104 of 1947 - Providing for the issuance and sale of $1,250,000.00 Tax Anticipation Bonds Series of January 1, 194 0,I ILL; C1 t';, r', 01, .11,1111,r1Y -L'Aorc. 1-:.1.. k.)-( fun a 11 t,), clflillcoi trcl U '1', Olt; :10 T. rear 1918 tn, ; thc rovennet3 I 1,4.; -241i Three LLiliion One Hundred Three Thc)usl)nd :Ply° ...tundred lforty-Seven Dollars ( 3, 03,547.00) - - - - , irtindred ;,,-Slur ar,:venue :11,'„ • ;,(' Thirty Thousand Three Hundred and. Three Dollars( 6,C30,303.00) , ' or' -hit' 5,,0 ituo, rLc.n.iroc nu."' I r !".E air u'PJ,11: Section 1. SilL da,i a crc uity for 1.'re t');' Sc nc ''or 5 c. :%"-t.:,:r• bo:".ca. Ill ; C Li, 1.111.r. T' Lori' Inn L ;,i -Inuul-)tccr'7,sn n:z.11 riu,.1oc,r"7. i,) — five (;','5), boll: inci_u,'1,-vC, I'".:nr-,11nc.t,ion -'/L-1:1;; Ii c -; 59,0r)1)) r' J. j 1,,I 611' !de j, uf.r:,,, rz.L,c o CrC :,,,; I. per cord: 1, ,c)11; 121 ;,: )'",c. ; or,,_, 5 illf I L 1)c tari (11.1 ;.„ I)- in ••Ll Cit.;; I); 1-1,e C. a ,'ICD1,,af nri I the coupons attached shall be signed with the lithographed. or engr.ved facsimile signature of the City Treasurer. Sid bond: shs.11 be registered in a book kept by the City Auditor for that purpose and tle City Auditor shall endorse on each of said bonds the certificate required by law. Said bonds shall be in substuntio.11y the following form, to—wit: -3- C:131.3.;1!;Y O.!! t,; it,,:_'_ UT. --; :I: .: ..; 1.,','..1J, :,,ID Li -,-:•Y .1., 1.;/,?.:. Co. ,j,.;,L,,Ju.00 Ui , ; i b.,: Go,,,,Ii-:, ok L.,..,..i., ,,,,.:... rry., .07 :,( ,lt: iH , l'Ci=,•i,:. co.l_e,:,;;Cr, i I ttC,_. t-_,. -.',. t 1!]':.C.-L.i t,: ,•It 1....'0 CC_ant. -'":,..: \.,,,l1 Pr0MiSC to oey to the bc,,,rer hereof tin: cum of 1-11(7Y 1 TX1,,T(1, -1 ( 5,,,,),-). ) i...,. ;,uch fun,z3 C. t:CC, nu Lc_ J( ,(.--, :-,i1 .f ymen L, oi. le..«,, u. •J I CC ,'CI. ,.,l , interoct (‘-n -1,1 lc hone„ 1,-,:e tc::-ijor fof oebio, (iu,. 1,-J.- Uni te(, , ,, 1 „ o," n, „i,, , •on 1:11E_ :f1i.;,:,(L (.1,y 0: J(.-uut-ry, 19.):), t. Co' 1.1....;;i0i.L.1 (..:.L:, cc Y. T. :: City, 'Jo,, Yorj.-., ,..1::,L ini,crer,t .:.1:.;.,',,,,.-p.: '.t t:,..:: l' i-: W :I: (10 10/100 per cent (1.3 0:.) pc' Lum-u.1, Co. (.1(.-.;-,(:. un LILL paLLO. ,,,y:,1,_(„0 (:-.C.:1:ii-:-ilillt,i.i: Lii Like :Toncy on July 2., 11V,',, .,.._nf, on J,-,nu.,:e:,- 1, 194:), .Siti.:1 in to,:e0-L to -x(turity being re1u-Lx,.).-t-,,c1! b:, lnter(ect coupone Core.D ;-0t,,chd. TILL., boad to 011e of L, eerie-, of tv,e(it:,-,,i-v., (;,;) 1(x, : -1-1 1'Li-J. :.f:Ccct, ou:r,b,-.,r.;_ci fi-•;,n oiv, (1) 1„o -0..en-,.,:,-fiv- (, ',i), 1j./tn Lilo O..tL,i-L,,,, Li ,O...; ";..-7r1b 1.,::-.,, CI;,,- 7,,,,,, '.-nt1r-Li,,, (,io„-1 B.,1110,„ (..::„ri :,- 0; ,r7 nu ,•;,, .1, 1.'... .," f,,,.. ,;-.,0 t:.,,:r... -J-3.t.., su:: of Oni- H1.1.1_1-c) T".70 .-illt1., r,3:: ,' tf.. Pii.t,' Tilul ,..fici (.;,-)I.j.,,,,.; (!);‘1,;.5.-.),000),, i2011ea .ral'allal, tO Vect....rn i'_;-8-6, utE.h Uojo Lunn b.-1,:,,,L, 19,(,;„ 1 The City of ;j,-,11e hr-,,ko City :3,-IL.1.1 .L.:cry ir. ti):: ;,,%.::-.- 1.;/,2, z.. ;;....ii'H.c.1,,..L. 1 ;x to -((--,y 1:lCC •,,l.i.ci. ,,1 L- -C into...,:ot, on 1,11i: 0c-,1,_ - e t:( oho,: 0;!..LJ. f, L l. ,,10, ,.ocx, -1,113.L. bon, :IL, ik,,-,Luxi in :::11:-7 Cii:. .:1_,1,,:: C. ;,,161 !!74. _'..': ,Or .../...,.,.. Ir.;),:,,,. It to 11Ell'eb:., Certi('.