103 of 1959 - Amending Sections 1-2-2 ( b ), 1-2-3, 1-2-4 and 1-2-5 of the R.O. 1955, as amended by Bills No. 28 a ROLL CALL ✓ Salt Lake City,Utah, December lei , 195 9
1 move that the Ordinance be passed.
Burbidge . .
Christensen . . ✓
Geurts. 6
Romney . . . /0"/ `
Mr. Chairman . / AN ORDINANCE
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Sections 1-2-2 (b), 1-2-3, 1.-,2-4 and 1-2-5
of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1955, as amended by
Bills numbered 28 and 87 of 1958, and Bills numbered 1 and 95 of 1959,
relating to "Dogs."
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
SECTION 1. That Sections 1-2-2 (b), 1-2-3, 1-2-4 and 1-2-5 of
the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1955, as amended by Bills
numbered 28 and 87 of 1958, and Bills numbered 1 and 95 of 1959, relating
to "Dogs," be, and the same hereby are, amended to read as follows:
"Section 1-2-2. . . .
(b) tDog of licensing age,' shall mean any dog which has attained
the age of two (2) months.
"Section 1-2-3. LICENSE AND REGISTRATION REQUIRED. All dogs which
have been weaned or which have attained the age of two (2) months
kept, harbored or maintained by any person in the City of Salt
Lake shall be licensed and registered. Dog licenses shall be
issued by the Department of Animal Control upon the payment of a
license fee of $3.00 for each dog, male or female. The owner
shall state at the time application is made for such license, his
name and address, and the sex, breed and color of each dog
'owned or Dept by him. The license fee shall cover the calendar
year in which the license was issued, expiring on the thirty-first
day of December of the year of issuance, regardless of the date
(a) The provisions of this section shall not be intended to apply
tc dogs whose owners are non-residents temporarily within the City
for thirty (30) days or less, nor to dogs brought into the City for
the purpose of participating in any dog show, nor to commercial
(b) Dogs used as guides for bli_zd perscns and commonly known as
'seeing eye' dogs shall be licensed and registered as other dogs
hereinabove provided for, except that the owner or keeper of such
doh shall not be required to pay any fee therefor.
- 2 -
(c) Payment of license fee shall be made to the Department of
Animal Control or to an authorized representative of the Department.
"Section 1-2-4. DATE OF LICENSING. Beginning with the first day
of January, One Thousand Nine Hundred Sixty, and annually there-
after, the owner of any dog of licensing age shall pay a fee of
Three Dollars ($3.00) for each dog, male or female, said license
fee being payable from the first day of January to the first day
of March of each year, inclusive. Any person, during the period
above mentioned in this section, who keeps or harbors a dog within
the corporate limits of Salt Lake City, and fails to register said
dog as herein provided, shall pay the sum of Four Dollars ($4.00)
for such dog, male or female, as a license fee. The owner of any
newly-acquired dog of licensing age or of any dog which attains 1
licensing age, shall make application for a license and official
metal registration tag for such dog within ten days after such
acquisition or age attainment.
"Section 1-2-5. EXEMPTIONS. Any dog of either sex which has not
reached the age of two (2) months or any dog kept or maintained
exclusively in a licensed kennel shall not be licensed. All other
dogs, unless hereinafter specifically exempted, are required to be
licensed; provided, however, that 'as to dogs in the following
classifications, although licensing of the same shall be required,
no license fee shallbe charged.
(a) Any dog which has been duly or properly trained to assist the
blind and is now acting in that capacity.
(b) If any person shall furnish evidence satisfactory to the
Department of Animal Control that such person, by reason of unavoid-
able poverty, merits exemption from the payment of any fees or
charges provided for by this article, the Supervisor of the Depart-
ment of Animal Control shall waive the payment of any such fees or
SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners of
1 Salt Lake City, Utah, it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the
inhabitants of Salt Lake City, Utah, that this ordinance become effective
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah,
this 4 day of //1. e G -c� r 1959.
ay ---
C t r r
Bill No. 103 of 19 9
Published,December 23, 1959
Affidavit of Publication
1? ss.
County_of Salt Lake
1-2-5 of the nettvvvlsea Ordinances of,
Ealo tl518rI58r su,s 1 mbera 929 and
an I ft5fof aft.:lrellatinc to-Dogs.�' ) he
C mein ltss�9ners oEp§a1tM1 L,aD'xca�Cltrt' Being first duly sworn. deposes and says that/1815 legal advertising
en"'Lig I.That seer 22I clerk of the DESERET NEWS AND SALT LAKE TEI.E-
al, Ida I-2.a'and /-z.'a 15f me GRAM, a daily (except Sunday) newspaperprinted in the En -
evisea- r�lnadwea of Salt l 19
ICit.v,Ute 1885,as nded by
llfd nerna er na's,ti l of lish language with general circulation in Utah, and published in
� d elite numbered I nd tic i Salt Lake City,lOG9'rolnflne to Doeam'be. of
x,a.a areby D,, endad tp �, Salt Lake County, in the State of Utah.
05,1'O Si6ie
obi Do6�a licensing
agctia nod
meanany dog whichl has a 1 That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto
nNNti 11.;.Lx sr.AND
Iw. ' thaca been a nr Salt Lake City Bill No. 103 of1959
t�,ov1'a '.peat d the sae D"e t.�n
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Sn yLakC hall he h:ensed a d
if,IP d, aUoq llccnses ,hall Gei An Ordinance relating to "Dogs"
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'hall not be Intended to a nlr to
shiny ors a n- --
dents tamoo¢atily within the City
for:hilly days of less nor to December 23, 1959.
dogs bronebt'1,10 the Clty for the waspublished in said newspaper on
degD,show. nartici participating
I kem;la.
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Pblblished 3December 23,19SA91211