104 of 1907 - Ordinance 104 of 1907 – Amending & re-enacting Section 755, re: duties of City Treasurer. • ... , . --
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AmTro,-(m* k-i OP.D1AYC:F T21)INC i',.'4D .F0„-Kl.rifTTPc., :1.,..,CTION 755 (i TICE • '
TiliArTha: 0q):"..N1,21r1.4 OF 3,t,J.,TC LAKT C.7.' OP 1.90Z
Be Li. Qrdin.,.,d if,,,, :::le riit Gou'Aoil r .),t D.:6kt, Citc.,,, iit'-i411:
',, etion L.. That 5:..-:.c .L 755 of 'f,-,,:: Re.la Ordin,?.noe of deli Lake
. City of 1(.103 he and V-.!a oar liereby ..1.oed. ,-,ild re-enoted or ar to
. I
read or follows:
SECTION 75b. DUTIES, It F„holl he t).211 duty of' the City Tre&wirer
tc, r6eCil., Lal or.ey -heicall).-,g to t)..,} r.j.A„ , inoludic :,,11. taxer., lioorwea,
,,,, ter ratet fine ::,..nd vlA fhtr 1-C1, 1;i, ...T.id ',;:,2f,p ,i.'!./ ..t.t(:).4rE,,t,.! ),.11d detail
e.coount 1;, reof, Y,i,t 1 .t.11 j,:, , or ,L,T; rut ,;a.sc.. 1:;1.),-,J llwru1 warrant, ex-
cept -bonda and intc.n.,:at coup2:> 7,10 ciffn ),-?oko or reiptf.f. and d.,.s-
blirent* ):e.T.A. in .;1.. 04-.!'f..c, :' -,: ,,11 .-1ow 'cf..•c na;:,.:. :',i• 4.:.1. 1...er .:,, firms
or corpc,rtr!.on foot -, (.,,.. loll z...rc, root';eat co 10 Inoneto ore iliaburaed°, •C'•,-e dote or wuuh raca:,.pt::, or rireo thu rund, department
and aofunt to vi- ,t ib',-,c21 entry Lppl";.6.2, Tb 0. :L.Y.!. i:,:t,,r,f, duplicate re-
ceiptE3 in all 0. e*', for ..;,.:.-ry-,.: reiyedt en forr:r prvidod. hy tho City
Auditor. The oriitial utztl) le given to the perL,:,n, frm or corporation
mokine: tht,. pu:,,,f,ernt, rod t?c,.. ,AuplicatP -*. l..11. z.t: ott ul.o.4u of each dayo
tu:Ae „ bo fla .1 ,,,Ah ',,fu,J city fiudit( '-. re :. ...-C11 at L:te cicao or
busine ea6-,. di ., q1,5,..'4e, and lilt 1-,Ath -,'_ ,..:it J.,. dloi.:., a fni.-Lor,Qarlt
sowino a. ,i-uJr.hr,- •',f.' ti.k trkuu,!articn,f ia :i.20.'h fund ud rointivo cqi-,,e -
ifii.,d detail -!:. .,,te!,.ant . The Et,,,to art u?v.)wirl Y'f,: ,,, r,lry :..hall be in
coltqwJir fQr1,1 .,..11d ab.oll. chow .
1, The balmo,,,, of co -,.-3 fund at f:f0 cIota• ur - ..,Anu of 1::.) yricr day
2. Receipt r. of eauh fund of ti-!t oivrent d ;
The 61Y,0,1 ci crid hone 2,,nd. recal
4. Tao diuturnt.a c.,f each foot C. ffe curr ; clia,:,"
5. Tho balc,,, ,,r_r e!,lef fund af., t'.-.•: ciscia OIl 0 1.-11.e fnu-.-en., ii.
Th. raid :,:uTA1:!,ary ci eaeh d "F; tl-ufu:a(-z.i,P.mu !1;:.:1). id rl 2hOW
the totiA, ?,.7.c,ull.t. T wr)n,. ,; ,-:u :1,in4 ,:f zal. 1.-,A ,a . rod a.,,.',. ,..e tdc riot ia
located or depo;,,,ited: Ho -, ,- 11 L,.1 .,2 -,ire141,1-, hi df;40.;.cat ,',.f toe sjo.i,e
of looter: of tfe lo,t da, ln root oat . ."- ,.- .. ..0:,b, i, k;t;::terna.0', ',:ti.OWiAg
a surilwary ,:)f tl?.:: t: 1. c.AUti.a) in eau;; f'uo.6. -: '. ,Jativ,, ciLiu,:ifJf,d
• 104
detail statent . The said r,cnth1;,, st,-,..:As,,iiits s ,11 be in the ,',41qe, form
as the ciJAI:y H:,.1tr,.:rtb he eta pro-,ided, and I-,e sail submit the original
of the monthly sLteistnts to tLe City Council a,ld file the duplicate
thereof with the City Auditor. Ha shall 4sake f-,ettlement with the City
Auditor at the end ol every mrth ed turn ever ri! 1r,errants, bonds, in-
terest couren , water scrip eyrtificatee, water Teter certificates of
deposit or other evidence of the indebtedness of the City which may have
been redeemed by him during the month, taking receipt of the City Auditor
therefor and OA such warrants, bonds, interest coupons, water scrip der-
/4ifica.tes or other evidence of irdebtedneer rlh.U1 be cancelled l him
and have written or st.a.ped thereon, the date of their payment or re-
deception. His books shall at any reasonabl',, ti;er, be open to inspection
of the Mayor, City Auditor or any member of the City Council.
he shall perfory, such other duties d;-' the City Catincil from
time to time may by ordinance direct.
Section 3. All ordinances or parts 01 ordinances or resolutions
or parts 0 reL,olutions in conflict here,,jth err hevehy repealed to the
extent of such conflict.
Section $ this ordinance shall take effect on iisimmellIMMIONONOW
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Passed by the City council the
AA December, 190i, and_referred to _ty.o or for his (a)ergycj.,,,
pproved thicYd'day of ecembor, 1n7.
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