-1_,-(1, roctt,co ton0 decicre,, tI,L,t. LH.: o,I.-c_ I.(,,o;•,- ocinc :, of ,,,,i 0 Ci--,y- ]'1,:rC:'..,:' .L 1C '....:. 1:3 110 t ill t., (2 , Of ::,.,y 1.. .:., 0, ;.,.1,, C j,-;-,:, CO ix, Lovio6, for thc, on,-,:cL-ni, -„,,,,,r 119,,,,,,„ (nu, (,n,t ,, 1(1 i.0(,o1,1,,--o-Jh -., (; ,.r, ,:; c,utr:cto,, for no ,,no,,o;,x-_, for Lhic1.. . i.'. :/-..le... L,i : 1,VA."Li.. IL .1-1,„ Cerce,. ceL.-•!,,-1.-11.ei1, recL X:',, , (0 doclroLnx, -. -1:. („1-:. cone1.1. -,',(i, 1 C c 1,(; ,,,o thic;(.; c;c0J0.(.1_,1 t,, -1..ii,„ v---(1„i, 1.ty- o.-.( C-.i.3 U00,f ,'iu-t, 1,-v, ;I; , Cl ;,, • ,0 1 hovc, bee,: 0cao, ,Lo.h. -- , t --,vcr,-; -f•equi --,lent of i(o,L, t,-11 C.C6i_iti: i.. ,.' j_ n,“ is i t-.1:1_,--, (7,:r:, ,,,..lt, C:l.,, lir'llt, 21-E:::crl.bect b-,- to(0 (f-hi,-1,1.-,ilt,0 I ,,,-,,, ..1,,.;' .f: . :Id ,:i,:. ,.., : ,E ,...1: . : j. ,!.1. -rli1C.".41,_!.. ,Z,,,:',5.1Crit. O.: O `.''' ,,,i.r ! `,J.: tilttl,".! L, Ot t•I.,.1 I., a, ,CC'CC"' :, tor:es. liy :11,L. JLyor em., 1„1-,(1; Git,y 1-0-, ;J. •, i.1,,L; cor,,o—1-, :c.r.1 L(., P c:cou,i.i.- • ',• I, ,,,, enc (-.(:,.beL:-'eoL1 1): t;!'..C: ei..:.:,- ,'I.C1)-• C...5 II :72 1,.-• ,.nneYed U.K.1:, ,,,, ' .!i,, , Co!, lil,:-, ,I ,Ir•t,l1.'(i ,r.!,' f..'.e Cit.:- Tr:, ;,,lp-e,,,, , L; pi! 6:...• 1, c, ,:.r,y oi- ,,,,,,,..: .,%' """---------- 1 r I1(1,11'11: / y-- La.-497,'vti• - • — - (;-, n1h) To Each of said bonds shall be attached a. coupon for each installment of interest contemplated by said bond, the coupon due July 1, 1948, to be numbered. one (1), and the coupon due January 1, 1949, to be numbered two (2), with the several dates of payment and number of bond, and shell bear the fac- simile signature of the City Treasurer. Said coupons shall be in substantially the following form, to-wit: (Coupon) No. 075.00 July, On the first day of January, 194 , Salt Lake City, in Salt Lake County, State of Utah, will pay to the bearer hereof the sum of Two Hundred Seventy-five Dollars ($275.00) in such funds as are, on the date of payment hereof, legal tender for debts due the United States of America, at The National City Bank of New York, in New York City, New York, being six months' interest then due on its Tax Anticipation Bond, Series of January 1, 1948. (Facsimile Signature) City Treasurer, Salt Lake City, Utah Bond No. There shall be endorsed on each of said bonds the following City Auditor's Certificate: City Auditor's Certificate "I hereby certify that this bond is arithin the lawful debt limit of Salt Lake City, Utah, and is issued according to law. City Auditor, Salt Lake City, Utah:" Section 2. fill the covenants, statements, representations and agree- ments contained in said bonds are hereby rdopted as covenants, statements, representations, agreements and promises of Belt Lake City, Utah. Section 3. The Mayor and the City Treasurer of Salt Lake City are hereby authorized and directed to sign and execute saia bonds and the City Recorder is hereby authorized and directed to attest and affix. the seal of Salt Lake City to each of said bonds, end the coupons attached to said bonds shall be signed by the facsimile signature of the City Treasurer, end. the City Auditor is authorized and directed to place upon said bonds the certificate in the manner and form set forth above, and the acts of the said Mayor, said