BY PURCHASE. The acgzisition of permanent property by the City, within the meaning of the term as determined by the City Purchasing Agent, shall be as- certained from the financial records of the City. A record - thereof shall be kept in appropriate form by the City Purchas- ing Agent for each department of the City. Upon receipt of the invoice and payment therefor, all property shall be perms- -3- nently identified and labeled, and thereafter shall be subject to inspection and verification by the City Purchasing Agent. - (g) ACQUISITION OF PROPERTY BY METHODS OTHER THAN PUR- - CHASE. The acquisition of property, within the meaning of the term as determined by the City Purchasing Agent, in some man- ner other than by direct purchase, e.g., fabrication by de- - partments, donations, gifts, and the like, shall be reported - bo the City Purchasing Agent by the head of the department red ceiving the property. Appropriate acknowledgment and accept- ance of donations and gifts is desirable; a copy of the memor- andum of the acceptance should be filed with the City Auditor„ and also in the files of the department head. - (h) USE OF PROPERTY. The use of property for institution, al and departmental purposes shall not be impeded by the use of property for matters personal to city employees or by re- moval from the building for other than recognized activities of the City. The removal of property from the building for recognized activities shall be restricted to those situations , in which employees shall be personally responsible for and - shall have custody and exercise immediate supervision over the, property at all times, or in the absence of custody and imme - diate supervision, it shall be limited to occasions where due-J precautions have been taken to insure its protection. The removal of property from the building for any purpose- whatsoever which is inconsistent with the recognized activi- - ties of the City and its departments is strictly prohibited unless special permission is given by the bait Lake City Com- mission. Any removal of property shall be subject to the procedure- prescribed by the City Purchasing Agent and approved by the - Salt Lake City Commission. (i) LOAN AND TRANSFER OF PROPERTY AMONG DEPARTMENTS. The systematic loan and transfer of idle property among *he depart- ments for ,S se in recognized activities of the City shall be -4- permitted and encouraged as a means of furthering more effi- cient utilization and of avoiding unnecessary duplication of property. The City Purchasing Agent shall prescribe the pro- cedure to be followed in effecting the systematic transfer of . all property among the departments. (j) DISPOSITION OF OBSOLETE AND WORN-OUT PROPERTY. All obsolete and worn-out property, subject to inspection and ap- proval by the City Purchasing Agent, or other properly author ized official, shall be deleted from the inventory records an. " removed to a central warehouse for final disposition. Such property may be traded in on new equipment, sold, salvaged fo , materials and parts, disposed of as junk, or destroyed. (k) PENALTY FOR NEGLIGENCE OR MISUSE. Department heads shall be held responsible to the Salt Lake City Commission fo the custody and proper use of all property in their departments.' Failure properly to account for all equipment charged to a given department or to make satisfactory explanation as to th. use and disposition of any item shall be deemed cause for in-- vestigation by the Salt Lake City Commission. If investiga- tion determines that the loss is due to negligence or misappl cation on the part of the department head, or some employee i . , his department, then those persons acting negligently or mal- feasantly shall be held personally liable for all loss result-'' ing therefrom. (1) PERSONALLY OWNED PROPERTY SUBJECT TO REGULATION. The use on the premises of property belonging personally to em- ployees of the City, though not prohibited, shall nevertheless- be subject to regulation in an effort to facilitate identifica tion of personally owned property as distinguished from City property and in order to allow for the movement of personally owned property to and from the premises in contradistinction to such movement of City property, which is not allowed. 11 (m) OWNERSHIP MUST BE DECLARED WITH DEPARTMENT HEAD. A13 persons who, for their personal use and convenience, bring per- sonally owned property to their place of employment, shall de- -5- Clare to their respective department heads the ownership of such property and shall file with the department head a state ment of all such personally owned property used on the premiss: In addition, the ownership of such personally owned property should be clearly indicated on each item. The record kept on file with the department head, together with the name of the ' owner, appearing on the item shall be deemed sufficient evi dance to overcome the presumption that all property on the - premises is property of.the City. Small personal effects which are not usually provided by the City and which are not likely to be confused with similar items belonging to the Cit shall not be 'subject XoFthis regulation. Y (n) INSURANCE PROTE6TION OPT i'ROVIDED. The City, except by written agreement, will not provide insurance protection against loss of';,peraona y;.owied property, nor will the City •e" otherwise responsible fo' oss;in case of fire, theft, or de- struction, and, the Cit31till hot be responsible for the exer-_ cise of more than reasonable care over personally owned pro- perty, nor to any greater degree than is accorded its own pro- perty under similar circumstances. SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance shall become effective imme- diately. