103 of 1965 - Vacating a portion of Duder or Lawrence Street between South Temple Street and Learned Avenue togeth ROLL CALL
Salt Lake City, November 9 5
VOTING Aye I Nay Utah, , 196
Christensen . .
I move that the Ordinance be pas
Cat¢null . . .
Harrison . . . / `//�"
3iHE� .
Holley L r' A LC;(— C,Lam``'
Mr. Chairman .
Result . . . .
AN ORDINANCE VACATING a portion of Duder or Lawrence Street between
South Temple and Learned Avenue, and the 12 foot alley running east from
said Lawrence or Duder Street to an alley running north and south immediately
west of Redwood Road, and also said alley running parallel to and west of
Redwood Road between South Temple and Learned Avenue.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That a portion of Duder or Lawrence Street between South
Temple and Learned Avenue, and the 12 foot alley running east from said
Lawrence or Duder Street to an alley running north and south immediately
west of Redwood Road, and also said alley running parallel to and west of
Redwood Road between South Temple and Learned Avenue, more particularly
described as follows, be, and the same hereby are,r vacated and declared no
longer to be public property for use as a street, alley, avenue or pedestrian
Beginning at the Northeast corner of Lot 8, Block 2, Chas. S.
Desky's Third Addition, a subdivision of part of Section 34, T.
1 N., R. 1 W., S.L.B.&M. and running thence East 66.0 feet to the
Northwest corner of Lot 29, Block 1 of said subdivision; thence
South 132.0 feet to the Southwest corner of said Lot 29; thence
East 451.5 feet to the Southeast corner of Lot 12, said Block 1;
thence North 132.0 feet to the Northeast corner of said Lot 12;
thence East 12.5 feet to the Northwest corner of Lot 11, said
Block 1; thence South 275.2 feet to the Southwest corner of Lot
1, said Block 1; thence West 12.5 feet to the Southeast corner
of Lot 47, said Block 1; thence North 132.0 feet to the North-
east corner of said Lot 47; thence West 451.5 feet to the North-
west corner of Lot 30, said Block 1; thence South 132.0 feet to
the Southwest corner of said Lot 30; thence West 66.0 feet to
the Southeast corner ''of'-Lot 1, Block 2, said subdivision; thence
North 275.2 feet to the point of beginning.
Said vacation is made expressly subject to all existing rights of way
and easements of all public utilities of any and every description now
located in, on, under or over the confines of the above described property;
- 2 -
and also subject to the rights of entry thereon, for the purpose of in-
specting, maintaining, repairing, replacing, removing, altering or rerouting
said utilities and all of them.
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this
9th day of November, 1965.
MAYOR/<7 --/7 , / z/2/./
C� C O R D E R
(S EAT,)
BILL NO. 103 of 1965
Published November 16, 1965
(A certified copy of this ordinance sent to the City Auditor's Office 11-19-65 for recording
in the Office of the County Recorder.)
City and County of Salt Lake,
HERMAN J. HOGENSEN , City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Utah, do hereby
certify that the attached document is a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance entitled,
AN ORDINANCE VACATING a portion of Duder or Lawrence Street between South
Temple and Learned Avenue, and the 12 foot alley running east from said
Lawrence or Duder Street to an alley running north and south immediately
west of Redwood Road and also said alley running parallel to and west of
Redwood Road between South Temple and Learned Avenue.
passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, November 9 196 5
as appears of record in my office.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of said
City, this 19th day of November 1965
^1 114q00,0WWWIry City Recorder
Published November 16 196 5
BILL NO. 103 of 1965
2126272 Boox?4U PAH101
Recorded at Request of 81i26 '&KF CITY C,.......-Q&—NOV 2,2 1965
.81,: " .. Fee Paid�yf0.EtATEL TAGGAla CHASE,Recorder S lt Lake County,Ilit,'
By •
a—"eL-. Dep.Date /�� �� Pi./J r7
cue y9 553/_5—:"• ../K...z
e t-��x-oCP--,L,
portion of ruder or Lawrence Street
between South Temple and Learned
Avenue, and the 12 foot alley run
ning east fro said Lawrence m 0
Duller Street to alley running
north and south immediately west of
Redwood Road, and also said alley
nning parallel to and west of Red-
Wood Read between South Temple
and Learned Avenue.