City Treasurer, said City Recorder and said City Auditor in so doing are and shall be the act nd. deed of Salt Lake City. -5- tiection 4. ThErt th,.; Lorre of City Comnissionera Jhall levy in the year 1948 n surficient tax to dev the drssiosi rmo interest en id bonds as the crime shall fell due, snd for the try riot ii tfnuff, in full Lith, credit and tesin of Salt fs:he City nre hereby rrrvocnn hI J d fnor: the Soerd oi City Ca...scisioners hereby covenfnt th boiss-of n-' , io bond:, to levy in the ye r 1)48 sufficient ts.-ien to drovids ice trioeynerst oC the princiest nH interest or sir, bonds. Section 5. The First Security Trust Compro. Lod . c.: 0Cij,t.,f t") . Fan Lake City, Stab, Levin : offered Co durchaae Late bend!. et t crier. faftin- ffectory to this Board of City Coruni,ssioners, which offer %se the bost end most advantzgeous received for the purchmfo or said bond: , or, his(. offer Isfa heretofore been accepted ba thie City C,splisdion, the ..ccotEnc, of offer be and the s me is hereby ra-zaried anc: conf'sreed, ,id the City Tofs orsr is ber,noy futhorized and instructed to fisiiver in n'ne I LiL.ri To Dssised Fifty Thousand Dollars ($1.,20,000) Tax Antiefinst.lon Fonds to the nurcioners thereof rs fnd 7hon the said bonds shall be and are leg:dia../ isauno dnd deLive 1 cued, upon receipt of the ourcirfe ,,rico therefor. Lection 6. The City Recorder is horeby instructed fnd directed to cure copy of this ordinance to be puhlishea immediately in one insun or the Deseret News , a daily newspal,or oil gendri circuistion in :nil eriatad and publiehou in Salt Lake City, Utah, Laation 7. That an emergency is hereby declared anL in the onirion of the Icr r nf City Coumisaionern becruse of she neceasity nor ionic, the current exdenses of said City it it, necos,,ry Co the 'El cc, hefalth -nd safety of the inhabitants of bait Lake City that this ordinance .4-11 t1,1,..e effect, at once. Section 8. This ordinance Elfall take effect upon the first nublicstion. PLEed b;,,- the Bosrd of City 1Lmmissionurs e= brat Lake City, ut,h, 9th o‘,3, of f ,DecembeTi. D. 1947. Muyor City, Utuh , . City Recorder, Salt Lake City, Bill ,40. 104 Piflai:=1,7,6 December 1P,, 1947 -6- --- _ --- Glade Aff leek moved, hac,nded by Co..dh:,,iuner thhL the ordinance be Pdoted, Ihich notion C:.ITiE,I, on the collotin unLnimouh roll coil Note: D. k. jlfleck Cor,:disioner "I,Yen John B. Matne:,on C,xlmisLioner "Aye" L. C. Romney Gc-micrioner Frec', Tedeaco (!omnihhioncr "P7reti 4 ii,arl J. Glade, 4yor ce4;434aF.ioner ,,p :.' 4•::-1 ...., i:'-' 1 • t,C4 i 4'. , ' ' - ,,,:•-.. 2 ';,, '...'.:: .--, ,i -4t!!"- 1 1 -,'.. , 4 i , , ,. , ,„,, ,,n, , ,,,,.qv1,-Yor, ' (.46:, U . .„, city4Becorder, ;...alt Lake C , teh 41,) '..1 4.. 0..4;) 1 I 1 —7— Ar.•,913:11; s';:tt.,,, t_ - t . . . . . ? . . • ' , 1 P.1-51. ' a • 14 a ti -, e- > ri., . . ,z. t'''' --f , -•.: ._____,t, ,.(17;,_, Z - ."., ri. , . cr_ ._ . . 4... C-31 vtt ; -, i, ,K t to ''' —,k'tt, --- F g i.-.'et cn s.' ' a./"Z‘`J CIN . i it.‘It 0 ---. 0 -0 --t 0* n 0 rn ,s, uz p -44'. 0 a tij - a _. n - ‘ .., , _ , - .,., ,...1 --,, i '`.. i , I .. . ' This bond'is one at.series'of propetY- i...4 '4rit*Igt)41''I't In11"ror:g.,,,t1-fA 411',:both"Incluelve, and known . , Lake Dity Tax Anticips_tion Bom”,___ ______ - — • Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, } so County of Salt Lake . • . •- ----_____ Lege•Not • . ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE AND SALE OP ONE MILLION TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY THGUSIAND 1) 2 0 CI{ey DOLLARS (81,250,000)TAK„ANTICIPAt TION ISONDS•OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, SERIES•OP.JANUARY 1,'1948.. Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad- WHEFiZAS,the.le in Immediate and pneasing need-.for the...Ring of funds. In the„amount of One•MPlion Two vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper Itandred and Fifty Thoueand Doilars (6/X0,000).for the purpOse of meet- ing the•current expo.. of Salt Lake City for the-Year 1948 WW1 the MG' published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State meet of the taxes for the year 1948,and WHERE/PS,the estimated tax revenues of Salt Lake City for the year 1948 of Mah. will aggregate Three Million One Hun- dred Three Thousand'Five Hundred For- ty-seven Dollars (43,103,947.00) and the total estimated revenue froin all source. will aggregate Six.BUM=.Eight Hun.. dred Thirty Thousand Three Hund'd That the advertisement .p.. f*44.argegif tail'(A4EIDE0E-00),.and ! ,A e sum e (0.•Millipn Two.1111ndred and Fifty•Thousand Ordinance Bill 104 Del-' .logo ($1,250,000) retuned now to raised le not in excess of said revenue' as estimated for the year 1948. Salt Lake City Corporation NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT OR- DANCED HY THE BOARD OP COM- mISS/ONERS OF BALT'LAKE CITY, 'Utah:. . Section•1. That said Salt Lake City, Utah,•ear the purpose of meeting cur- rent expenses of said City for the year 1948 until the payment of taxes for the year 1048,shell borrow of One - Million•Two.HOnd thered and Fiftsumy Thou- was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the sand Dollars ($1,260,000) and'for that ' Purpbse Ass''evidence of:Dish...hp:tabled, ItsgeguT TiVelitycalgs T241 bends numbers le. (1) to twentycfive 125): day of A D.19 both Inclueive, in the denomination of -1 fifty.Thousand Dollars.1$50,0001 each: Said bonds shall bear date-of January . . .....__. •1,TP48, and..shall be.due tend pay.. and was published '-)ec 10, 1947 January 1,1949,bearing interest at the rate of one and 10-100 per cent(1./0%) Per alumni, payable soil-annually on. July 1,1948,and,Jantiary.1,1949,both princiPal and Interest.being payable at the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the The National City Bank of New York, ,, 55 Weil Street, New York,.City, New York. said,bends shall be designated day of A.D. 19 "Salt Lake City•Tax Anticipation Bonds, .Sables of.January 1,194g." Said bonds /I-, tg"Cibt;•Yr.r.Ve'i.t.h, 41ttteg tig CZ V! • City Recorder under the acit of the City,.and the coupons attached'shall be ' Advertising Clerk signed with the Jithognaphed' or en- graved facsimile Minato. of-the City, Treasurer, DORI-bonds shall be retie-' 1 tered In a dit bo.Oh by the'City Au- or for that purpose and the City Auditor shall endorse en'ea. of said bonds the c.tiNcate Tegulted by'law. ' Said bonds shall be in substantially the / following form, to wit:' I . • ,. ' --oll to before me this lit h 'day of 'SPATE 0 X"-,'-'-01-''`'III-t COUNTY'OF' .''