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effe—Op its first publication. Passed by the Board of Co , isaioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, thish- day of R / A. D. 195 • // ✓ 7 r, e // City Recorder. , . •• Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAII, 1-as County of Salt Lake j AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER XX of the Revised Ordi- nances of Salt Lake City,Utah,1949, relatin to city.purchasing agent, D. K. OCKEY by addging in and to said Chapter a new section to be known as Section 2006, relating to Inventory and permanent property belonging to Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad- Salt Lake City. Be is ordained by the Board of Commissloneya of sait. Lake City, vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper Utah, SECriow 1.That Chapter XX of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State City, titan, 1999, relating to city purehasidg agent,be and the Some is hereby amended by adding in of Utah. and to said Chapter a new section to be known as Seection 2006,rota, ing to inventory and permanent property belonging to Salt Lake City.which shall read as follows, ' "SEC. 2006. INVENTORY AND That the advertisement PERMANENT PROPERTY BELONG- ING TO SALT LAKE CITY. (at ,DUTY OE CITY PURCHASING An Ord loan Cie Bill No 103 AGENT.It shall be the sluts,of the City Purchasing Agent to main- tain a complete record and valua- tion of all permanent ProlmUY be- longing to Salt Lake City and snail. subject to the approval of the Board of City Commissioners. devise ap- propriate methods and prescribe the forms of records to be kept and the operating procedure to be followed in ma into ining the !Irons, Int. pertaining thereto. Ile sh all also keep a record of ail new or used permanent property hereinafter ac- was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the nutted by the,City and of its slis, Position. (b) PERIODIC VERIFICATION OP IfROPERTY RECORDS. Dmeng day of A.D.19 the month of J1,11.117 cacti ye,,r o.pd at Such other times as it Is ad- visable the property accounts shall be verified by means of a physical and was published on Sept ember 28, 950 check of all property a the property records, A repo a of all Items which, at te r the physical cheek,remain unaccounted for shall the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the be compiled for each department together with a statement of ow, vat.1ons•regarding the orderliness bed ,adequaty of storage facilities and 'the co e and use day of A.D.19 o f property. A copy et this report shall also be submitted to the Brood of City IIfennulssioners, Department_hf acIs 47 , ti-':ab.: • Advertising Cler1L Subscribed and sworn to before me this 2nd day of October A.D.19...5.Q. 1 )//j J . Notary Pubi-c ,hall be held accountable for Pprow r ti Uetedree d1esllgnoofto all their peta, (k)PENALTY FOR NEGLIGENCE OR\HOUSE,Department heads shal toot'as herein provided- c be Melee responsible to the Salt Lake _fr.) CUSTODY OP PROPERTY. CAN.Commission 1n:.he custody and ach department head shall be held r piper depart e Failure all pro➢rpe In rly nleae teir responsible for the p receipt. pro count for all equipment Charged to rust.,and use and sp dioslt!on of all u satisfactory,explanationartmmt s as o to make e pea dap Pment,ei for'or see and dispmition of any Item l his department, 0 ntcordano- with the property accounting pro' shall be tented cause for inCity eedure. It hallex exercise held e care I tigation b}• the welt Take Clay xebec for nut c e'O pr of doe care mines them. It investigation deter- aIc proper useof properly within mines that the less is due to ntgh- his newels of as Is 1100 n with genet e'department e. .rep me cif facilities [ his felts and with of the deport[Gloat hand, ore feet' facile D ea available a for Its pea- employee persons a his 100°C negligently ;hen ectloa. D embers heads may these Persons ling eld personal- deli rn:tte members of tn caring depart-for :e.l for shall be held t0 = so them 1n egring fore departmental property. ly liable for all loss resulting thare- ont'. (di CITY PRON.The City SUBJECT (1) PERSONALLY T 0 W N E D TO INSPECTION.'or I The Io authentas-eeu I PROPERTY The ore eel TO Rpremises of tot Agent or his duly ut al I PION.Thn, u n the personally to ass shall have storerooms, to all of- employe belonging , tog to locos., storages,cabinets. d all employees of thellnave though rot other',, storage cabinets, and all prohibited, tell rrtneeffs be other places where proper.,'orbelong- facilitate to Identification a effort t0 ing to the Citylocating. 