Be it ordained by the Board of
Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
TION I. That a portion of
Duller or Lawrence Street between
South Temple and Learned Avenue,
and the 12 foot alley running east
from said Lawrence or Duller Street
en d alley r ping north and south
immediately west of Redwood Road,
and also said alley running parallel
to and west of Redwood Read be-
tween South Temple and Learned
Avenue,more parnicularly described
as follows,be,and the same hereby
e vacatedan d declared no longer
public property for cot a5 a
street, alley, avenue or pedestrian
Beginning at the Northeast corner
of Lot 0, Block 2,Chas.S. en part
Third Addition,a subdivision of part
of Section 3a, T, 1 N., R. 1 ast
S.L.B.ct a tl n a thence Easl
'`I 66.0 feet to the rNorthwest orn¢r,of
3; Btck 1 f said s hdivin n;
thence nner e32.0 feet to Me heeOe
- west c r of oa id Lot the thence
East 451r.5¢fee,to Me Southeast soe
of Lol 12,said Block i;inence
North 132.0 feet to the Northeast cor-
ner of said Lot 12;thence East 12.5
f¢e¢t to the Northwest corner
of Lot
11,said Block 1;thence South 275.2
feet to the Southwest c)rner
f Lot
1, said Block 1; thence West 12.5
feet to the Southeast corner
f Lol
fiee said Block 1; thence North 139.0
e •
feet to the Northeast corner of said
Lot 47;thence West 451,5feet to the
Northwest corner of Lot 30, sat
Block 1; thence South 132.0 feet to
the Southwest co of said Lot 30;
thence West 66.0 feet to the Soutn-
east corner of Lot I, Block 2,said
subdivision; thence North 275.2 feet
to the point of beginning.
Said lien Is mode expressly
subl Pet to to ail existing rights of way
and easements of all prubn a utilities
of any and every description now
located under orr the
confines of the above described prop-
erty; and also subject to the rights
of entry thereon,for the purpose of
replacliegg,r intaininl9tarine [ring,
outing saideutilltie'and all of them.
r Passed byy the Board of Commis-
ot Salt Lake City,Utah,this
91h day of November,1965.
City Recorder.
Bill No. 103 of 1965.
Published Nov.1b,1965. (C-111
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
Legal Notices D N Ockey
portion of Dialer or Lave' ca.Si=
Detw s fh Temple and'learned
Ayenoa: �e 1ha 12 Ipor atilay Yun• Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is legal advertising
Su°re.e lYaer id`e�" LawreMenh'• clerk of the DESERET NEWS AND SALT LAKE TELE-
M and south Immediately west df
Redwood Road,and also id lleY.l GRAM, a daft (except Sunday) newspaperprinted in the En -
u running parallel to and west or,Rad. Y Pg
a`Road e between south Tamale lish language with general circulation in Utah, and published in
ensa it ordalnad.'Gv Ito eeard to Salt Lake City, Lakeyof Utah.
g Commissioners of Solt,Lake rt. Y. Salt County, in the State L to�.
eeer r L f rhea spree, hetween That the legalofcopy.sourh emple„MdLaarnetl avenue,'. notice which a is attached hereto
as me I2 mot aver fag a et
t'from said La elnca or Ouder,sheet`
l to an )ley te n au n rrh and ouch
•iand adfinesa At of unn ralle, ,Salt Lake City Lill. No 1.03 of 1965
'.tad nlso esl f Ry running parallel
d be-
t,to and west of notRedwoodan RLear
werp South Sample and
1q°rollows,be,anaineefsamaoerebi An Ordinance vacating a portion of Duder or Lawrence St.
Fe,vacated and-Sectoredno longer
t1 be public povMup'or pedestrian
Way alley,et'�tteNor+hers,cornet
Idf lot 8, lock 2.od5I S.Desky's
Third Addition,a subdivision of part
W Section 34 "Tun ling thence EaRt'.
se.e,rot ro.the rNo°tnweat me dr
Lot 29,linir 1 f a C s o0ivtslon;
'theaca SRUt„132.0 feet to the roste
e51�of or sa ld Lot 29;hhenoe.
: East-d$I:s�feet to file SoLLtheast cor•
er df:Lbt 12,sold Block 1;thence:
Nor rt z'mtio 72,thence t„East its November le 1965.
taaidt e Northwest 050 Corner
rifofv`ot was published in said newspaper on
feet to the Southwest corner,:+ Lot
,d Block 1; lhencer7
legit ato the Seumeast w er of Lot
.!],s'id Block I;thence North 732.0
feet to the Northeast corner
North�westence West f Lot
to aid•
Block I; thence South 137.0 feat Aeo Jam/
the Southwest corner of saltl Lot 00;
thetcz WQrI f6Lotai,kiosk 2Sould 1 n c
subdivision; thence North 275.2 feet ¢
theto poem of nDeglnnmae eNo Ps51Y Legal Advertising Clerk
Said n Is1lnq a
and1eoasemenlls of all public utilites
of ny and every eescrictlon
cocaine oI ye c r the
confines a the above descrMe rlfiht.;I
l olfe and ecso subject o
Nry 1Herean,for the purpose Of
f:,5pe r' mat etainla�terinpnalrmp.
replael'saldp Alines and all f them.,
YO tingS �1 1,,
Passed by the Board Of Commis- 1`t3,y
Sabscr bl loners o Salt Lake City, tah,this clay of
orb day of N�o BRACKEN LEE, me this
HERMAN J.HOy RewENiee. --.A.D. 19 65..
(SEAL) .
BIII No. 703 of 1965. (C.ltl
PuDllsh¢d Nay.16.1965.
I / Notary Public
lily Commission Expires
Nov..25. 196.5..