_,.y.'", SALT LAKE'CITY T A.D.19..47_ BOND SERIES OF ' , ‘;',, PRESENSO: That Salt Lake City, in the County at-Salt Lake and State of Utah,hereby acknowledges Itself to be indebted and for value received hereby.proMises to pay to the bearer hereof the sum of FIFTY,THOUSAND DOLLARS , ..) Notary Pit Ze in such funds as are, on the date of 1 payment•of the principal of and the, ( interest On,this bond, legal fender for. debts due the United States of Ainerlea, on the first day of January,1949,at the National City Bank of.New York, in New York City,New York;with Interest thereon at the rate of one and 10-100 per Ste (ii14 Pealli,ve'pta)yagfer:AT:Marie:11'y to like money on July 1. 19411,,and on January 1,1949.said Interest to maturity )at represented by Were.'coupons • This bond'10 one of a cefles of Ltfenty-1 •Me CM)bends of.like tenor and effect, Arced from on (1) to'twenty-five both inclusive, and known Lake City Tax Anticipation Bonds Series of January 1, 1948," for the aggregate sum of.One Million TWO Hun- dred d Fifty Thousand Dollars (9-0-6,,000),issued pursuant to Section 1E8,6,Utah Code Annotated 1943. .The City of Salt Lake City shall levy' in,the year 19.48 a sufficient-tax to Pay the prinCIPRI and interest on thin bond s.the some shall fall due, and Nils bond le Welled In.anticipation of lµsh taxes for therear 1948. -It In hereby certified,recited and de- clared that the entire indebtedness of aaldt,City'hereby'Mourraro le not-,in it eas of the-taxes'of card City t0 be evied for the'eurrent year 1948,and that mid indebtedness and ie c tracted lot the purpose fore s which said taxes e levied, oorat 1s hereby certified,recited and-de- clared 'that all conditions, acts and things a manual to the validity of this bond exist,have happened and have been d that, law affecting t„6 issue rthereof requirement of hen been duly complied with, and that this bond is within every debt d other limit pre- Section 5. The First Security Trust scribed by the Constitution and Laws of Company and associates of Salt Lake City.sold State,and that the full faith and Uta„,,having offered to-credit of said Salt Lake City are hereby bonds t pricesatisfactory—tohale this lrrevioebly Pledged to the punctual pay- Ho¢rtl of City Cammlealoners, hlcli of- nt of the principal and interest of far a-the beet and this bond according to its terms. a Sved for tall purchase tOf saidtbonds, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, 'Salt Lake s bonds, City has caused this bond to be signed - and hioh offer'has heretofore been accepted by this City Ce siniastce the by its Mayor and.its'City he Treasurer,its ace-pEahce-of said offer be and tIN same corporate al to a City Renn affixed, hereby ratlfletl- nd c firmed, nd d atta.9Eed by the City Recorder,and te City Treasuter 13 hemppg'ant„drized 'the annexed coupons to bear the facsimile and Instructed to deliver said One Mil- 'signature of the City Treasurer,,as of lion Two-Hundared'and Fifty'Thousand I the 1st day of January, A. D.;1.948. Dollars (the' ,-0001aa Tax Anticipation Mayor er Boi Labs City,Utan. Bonds Eo the pdFehtlig3al!ra thereof as and City Treasurer,Salt Lake C1tY,I ten, legally tS Sued aid nododeliveiadl upon and-are ATTEST: • t City Recorder,salt:Lake City,Utah. of the purchase price-therefor. f BEAU' I Section 6:.The City Recorder is hereby