1s kept,Ins for no,anad ally fate Iprop'rty an gershe- pose of Iota ling. Inspecting, and arts owned property as distinguished n order la brlin;;City,co-ed 0 from ow f property 00 and In oper- (e) DL PART VERIFICATION T101l TO e allow for the movement 0 Per- 'RECORDS. I Ma lie he i OP artpr own0tl Pt'bo�'radisty to ant f[oto thedeartIt shallathe e11'.Y of i tsuch premises n contradistinction Peolte to y. the ooptateent heads o t ePurr yeas .h movement of City prcporLy, to c pirate with the City Purr which IS Ve t 010IPtl. Mg Agent at Lro location and tee, (col WITHIP EPT BE DE- ',nevi.11ri of the location r cord-' HEAD DEPARTMENTa, ttide and during the lonatfns and tlabel-1 HEAD. All p001r a convenience. ce.. CEng ing of new acquisitions.Ons, personal u e and c property to bshag (f) RHISI Th Oa PP.OI•no at placenf eonploymned tshallco re to BY rrorPURCHASE.The you to C o, their respective a vede shall declare do within he moaning property by toe oo as their eship such props heads Item the ranleg f the Purchasing the ownership such property and• drool,htetl by the City d from ! shallt file with the tlsuchtment head onaliY I Anent,shall records s of then City. v.A turd poop of all such Prom- sodoofinancial r sal of the teen.A anon,. owned property it'used an the➢p of erd thereof tby t be kept In Purchasing such In addition, the ownership [ ➢gate form the arty Pure00 g oh personally owned property ACity.ent for each department lore ant of Inct should he record Indickept on onwith City,Upon receipt all the Ie5000 and teem.The record kept on togetherer with Payment therefor,all property shall the name r head,owner. appearing ring la permanently r 0110tied and one a of the a 1000 toe fretlOd and hereafter shall be sub- n the nfidn shall a come the pre-i Jost to a Ullo ion and a rifle,- on evidence to overcome the pre-he'.I Elmo by the 11T O OF Agent. remises that all ty pe[tt on the' tEl ET OUtSI klbf td PROPERTY premises 1.s property of the City. BY METHODS acquisition OTEI THAN PUR- usuall personalol0 effects which are not CEASE.Pre eanin of pteaerty, usually m'ovldod k the City turd Rhin the Se meaning u the char as which arenot likely Items to el o Agtentt, Inds ny the Cher Purothers elan, tom toe 0.iti City shalllla t be snblccrnito by direct purchase, e.g.,, fabrlaiLfon this regulation. no u by departments, donations, gifts,i Olt INSURANCE PROTECTION s and the like, hall he reported to r NOT PROVIDED. The City, except the City Purchasing Agent by the l by written agreement,will not pro- head of the deportment etching the vide insurance pr➢teot!on against eptrly.d Appropriate ofknowled e- loss of personally owned propert, wnd,gills Is desirable:a copy of the ap0 will the CITY be othcase re- , antluln of the acceptance hero r for loss 1n c [ City memori should b0 filed with the OCity Audi- will ordestruction; e,the Cite tor,and also in the files of the dr- Xel not be responsible for ble exercise of 00 more than reasonable aarh) U head. one over n personally degree Pthan Is (hl USE OF PROPERTY. aThend nor to I greater degree than Is IMP of property rp Institutionalsehl and n accorded Its tan property. under f Impeded by Purposes shall not be similar IN instances. Impeded by the s oy➢rol010 for SECTION 2. is the opinion of the by removal fromnal The e employees of HOard Of Commissioners.Ohealt 12 0 nets- by ac al from the building for. ear}o to the habit,health end sake O e than he cognized activities tO 00 IInc Inhabitants of Salt Lake Corp.OhsThe re for r of ived ac- city that this ordinance shall be- Irnmthe allld leg for into novel a SECTION ctly. his ofdinan elyltlra Shan be r el[Idol to those bol .lt p. This i ordinance mlblia steall situ aeons to wrestllIch responsible ox sawed take s d upon Its fHoard Du Commis. be.personally icy and for and Parsed 0 the'e era of Commis- shall this meth have custody and exercise op- elopers of Salt peke City,Utah,this 1 mediate supervision n ohm scene 26th day of September,A D, 1959. `ortyc custody It r or In tte r. ape rvi- EARL J. GLADE, si ll[Daly l ho Rated to Immediate sure000 Mayor. where due sduexlt preclautions t have been IRMA F.Recorder. taken to Insure Its prntectlon, City Recorder'. 'The removal of property from the I L A .103 'buildings fore any purpose st a:s SILL h d Se which is Inconsistent with the�t" Published September 2B, 1950. greed activities of the Cltr and Its departments 1s strictly pr'ohibit,I unless Aortal permissmn Is r;',ven by the Salt Lake CRY Commission. Anyremoval of property shall 1 subject to the procedure e'.:.rllr00 by the iPurchasing Salt Lakes City approvedby Demme,:Mtn (f) LOAN AND 'TRANSFER. OF' PROPERTY AMONG lot, ar- feENTS. The systematic loan and departments transfer nt idle property among the. ae➢srties os for it ill e per- mitted mtieda of the rag has a.means pens or f end encouraged fi a ti furtheringan1en avoiding nnecesslza- tfen and of a roper unnecessary sate P0100atlon off property.red o e Ctty procedure Agent shah prescribe the ➢[oeedu[e to el followed In effect. Mg the systematic transfer of al U10gl0 tv among the dap r100cnts. (1)DISPOSOUT RP ETY, Al obsolete and no.0.01O p00PR tY.aubl' 'lent to litpectlon and approval h) I the City Purchasing Agent, r oche. properly authorized officials, .she.; be delete from ythtle Inventory Ten.wen m'r house removed or final dispositira v.aon Such property may be traded 11 fotr nnatcrtaIs and equipment, parts. Alsrose, of n.si Junk.or destroyed. / 03