To Each of mid bonds shall.be at- Instructed and directed to amiss'co Of Meted e. coupon for each installment this ordinance to be published immediate- of interest interest no teniplete1 by said bend, ly in one issue•of the Deseret News,a the.00upon due July 1,1940,to be num- clatly'newspaper-of general circulatiofi in berm/.one(1)',and the c pop due Jan- tl printed and published 1n SaIt Lake uary•1, 1949, to be numbered two,(2), Clty,Utah. I with the several dates of payment and •Seeder 0-That an emergency Is here.' I number of'bond,_and shall beer the by declared and 1n the pinion•of the .'facsimile elgnatrtre of the City Treasurer.• Boers of City Commissioners because Cl- ' Saidcoupons shall be in substantially teen esalty for funds to meet the;cur• the following IO[m, to-colt: tepenses of said City it Is necessary I (Coupon) to t1.:::::::.peace, health d Cats-f the No $215.00 mhanta of belt Lake Clty-that this On tine Host day of July ,Lake Coll y' �ree e,ThIsaordlnance shall take eP- 194--,to of eke-City,1n Salt Lake Coun- ty,State of Utah,will pay to the bearer Yect the fe Boa bllcatfon. hereof-the sum'of Two Hundred Seventy- Pae by the Board of City COmmis- five Dollars($278.00)in., en funds a ay o f Salt 1.aka Clty,Utah,this nth n the date df payment hereof, day f December, A.D. 194V. legal tender for debts'due the United • ' EARL J.GLADE, Staten 1 America,at The.National CIW -Mayor,Salt Lake City;Utah. Sank of New York;In New.York City, CARTMTE6 p' New York,being six months'Interest then Cit"A AITNER, due on itsTax Anticipation Bond,Series Recorder, Salt Lake City, Utah'. BEAN) Dt'January I.(Facsimile - Billb sNo.he 104. r,Sal be. itur'e) Published December 1.0,1D4T. -i'.' City Treasurer,Salt Lake City,'Utah i li Bond No ,... - - There shall be endorsed.on each o1 1d bandss the followinowing.City.Auditor', Certificate: City certify Auditor's Cer tltste "2 hereby r, tlteb that this bond is within, the lawful debt limitedof Bali Lake City, Utah, and is Mimed according to law. .. -City'Auditor, Salt Lake City, DWI... Section 2 All the covenants.,state'I ments, representations and agreements' contained,in said'bends are hereby—adopted tatlons,'agreements tern d en➢omises of Balt'Lake City;Utah.an Section 3, The Mayor and the City Treasurer of Salt Lake,'Oity,as e hereby authorized and'directed to sign and exe- cute said bonds and,the,City Recorder 1s hereby authorized and directed is Cheat and affix the seal of Salt Lake ity to each of .said bonds, and the coup One attached to 'aid bonds shall he elgned'by the facsimile signature of the City Treasurer,and the City Auditor is authorized and directed,to place upon said betide the certificate in'the manner and loom set forth above,and the.ants of the said.Mayor,sold City Treasurer, inala -doing otRecorder nds Shan City Auditor I and-deed of Salt'Lake.City. of Clt Commissioners That thet levy ins the year 1948 sufficient tax to pay the principal and interest'on said bonds as-the same shall fall due, d'for the payment of said bonds-the full faith,credit and tax- ing power of fp Galt Lake City are hereby, city Co-irrevocabmmissionereds and hereby covenants rden of nts- winith the the year'o1948 sders ufficientd bta taxes to ton pro o- ivide for the payment of the principal and nterest of Id bonds.